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06-28 投稿




英:[k?m?p?r?t?vl?]  美:[k?m?p?r?t?vl?]

英:  美:


adv. 比较地, 相对地


1 、So what you'll do is get an email every day from me with a summary of your performance during the past day, how it compares with the past week, and also how you compare with the rest of the group.─── 所以你们每天会收到我的一封邮件 内容是你们过去一天表现的总结 与上周相比有什么变化 以及你与其他组员之间的对比

2 、This, people in general will not endure, and that is the cause of the comparatively few copies which have been sold.───一般人对此是耐不下性子的,这就是销路不畅的原因。

3 、But the removal method study of BHC is comparatively scarce.───但对BHC在环境中去除方法的研究却较少,而且主要集中在生物降解的研究上。

4 、If I had something to compare them to.─── 那还得有东西拿去比对才行

5 、The high bcl 2 level in HL 60 cells may be related to their comparatively low sensitivity to m AMSA induced PCD.───HL-60细胞对安吖啶诱导程序化死亡作用的敏感性较低,可能与bcl-2基因高表达有关。

6 、It deals with comparatively more important political affairs or diplomatic formalities.───它用于处理较重大的政治事物和外交礼仪。

7 、I got lost in the cammed compar ment.───我在拥挤的车厢里,迷失了方向。

8 、Even this comparatively simple separation can yield a lot of useful information.───就是用这种相对简单的分离方法,也能获得大量有用的信息。

9 、There was comparatively rich iron andmanganese, and less nickel.───其中以铁、锰含量较丰富,镍含量较少。

10 、Comparatively complex recommendations have been made for alternative systems.───已经制定出相对复杂的推荐量作为替代体系。

11 、The situation was still comparatively calm there, he reported.───他报告说:那里的局势还比较平静。

12 、It is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.───从测量海底深度到探测海底鱼群只是较为简易的一步。

13 、There are many many stars in the sky, some stars are very large and some are comparatively small.───天空中有很多很多星星,有些很大,有些则较小。

14 、Comparatively fast growth in ethnic population.───少数民族人口有较快增长。

15 、The buds differentiation rate of callus, which induced by the axillary buds, was higher comparatively.───愈伤组织的诱导分化以腋芽为外植体的芽分化率相对较高。

16 、By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good social position and a comparatively rich life.───他依靠自己的才干和努力,为我们的家庭获得了良好的社会地位和比较宽裕的生活。

17 、Some comparatively obvious ones are deficient in translating into Chinese.───在翻译成汉语方面有着一些较为明显的欠缺。

18 、He can exchange with people easily, and has comparatively more of a sense of what is right.and feelings of empathy.───他容易跟别人交流,而且比较有正义感、同情心。

19 、So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.───从测定海深到测定鱼群,这一进展比较容易。

20 、Beating on the naked body was a comparatively light punishment.───剥光衣服来毒打,已经是相对比较轻的刑罚。

21 、Jinghua Times is a newspaper with a comparatively large circulation in Beijing.───《京华时报》在北京属于发行量较大的报纸。

22 、The NO2 concentration in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai was comparatively fairly high.───广州、北京、上海等特大城市,二氧化氮浓度相对较高。

23 、Hundreds of years later, a comparatively colorless glass was made in Venice.───几百年后,威尼斯制出了一种相对无色的玻璃。

24 、I can quote you on wheat of low quality and the price will be comparatively low.───我可以报质量次的小麦,价格比较便宜。

25 、The ELR possesses comparatively strong inflammation fast and anagesic effect as well as it has seldom poisonous effect.───ELR 具有较强的抗炎及镇痛作用,且毒副作用小

26 、We are comparatively certain about our own situation.───我方是对现在所处的环境比较请清楚。

27 、"Net work" is a comparatively recent addition to the terminology of librarianship.───“网络”是图书馆学词汇中的一个较新的词。

28 、Comparable restaurant sales increased by 4.2%, representing the eighth consecutive quarter of comparable sales increases.─── 同店销售额同比增长4.2% 已经连续八季度同店销售额增长

29 、In comparison to other leathers, deerskin offers comparatively high tensile strength.───与其它皮革相比,鹿革有更高的拉伸强度。

30 、The comparatively simple technology required for Information Warfare is universally available.───信息战争所需的相对简单的技术已是唾手可得。

