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06-28 投稿




英:[blent?]  美:[bl?nt?]

英:  美:


v.回避, 退缩,畏缩,变白(=blanch)


动词过去分词: blenched | 名词: blencher | 动词第三人称单数: blenches | 动词过去式: blenched | 动词现在分词: blenching |


1 、Cut the asparagus into 3 sections, blanch in boiling water until done.───准备一锅热水,把嫩芦笋切成3段后焯熟。

2 、The result can reasonable explain the "blanch" Phenomena and plasma instability in laser propulsion experimentation that is mentioned in some paper.───以氢气和氢氩爲爲工质进行了算例计算,计算结果可对国外文献提到的试验中出现的等离子体“漂白”和等离子体不稳定现象进行合理的解释。

3 、Blanch leafy green vegetable in boiling water with 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp oil until cooked. Set aside.───烧半镬水,加盐及糖各1茶匙、油1汤匙,把青菜拖熟,备用。

4 、Blanch oil noodles in boiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute and remove.Mix well with a little cooking oil,then spread out evenly and let sit under a fan until completely cooled.───油面放入加有少许白醋的沸水中氽烫一下,捞出后加少许色拉油拌匀、摊开,用电风扇吹凉备用。

5 、Do blanch an operation how to much Qian Heneng want to maintain how long probably?───做漂白手术大概要多少钱和能保持多长时间?

6 、BLANCH : And how dense does the wool pile have to be?───伯朗什:羊毛的密度达到多少才算合格?

7 、2 serving of the rice noodle or cellophane noodles, blanch and leave in boiling water until done and remove.───将约2人份的冬粉或油面,以滚水煮熟后捞起备用。

8 、BLANCH : Can you rely solely do you think on the sheepskin to prevent bedsores?───伯朗什:你是否认为仅仅使用医用羊皮就足以防止褥疮的产生了?

9 、Hydrogen peroxide solution is brushed try a tooth, blanch the effect fast?───双氧水擦试牙齿,漂白效果快吗?

10 、The tooth was fizzled out by sweet sootiness, can be done to the hospital blanch an operation, how many money to want?───牙齿被香烟熏黄了,可以到医院去做漂白手术吗,要多少钱呀?

11 、The implication of microwave radiation technique on plant fiber blanch───在次氯酸钠植物纤维漂白中应用微波辐射的研究

12 、to blanch a deer───拦住一头鹿

13 、Blench people's shortcoming , and don't publicity their eminency.───无视人之短,无说人之长。

14 、Blanch oodle i oiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute.Remove and mix well with a little cooking oil,the cool under a fan.───将细油面放入加有少许醋的沸水中汆烫一下,捞出后拌入少许色拉油,并用电风扇快速吹凉。

15 、to blanch a horse───拦住一匹马

16 、Politicians in both Europe and America continue to blanch at foreign takeovers.───无论欧洲还是美国,仍都对外资控股避之不及。

17 、The conflict among the interest groups is a political puzzle unable to blench for all the societies of all ages.───利益集团之间的冲突是古往今来所有社会都无法回避的政治难题。

18 、Blanch lobster for 30 seconds then take out the flesh and brain.───将波士顿龙虾汆烫约30秒后起锅,取出虾肉及虾膏备用。

19 、Rinse Chinese almonds; soak snow fungus until soft, trim and tear into small pieces, blanch in boiling water with a slice of ginger, remove.───南北杏冲水;雪耳浸发修好,撕成细朵,放滚水内加姜片拖水。

20 、Biology of Liriomyza Sativae Blanch and Its Chemical Control───北京地区美洲斑潜蝇的生物学习性及药剂防治

21 、Remove both ends from bean sprouts and blanch in boiling water for a minute.Then remove and drain well.───将豆芽头尾摘除,放入沸水中汆烫一下,取出沥干水分备用。

22 、Forgive, is not an easy thing.But don't blench.───宽恕曾经伤害过自己的人,是一件非常不容易的事情。

23 、Pick rosemary leaves, blanch and drain. Place over ribs. Cover with a piece of foil.───摘下新鲜迷迭香叶,放在热水中烫一下即捞出,放在牛小排上,再盖上一张铝箔纸。

24 、That had to make Richard Schaefer, who was hosting the call and is promoting the fight, blanch.───梅威瑟的这番言论,使得主持会议的沙菲尔脸色刷白。

25 、Blanch the egg noodles in boiling water until just loosened. Strain and rinse well with cold water.───把面饼放滚水内拖水至松身,即取出过冷。

26 、to blanch celery───使芹菜变白

27 、Dice the broccoli. Blanch the broccoli for 3 minutes. Drain it well and dish it up as per fig.1. Mix well the egg and milk.───先将西兰花切成粒,出水(约3分钟),隔水,排碟,花围成圈,其他则放于碟中(图1),奶和蛋浆搅匀

