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06-28 投稿




英:[swel]  美:[sw?l]

英:  美:


n. 衣着时髦的人, 风头人物


n.增大, 膨胀, 肿胀, 汹涌

v.(使)膨胀, (使)鼓起, (使)增长


形容词最高级: swellest | 动词过去式: swelled | 形容词比较级: sweller | 动词过去分词: swelled/swollen | 动词第三人称单数: swells | 动词现在分词: swelling |


fop | smashing | fantastic | bloat | dude | bigger | keen | great | super | boom | tumesce | undulation | swell up | broaden | brilliant | roller | puff up | dandy | cracking | balloon | surge | knob | slap-up | inflate | increase | add to | corking | grow | sheik | groovy | well up | gallant | well | good | billow | intumesce | nifty | inflame | wax | tumefy | clotheshorse | wave | bulge | gain | fashion plate | neat | expand | stretch | heave | breaker | sea | wonderful | bully | not bad | distend | aggrandize | enlarge | peachy | amplify | abound | beau | pump | bang-up | magnify | mound




come the heavy swell over sb.
-[俚]摆出一副显赫人物的架势对待某人; 对某人摆官架子
swell out
a heavy swell
-海上的汹涌浪涛; [俚]借衣着时髦而显示的人
swell up


die swell (=extrudate swelling)
extrusion die swell
solvent swell
oil swell
-油溶胀, 油泡胀
volumetric swell
grand swell
soft swell
sintering swell


1 、He wondered how comehe grew a swell on the head.───他不知道为什么头上会长出一个瘤。

2 、Kevin's injured finger started to swell.───凯文受伤的手指开始肿了起来。

3 、Young Tom said,"Goodbye, papa. It certainly was a swell summer.───”小汤姆说:“再见,爸爸,这个夏天太痛快了。”

4 、I was on the summit of one swell when the schooner came stooping over the next. The bowsprit was over my head.───就在我处于一个大浪的顶峰时,大船也正好俯身越过另一个大浪,船首的第一根斜桅恰好在我的正上方。

5 、If the rain continues then the rivers could swell and burst the banks.───如果雨持续地下,河水将会暴涨,冲破河床。

6 、Soon a thousand leaf buds swell.───很快叶芽纷纷冒了出来。

7 、Feel seasick in the heavy swell.───在猛烈起伏的海面上感到晕船。

8 、Where the bullet entered is not exactly where the radial nerve lies, but swelling can compress it and clearly there is a lot of swelling above the elbow.─── 子弹进入的地方 不是桡神经所在的地方 但肿胀会压缩桡神经 很明显你的肘部肿的厉害

9 、Okay, this is for the swelling of your face.─── 這個可以緩解你的臉部腫脹

10 、The heavy rain swell the river.───大雨使河水上涨。

11 、Floor add environmental protection damp proof factor in the sill, absorb water person who swell to be low.───地板基材中添加环保防潮因子,吸水膨胀率更低。

12 、"It's a swell suite," whispered Jordan respectfully, and every one laughed.───“这个套间真高级。” 乔丹肃然起敬地低声说,引得大家都笑了起来。

13 、They began to swell to the point of absurdity.───他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。

14 、The hills swell gradually up from the plain.───山丘逐渐由平原膨胀起来。

15 、The injured wrist began to swell(up).───受伤的腕子开始肿了起来。

16 、Twelve hundred galleys floated at Aulis, waiting for a favourable breeze to swell their flagging sails.───一千二百艘船只聚集于奥利斯,等着风鼓船帆,顺风而行。

17 、After he was promoted head of bureau, William became swell - headed.───威廉被提升为局长时,显得非常自负。

18 、After a while, the old swami’s belly began to swell.───又过了一段时间,老瑜珈师的腹部开始膨胀。

19 、The injured wrist began to swell.───受伤的手腕开始肿起来。

20 、Don't prick that boil;allow it to swell up and burst.───不要挑破那个疖子;让它肿起来自己破裂好了。

21 、Never swell with pride when you have made some contributions.───作出了一些贡献不要沾沾自喜。

22 、What a swell idea!───多好的主意!

