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06-28 投稿




英:[?bre?nwe?v]  美:[?bre?nwe?v]

英:  美:


脑波; 灵机一动


动词第三人称单数: brainwashes | 动词现在分词: brainwashing | 动词过去分词: brainwashed | 动词过去式: brainwashed |


1 、The head of this company brainwave easily, thought up " flowers is hired place " this one action.───这家公司的头儿灵机一动,想出了“花卉租摆”这一招。

2 、I get a brainwave and seek 1 in the waiting room inside beggar child.───我灵机一动,找着一个在候车室里讨饭的小孩子。

3 、Some, entering into a meditative or alpha brainwave state of consciousness, are able to clearly see a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three.───某些可以进入冥想状态的或具有整体意识知觉的人,在其它三个金字塔很醒目的位置上能够清楚地看见第四个金字塔,。

4 、the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed; occurs with a frequency of 8-12 hertz.───在脑电图中一个清醒但放松的人显示的正常脑波,频率为赫兹。

5 、A: Because my music puts you into the right alpha brainwave state for optimum receptivity and successful outcome.───答:因为我们的音乐能让您融入正确的阿法波脑波频率,来达到最佳效果和成功的结果。

6 、Brainwave's in this town somewhere for whatever reason.─── 脑波出于什么原因在镇子上

7 、9.You can also download extra background sounds for use with BrainWave Generator.───您还可以下载额外的背景声用脑波发生器.

8 、The brainprint is based on the P300 complex, a series of well-known brainwave components that can be measured.───脑纹是基于P300复合体,即一系列著名的、可以测量的脑波成分。

9 、That can be steered by brainwaves alone.─── 只靠脑电波就能控制的轮椅

10 、Brainwave has never been a team player like me.─── 脑波不像我 从来就不是个有团队精神的人

11 、She had a brainwave and found a good solution───她灵机一动,想出了个好办法。

12 、Brainwave 'Music' May Soothe a Troubled Psyche───脑波音乐抚慰烦恼心灵

13 、Jork has just had a brainwave;He runs into it, then phones hospital.After a while, the grandma is sent to hospital by an ambulance.───约克灵机一动,跑到老奶奶家里,找到了**,他立刻给医院打了**.很快,老奶奶就被一辆救护车送进了医院.

14 、At the moment, someone look at the two sisters, golden flower and honeysuckle flower, and have a brainwave.───有人望着金花和银花俩姐妹,灵机一动说“干脆就叫金银花吧!

15 、brainwave therapeutic apparatus───脑波治疗仪

16 、eg. satellite. the results are fed to thought activated computers that possess a complete brainwave vocabulary.───结果被送到激活思想的电脑,它拥有一个完整脑电波词汇表。

17 、2. the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz).───在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)。收藏指正

18 、It's good for lengthening the brainwaves and calming me down.─── 有助於延長腦電波 讓我放鬆下來

19 、Conclusion According to the scheme, a Low-cost and reliable brainwave therapeutic apparatus can be made by using the MCU.───结论:依据该方案就能够使用普通的单片机实现成本低廉、性能可靠的脑波治疗仪。

20 、I've just had a brainwave; I know a new approach to the difficult problem!───我刚才灵机一动,突然想出了一个解决这一难题的新办法!

21 、spontaneous brainwave───自发性脑电波

22 、When tested in the morning,again in the evening, the babies who'd heard the tricky boundary vowels all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognize this sound.───在早晚各进行了测试之后,那些整晚都在听难识别的边界音的婴儿显示出的脑波活动说明他们现在识别新声音了。

23 、Treatment of certain mental diseases Brainwave entrainment is used in treatment of depression, low self-esteem, attention deficit disorder, drug and alcohol addiction and autism, to name a few.───对某些精神疾病的治疗脑波转变可以被用来治疗沮丧、自卑、注意力分散、自闭症以及过分磕药和酗酒。

24 、physiotherapeutie instruments of brainwave───脑波理疗仪

25 、Well, we would communicate through my brainwaves.─── 我们可以通过我的脑波进行交流

26 、This compilation is the second outputs of BrainWave Communication, there are 22 artists from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Poland, Germany, England.. they are :───此张合辑是“脑波交流”出版的第二张唱片,收入了来自日本,首尔,中国(包括港区),台湾,波兰,德国,英国等国家及地区总共22位元艺术家的作品,详细名单如下:

27 、Now, reading brainwaves sounds like science fiction.─── 解读脑波听起来可能像是科幻**

28 、Boosted my own brainwaves and overloaded your stinkin' necklace.─── 用我的脑电波过载后 烧坏了你这该死的项圈

29 、BrainWave Generator V3.1.11 2004.07.07 1178K Win 98/2000/XP───通过影响脑电波让你放松,减轻头疼,促进睡眠。

30 、the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz)───在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)

31 、This paper introduces the software design scheme of a brainwave therapeutic apparatus based on MCU.───介绍了一种基于单片机的脑波治疗仪的软件设计方案。

32 、Keywords Brainwave therapy;Mental nursing;Schizophrenia;───脑波治疗;心理康复;精神分裂症;

33 、Watt's next brainwave was to convert a room that had been used for storing old computers into a gymnasium with state-of-the-art facilities,───接下来,瓦特又想了一个好主意,他把原本用来储存旧电脑用的一个房间改成了一个设施配备良好的健身房,

34 、BrainWave Communication is an ideal situation,and also a group publishs unusual projects and organizes events,formed by HongQile in Aug, 2006.───脑波交流是一种理想状态,是一个出版唱片和组织策划演出的团体。

35 、After this, the new backgrounds should be visible in the Background box in the Preset Options dialog of BrainWave Generator.───这以后,新的背景,应该是透明的背景框预设选项对话框脑波发生器.

36 、Brainwave entrainment was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy.───第一次鉴定夹带脑电波,尽管其作用于1934年发现早在托勒密。

37 、And the ones looking for you, they can't track the brainwaves of a dead man.─── 而那些寻找你的人 无法追踪一具尸体的脑电波

38 、"BrainWave Communication" is an ideal situation, and also a group publishs unusual projects and organizes events.───脑波交流是一种理想状态,是一个出版唱片和组织策划演出的团体.

39 、Application of Trap Filter of 50 Hz in Brainwave Data Acquisition System───50 Hz陷波器在脑电数据采集系统中的应用

40 、I've had a brainwave that might help.───我突然想到一条妙计,或许会有帮助。

41 、It doesn't change your features, but manipulates the brainwaves of the person looking at you.─── 它不會改變你的外形 只會影響看到你的人的腦電波

42 、At certain brainwave frequencies, a sense of ego boundary vanishes.───在某脑波频率上,利己自我感边界消失。

43 、This is called "Photic Driving", which is another word for brainwave entrainment using photic (light) stimulation.───这就是所谓的“花青素类驱动”,这是另一个词的使用常数(光信号量)的刺激。

44 、BrainWave Communication is an ideal situation, and also a group publishs unusual projects and organizes events, formed by Hong, Quile in Aug, 2006.───“脑波交流”是一种理想状态,是一个出版唱片和组织策划演出的团体,由洪启乐创办于2006年8月。

45 、To date, the most well known form (but certainly not the most effective) of brainwave entrainment methods is called binaural beats, where a slightly different tone is presented into each ear.───迄今为止,最有名的形式(但肯定不是最有效的)的脑电波拖带方法被称为双耳节拍,如果稍有不同基调是每个耳朵。

46 、brainwave music───脑波音乐

47 、4.the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed and drowsy;occurs with low frequency and low amplitude.───在脑电图中一个醒着但放松和困倦的人显示的正常脑波,低频率,低幅度。

48 、She had a brainwave and found a good solution.───她灵机一动, 想出了个好办法。

49 、Binaural beats have become very popular over the years, so much so that for many people the idea of "brainwave entrainment" is inseparable from them.───双耳节拍已成为非常受欢迎多年来,以至于许多人的想法, “脑电波拖带”是分不开的人。

50 、the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz).───在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)。

51 、Brainwave easily: If can find timber, can oneself design furniture, already be economical, individualize again.───灵机一动:假如能够找到木料,可以自己设计家具,既省钱,又有个性。

52 、It is a widespread, misleading myth that binaural beats and the products that rely on this form of brainwave entrainment are an effective way to enhance the mind and improve mental performance.───这是一个普遍的,误导的神话双耳节拍和产品,依靠这种形式的脑电波拖带的一个有效途径,以加强和改进思想心理的表现。

