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06-28 投稿




英:[p??destr??n]  美:[p??d?str??n]

英:  美:



adj.徒步的, 缺乏想像的


名词: pedestrianism |


1 、Three workmen were building a church. A pedestrian came by and asked, what are you guys doing??───三个工匠正在盖教堂,一个行人问正在砌墙的三个工匠,你们都在做什么?

2 、The net result is little change in the number of driver deaths and an increase in the number of pedestrian deaths.───净余的计算结果是司机死亡数字和增加的行人死亡数字之间微小的变化。

3 、The pedestrian was run down by the car.───个行人被车撞倒了。

4 、Fortunately, moxa Li Xi Yayi's pedestrian goes unusually reliably, their dash against sunny downwind day.───幸运的是,艾莉西亚一行人走得异常稳当,她们撞上了晴朗的顺风天。

5 、Look at the pedestrian street, a knot of hair filled with many small water droplets.───再看看街上的行人,一个个头发上结满了许许多多的小水珠。

6 、What must you do when you see a pedestrian with a white cane in the street ahead of you?───前方看到手里拿着白色拐杖的行人应如何?

7 、A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.───一个行人撞了我,钻到了我的车底下。

8 、Convert streets into pedestrian thoroughfares.───将原有的街道转换为步行大道。

9 、As such, these businesses should be situated where the traffic flow, both pedestrian and automobile, is already heavy.───因此,这些商店应该开在行人和车辆流量本来就很大的地方。

10 、They have no respect for drivers, pedestrians, or clearly, the law.─── 他們毫不尊重駕駛員 行人 顯然也不尊重法律

11 、Taidong Road Pedestrian Shopping Street.───台东商业步行街。

12 、When touched by hands on its surface, pedestrian crossing demand will be sent to the traffic signal controller nearby.───当行人以手轻触其表面时,这组件会把行人过路的要求传送到该路口的交通灯控制器。

13 、You may be considered to be obstructing pedestrian traffic.───你可能会认为是故意在阻碍行人通过。

14 、Busy sight-seeing cars in Pedestrian street of Nanjing Road.───南京路步行街上的观光车十分繁忙。

15 、Enter Tipperary on the Cashel Road an continue down the Main Street, past a set of pedestrian traffic lights.───儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的12岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

16 、Being a good pedestrian is just as important as being a good driver.───做一个好的行人就像做一个好的司机一样重要。

17 、You may only cross when the pedestrian light shows a Green man if it is safe to do so.───你应该在绿色人像灯亮著而情况又安全时,才可在过路处横过马路。

18 、Radio and television announcements were broadcast throughout the year on pedestrian safety, drink-driving and wearing rear seat-belts.───当局全年不断透过电台及电视广播,向巿民宣传有关行人安全、醉酒驾驶和佩戴后座安全带的信息。

19 、Last year's themes on pedestrian safety,wearing rear seat belts and drink driving also remained as the side themes in 1998.───1998年将继续推行去年环绕行人安全、佩戴后座安全带及酒后驾驶的宣传。

20 、Use pedestrian refuges if crossings are not available.───如果没有交叉路口,就要利用安全岛。

21 、Regardless of the fact proof in the bull, the pedestrian or king, Ataisite has not brought more profits for the team.───事实证明无论是在公牛、步行者还是国王,阿泰斯特都没有为球队带来更多益处。

22 、Pedestrian right of way at 2/F linking up Tuen Mun Town Plaza (Phase I) and New Town Mansion.───位于2楼的行人通道连接屯门市广场(第一期)及新都大厦。

23 、No, no, no, no, no, pizza is so pedestrian.─── 停 停 披薩也太街邊攤了

24 、The pupils crossed the street in security at a pedestrian crossing.───小学生从人行过道安全地穿越马路。

25 、a little too pedestrian for my personal liking.─── 其他平淡无奇的动作不太符合我的口味

26 、Asking pedestrian on the way in front, I hated the dawn light was still too faint and misted.───乃瞻衡宇,载欣载奔。僮仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒,松菊犹存。

27 、That the opening few days, the pedestrian bridge can not go above, King longer see this abuse.───怕过几天一通车,行人就不能走桥上面,看不着这景儿了。”

28 、when I struck a pedestrian, killing him instantly.─── 我撞了一個行人 他當場死亡

29 、To avoid hitting the bumper of the car in front, I struck the pedestrian.───为避免和前面的汽车保险杠相撞,我撞了行人。

30 、He was still a capable craftsman; however pedestrian the treatment.───不过他还不失为巧匠。尽管在处理上毫无新奇之处。

31 、I will present my own pedestrian definition: art is something designed to evoke emotion through fantasy.───我个人的通俗的理解是:艺术就是以丰富的想象激起人们共鸣的创作.

