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06-28 投稿





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n.女伴, 陪伴人


1 、Molecular chaperon and tumor innanology───分子伴侣与肿瘤免疫

2 、High Expression of Gene Encoding for MutL Fusion Protein and Research on Its Chaperon Function───MutL融合蛋白的高效表达及其伴侣功能研究

3 、Keywords crystallin;molecular chaperone;glycation;cataract;───晶状体蛋白;分子伴侣;糖基化;白内障;

4 、Abstract : This paper discussed the classification, function, mechanism, current research progress and the application prospect of the molecular chaperone.───摘 要 :本文综述了分子伴侣的分类、功能、作用机理、研究现状及应用前景。

5 、chaperone cohort───伴侣蛋白协同物

6 、It evolved out of a courtship ritual where young women entertained gentleman callers, usually in the home, under the watchful eye of a chaperon.───它从年轻妇女与来电的绅士调侃中进化成一种求爱的仪式,通常是在家中进行,往往带着寻觅伴侣的目的进行。

7 、Expression of chaperone proteins in human gastric cancer───人胃癌组织中分子伴侣蛋白的表达及检测

8 、No, it was easier to shift the responsibility to Aunt Pitty, who after all was the head of the house, the chaperon and the arbiter of morals.───不,还是把责任推到皮蒂姑妈身上更顺当些,她毕竟是一家之主,是监护人和道德仲裁人嘛。

9 、4.a woman employed as a chaperon in a residence for young people.───在年青人的住处被雇来作伴护的女性。

10 、a woman employed as a chaperon in a residence for young people───在年青人的住处被雇来作伴护的女性

11 、periplasmic chaperone───周质陪伴分子

12 、Kalia recently completed his doctoral degree working with Lozano.His research focused on the role of chaperone molecules in Parkinson's.───卡里尔最近刚在罗札诺的指导下,完成博士学位,他的研究重心是泛素在帕金森氏症扮演的角色。

13 、“I don't think we need a chaperon.───“我想我们不需要监护人。”

14 、" a few her views that 22 years old of chaperon that arrive 25 years old agree with her.───她的几个22岁到25岁的女伴都同意她的看法。

15 、The general research on molecular chaperone and mechanism of its action───分子伴侣及其作用机理的研究概况

16 、What are you doing here? I'm your chaperone.─── 你来干什么 我陪你回去

17 、molecular chaperone───分子伴侣, 肽链分子装配陪伴蛋白[如热休克蛋白(hsp70)]

18 、In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon .───在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个女监护人。

19 、chaperone protein───伴侣蛋白质

20 、To dif-ferentiate from the general molecular chaperones, the term of intramolecular chaperone(IMC)was introduced to refer to this function of Pro peptides.───为了与一般意义上的分子伴侣相区别,人们将对蛋白质折叠有帮助的前导肽称为分子内分子伴侣。

21 、One Chaperone FREE per Child───一个陪伴小孩的大人免费

22 、Renaturation of lysozyme with assistance of artificial chaperone───人工分子伴侣复性体系辅助溶菌酶复性的研究

23 、In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon.───在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个年长的女伴。

24 、“Perhaps if we both wait a couple weeks and you still insist on dying your hair black, mine will be purple just in time for me to chaperon your next school dance.───当时他认为他接手的那个孩子并无大碍,可是麦克不知道,那个孩子也不曾告诉过麦克他能看见鬼的秘密。

25 、Keywords helicobacter pylori;endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon;───幽门螺杆菌;内质网分子伴侣;

26 、In the mid-1970s,my colleagues and I conducted an experiment,we stopped a random sample of passersby on public walkways and asked if they would volunteer to chaperone juvenile detention center inmates on a day trip to the zoo.───20世纪70年代中期,我和我的同事作了一项试验,我们在街道上随意选择路人,询问他们能否无偿陪同青少年感化中心的少年犯去动物园玩一天。

27 、There weren't many quite pretty girls throwing themselves in the drivers embrace.They were lucky to play chaperone, but with the rest, it would just end in a short affair and nothing more.───多少漂亮女子还不都投进了驾驶员的怀中,好福气的做了守窝的老婆,其余的只不过都落得相好一阵子罢了。


29 、I don't wanna chaperone you. I don't consider myself a chaperone.─── 我不想监督你 我没把自己看作监督人

30 、Bride toast to the guests, if the freshman was sent to the generation of red, so, the bride should have the edge in the chaperone with the packaging.───新娘子向客人敬酒,如果是大一辈的要送红包的,所以,新娘子要有伴娘在边上用包装的。

31 、Molecular chaperone, which exists in various organisms, is a protein that binding with the other protein's unstable conformation to make it be stable.───摘要分子伴侣为一类与其他蛋白不稳定构象结合并使之稳定的蛋白质,广泛分布于各种生物体内。

32 、" If you can't do that," we asked, " would you chaperone a group of juvenile detention center inmates on a day trip to the zoo?───“如果这样不行,”我们问道,“你能否陪同青少年感化中心的少年犯去动物园玩一天?

