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06-28 投稿




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n. 视距仪


异体字: stadtholder |


1 、The crowd jostled into the new stadium.───人群挤进了新体育场。

2 、One of the passageways of an amphitheater or a stadium leading from the outside wall or passageway to the seats.───大通道,出入通道圆形剧场或体育馆从外墙或通路到座位的几个通道中的一个

3 、Shawn and Dan snuck into the baseball stadium.───尚恩和阿丹偷偷溜进了棒球场中。

4 、Billboards at a football stadium.───在足球场设立**牌。

5 、The fans poured out of the stadium cheering wildly.───体育爱好者们欣喜若狂地从体育场中蜂涌而出。

6 、Let's go to the indoor stadium together,and I will call for you.───我们一起去室内体育场吧,到时候我来叫你。

7 、Hello! Is this the Capital Stadium?───喂!请问这是首都体育馆吗?

8 、Scores of people arrived at the stadium, excited to see the game.───大量人群涌入了体育馆,兴奋地想要观看比赛。

9 、AIs it far to the Olympic Stadium?───到奥林匹克体育馆远吗?

10 、The stadium of Tianjin University.───天津大学体育中心。

11 、Thousands of people packed into the stadium.───成千上万的人挤近体育馆。

12 、They become official sponsors and put their logos on stadium walls.───他们成为正式赞助者,从而能在赛场周围的墙上挂上他们公司的**牌。

13 、They have plans to develop the playground into a stadium.───他们计划把这个操场发展成一个露天运动场。

14 、All parts of the stadium were quickly filling up.───体育场的每个角落很快就坐满了人。

15 、He had never been inside the stadium before.───他过去从来没有进过这个运动场。

16 、A stadium with four tiers of seats.───一个有四层座位的体育馆

17 、The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.───双方的支持者在体育场外打了起来。

18 、The Giant Stadium soon filled with spectators.───巨人体育场很快就挤满了观众。

19 、The stadium was filled for the final baseball game.───体育场被观看最后一场棒球比赛的人群挤满了。

20 、How far is the stadium from here?───体育场离这裡多远?

21 、Runners in an athletics stadium run in individual lanes.───在田径运动场上赛跑的人有各自的跑道。

22 、Why don't you call the stadium and find out how to get tickets?───为什么不打**去球场问怎样买票?

23 、Can you show me the way to the sports stadium?───你可以告诉我体育馆怎么走吗?

24 、Excuse me, is this the right way to the stadium?───对不起,这条路是否到体育场?

25 、Scoreboard in Stadium is Real like Real scores.───人气在球场是真真正喜欢的分数。

26 、Do you know what bus leads to Memorial? Stadium??───你知道什么车去纪念碑体育馆吗?

27 、There are a lot of shops round the stadium.───体育场周围有很多商店。

28 、A multitude of people assembled in the stadium.───大批观众聚集在运动场。

29 、The picture shows the Apia Park Stadium of Samoa.───图为萨摩亚阿皮亚公园体育场。

30 、Thousands of people jammed the stadium.───成千上万的人把体育场挤得满满的。

31 、Rents are less expensive near the stadium.───在体育场附近租房子不是很贵。

32 、What stadium will be built in Wukesong?───五棵松将建设什么体育馆?

33 、Are they inbound to the stadium?───他们是冲体育场来的吗?

34 、A roofed stand for spectators at a stadium or racetrack.───大看台在体育场内或赛道旁为观众准备的有顶看台

35 、How do I get to the Olympic Stadium?───到奥林匹克体育场怎么走?

36 、It's fun watching football game in stadium.───在体育场看足球赛很有意思。

37 、Does the bus for baseball stadium stop here?───去棒球场的公共汽车在这儿停吗?

38 、He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town.───他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里新建一座体育场。

39 、I do not know if my coach is in the worker's stadium.───我不知道我的教练是否在工人体育场。

40 、The national stadium is located behind the hill.───国家运动场在山岗的后面。

41 、Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia away.───伯大尼离耶路撒冷不远,约有三公里。

42 、The stadium is bursting with loud cheers.───体育馆一片沸腾,欢呼阵阵。

43 、Over 80000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final.───8 万多名球迷涌入了体育场观看决赛。

44 、The crowds drifted away from the stadium.───人群慢慢从体育场散去。

45 、The picture shows the Yaounde Stadium.───图为雅温得体育馆。

46 、Be this the right way to get to the stadium?───去体育场走这条路对了吗?

47 、ELI: Do you have a favorite major league stadium?───作者:你喜欢那一座大联盟球场?

48 、The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre.───奥林匹克体育场在市中心的北部。

49 、At Beijing Workers, Stadium.───在北京工人体育

50 、Keep on past the church; the stadium is about half a mile further on.───一直向前走过了教堂,约莫半英里就是体育场。

51 、The stadium set piece roof lies in pieces.───体育场馆的各个屋顶工程还是分散敞开着。

52 、How far is it from the cinema to the stadium?───从**院到体育馆有多远?

53 、"We hope the stadium will be packed.───“我们希望体育场届时能爆满。

54 、The trophy was paraded around the stadium.───奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。

55 、By the end of the game, the stadium is almost vacant.───到比赛结束的时候,体育馆几乎空了。

56 、There were many Germans at the stadium.───体育场上有许多德国人。

57 、Do you know how to get to the stadium??───你知道怎么去体育馆吗?

58 、The roads converged at the stadium.───各条道路在体育场会聚。

59 、What's the name of the National stadium?───中国国家体育馆的名称是什么?

60 、The Olympic stadium is brand new.───奥林匹克体育馆是崭新的。

61 、It's about ten minutes'walk form the train station to the stadium.───从车站差不多走10分钟就会到球场。

62 、People flocked into the stadium.───人们成群结队地走进体育

63 、He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.───他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。

64 、The eager spectators crowded into the stadium.───心情迫切的观众涌入体育场内。

65 、When he entered the stadium,the crowd roared with excitement.───当他跑进体育场的时候,全场一片欢呼声。

66 、The crowd surged out of the stadium.───人群从体育场涌出。

67 、There are two training halls around the stadium.───在馆的周围有两个训练大厅。

68 、"There's been some delay," officials at the stadium said.───体育馆的官员说:"开奖要推迟一段时间。"

69 、Don't take kickback for the stadium project.───别在这个体育场项目中拿回扣。

70 、Do you think you can get me to the Olympic Stadium?───你能不能送我到奥运会场馆?

71 、Are you going to the Olympic Stadium?───你是要去奥林匹克体育场么?

72 、Am I on right bus for the stadium?───我乘这部车去体育场对吗?

73 、The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.───体育场内群情沸腾。

74 、They crowded through the gates into the stadium .───他们从各个大门挤进体育场

75 、Zhou Qin'll take you to the stadium.───周菁带你到体育场去。

76 、The two groups of fans must be segregated in the stadium.───必须把体育场中这两部分球迷隔开。

77 、The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory.───体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天空不那么宜于观测了。

78 、I heard the stadium have hada new clay court.───听说体育场修了新的泥地球场。

79 、A place for large gatherings, as a sports stadium.───会场大型集会的地点,如体育馆

80 、He told us to walk in a forward direction until we saw the stadium.───他告诉我们一直向前走,就可以看到体育场了。










olympic stadium奥林匹克体育场

emirates stadium酋长球场;阿联酋航空球场

indoor stadium体育馆,室内运动场


In order to hold the large-scale sports meeting, our school has expanded the stadium.


The newly expanded stadium provides us with a place to exercise.


Two large-scale sports games have been hosted in our stadium.


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