23 、If you put it into the water it will swell .───如果你把它放入水中,它就膨胀。

24 、How many hands do you think to swell your operations?───你认为还需要多少帮手加强你们这次行动?

25 、The mercerization process causes the cotton fibers to swell laterally and shrink longitudinally.───丝光过程使棉纤维沿直径方向膨胀,沿长度方向伸长

26 、The foam it swells, it swells all around them.─── 那涌起的泡沫 将包围他们

27 、A minute or two later the skiff's head was standing high up, against the boat's swell, and the voyage was begun.───一两分钟以后,小艇的船头被渡船裹挟的排浪冲得直竖起来,船启航了。

28 、He took a job to swell his pockets .───他找了份工作想多挣点钱。

29 、There is a swell of height 8 meters from seaward.───从海面过来一个米高的涌浪。

30 、He took a job to swell his pocket [funds].───他得到一份工作以增加他的收入。

31 、Not that I'm against things swelling up.─── 但我并不排斥"会肿胀"的东西

32 、But where there's infection, there's meningeal swelling.─── 但如果有感染 就会有脑膜积水

33 、His brother is a swell at boxing.───他兄弟是个拳击能手。

34 、The groups change more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath.───人群的变化越来越快,忽而随着新来的客人而增大,忽而分散后又立即重新组合。

35 、In summer, they swell wood with water.───夏天,他们把木材浸湿。

36 、When oozing is unsufficient to swell the packing, water is applied directly using a narrow-gauge hyperdermic needle.───当分泌物不足以使填塞物膨胀时可以用细针向内注入少许水。

37 、When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know.───出了一点力就觉得了不起,喜欢自吹,生怕人家不知道。

38 、To cause to swell up or inflate, as with liquid or gas.───使膨胀使肿起或膨胀,如通过液体或气体

39 、My feet often swell with the heat in the afternoon.───下午天一热我的脚常肿胀起来。

40 、Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell.───促进血液和淋巴循环,排毒、水、肿。

41 、If you put it into water it will swell.───如果把它放在水里,它会胀大。

42 、Don't prick that boil; allow it to swell up and burst.───不要挑破那个疖子; 让它肿起来自己破裂好了。

43 、You know when Ralph Chestley comes around, isn't he a swell fellow.───你知道拉尔夫?切斯特莱什么时候来,他是不是个多了不起的家伙。

44 、To cause to swell or expand.───使膨胀或延伸

45 、"Yes, that is a great resort for Chicago people. The hotels are swell.───“真的,那是芝加哥人最喜欢的度假地。

46 、You look swell in that dress!───你穿着那件连衣裙真漂亮!

47 、Savings may swell into fortune.───储蓄可以积成财富。

48 、To adjust(a yard) so that wind will cause a sail to swell.───张帆调整(帆桁)使风可以充满帆

49 、To fill(something) with air or gas so as to make it swell.───充气使空气或其它气体充入(某物)使之膨胀

50 、A great swell, surge, or undulating mass, as of smoke or sound.───似巨浪翻腾巨浪、波涛或波浪形团块,如烟雾或声音

51 、So spake she, and the horned bull made answer to her again: Take courage, maiden, and dread not the swell of the deep.───她说完这些话,那长了角的牡牛回答道:鼓起勇气,姑娘,不要害怕大海的波滔。

52 、The love that I feel for you, it only swells further.─── 我对你的爱 现在更深了

53 、The best time for most grafting is when the buds are beginning to swell in spring.───大多数嫁接的最好时期是春天芽开始膨大的时候。

54 、Her voice floated out to swell the night's uneasiness.───她的声音却飘出了窗外,给不安静的黑夜增添了一丝不安宁。

55 、To swell or spread out into a shape similar to a mushroom.───呈菌状**膨胀或者伸展成象蘑菇的形状

56 、Low-level jet and monsoon cloud swell are the most important factors for thedevelopment of cloud clusters.───低空急流和季风云涌是云团发展的最重要因子。