32 、A trackless sightseeing train provides a comfortable tour of the night-transformed pedestrian street.───各地的名、特、优、新产品,以及进口的名牌商品,不下数十万种。

33 、Sofitel Shanghai Hyland is located in the heart of the city on Nanjing Road pedestrian shopping street.───上海索菲特海仑宾馆地处上海市中心著名的“中华商业第一街”南京路步行街上。

34 、It is accessible from the Public Transport Terminus and the Pedestrian Walkway.───可由公共交通總站及行人通道前往。

35 、The circumstances and events of his life is anything but pedestrian.───他一生经历的事情是很不平常的。

36 、Study on the Pedestrian Environment Space in Commercial Street.───商业街道步行环境空间初探。

37 、A School Crossing Patrol may direct any pedestrian when to cross the road; not just school children.───学校交通安全队除了指导学童过马路外,也指导行人在适当时候横过马路。

38 、The public life in Shanghai alley and pedestrian streets is the keystone of the study.───人们在上海弄堂和步行街中的公共生活,是本文研究的重点。

39 、The motorist admitted that he ran over a woman on a pedestrian crossing.───开车人承认他的车子在人行横道上压过一位妇女。

40 、People shouldn't have to suffer pedestrian artwork.─── 怎么能让大家受平庸画作之苦

41 、They ought to stop at the pedestrian crossing.───他们该停在人行横道上。

42 、The major theme in 1997, as in 1996, was 'pedestrian safety'.───一九九七年道路交通安全运动的主题是"行人安全",与去年相同。

43 、A car just hit a pedestrian.───一辆汽车刚才撞了一名行人。

44 、O'brian (pedestrian commander in chief) likes him very much, because he can throw three points.───奥布莱恩(步行者主帅)很喜欢他,因为他能投三分。”

45 、A semi-open atrium between the two buildings connects them with the surrounding public pedestrian surfaces.───一个半开放的中庭将两个建筑与周围公用道路行人专用区相互连接起来。

46 、But an affair, it is a fairly pedestrian thing.─── 但婚外情 是件再普通不过的事

47 、On the other hand, such public space of model as the city square, pedestrian street, etc.───另一方面,城市广场、步行街等典型公共空间备受城市建设关注,而与市民大众日常生活更加紧密相连的街道步行空间却罕有问津。

48 、Do not drive close to the pavement or verge; allow room for a pedestrian to step onto the roadway.───勿贴路边驾驶。不可驶贴行人路或路旁带,预留空间,提防行人突然踏入行车道。

49 、Several pedestrian have come to grief on the icy pavement.───几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。

50 、Public pedestrian passage abutting King's Road.───公共行人通道紧连英皇道。

51 、Pedestrian right of way at 3/F linking up Tuen Mun Trend Plaza and Tuen Mun Town Plaza (Phase II).───位于3楼的行人通道连接屯门时代广场及屯门市广场(第二期)。

52 、Pedestrian Hunt 2 - A very simple 1st person shooter game, where you throw tomatoes at unwary pedestrians. A very simple game, took a few hours.───一个非常简单的第一人称射击游戏,你在步行街上投掷西红柿。一个非常简单的游戏,花了几个小时。

53 、A gentleman does not trade in such pedestrian platitudes.─── 真正的绅士不会说这种陈腔滥调

54 、A driver killed a pedestrian whilst overtaking another car.───一个司机在超车时撞死了一名路人。

55 、Crossroads vehicle wear comb, pedestrian Xi Rang, turn to be all right lane, person pedestrian says , methodically.───十字路口车辆穿梭,行人熙攘,车行车道,人行人道,有条不紊。

56 、Nanjing Road East, honored as "China's No. l Street", has become an all-weather pedestrian arcade.───南京东路,被誉为“中国的第一街”,已成为全天候步行街。

57 、Give regards or greet with sight certainly, on a lot of neighbourhood of pedestrian, unnecessarily to the all people who brush past.───当然,在行人众多的街道上,不必对所有擦身而过的人都以目光致意或打招呼。

58 、She went on to add that it will also help reduce pollution and pedestrian accidents in the area.───她接着补充说,这也将有助于减少污染和行人的事故在该地区.

