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06-28 投稿




英:[v?'sekt?m?]  美:[v?'sekt?m?]

英:  美:




名词复数: vasectomies |


1 、Vasal sterilization is the main method for male birth control. The main methods which have drawn great interest are no-scalped vasectomy(NSV),chemical vas occlusion(CVO) and MPUvas occlusion(MPU).───输精管绝育方法仍是当前男性节育的主要措施,目前颇有影响的3种绝育方法是直视钳穿输精管结扎术(NSV)、输精管注射粘堵法(CVO)、输精管注射栓堵法(MPU)。

2 、But, even if your proposal is accepted, you face a serious problem.Your vasectomy is a one-off operation, for which you seek an ongoing future incentive.───但是即使你的建议被采纳(就是你妻子承诺你做手术后你们的性生活会更频繁),你还面临一个很严重的问题。

3 、Babe, you should have said that before the vasectomy.─── 宝贝 这话你应该在我结扎之前说的

4 、Keywords vasectomy;serum testosterone;testis;epididymis;animal model;mouse;───输精管结扎;血清睾酮;睾丸;附睾;动物模型;大鼠;

5 、Keywords Vasectomy;Benign prostate hyperplasia;Ultrasonography;───输精管结扎术;前列腺增生;超声检查;

6 、It's about a man, about a vasectomy that didn't take.─── 关于一个男人 一个没有做的输精管切除术

7 、The man with the fresh vasectomy is about to be a daddy.─── 一个切了输精管的男人要成为父亲

8 、While women have the pill, men now are limited to using condoms or having a vasectomy for contraception.───在**方面,女性有**药片,而男性只局限于使用**套或接受输卵管切除手术。

9 、Keywords vasectomy;prostate cancer;incidence rate;correlation;───前列腺癌;输精管结扎术;发病率;相关性;

10 、Clinical Study of the Incidence Rate of Prostate Cancer Long - term after Vasectomy───前列腺癌发病与输精管结扎相关性的临床回顾性研究

11 、Mr.Burns told his family doctor that he wanted a vasectomy.───本斯先生告诉自己的家庭医生,他想做个输精管切除术。

12 、A survey of the long term incidence rate of benign prostate hyperplasia after vasectomy using ultrasonography───输精管结扎者远期前列腺增生症发生率的超声监测

13 、I bet you could say it if it was "vasectomy".─── 我打赌如果是输精管切除术你就会发音了

14 、Objective : To investigate whether there is a change in the histology of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles following vasectomy in monkeys.───目的:研究成年猕猴输精管结扎后前列腺及精囊腺的组织学结构是否发生变化。

15 、I can't blieve you made me get a vasectomy.─── 我不相信你会同意我做结扎手术

16 、The vasectomy didn't take, and he's marrying her.─── 结扎手术没做成功 而且他要娶她了

17 、Vasectomy: After the vas deferens is cut, it is no longer connected to the testicle.───输精管结扎术: 输精管被切断后,就与睾丸断开了连接。

18 、He got a vasectomy in January.It was the only option he had left.───他于今年1月进行了适合自己的唯一方案------输精管切除术。

19 、Effects of Vasectomy on Prostatic Histomorphology and Cell Apoptosis in Rats───输精管结扎对大鼠前列腺腹叶组织形态及细胞凋亡的影响

20 、Vasectomy Via a Small Ventral Midline Incision in Rabbits───下腹正中小切口兔输精管结扎术

21 、When that barrier is broken, as occurs with vasectomy, sperm become exposed to the bloodstream. In response, many men who have had the surgery produce antisperm antibodies.───一旦行输精管切除术后屏障被破坏,精子将出现在血流中。相应的,很多行输精管切除术的男性会出现抗精子抗体。

22 、Keywords semen;epididymal spermatozoa;vasectomy;vasectomy reversal;───精液;附睾精子;输精管结扎术;输精管吻合术;