53 、Have second, he goes downtown streets, see poll clusters round only, cannot pass, brainwave easily, make the appearance that carrying oily jar, repeatedly vociferant: "Oil writes oil.───有次,他去街市,只见人头簇拥,不能通过,便灵机一动,做出拎着油瓶的样子,连声喊叫:“油著油著。”

54 、His brainwave patterns, however, are highly irregular.─── 然而他的脑波图像非常不规则

55 、When tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies who'd heard the tricky boundary vowels all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognize this sound.───在早晚各进行了测试之后,那些整晚都在听难识别的边界音的婴儿显示出的脑波活动说明他们现在能够识别这个新声音了。

56 、I've just had a brainwave; I know the answer!───我刚才灵机一动,找到了答案!

57 、Why must we resort to"stealing" the way you are brainwave burglary Pirates of the Group tookcontrol of it? or have special factors that must be the way of theft?───为什么一定要用"盗窃"方式,您被脑波窃盗集团控制了吗?还是有特殊因素就是一定要用盗窃方式?

58 、When an individual awakes from a deep sleep in preparation for getting up, their brainwave frequencies will increase through the different specific stages of brainwave activity.───当人从沉睡中醒来准备起床时,脑电波的频率将通过脑电波活动的不同特殊的阶段依次升高。

59 、Abstract: Objective: To study the effect of brainwave synchronizer in treatment of non-organic insomnia.───摘 要: 目的:脑波同步化治疗非器质性失眠症临床疗效分析。

60 、His brainwave easily, path: Advocate fair, to adjust atmosphere, how do I learn woodpecker to make listen to you?───他灵机一动,道:主公,为了调节一下气氛,我学啄木鸟叫给你听怎么样?

61 、Might not some simple brainwave bring a much-needed change to a tiresome situation?───一些小机灵还不能给窘境中的你带来急需的变化吗?

62 、I've just had a brainwave;I know a new approach to the difficult problem!───我刚才灵机一动, 突然想出了一个解决这一难题的新办法!

63 、Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times.───研究表明根据人的不同活动水平,尽管在任意给定的时间内一种脑电波状态占据优势,其他三种脑电波状态也会一直混合存在着。

64 、brainwave state───脑波状态

65 、One of the principal ways to measure sleep is to monitor brainwave activity, which can be done by placing electrodes on the scalp in a technique known as electroencephalography (EEG).───(一种用来测量睡眠的最主要方法之一就是来监视脑波动态。这种方法可以在一种叫着脑电描记器的设备上通过把电极放在头皮上来操作。

66 、the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed; occurs with a frequency of 8-12 hertz───在脑电图中一个清醒但放松的人显示的正常脑波,频率为8-12赫兹

67 、The Effect of Brainwave Synchronizer in Treatment of Non-organic Insomnia───脑波同步化治疗非器质性失眠症临床疗效分析

68 、Unless someone has a brainwave we'll never solve this problem.───除非谁能灵机一动拿出主意,否则我们永远解决不了这个问题。

69 、Brainwave entrainment has also been found helpful in alleviating headaches and migraines.───脑波转变同样可以用来治疗头疼和偏头痛。

70 、and then, the pointer began making a circle clockwise.suddenly,i have a brainwave,and asked:"is there any ghosts want to find us",the pointer showed "yes"───但是接下来,指针开始在板子上顺时针方向地转起了圈。我突然灵机一动,问道:“是不是有什么鬼魂想找我们呀?”,指针显示“是的”。


根据英国《金融时报》报道Facebook希望开发自己的人工智能芯片,这些芯片超出了目前市场的水平,这一消息来源于对Facebook首席人工智能科学家Yann LeCun的采访。








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寒武纪科技源自中国科学院计算技术研究所(中科院计算所)。中科院计算所是中国第一个专门从事计算机科学技术综合性研究的国立学术机构,被誉为“中国计算机事业的摇篮” 。寒武纪科技多年的积累,形成了上百项深度学习芯片的关键性专利,覆盖了深度学习芯片的各个维度,构建了属于寒武纪自己的专利壁垒。



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