59 、Florida Street, Buenos Aires, the most prosperous commercial street is a pedestrian.───布宜诺斯艾利斯最繁华的佛罗里达大街是一条步行商业街。

60 、The development will feature 68 homes set around pedestrian streets.───发展将有68家左右设置行人专用街道。

61 、Walking bareheaded in the rain; a bareheaded pedestrian.───不戴帽子在雨中走;没戴帽的行人

62 、On General Holidays, the following road sections operate as part-time pedestrian streets from 12 noon to 12 midnight.───在星期日及公众假期,下列路段已实施为部分时间行人专用街道,实施时间为中午12时至午夜12时

63 、Pedestrian of the subway station.───出地铁时看到的路边行人。

64 、Sign warning a pedestrian of a bus lane with advice to look left.───上图标志警告行人有巴士,须向左看。

65 、She had two pedestrians in her line of fire.─── 她的射击方向上有两名路人

66 、Once again, when it was first pedestrianized, merchants were upset.─── 设为步行街后 商人们的第一反应是像往常一样坐立不安

67 、On major roads, traffic islands or pedestrian crossings make life easier for those on foot.───在主要道路上,安全岛和人行横道使那些步行的人的生命更加安全。

68 、In the pedestrian street, our training camp. Where I left a lot of memories.───在步行街,我们训练的大本营。我在那里留下了很多回忆。

69 、It's particularly true of the pedestrian walkway of East Nanjing Road.───尤其是南京东路的步行街。

70 、The Bund Sight-seeing Tunnel is China's first cross-river pedestrian tunnel dug by hi-tech means.───外滩观光隧道是我国第一条运用了高科技手段的越江行人隧道。

71 、She told her son cross the street in security at pedestrian crossing.───她告诉她的儿子从人行道上过马路安全。

72 、Driver: Taidong Road Pedestrian Shopping Street.───司机:台东商业步行街。

73 、In May of a Zhou Wu in the evening, the pedestrian is hasty near the Liverpudlian railway station of British London.───5月一个周五的晚上,英国伦敦的利物浦火车站四周行人匆匆。

74 、Babushka: In pedestrian Yu Conglin, cobweb is constant some, pester babushka on the hair, meeting feeling is better.───头巾:徒步于丛林中,蜘蛛网是常有的,把头巾缠在头发上,会感觉好些。

75 、Pedestrian slowly more and more people buy flowers more and more.───慢慢地行人越来越多,买花的人也越来越多了。

76 、At Apliu Street, the pedestrian volume exceeds 5,500 numbers per hour at peak.───在鸭寮街,繁忙时间每小时的行人流量达5,500人次。

77 、The vehicular and pedestrian passage on ground floor abutting Tanner Road.───位於地面的车輛及行人通道緊连丹拿道。

78 、If I went to the opposite pedestrian, I can save so much time!!!───如果我行左过去,我可以节省好多时间!!!

79 、The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway.───城里在公路上建了一座过街天桥。

80 、Flowers bloom on the rooftops of bus stops,and amazingly,even pedestrian bridges and lamp posts are swathed in vines and speckled with flowers.───候车顶棚鲜花吐艳;更令人惊叹的是,就连那行人天桥和路灯立柱,也爬满藤蔓,缀满花朵。

81 、The town itself has a pedestrian centre with quaint narrow streets leading down to the lake front.───小镇有个步行中心,奇异的窄街通往湖面。

82 、Its algorithm can undertake modulatory, in order to get used to the operation need of car or pedestrian.───其算法能够进行调节,以适应汽车或行人的操作需要。

83 、"Customs and Practices Lane"Pedestrian Commercial Street is 800 meters long.───东方文化园步行街全长800米,投资1亿元,建造面积70000平方米。

84 、The injured pedestrian had presumed that the motorcycle would stop for her.───受伤的路人原本假定那摩托车一定会停下来让她。

85 、It's an industrial area, so no pedestrians.─── 那边是工业区 所以没行人

86 、He was rather a pedestrian student.───他原是个相当平常的学生。

87 、When we walk on the street, we must use the pedestrian path in order to avoid traffic accidents.───当我们在街上走时,一定要走行人该走的地方,以免发生交通事故。

88 、If I may go back to the problem we were discussing, I think we should build a lot of pedestrian overpasses.───如果回到我们刚才讨论的问题上,我认为我们应该多盖天桥。

89 、In one case the motorcycle drove on the pedestrian sidewalk to get at the victim.───其中一件案件里,摩托车甚至开上了人行道去接近受害人。

90 、At that epoch mustaches indicated the bourgeois, and spurs the pedestrian.───在那时代,髭须代表有产阶级,刺马距代表无车阶级。


上海新天地 Shanghai Xintiandi 只能用拼音! Xintiandi is a stylish pedestrian street composed of Shikumen architecture (literally Stone Street) and modern complex.



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