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06-28 投稿




英:[st?'t?st?ks]  美:[st??t?st?ks]

英:  美:


n.统计学, 统计, 统计数字


副词: statistically |


1 、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.───商业与经济统计学杂志》刊载统计学在就业、失业、收支、经济预测、分析、调节、供需等经济和商业领域的应用文章、短讯和书评。

2 、She arrived at the interview armed with lists of statistics.───她带着统计资料前往面试.

3 、Few of us should be surprised -- or threatened -- by statistics on inequality.───我们大多数人都不应该为这些统计数字所体现出的不平等而吃惊或恐慌。

4 、I don't have the actual statistics,but go on.─── 我沒實際統計過,但是,繼續說

5 、A few statistics will illustrate the general trend.───少数统计资料就能说明这种总趋势。

6 、What Does WTO Mean for the Statistics?───加入WTO对统计意味着什么?

7 、Her vital statistics are 33-23-34.───她的三围是 33-23-34 (寸) 。

8 、Main Indicators of National Labour Statistics.───全国劳动统计主要指标。

9 、Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972.───"要记住,这些统计数据是关于一九七二年时的一年级生情况的。"

10 、There were significances in statistics.───且差异均有统计学意义(x2=3.9963,P

11 、When zero is returned, SET STATISTICS TIME is OFF.───如果返回零,则SET STATISTICS TIME为OFF。

12 、Analyze the generated statistics file at the root of your device.───分析设备根目录下生成的统计信息文件。

13 、He went over some other statistics in his own mind.───他脑子里想着另一些统计数字。

14 、Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?───你有任何统计资料可以加强你的论点吗?

15 、Accomplish the appointed tasks on data statistics.───完成具体指定的数据统计工作。

16 、His statistics were far from being accurate.───他的统计根本不准确。

17 、The surgical statistics are certainly alarming.───外科手术的统计数据无疑是令人吃惊的。

18 、Yearbook educational statistics Taiwan Province.───台湾省教育统计年报.

19 、School fitness statistics,she says,show that ifs money well spent.───她说,学校的健康统计数字表明,这钱花得值。

20 、So for the table statistics, the CARD will show as 1,100,000.───因此对于表统计数据,CARD将显示为1,100,000。

21 、She's studying statistics at university.───她在大学学习统计学.

22 、Gaullism is also topical thanks to a revival of statism.───中央集权制的复兴也使得戴高乐主义成为人们讨论的话题。

23 、Use a time limit to determine when to update statistics.───使用时间限制确定更新统计信息的时间。

24 、Out-of-date statistics are not automatically recomputed.───不会自动重新计算过时的统计信息。

25 、In this situation, you may want to execute CREATE STATISTICS.───在这种情况下,您可能需要执行CREATE STATISTICS。

26 、Basic knowledge of applied statistics.───具备应用统计学的基本知识。

27 、These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.───就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。

28 、I don't believe in jinx or statistics.───我不相信什么不祥之物或者是统计数字。

29 、You have to have the statistics, of course.───当然,你必须有一些统计数字。

30 、Are you sure you want to delete all statistics?───您真的要清除全部记录?

31 、What are the ″vital statistics″ of the MINI?───mini汽车的主要技术数据是什么?

32 、He bandied those statistics about in his speech.───他讲话中随意引用那些统计数字。

33 、When set to OFF, Statistics must be manually created.───当设置为OFF时,统计信息必须手动创建。

34 、Market research; up-to-date China economic statistics and analysis.───供可靠准确的中国统计资料,最新市场调查数据和中外专家分析专论。

35 、Update information for order statistics and forecast in time.───及时更新订单情况和预测信息。

36 、I do not therefore baffle the reader with disputable statistics.───因此,我不想拿一些值得争论的统计数字来为难读者。

37 、He is a professor of statistics.───他教授统计学。

38 、Paul Dutton serves up the derby statistics.───PaulDutton统计了双方德比对阵历史。

39 、I quite often give them a simplified version of the statistics that are available, but I have to say that statistics apply to groups of people, not to individual people.─── 我经常会给他们一份简化的 现有的统计数据 但我必须说明 统计数据只适用于部分人群 而不是所有个体

40 、Statistically, they're better off going for it.─── 数据上来说 继续进攻比较好

41 、You will have to gradually gain a grasp of statistics and planning.───你得逐渐掌握统计还有计算。

42 、More statistics are given in Appendix 34.───其他统计资料载于附录34。

43 、He studied microscopically the statistics of trade.───他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字。

44 、LOAD TABLE saves statistics on base tables for future use.───LOAD TABLE保存基表的统计信息以备将来使用。

45 、He spent two hours mugging up the statistics before briefing the press.───在向记者们介绍情况之前,他花了两个小时突击统计数字。

46 、Send us statistics on your sales.───如果你们能将你们的销售统计资料寄给我们,那。

47 、Server statistics cannot be obtained.───不能获取服务器统计。

48 、Coordination for data statistics with related department.───就订单数据统计与有关部门协调。

49 、Statistics were performed using SPSS software.───实验数据用spss软件进行统计学分析。

50 、Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments.───双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。

51 、And he's talking to me about statistics and probabilities.─── 他就开始跟我讲数据和概率

52 、He ask for the birth statistics for 1990.───他要1990年的出生统计数字。

53 、Summoned creatures are no longer shown in statistics after battle.───召唤生物不会再战后的统计中出现。

54 、It's statistical in nature, it's being very proactive.─── 实际上就是统计 非常具有前瞻性

55 、Access real-time ad campaign statistics.───存取实时**统计.

