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06-28 投稿




英:[??ɑ:pn?(r)]  美:[??ɑ?rpn?r]

英:  美:


n.卷笔刀, 研磨者,研磨工具


动词过去式: sharpened | 动词过去分词: sharpened | 动词第三人称单数: sharpens | 名词: sharpener | 动词现在分词: sharpening |


heighten | file | grind | hone | improve | make | focalise | polish | tip | focalize | point | an | refine | perfect | inspire | focus | strop | brush up | taper | keen | whet | put | on | edge


flatten | soften | dull


1 、There is no whetstone like praise, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learn.───在刺激智力发展和英国学者、作家;阿斯卡姆。

2 、Sharpen the opening and I'll run it.─── 把开头再改改 然后我来处理

3 、Don't go in yet, father's letting off steam about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.───不要进去,父亲正在发脾气,骂你把他的刮胡刀片拿去削铅笔。

4 、"You are a fine fellow," said the man." Will you let me sharpen my ax on it?───“真是个好小伙子”,那人说,“你能让我磨磨斧子吗?”

5 、You didn't know the knife you were sharpening.─── 你不知道你磨光了怎样的刀

6 、It can sharpen our sensitivity so that we can always maintain a high degree of vigilance.───它能够使我们对事物感觉灵敏,随时具有高度的警惕性;

7 、He filled his writing case with all kinds of stationery, even including a pencil sharpener.───他的笔袋里装着各种文具,连铅笔刀都带来了。

8 、He'd like a pencil - sharpener,but she has not got one.───他想要一个转笔刀,但她没有。

9 、Do you have a pencil sharpener?───你有卷笔刀吗?

10 、It took him a long time to sharpen the dull knife.───他花了很长时间把那把钝刀磨锋利。

11 、He hit the road to sharpen his own thoughts rather than accept a position teaching Plato's.───他没有应聘讲授柏拉图的思想而是为了磨砺自己的思想来骑车旅行。

12 、The company is so cheap that we have to sharpen our pencil until they are down to little stub like this.───公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。

13 、Henry: With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza?───亨利:我拿什么磨利它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

14 、Shanghai Friendship Pencil Sharpener Co., Ltd.───上海友谊卷笔刀有限公司。

15 、Nope, the best brain sharpener may be ... sneakers?Yup.───不,使脑子更敏锐的方法恐怕是,旅游鞋?

16 、We should sharpen the competitive edge of our goods and services for export by ensuring good quality.───坚持以质取胜,提高出口商品和服务的竞争力。

17 、When you sharpen a pencil, you make chips.───你削铅笔时, 会削下许多碎屑。

18 、It needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils.───它需要柠檬汁来让已变干的扁豆入口更加爽滑。

19 、If you want to be a good tennis player, you have to sharpen your skills.───如果你想要成为网球高手,你就得磨练你的技巧.

20 、They also helped him to sharpen his sense of hearing,the sense upon which the visually disabled are so dependent.───他们也帮助他培养其敏锐的听觉,这是视力有残疾的人非常依赖的感官。

21 、You can enhance your photos using filters including sharpen, blur, contrast, emboss, smoothing noise and color balance.───你能够增加使用包括的过滤器的你的相片磨快,模糊,对照,饰以浮饰,使噪音光滑和给平衡上色。

22 、The training will sharpen your thinking.───培训会使你思维敏捷。

23 、The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they are down to little stub like this.───公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短

24 、In contrast, we could sharpen up the details in a slightly blurred photo by emphasizing its high-frequency components.───反过来,我们也可以通过加强其高频分量的办法,来突出一张有些模糊的照片的细节。

25 、Experimental results show that the method can enhance, sharpen, and denoise images.───实验结果表明:该方法可以有效地实现对比度增强、噪声抑制和边缘保护。

26 、We ought to feel deeply ashamed, sharpen our vigilance and examine afresh our past mistakes. Thank you, dear President!───吾人实应深感惭愧,而加强警惕,重新检讨过去之错误。”

27 、He can't even sharpen a pencil properly.───他甚至连一支铅笔都削不好。

28 、We'd put them in these handcranked sharpeners.─── 我们会把它们放进手动卷笔机

29 、You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.───你有自己的切肉刀而且你会磨它。

30 、An appropriate abrasion wheel microsection shoule be Renewed to sharpen different materials saw blades.───对硬质合金锯片时,只需更换合适的砂轮磨片.