23 、Which reminds me, before we leave, let's get you a vasectomy.─── 感谢你提醒我 在我们走之前 先把你给结扎了

24 、Vasectomy utilization───输精管绝育

25 、The Relationship between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Vasectomy───前列腺增生症与输精管结扎的相关性分析

26 、The Long Term Effect of Vasectomy on Benign Hyperplasia of Prostate───输精管结扎对前列腺增生症治疗作用的远期临床观察

27 、Your vasectomy is a one-off operation, for which you seek an ongoing future incentive.How can you be sure that your wife will stick to the deal?───你的输精管切除术是一次性手术,你追求未来生活的动机是什么,你怎么确定你的妻子会坚持遵守协议?

28 、Since it is so easily located, it can also easily be cut in a sterilization operation known as a vasectomy.───既然它能够很容易**,它也就很容易在绝育手术中被切断,这便是输精管结扎术。

29 、3.Preventing the sperm from becoming part of the ejaculated fluid (vasectomy).───3. 防止精子成为精液的组成成分(输精管结扎术)。

30 、He will be offended if you ask him to get a vasectomy.───如果你让他做输精管切除术,他会被激怒的。

31 、“Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists.───“输精管切除术是目前最值得信赖的生育控制方法。

32 、He got a vasectomy in January.───他于今年1月进行了输精管切除术。

33 、Andy decided not to get a vasectomy.─── 安迪他决定 不做结扎手术了

34 、Ultrasonographic Changes in the Epididymis after Long-term Vasectomy───长期输精管结扎术后附睾的超声表现

35 、Five weeks later, he had a reverse vasectomy, paying for it in part with money he received from the government.───五个星期后,他接受了输精管重建手术,用政府给的补助支付了部分手术费用。

36 、Naik vk,Joshium,shethAR,long term effects of vasectomy on prostatic function in men[J].J Reprod Fertil,1980,58(2):289.───巩念明.输精管结扎对大鼠睾丸及血清睾酮的中长期影响[J].中国临床解剖杂志2005,23(3):284286.

37 、The sterilization of a man, called vasectomy, is a relatively simple and safe operation which does not take more than a few minutes in the doctor's office.───男性的绝育术叫输精管结扎术,相对来说是一种较简单和较安全的手术,在门诊部至多需要十几分钟就可以完成。

38 、Your vasectomy is a one-off operation, for which you seek an ongoing future incentive.───输精管结扎手术只是一个一次性手术,而你却希望得到一个未来不断持续的激励。

39 、The operations used in humans are vasectomy in men and tubal ligation (tying off and blocking or cutting of the fallopian tubes) in women.───男子进行的手术称为输精管切除术,女子进行的手术称为输卵管捆扎术(捆扎或切断输卵管)。

40 、cross-over vasectomy───交叉输精管切除术

41 、Patient: I want to have a vasectomy.───病人:我想做结扎手术。

42 、It is this vas deferens that is cut in a vasectomy.───输精管切除术恰恰切断的就是这根管道。

43 、Keywords Vasectomy;Malignant tumor;Standardized mortality;Standard mortality ratio;───输精管绝育术;恶性肿瘤;标化死亡率;标准化死亡比;

44 、Bilateral segmental vasectomy and ligation───双侧节段性输精管切除和结扎术

45 、Then, in April, Mr.Park took advantage of a new policy, and had the vasectomy reversed, also at the state's expense.───今年四月,他利用新的政策,又去掉了结扎,钱由国家出。

46 、Objective To determine whether vasectomy, in rabbits, via a ventral midline incision could reduce early post-operational complications.───摘要目的探讨下腹正中切口兔输精管结扎术可否减少术后早期并发症。

47 、A cross-sectional study on the relationship between chronic prostatitis and vasectomy───慢性前列腺炎与输精管结扎的相关性调查

48 、tubal ligation and vasectomy and the various medical examinations prescribed in technical norms;───输卵管结扎术、输精管结扎术及技术常规所规定的各项医学检查;