56 、It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics.───从这些错综复杂而又相互矛盾的事实和统计数字中很难得出一个结论来。

57 、They had been at pains to examine all the statistics.───他们不辞劳苦仔细查阅了所有的统计数字。

58 、How do I find all the statistics on a specified object?───如何找到指定对象的所有统计信息?

59 、The study of the characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.───人口统计学对人口特征,例如数量、增长情况、密度、分布和人口动态统计等进行研究的学科

60 、Indeed, many in France have found renewed pride in their statist system.───实际上,许多法国人为自己祖国中央集权体制的复兴感到骄傲。

61 、The official statistics have to be analysed with care.───因此,在分析官方统计数字时必须要谨慎。

62 、China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry II.───中国高技术产业统计年鉴2。

63 、Some reports are omitted from official statistics.───一些报道被从官方统计中删去了。

64 、The scoring function uses Sinkov Statistics.───对它进行改变就可获得一个“更好的”对象。

65 、The: XML command does not support the SET STATISTICS XML statement.───XML命令不支持SET STATISTICS XML语句。

66 、Statistics of employee working meals.───员工餐的统计与管理。

67 、What's your interpretation of these statistics?───你对这些统计资料如何解释

68 、They fleshed out the president's plan with statistics and procedural details.───他们用统计数字和程序细节使总统的计划有血有肉。

69 、Statistics should be treated with caution.───对待统计数字要小心。

70 、Be familiar with the statistics techniques.───对统计技术有较熟练掌握。

71 、CEMAC is an affiliate of the National Bureau of Statistics( NBS).───中国经济景气监测中心是中国国家统计局(bs)一个附属机构。

72 、No, we're not gonna win this with statistics.─── 不 这回靠数据是赢不了的

73 、You're not a statistic, you're an individual.─── 你不是统计数据 而是个体的人

74 、Land use statistics are at Appendix 41.───土地用途的统计数字列于附录43。

75 、Fractal Statistics, Noisy Chaos, and the FMH.───分形结构,噪声混沌,和FMH。

76 、He advocated the application of statistics to the problem.───他提倡对问题统计的应用。

77 、Statistically, there is no reason you should have won.─── 统计学上讲 你是根本不该赢的

78 、CREATE STATISTICS can be executed on an indexed view.───CREATE STATISTICS可以对索引视图执行。

79 、Mr Clegg's overall argument is that Labour's ingrained statism has failed.───克莱格的整体观点是,工党根深蒂固的国家主义已经溃败。

80 、His political thinking is statist, too.───他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。

81 、Have you seen the latest statistics on crime?───你看到最新的犯罪统计资料了吗?

82 、Council statistics show that the amount of rente property in the borough have increase.───委员会的统计表明该自治城市的出租的房屋数量增加。

83 、He is not much of an administrator himself: though he can use statistics to good effect when he wants to, he has no great grasp of figures.───他本人算不得一个好的行政官员,尽管在他需要的时候他能有效地运用统计资料,可他对数字的掌握却不够好。

84 、He spent hours poring over the statistics.───他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。

85 、She was armed with statistics and facts.───她拥有数据和事实。

86 、However, other statistics make grimmer reading.───不过,其它统计数据给出了更严酷的解读。

87 、Assist to HR affair and statistics of casual worker workhours.───协助进行工厂内简单的人事工作,每月末统计外来工时。

88 、The statistics were later challenged by U.S.───不过,美国国家统计局人口统计学家珍妮?

89 、And it's not just some statistical anomaly.─── 这已经不仅仅是数字上的异常了

90 、That's right, and the statistic bear me out.─── 说的没错 统计数据也支持了这个观点


statistics.exe 是一个计算机程序,通常是一个可执行文件,用于进行统计分析和数据处理。它可以通过输入数据并运行特定的统计算法来生成统计数据、图表、报告等。

该程序可以处理各种类型的数据,包括数字、文本、图像等,并提供各种统计方法和技术,如描述统计、假设检验和回归分析等。statistics.exe 可以在多个领域中使用,如市场营销、金融、医学研究和社会科学等,以帮助用户探索数据、发现模式、进行预测和做出决策。





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