28 、Heat oven to 200C/400F. Generously butter a baking dish large enough to hold the cooked cauliflower. Blanch cauliflower until tender but still firm, about 10 minutes.───烤箱预热到200C/400F。取个能装下所有材料的烤盘,抹上牛油备用。花菜水煮嫩,但是不要太软了,大约10分钟。

29 、You make me strange Even to the disposition that I owe When now I think you can behold such sights And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks When mine is blanch'd with fear.───我吓得面无人色,你们眼看着这样的怪象,你们的脸上却仍然保持着天然的红润,这才怪哩。

30 、Why is skin beauty equal to the skin to blanch in vain?───为什么皮肤美白不等于皮肤漂白?

31 、Bring half pot of water to a boil, blanch beef slices in water rapidly and remove.───先烧开半锅开水,放入牛肉片快速煮烫过捞出。

32 、blanch controller───漂白控制器

33 、Treatment on jeans grinding blanch for jeans and achieve the effect of cat-beard.───牛仔服处理:牛仔服磨砂、发白及猫须效果达成。

34 、She blench ed before her accuser───她在(她的)指控者面前畏缩了。

35 、You blanch almonds to remove their skins.───你把杏仁焯一下,烫去表皮。

36 、Blanch the udon in boiling water for 2 minutes. Rinse under cold running water and drain.───乌冬在滚水中煮2分钟,取出在水龙头下过冷河沥乾。

37 、But according to Francisco Blanch of Merrill Lynch, the rising cost of capital is likely to outweigh all these benefits.───但是参考美林证券弗朗西斯分部的话,资金成本的上涨将可能消耗掉其它所有利润。

38 、Blanch the carrot and green peas; chop the ginger.───将红萝卜及青豆拖水;姜剁碎;

39 、"Parrot " the card blanchs eucalyptus wood pulp is production of Brazilian ARACRUZ company to not have chloric blanch pulp.───“鹦鹉”牌漂白桉木浆是巴西ARACRUZ公司生产的无氯漂白纸浆。

40 、3.Because be surface layer only,bleach, use heavier to color tetracycline tooth, fluorine spot tooth with respect to need so inside blanch a law.───3.因为只是表层变白,所以对颜色较重的四环素牙、氟斑牙等就需要使用内漂白法。

41 、“The commodity supercycle is not over, just resting,” says Mr Blanch.───布朗齐说:“商品的超级周期并没有结束,现在是中场休息。”

42 、BLANCH : So how do the medical sheepskins work for the patient in helping prevent bedsores?───伯朗什:澳大利亚医用羊皮是怎样在防止褥疮产生上发挥功效的哪?

43 、Such questions make their advisers in the province blanch.───民众的这些问题会让**的顾问极其不愉快。

44 、Cut cuttlefish in medium size pieces, then blanch in hot water for a few minutes. Drain.───墨鱼切成中等大小,然后在滚水中烫数分钟后沥乾。

45 、blanch over───掩饰; 美化

46 、Have the butcher chop the pig's foot into pieces. Rinse well and blanch in boiling water, remove and rinse under cold water.───猪脚请肉贩切块,洗净后,先用开水烫过,捞出后用冷水冲凉。

47 、* For fresh prawn meat, blanch in boiling water and drain before stir-frying.───* 如用新鲜中虾肉,先放入沸水中略煮,沥乾后才炒。

48 、Clean and cut cabbage into pieces. Bring a pot of water to boil and blanch carrots and cabbage briefly. Drain.───卷心菜洗净切片,和胡萝卜片放入沸水锅中稍焯,捞出沥水。

49 、Blanch walnuts for 1 minute, drain and leave to dry.───将核桃肉拖水1分钟,取出隔乾。

50 、So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem.───在这组权利束中,所有权处于核心地位,因此农村土地产权改革无法绕开这个敏感的问题。

51 、blanch blight───枝枯病

52 、Heat oven to200 C/400 F. Generously butter a baking dish large enough to hold the cooked cauliflower. Blanch cauliflower until tender but still firm, about10 minutes.───烤箱预热到200C/00F。取个能装下所有材料的烤盘,抹上牛油备用。花菜水煮嫩,但是不要煮过软了,大约10分钟。

53 、Cut the tofu (bean curd) into 1/2 inch (1 cm) square cubes, and blanch (drop into boiling water) for 2 - 3 minutes.───把豆腐切成1/2英寸的方块,放入开水中烫白2-3分钟。

54 、Blanch noodles in boiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute.Remove and mix well with a little cooking oil,then cool under a fan.───将面条放入加有少许醋的沸水中氽烫一下,捞出后加少许色拉油拌匀,并用电风扇吹凉。