49 、A survey of the long-term incidence rate of benign prostate hyperplasia after vasectomy───输精管结扎者远期前列腺增生症发病率的调查研究

50 、"I don't know that any man who is not considering a vasectomy would be willing to do something that would not be reversible," she said.───班诺芙说:“我不知道那些还没有考虑接受输卵管切除手术的男性是否愿意接受这样一种不可逆的**方式”。


52 、Vasectomy aceeptor───使用者

53 、1.Now that we have completed our family, my wife wants me to have a vasectomy, strongly hinting that she will withdraw all sexual favours unless I comply.───既然我们已组建了家庭,我妻子希望我做输精管切除术,强烈地暗示除非我顺从,否则她将取消性活动。

54 、"Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists. I would hope that men would not be frightened by this study, which is very preliminary," says Sharlip.───“输精管切除术是目前最值得信赖的生育控制方法。我希望男性不会受此次研究结果的影响,该研究毕竟刚刚处于初级阶段,”Sharlip说道。

55 、The vasectomy that you badgered me not to get.─── 那个你拽着我不让我做的结扎

56 、vas vasectomy───输精管切除术

57 、Surgery is needed in the case of sterilization (vasectomy, tubal ligation).───绝育 (输精管结扎术、输卵管结扎术)是需要外科手术的**方法。

58 、I haven't been in a hospital since my vasectomy.─── 从我结扎以来 我就没进过医院

59 、Long-Term Effect of Vasectomy on Serum T. DHT,LH and FSH Levels.───输精管结扎对血清T、DHT、LH和FSH的远期及超远期影响

60 、Vasectomy Induce Testicular Germ Cell Apoptosis───输精管结扎诱发生精细胞凋亡的研究进展

61 、“There have been many large, epidemiological studies comparing vasectomized and nonvasectomized men, and none of them have shown any health risks associated with vasectomy,” he says.───“目前已经进行了很多大型的流行病学研究对输精管切除术男性同非输精管切除术男性比较,尚无确切研究表明输精管切除术存在任何健康风险,”他说道。

62 、55. The operations used in humans are vasectomy in men and tubal ligation (tying off and Blocking or cutting of the fallopian tubes) in women.───男子进行的手术称为输精管切除术,女子进行的手术称为输卵管捆扎术(捆扎或切断输卵管)。

63 、Thank god, Roy had a vasectomy.───谢天谢地,Roy已经结扎了。


Based on the premise of The Time Traveler's Wife, Chicago librarian Henry (Bana) has a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel randomly. Though he often disappears from her life for long periods of time, he tries to build a romantic relationship with Clare, an artist (McAdams).[6]

Young Henry is in a car accident with his mother; she is killed, and he survives by inadvertently time traveling. Back at the scene moments later, Henry is helped by an older version of himself who has traveled back. Unable to control the timing or destinations of his traveling, Henry finds himself drawn to significant people, places, and events in his life, but is incapable of changing events beyond the minor differences his presence creates.

Twenty-something librarian Henry meets a slightly younger Clare for the first time; overjoyed to see him, Clare explains that she has known him most of her life, or at least older versions of him. They begin a relationship, which is challenged by Henry's disorder. His sporadic time traveling is further complicated by the fact that he is completely naked when he arrives at his destination, and from a young age he has learned how to pick locks and steal to acquire clothes and survive his travels. Among his getaways are many visits to young Clare; from present-day Clare's diary he gets a list of dates when he visited her, and gives those to young Clare so that she can be waiting for him with clothes. Present-day Henry and Clare marry, though he actually time travels away before the ceremony and an older version of himself arrives in time to step in.