57 、A great swell of drouth will devour us till the last person.───久旱的巨浪会将我们吞噬至最后一人。

58 、It made all of...the other part of me swell up.─── 害得我的脸其他地方都肿起来了

59 、Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.───她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。

60 、If you put it into the water it will swell.───如果你把它放入水中,它将膨胀。

61 、Keep your breath to cool your porridge, and I shall keep mine to swell my song.───你留口气吹凉稀饭,我也就留口气唱歌吧。

62 、Unlike smallpox, monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy).───与天花不同的是,猴痘导致淋巴结肿大(淋巴结病)。

63 、With all this swelling, it couldn't have been easy.─── 患者还有肿胀 肯定不简单

64 、He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat.───他常常回老家来,戴着大礼帽自命不凡地在镇上溜达。

65 、If spoilage microorganisms produce gas, both ends of the can will bulge outward to give a swell.───如果变质微生物产气,罐头的两端将向外膨胀造成胀罐

66 、His injured wrist began to swell (up).───他受伤的手腕开始肿起来。

67 、There was a swell of emotion in her for the poor old man.───她心里涌起一股感情,为那位可怜的老人感到难过。

68 、Diethylenetriamine will swell the resin .───二乙烯三胺将使树脂膨胀。

69 、The cardboard is cut up and the water soaks into the scrapes, which then swell and disintegrates.───将薄板切割开,并用水浸泡,使其膨胀、分解。

70 、This is blood I'm feeling, not swelling.─── 我摸到的是血液 不是肿胀

71 、Paul:They're got swell hooch here. They even wash the glasses.───保罗:他们卖酒,连酒杯都洗得干干净净。

72 、Say, that's a swell looking dress you have on.───喂,你穿的这件衣服真漂亮。乔治:我们走吧。

73 、The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.───在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。

74 、Shanghai Golden Swell Sanitaryware Co., Ltd.───上海金四维卫浴公司。

75 、She felt tears swell behind her eyes.───她觉得眼泪快要涌出来了。

76 、Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves,a swell in the sea,Full Moon,like the heart throb of the world.───今天晚上棕榈叶在嚓嚓地作响,海上有大浪,满月呵,就象世界在心脉悸跳。

77 、The injured ankle began to swell .───受伤的脚踝开始肿了。

78 、Keen as a whippet, his thin arms pumping, he headed into the prevailing swell.───他像一头敏捷的惠比特犬,挥舞着他瘦弱的胳膊,迎头冲向汹涌的巨浪。

79 、When can i start the procedure after the consultation? Will my nose get sore and swell after the procedure?───会诊过后何时才能进行手术呢?手术后我的鼻子会又痛又肿吗?

80 、He looks back, hoping to find another swell; but this time a towering wall of water is moving toward him.───他回头看希望再发现一个浪头;但是这一回是一堵矗立的水墙在向他移动。

81 、You have a swell time if you had to eat the truck that new steward hands out to us at the Athletic Club.───假如你在运动俱乐部,看到那个新服务员给我们端出来的菜,你也会敝开肚子吃的。

82 、The sun will swell into a red giant.───太阳将膨胀为一颗红巨星。

83 、Hills swell gradually from the plain.───山渐渐从平原隆起。

84 、His injured wrist began to swell.───他那受伤的手腕开始肿了。

85 、His hand began to swell after the bee stung him.───他的手在蜜蜂叮他之后开始肿胀起来。

86 、When fibers swell, they fill the air spaces and thus reduce ventilation.───一般纤维膨胀后,占据了空隙,因而减少了通气能力。

87 、It appears that there's been swelling in your brain.─── 结果显示你的大脑内有肿块

88 、To be the first secretary is some kind of material gain, which is also liable to swell one's head.───当了第一书记,也是一种利,也容易使头脑发昏。

89 、You'd have a swell time if you had to eat the truck that new steward hands out to us at the Athletic Club.───假如你在运动俱乐部,看到那个新服务员给我们端出来的菜,你会敞开肚子吃的。

90 、His face began to swell out.───他的脸膀起来了。







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