31 、He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.───他相对冷静沉着,聚精会神地判断如何打败对手。

32 、He gave up high-stake card games and stayed comparatively sober.───他戒掉的高赌注的牌戏,喝酒也比较有节制了。

33 、Even the oil-rich Shia south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless (see article).───富油的南部什叶派地区一年前还被认为相对稳定,但现在也“无法无天”了。

34 、Comparatively high on the scale of brightness.───亮度较高的。

35 、In our opinion, this type of coverageis necessary for the comparatively valuable and fragile cargo.───我方认为,这类保险对高值,易碎的货物来说是必要的。

36 、His intelligence is comparatively favourable with that of his brother.───他的智力相对地比他哥哥强。

37 、District plan idea to be comparatively modern, it is fairly proper too to form a complete set.───小区规划理念较为现代,配套也比较到位。

38 、It would have taken a dozen men with picks and shovels four months to do what we've done today, with this comparatively small earth-moving machine.───我们今天用小型挖土机所干的活,若是用镐和铲子,十几个人得花四个月才能完成。

39 、Both Hume and Burke made comparatively deep analysis of it.───休谟和博克对此都进行了多角度的比较深入的分析。

40 、She was then still comparatively unknown.───她那时候还不怎么出名。

41 、She was still comparatively young and there was no reason to think she had written herself out.───她还相当年轻,所以没有理由认为她已经才思枯竭,写不出好东西来了。

42 、But his White House staff was drawn from a group of Georgia friends who got along with one another comparatively well.───但由于他的白宫幕僚都是来自佐治亚州的一帮朋友,相处起来还比较融洽。

43 、The quahog clam when half - grown and of comparatively small size.───小帘蛤未长大的、相对体积较小的帘蛤

44 、The properties of ITO/MEH-PPV/DLC/Al and ITO/MEH-PPV/LiF/Al are investigated comparatively.───并对ITO/MEH-PPV/DLC/Al和ITO/MEH-PPV/LiF/Al的器件性能进行了比较研究.

45 、It is comparatively rare that an "exact" analysis can be made.───一般很少能够进行“精确”分析。

46 、Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.───不昂贵的价格相对较低的;不昂贵或者相对不昂贵的

47 、"With a comparatively good language background,students will concentrate more on their lessons," she said.───"有了较好的语言背景,学生就会将更多的精力放在所学的课程上。

48 、One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds.───一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。

49 、We prefer to work with a comparatively small number of clients.───我们宁愿与比较少的委托人一起工作。

50 、I, indeed, talked comparatively little, but I heard him talk with relish.───我固然谈得比较少,可是我兴致勃勃地听他谈。

51 、Comparatively rudimentary interferometer observations suggested that this source is about 1. 5 across.───不很精确的射电干涉仪观测表明,这个源的角径约为1.5弧秒。

52 、The crust of the earth is comparatively thin.───地壳比较薄。

53 、He is comparatively intelligent, in a manner of speaking.───不妨这样说,他还是比较有脑子的。

54 、Among them, Bangladesh and Thailand are two good examples which have succeeded comparatively.───其中,孟加拉国和泰国是两个相对成功的案例。

55 、Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.───与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。

56 、He died comparatively young(= at a younger age than most people die).───他死时年纪并不大。

57 、We have two hands! Can you tell me which hand has a comparatively higher temperature? And tell me why.───两只手哪只手的温度要高一些呢?为什么?

58 、He can exchange with people easily, and has comparatively more of a sense of what is right and feelings of empathy.───他容易跟别人交流, 而且比较有正义感、同情心。

59 、We adopt this measure to make the transition comparatively smooth.───我们有意识地采取这个办法,使得过渡比较顺利。

60 、The exam is comparatively easy today.───今天的考试相对比较容易。

61 、Even the oil-rich Shiah south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless( see article).───即使在盛产石油的什叶派南方,与一年前或更久前的相对稳定相比,也已变得无法无天了。

62 、Where Nanjing nightclothes are comparatively many , comparatively cheap?───南京哪里睡衣比较多,又比较便宜的?

63 、Why can't you be comparatively tolerated to these poor children.───你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢?

64 、It's constantly feeling like I'm being compared to her or compared to how a princess should be.─── 总感觉我被拿来和她作比较 或者跟一个公主应该是什么样子做比较

65 、When I was a girl we were comparatively poor, but still much richer than most of the world.───当我还是女孩子时,我们比较贫困,当然,比起大多数人来还是阔气多了。

66 、Although our per capita GNP will not amount to much and will mean only a comparatively comfortable living standard.───国民生产总值按人口平均不算多,叫做小康水平.