33 、Keywords Heat shock protein 70;Prostatic tumor;Chaperone;molecular;Immune;surveillance;Tumor immunity;───关键词热休克蛋白70;前列腺癌;分子伴侣;免疫监视;肿瘤免疫;

34 、Studying on the Molecular Chaperone Activity and Associated Function of Small Heat Shock Protein, Hsp16.3, from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 2.Studying on Gene Knock Out in Mycobacterium Bovis BCG───一、结核分枝杆菌Hsp16.3分子伴侣活性及其相关功能的研究 二、卡介苗菌MDP1基因敲除的研究

35 、He has signed up to be the chaperone at the dance.───他已答应在舞会中担任监护任务。

36 、artificial chaperone───人工伴侣

37 、All chaperones will receive accommodation in a single or double room (shared only with another chaperone), breakfast, lunch and dinner.───所有的监护人将会得到单人或者双人房(只会安排给与别的监护人)的住宿安排,早餐、午餐和晚餐。

38 、When a pop diva decides to hold the concert at the Montecito, Mary becomes her chaperone, while Ed finds himself reunited with his lustful former CIA partner who is currently working for performer.───一位世界级著名女高音准备在拉斯维加斯举行演唱会,狄老大安排玛莉担任她的向导兼私人助理;同时,女高音也聘雇了前CIA成员出任保镳。

39 、AUNT PITTY: Without a chaperone, Dr. Meade?It simply isn't done!───姨妈:没有一个陪护,米笛大夫?这可不行!

40 、Mrs.Hinkley :That fact that you are here doesn't make you chaperon.───你们在这并不代表你们就是监督人。

41 、The entire way, my chaperone rode carefully by my side, always between me and the nearest vehicle lane.───一路上,我的伙伴在我旁边小心地骑着车,总是走在我和最近的机动车道之间。

42 、Expression of endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperone GRP94 in rats with ethanol-induced liver injury───内质网分子伴侣糖调节蛋白94在大鼠酒精性肝损伤中的高表达和意义

43 、3. Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.───在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。

44 、In my day the chaperone system was found effective in preventing this sort of thing.───我那个时候陪伴制度在避免这类事情方面还是很有效的。

45 、His daughters are virtually imprisoned in their own house; he does not let them go out without a chaperone.───她的女儿,实际上,是被禁锢在她们自己的房子中。

46 、No, no. I insist. I'll be your chaperone.─── 不 我坚持 我来做你们的监护人

47 、stress and chaperon───应激和分子伴侣蛋白


49 、Moreover, the relation between heat or chilling tolerance and the proteins, and their chaperone function were discussed.───初步分析了叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白与植物的耐热性和耐冷性关系以及其分子伴侣功能。

50 、I made the telephone call of a few chaperon again, they close machine.───我又打了几个女伴的**,她们都关机了。

51 、chaperone 10───伴侣10分子

52 、Researches on Energy Transfer Mechanism of Molecular Chaperone GroE───分子伴侣GroE系统能量传递机制的研究

53 、He says: "If have,the hope continues and my chaperon people maintain connection, I still can allow in what obtain them hind, give their connection means free freely to this new ' suzerain ' .───他说:“如果有合适的买主要买我的头衔并希望继续和我的女伴们保持联系,我还可以在获得她们的允许后,把她们的**免费奉送给这位新‘庄主’。”

54 、Her face is her chaperone.───她的容貌就是她的监护人。

55 、When returning from a trip, shake the hand of every chaperone.───实地教学返回时,要与每位陪同老师握手告别。

56 、Microsomal stress 70 protein ATPase core (STCH) is a member of the stress 70 protein chaperone family and plays a major role in the immune response and disease resistance of host.───微粒体应激 70蛋白三**酸腺苷酶 (STCH)基因属于应激 70蛋白基因伴侣家族 ,在机体免疫反应和疾病抵抗力等方面起重要作用。

57 、You either put those on or I chaperone.─── 你要么戴上要么我就跟着你

58 、It's good that I'll be there to chaperone.─── 我很幸运能陪着一块做手术

59 、The chaperone is partially responsible for drawing damaged protein into the enzyme-filled lysosome, which acts as the protein-recycling center.───伴护蛋白质的部分作用是将受损蛋白质提取出来放入充满酶的酶溶体。酶溶体扮演者蛋白质回收中心的角色。

60 、Has a chaperone been offered?───是否提供陪护?