Henry's disappearances take their toll on his relationship with Clare. His disorder allows him to win the lottery by having the numbers in advance, but also makes having a child with Clare seemingly impossible, as Henry's genes cause their unborn fetuses to time travel. After numerous such miscarriages, Henry has a secret vasectomy to end their suffering. Clare soon gets pregnant one last time — by a visiting younger version of Henry — and is able to carry the baby full term. Henry travels forward in time before the child is born, and meets their daughter Alba as a preteen; she tells him that she is a time traveler too, but has increasing control over when and where she travels. She also tells Henry that he will die when she is five, a fact which Henry keeps from Clare upon his return to the present. Young Alba is visited sporadically by her preteen self, who ultimately tries to prepare the younger girl for Henry's death. A devastated Clare soon finds out what is to come. Later, Henry time travels and is shot by Clare's father as he hunts; he returns in time to die in Clare's arms. A younger Henry later visits Alba and Clare, telling them he hopes he will visit again but not to spend their lives waiting for him.

求eminem 的medicine ball 歌词和中文翻译

Medicine Ball Lyrics


Oh! My Goodness!

What have I done!

Oh no!

I can't believe it!

It's like...

I've got, the whole, world, in my palms!

And I'm ready to drop

[Verse 1]

Welcome to the Slim Shady Mecca, Rebecca

It's the village in New York

Right next to the TriBeCa

That's my sector

Homosexual dissector

Come again, rewind selector

I said nice rectum

I had a vasectomy, Hector

So you can't get pregnant if I buy sex and erect ya'

Hannibal Lecter into guy sex

And I bet ya' I tantalize ya'

And in less than 5 seconds I get ya'

They say once bitten and twice shy will lie

Next to the guy with

Nine ecstasy pills and 5 extra

Boxes of ripped condoms and quantities

Why yes sir

I took the rest of the Lunesta pills from my dresser

That's my kind of vibe, what else should I try, Lester

Drop kicked the bitch before her second trimester

Performed a home-abortion with Dexter then I guess

I'll dig a fetus out with a wire hanger then digest her



Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

The world is just my medicine ball, you're all in

I said


Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

My medicine ball, you're in my medicine ball, friends

[Verse 2]

All my West side bitches throw it up...

Put a balloon inside your pussy

Weep and blow it up

Man I think that he just fell off the


End, sure enough

So you better change the station to keep

From throwing up

Man you've seen it all before

Your all too familiar wit' it

There's a penis on the floor

And two balls

So you know who did it

You know you wit' it, girl

Don't front

Oh no you didn't

I won't rape all the Pussycat Dolls

Nicole, you kiddin'?

I'll pee on Rihanna, see man

I'll do what I wanna

Spray perfume in a sauna

Run Crazy Glue and Madonna

To the La-Z-Boy sofa

Fold her in two then sit on her

Imagine the visual for that, man

Who woulda thought I

Could ever be such a relentless

Prick unleashing his angers(?)

But the chick's so old

She looks like she out-lived a life sentence

I never meant this

Line to be so offensive

If you weren't so defensive

It wouldn't be

You're so sensitive



Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

The world is just my medicine ball, you're all in

I said


Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

My medicine ball, you're in my medicine ball, friends

[Verse 3]

Put Christopher Reeves on a

Unicycle with a kickstand

Kick it up and push him and lead him

Right into quicksand

Here, you need a hand, big man?

Grab hold of this branch

With both hands

Man, they don't understand

I'm just a sick man

Now everybody's pissed at me

Like it's my fault

This name rhymes with so many different words


So one last time, Mr. Christopher Reeves

Won't you break it down for me

And just spit the verse, please!

[Eminem As Christopher Reeves]

Eminem, I'm coming to kill you

Always hated you and I still do

You'll never fill my shoes, my Superman costume

Doesn't even fit you

They don't feel you

You're taking this shit too far

Who do you think you are

Hang my suit up in the armoire

Everyday I hate you more and more

Throw down the cardboard

Let's breakdance if you think you're hardcore



Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

The world is just my medicine ball, you're all in

I said


Guess it's


For you

To hate me again

Let's begin now hand me the pen

How should I begin it and where does it all end

My medicine ball, you're in my medicine ball, friends


The world is mine!

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