55 、Minced another 80g garoupa, blanch in hot oil until cooked, remove from wok.───将另外约80克的星斑肉切碎,放入热油中走油,盛起备用。

56 、We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water.───我们把杏仁泡在沸水去皮弄成白色。

57 、Blanch button mushrooms and Honshimeji mushrooms till done.───将蘑菇、本菇灼热取出。

58 、Wash scallops and marinate with seasoning for 20 minutes. Blanch it in boiling water with some vinegar for 1/2 minute. Take out and wipe dry (1/2tbsp vinegar to 4 cups of water) .───制法:1.带子洗净,加调味料腌二十分钟,放落滚水中灼半分钟,取起抹乾水。灼时水中加入少许醋,大约水四杯加醋半汤匙。

59 、BLANCH : When you say it's helping to prevent bedsores, is it actually slowing down the process or is it stopping them?───伯朗什:你所说的防治褥疮,是延缓褥疮的产生,还是阻止褥疮的产生?

60 、Peel the eggplant and cut into the thick strips.Slice the garlic cloves.Bring a pot of water to boil and blanch the egg strips until cooked.Remove and drain well.───烧热油锅,入海鲜酱和蒜片炒香,倒入茄条翻炒,洒入葱花,调味后兜匀起锅。

61 、For fresh prawn meat, blanch in boiling water and drain before stir-frying.───如用新鲜中虾肉,先放入沸水中略煮,沥乾后才炒。

62 、Trim bamboo fungus, blanch in half wok of boiling water with 2 slices of ginger(crushed). Drain, squeeze out excess water.───修剪好竹笙,烧半镬水,加2片姜(略拍),把竹笙飞水,取出,榨乾水份。

63 、Blanch the broccoli in boiling water for 30seconds - 1minute and then soak in cold water until cool.───在沸水中将西兰花过水,约30秒-1分钟,然后泡在冷水中冷却,取出后晾干装盘。

64 、blanch trace───漂白痕迹

65 、The very thought of going make her blanch.───一想到去就使她脸色煞白。

66 、BLANCH : How dense is this wool pile, did you breed a sheep for this or was it in feeding or what did you do?───伯朗什:羊毛的密度又是什么一个标准?你们是否专门培育的一个羊种用于医用羊皮?

67 、Blanch beef tendons first, then remove to pressure cooker along with seasoning A, scallion and ginger added. Cook for 1 hour until tender.───牛蹄筋先烫过,然后放入压力锅,加入调味料A和?姜煮1小时,使它熟软。

68 、"split-second dealmaking and risks that would make a currency dealer blench" (Financial Times).───“使现金交易商得以逃避的瞬间的交易和风险” (《金融时报》)。

69 、Some bathtubs, bottom also installed ozone devices, ablution, ozone and water combined water body can cause skin from blistering blanch them.───有的浴缸,底部还安装了臭氧装置,沐浴时,臭氧和水流合二为一冲洗身体,能使肌肤免除脱皮发白之忧。

70 、BLANCH : And the results were what?───伯朗什:哪,结果如何?

71 、The doctor chose for her outside blanch a law.───医生为她选择了外漂白法。

72 、Blanch beef brisket in boiling water, remove and drain.───牛腩放大滚水内拖水,沥乾,备用。

73 、Remove the tough skin from asparagus. Cut into 1-inch sections. Blanch for 1 minute, then remove. Plunge into cold water to cool. Drain.───削去芦笋的根部粗皮,冲洗后斜切成寸段备用。水烧开,入芦笋段焯1分钟左右。取出后放入凉水中。滤干。

74 、5. Blanch beef tendons first, then remove to pressure cooker along with seasoning A, scallion and ginger added. Cook for 1 hour until tender.───牛蹄筋先烫过,然后放入压力锅,加入调味料A和?姜煮1小时,使它熟软。收藏指正

75 、BLANCH : What type of trial was conducted?───伯朗什:是怎么一个试验过程?

76 、You blanch almonds to remove their skins───你把杏仁焯一下

77 、Blanch gluten in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and squeeze out excess water. Tear into shreds.───烤麸放滚水内拖水5分钟,取出,迫出水份,撕成条状。

78 、Blanch linguine, add olive oil and salt for 5 mintues, than Drain.───于沸水中加上少许橄榄油及盐烚扁意粉约五分钟,沥乾水备用。

79 、Blanch and dye with colour for fabric───对织物进行漂白和染色

80 、Blanch oysters in hot water, drain well. Heat up some oil, meanwhile coat oysters into caltrop starch, deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, set aside;───桶蠔飞水,完全隔乾水份后薄薄的扑上一层生粉,下油镬中半煎炸至金**,盛起备用;





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