31 、I sharpen it before I go to school.───上学之前,我会把它削好。

32 、He wants something to sharpen a pencil with.───他想找一个削铅笔的东西。

33 、I thought it was the pencil sharpener.─── 我当时以为是卷笔刀的声音

34 、They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows.───他们磨舌如刀,发出苦毒的言语,好像比准了的箭。

35 、You should sharpen your vigilance, and not board a pirate ship.───你一定要提高警惕,千万不要上贼船呀!

36 、"Sharpen the before you chop the bush",Excellent paulity is based on advanced scincec and management.───“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,卓越的品质源于先进的管理手段和管理。

37 、Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have-you.───"磨亮锯子"意思是保存并增强你所拥有的最大资产--你。

38 、Sharpen your razor on the strap.───在革砥上把你的剃须刀磨快。

39 、Liza: Well, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.───丽莎:那么把它磨利吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

40 、I have this sharpened lingering sensation in my back.─── 我背上一直有种奇怪的刺痛感

41 、Before heading to the jungle, we need to sharpen up.─── 进入丛林前 我们得把刀磨快

42 、The company is so cheap. We have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubs like this.───公司这么吝啬,害得偶们得把铅笔用到这么短。。。

43 、Sharpen your awareness of the expressional differences between Chinese and English languages and cultures.───增强对中英两种文化和语言表达差异的意识。

44 、TAIDEA Cheap Knife Sharpener design of small size, price cheap and easy for carrying.───TAIDEA经济型快速磨刀器体积小巧,价格低廉,易于携带。

45 、NIV] If he does not relent, he will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow.───[和合]若有人不回头,他的刀必17磨快,18弓必上19弦,预备妥当了。

46 、Sorry, I lost your pencil sharpener thismorning.───对不起,我今天早上把你的卷笔刀给弄丢了。

47 、A mechanism can be as simple as a pencil sharpener or as complex as a computer.───一个机械装置可以像削铅笔器那样简单,也可以像一台计算机那样复杂。

48 、The Suns are a poor defensive team, but we are just GIVING them steals. We need to sharpen up the ball control.───太阳是一个防守很烂的球队,但是我们却给他们这么多的抢断,我们需要提高控球能力。

49 、Brindley's improvements were practical: to sharpen and step up the performance of the water wheel as a machine.───布林德雷所作的改良是很实际的:改善并加强水车的机械功能。

50 、this particular khopesh hasn't been sharpened in some time.─── 这把特别的寇派斯弯刀 已经很久没有被磨利了

51 、In addition, sharpen the punishment violators. The most severe violators will be sentenced to five years in prison.───另外,还将加重对违禁者的处罚,最严重者将被判坐5年牢狱。

52 、Your pencil sharpener is black.───你的卷笔刀是黑色的。

53 、TAIDEA sharpener adopts two pieces whetting design, which increases the whetting speed and quality greatly.───TAIDEA迷你型快速磨刀器采用两段式磨刀方式设计,极大地提高磨刀的速度和质量。

54 、Be an angel and sharpen my pencil.───做个好心人 [乖孩子] 帮我削铅笔。

55 、Description: Liners go on easier with a sharp pencil. Use this sharpener for both traditional liners and jumbo pencils.───不管粗细,一个卷笔刀轻松搞定,很好用哦,美国原产。

56 、So, I went up to the front to sharpen it.─── 所以 我走到前面去削铅笔

57 、Slash the top of each roll with a sharpen knife.───刷上蛋白液,随好洒上葛缕籽和**籽。

58 、She brought everything to a grindstone and sharpened it as she had sharpened her own face and figure over the years.─── 她把一切都放在磨刀石上磨 就像多年来她磨利了自己的脸和身形一样

59 、Sharpen your blade and prepare to unl eash your inner mutation-the Age of Reckoning has begun and WAR IS EVERYWHERE!───只要保持充分的投资信心,众志成城,那么A股迈向全球最大资本市场的步伐就不会停。

60 、No, I haven't. But I have a sharpener.───不,我没有。但是我有一个卷笔刀。

61 、These cutting tools never get blunt, because they sharpen themselves.───它的这些用于啃咬的工具永远不会变钝,因为它们自己会使之锋利起来。

62 、The problem with pencils is you always have to sharpen them.───使用铅笔的问题就在于你总是要削铅笔。

63 、But on the other hand, these sports sharpen my reactions and also help me mentally to focus on what is necessary.───但另一方面,这些运动可以训练我的反应能力,从心理上帮助我把精神集中到必要的事情上。

64 、If a variable becomes a jar or a function becomes a crazy pencil sharpener, you're more likely to remember the relationship later.───如果一个变量变成一种罐头,或一个函数变成一个疯狂的卷笔刀的话,你会更有可能记忆知识之间的关系。