67 、The husband's income alone allows the family to live a comparatively well-to-do life.───丈夫一人的收入便可让家里过上相对宽裕的生活。

68 、As a comparatively new IPC,Netlink socket has its own predominance.───作为一种比较新的进程间通信机制,Netlink套接字有其自身的优势。

69 、The graph indicates comparatively low noise levels at all sensitivities.───图表显示,相对较低的噪音水平,在所有敏感问题。

70 、And we can then compare the performance of those and see how well they work, compared to what's our gold standard, which is our wildlife collar.─── 然后我们会对比他们的效果 并且再与技术相当成熟的野生动物项圈 进行比较

71 、They feel more self, more whole, and their quality of life scores, if you compare that after the operation, compared to before, actually do show improvements.─── 他们感觉到更自我 更完整 更有生活质量了 如果比较术后和术前 会发现真的有明显改善

72 、Man is a comparatively new creature on the face of the earth.───人类是地球上出现得比较晚的一种生物。

73 、A low-density housing estate,ie one with comparatively few houses in the space available.───低密度的住宅区(房屋较少)。

74 、Comparatively,BDA effected stronger on thrombin time (TT) but BDBeffected more on prothrombin time(PT).───二者相比较,BDA 的凝血酶时间(TT)的作用较BDB 更为显著,而BDB 凝血酶原时间(PT)的作用强于BDA。

75 、All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo wa suddenly raised.───上面的这些进展都是比较缓慢的,直到出现了科学,增长的速度才突飞猛进。

76 、He owns two comparatively convictive reasons.───他有两个颇有说服力的理由。

77 、I don't get why you compare yourself to her.─── 我不知道你为什么要拿你自己和她比

78 、It doesn't compare. It compares exactly.─── 这没法比 这完全可以比

79 、Cheap:Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.───不昂贵的:价格相对较低的;不昂贵或者相对不昂贵的.

80 、Our first objective is to make the nation comparatively well-off by the year 2000.───我们的目标,第一步是到二零零零年建立一个小康社会。

81 、People who owe comparatively large amount of debt which is overdue.───个人所负数额较大的债务到期未清偿的。

82 、The minimum target of our modernization programme is to achieve a comparatively comfortable standard of living by the end of the century.───我们提出四个现代化的最低目标,是到本世纪末达到小康水平。

83 、Who knows which Ma An Shan City family barber's shop is comparatively good?───您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>安徽>马鞍山市>谁知道马鞍山哪家理发店比较好?

84 、And if I compare these two skulls by showing you the skulls like that, you can see that this modern human skull is much bigger compared with this one.─── 如果我相互比较这两具颅骨 就像这样向你们展示它们 你们可以看见这具现代人的颅骨 要比这一具大得多

85 、Fewer media representatives attended, although the number of press events was comparatively larger.───尽管来港的传媒代表数目较少,但让新闻界采访的活动却较多。

86 、We have the impression that Europe is comparatively liberal, especially about the transfer of technology.───我们感觉,欧洲比较开放一些,特别是技术上开放

87 、This makes it easy to understand how so many farmer-musicians can have such comparatively high artistic attainments.───因此不准理解,为什么民间的许多半农半艺的艺人身上,具有较高的文化素养。

88 、However, even the time required to complete the second training stage is comparatively little.───不过,即使要求完成第二阶段的训练比较少。

89 、If we can become comparatively prosperous by the end of this century, they will be partly convinced.───如果我们本世纪内达到了小康水平,那就可以使他们清醒一点。

90 、They are the best model in humans we have actually working out what proportion of ourselves our traits or diseases are due to genes or due to our environment, because you compare identical twins and non identical twins, and the two types of twins both sharing the same environment, so only similarity in one group compared to the other must be due to their genes.─── 他们是人类中最适合的研究对象 借此能研究出我们身体的某个部分 某种特征或疾病 是由基因还是是环境造成的 因为拿同卵和异卵双胞胎作比较 两类双胞胎都生活在同一种环境下 那么两者之间的共同点 肯定就是由基因造成的


comparatively要放在句中比方说A is comparatively cheaper than B.

比较 用英语怎么说


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