61 、molecular chaperon───分子伴侣

62 、Effects of Molecular Chaperone, Protein Aggregation and Macromolecular Crowding on Protein Folding───分子伴侣、蛋白质聚集和大分子拥挤环境对蛋白质折叠的影响

63 、The function and application of molecular chaperone───分子伴侣的功能和应用

64 、Jakob and her team were studying a bacterial protein known as heat shock protein 33 (Hsp33), which is classified as a molecular chaperone.───Jakob和她的研究小组一起研究一种名为热休克蛋白33(Hsp33)的细菌蛋白质,Hsp33分类为分子伴侣(肽链分子装配陪伴蛋白)。

65 、In fact, I'm surprised we don't have a chaperone.─── 我很"惊讶"约会时没有监护人在场

66 、Women must wear a corset after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.───妇女日落后必须穿着束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。

67 、Carol: I don't care if they chaperone dances. Bye!───卡罗尔:我才不去管有没有人护送呢,再见。

68 、chaperone Dnak───伴侣蛋白Dnak

69 、intramolecular chaperone───分子内伴侣(肽)[分子内某些肽段对整个蛋白的折叠具有陪伴作用]

70 、chaperone antigenic peptide───伴侣抗原肽

71 、As you know, I'm I'm only a chaperone here.─── 你们知道 我只是个陪护

72 、In fact, as a specific molecular chaperone, HSP90 proteins are possibly involved in many important physiological processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle regulation and hormone response.───事实证明,作为一种特异的分子伴侣,HSP90除在细胞正常生长和应急保护中具有重要生理功能外,还与信号传导、细胞周期调控、激素应答等细胞内重要生理过程有关。

73 、molecular chaperone proteins───分子伴侣蛋白

74 、artificial molecular chaperone───人工分子伴侣系统

75 、No, I offered to take her and chaperone.─── 才没有 我会陪她一起去

76 、endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperone───内质网分子伴侣

77 、I did have fun,sweetine..don't forget,I was the one who bit the chaperon!───我确实感到有趣,甜心!不要忘记,我是咬唇基的那个人!

78 、Because if you need a chaperone, I am...available.─── 如果需要监护人的话 可以找我

79 、Keywords endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon GRP78;reperfusion injury;spinal cord injury;rat;───内质网分子伴侣GRP78;再灌注损伤;脊髓损伤;大鼠;

80 、Humans were to serve as the "thumb on the way to thought," the chaperone present at the introduction, but not needed past that.───人类将充当“为思想指路的拇指”,只是出现在初级阶段的随从,一旦过了那个阶段就不需要人类了。

81 、Well,he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperon!───嗯,他俩单独在下午很晚的时候乘一辆轻便马车出去了,连个女伴都没有.

82 、Keywords Endoplasmic reticulum;glucose-regulated proteins;unfolded protein response;molecular chaperone;───内质网;葡萄糖调节蛋白;未折叠蛋白反应;分子伴侣;

83 、Keywords stress;trauma;signal transduction;glucocorticoid receptor;heat shock protein 90(Hsp90);molecular chaperone;transfection;gene cloning;expression plasmid;allele gene;polymorphism;───应激;创伤;信号转导;糖皮质激素受体;热休克蛋白90;分子伴侣;转染;基因克隆;等位基因;基因多态性;

84 、endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon GRP78───内质网分子伴侣GRP78

85 、It's common practise in China for the girl to have a chaperone when she's on a date.───在中国女孩子约会的时候一般都会带个伴儿,陪她一起去。

86 、Kidding I'm just here to chaperone.─── 开玩笑 我只是来做监护人的

87 、Chet has to figure out a way to pick up his date for a school dance that he's Marketing supposed to chaperone.───唐纳德的一个竞争对手向安求婚,她幻想起自己的左右为难。

88 、I don't think we'd be displaying the trust we have in you if we make your older brother your chaperone for the evening.───假如我们让你哥今晚作你的陪同,我不认为这能表现我们对你的信任。

89 、The Drowsy Chaperone is a homage to American musicals of the Jazz Age.───(歌颂爵士乐时代的美国音乐剧。

90 、7.HSP70 is known to assist the folding of nascent polypeptide chains, act as a molecular chaperone and mediate the repair and degradation of altered or denatured proteins.───HSP70作为分子伴侣在协助新生多肽链折叠,蛋白质复合体的装配,以及调节、修护和降解变性的蛋白质方面起着重要作用。


女人 女孩 女子 女侠 女生 男女 女仆



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