65 、Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and emboss to enhance or correct your images.───使用工具削尖红(色)眼睛减少, 收成, 污点, 和提高或者改正你(们)的图象的压花。

66 、As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.─── 铁铁互磨 可见刀锋刃利 人人相处 亦是如此

67 、Nobody else has a pencil sharpener.───再没有谁有卷笔刀了。

68 、A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.───工欲善其事,必先利其器。

69 、"Sharpen the arrows, take up the shields!───你们要磨尖了箭头,抓住盾牌。

70 、A precious chance to learn the latest technology development in the industry and sharpen your competitive edge.───了解行业最新技术发展,提高竞争力的宝贵机会。

71 、Carol: Good, you guys are still here. Here Chrissy, it's my old animal pencil case, with the elephant eraser and the zebra sharpener.───卡罗尔:哦,好,你们还没走,你看克丽丝,这是我的旧的铅笔盒,还有大象橡皮和斑马刀片,全都给你。

72 、What’s this in your pencil box? It’s a pencil sharpener.───你文具盒里这是什么?是卷笔刀。

73 、Sharpen your reflexes and work your technique flight for a race against the clock panting.───为了争取比赛的时间要加强你的反应能力并提高你的飞行技巧。

74 、"There is no such whetstone, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learning, as is praise" (Roger Ascham).───“没有一种东西能象赞扬一样磨砺机敏的智力,鼓励求智的愿望”(罗杰·阿斯克姆)。

75 、He would sharpen his arrow well.───他好好地磨利他的弓箭。

76 、A 'meowing' sound chip is activated as you sharpen.───' meowing '声音芯片被激活,因为你激化。

77 、An artisan must first sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.───工匠要把活儿做好,必须先使工具精良;也指工作要得到好结果,必须先有好的器具。

78 、He'll need to sharpen his brain a bit if he hopes to get on in business.───如果他想下海经商,他还得头脑更精明些。

79 、You can see a scissor, you can see a sponge, two stones to sharpen the cutters.───你能看到剪刀、吸水棉和两块磨刀石。

80 、There is no whetstone like praise,to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learn .───在刺激智力发展和鼓励学习的愿望方面,没有比嘉奖更有效的办法.

81 、Sharpen: a decrease in the size of the half-tone dots or the thinning of stroke of type characters.───削弱:网点的面积减少或字体笔划变幼的情况。

82 、She needs to sharpen up before next month's competition.───下个月比赛之前,她的水平需要提高一下。

83 、He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials.───在奥运会选拔赛之前,他需要进一步磨砺自己。

84 、Only experienced many confused and sharpen youthful fire to burn in the human world.───只有经历无数次困惑和磨砺青春的火种才能燃烧在人间。

85 、An old saying goes“ a worker must sharpen his tools to facilitate the work”.───工欲善其事,必先利其器”,公司建设有8万平方米的大型现代化厂房,拥有国内一流的专用车生产线、装线、艺装备320台套。

86 、Can you sharpen pencil like this?───你能把铅笔削成这种水平吗?

87 、Is your head naturally pointed or do you have to sharpen it every day?───你的脑袋天生是尖的,还是你每天把它削尖?

88 、She's doing a course to sharpen her business skills.───她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。

89 、Sharpen the focus of analytical models and reports to produce more accurate results.───增强模型和报告的分析,产生更精确的结果。

90 、Oh, it's a pencil sharpener .───哦,是一个转笔刀。


sharpener 英[ˈʃɑ:pnə(r)]


n. 卷笔刀; 磨具; 磨床; 磨器;

[网络] 研磨工具; 磨石; 削刀;

[例句]A primarily functional object, the design of the pencil sharpener hasn ’ t really changed much over time.


[其他] 复数:sharpeners 形近词: sharpened


sharpener,英语单词,名词,意思是“卷笔刀;[机] 磨具;研磨者”。

1.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener. When he took the rod out again, it had a nice sharp point.有声如电动卷笔刀。当他把棒又出来了,它有一个好的尖点。

2.Its poetic movement and precise sharpening was inspired by an old pencil sharpener passed down from a designers' great-great-grandfather.它那诗意一般优美而又准确的削笔动作是在一个老式卷笔刀的启发下设计出来的,那把老爷刀是一位设计师的高祖父流传下来的。

3.Excuse me, how much is the red pencil sharpener?打扰一下,这个红色的铅笔刀多少钱?

4.Using a pencil sharpener put a point on each end of the wooden dowel(it is not necessary to make a sharp point-bluntwilldo).使用卷笔刀把上的一个点两端木销子(这是没有必要作出尖锐点钝性将尽)。

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