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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


adj. 聚焦的, 集中的



persistent | motivated | strong-minded | engrossed | concentrated | firm | fixated | dogged | single-minded | focussed | dedicated | absorbed | attentive | resolute | determined | intensive | driven




1 、In the mass spectrograph the ions are focused onto a photographic plate.───在质谱仪中,离子聚焦在感光板上。

2 、The people's eyes all focused on the Austra-lian athlete Sawil.───人们的目光都集中在 澳大利亚选手萨维尔身上。

3 、They must focused on the quality of the products.───他们必须注重产品的质量。

4 、Thirty years ago, he says acidly, "people were focused on class struggle.───三十年前,他讽刺道,“人民关注于阶级斗争。

5 、He focused the sun's ray on a piece of paper with a burning-glass.───他用一面凸透镜把阳光在纸上聚成焦点。

6 、The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the plane.───光束在空中移动,集中对准飞机。

7 、Eight angry, silver eyes focused on his elflike face.───八只愤怒的银色眼睛注视着他精灵状的脸。

8 、Customer service and quality focused.───关注产品质量和客户服务.

9 、PedTalk - pediatric focused list open to the public.───儿科领域的焦点问题。

10 、He focused the camera and took a photo.───他对好焦距,照了一张相。

11 、The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft .───光柱在空中移动并聚集在飞机上。

12 、And if it's focused on you, we can focus on it.─── 如果技术针对你 我们就能针对它

13 、He focused his mind on his new plan.───他集中心思在新计划上。

14 、What attacks can Focused Attacks proc from?───专注攻击可以由哪些种类的攻击触发?

15 、His eyes focused on the long-term uncertainties.───他的双眼紧盯着靠不住的未来。

16 、To calm himself, he too focused on the view.───可现在,为了使自己平静下来,他也专心一致地看着眼前的景色。

17 、The beams of light focused on the aircraft.───光束集中照射着飞机。

18 、The debate focused on the issue of poisonous leaf-falling agents.───争论的核心针对有毒落叶剂的问题。

19 、What does it mean to be focused?───专注意味著什麽?

20 、The subsequent discussion will be focused on this hidden trend in psychoanalysis.───下面将集中讨论精神分析方面的这股暗流。

21 、Sean He is a Managing Director focused on Asian venture opportunities.───何欣先生主管凯雷集团在亚洲的风险投资业务。

22 、He focused the telescope on the moon.───他把望远镜对准月球。

23 、He focused on the Japanese business case -- Bodo canal city.───他主要讲述了日本商业案例--博多运河城。

24 、That's what I'm focused on, and if you're *art, you'll focus on that, too.─── 那也是我所关注的 如果您够聪明 您也应该关注那个

25 、You focus on you and you keep focusing on you until you hear from her.─── *自己的事 收到她回复前 不要分心

26 、While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception.───中国实行计划生育坚持以**为主。

27 、He focused his mind on his lessons.───他把心思集中在功课上。

28 、I need to focus. I can't focus in there.─── 我需要集中精神 在这我没办法集中

29 、In the 1920s ICC focused on reparations and war debts.───在20世纪20年代,国际商会主要关注战争赔款及战争债务。

30 、In the dream state it is focused within a different dimension.───在睡梦状态,它又聚焦于一个不同的维度。

31 、CSCA is the research center focused on Chinese archeology.───北京大学中国考古学研究中心是以研究中国考古学为主的实体学术机构。

32 、So if the focus is his wife, then that focus is his home.─── 所以如果来源是他妻子 那么整个家庭都会成为目标

33 、And I couldn't focus. I can't focus.─── 我没法集中精力 我也是

34 、The Mid-Autumn Festival is too focused on making money.───中秋节太注重挣钱了。

35 、The meetings also focused on strategies for the future.───会议还将集中研究未来战略问题。

36 、The people's eyes all focused on the Australian athlete Sawil.───人们的目光都集中在澳大利亚选手萨维尔身上。

37 、Be a leader - take action now by committing to focused thinking.───一个领导者采取行动的承诺,现在的重点是思想。

38 、You focus on your personal life. I'll focus on mine.─── 你管好你的私生活 我管好自己的

39 、Russia is newly assertive, but is focused mainly on its own near-abroad.───俄多斯虽然近来有些强势,但其工作重心仅在周边。

40 、A portable TV camera focused on him.───一台便携式电视摄影机的镜头对着他。

41 、Staying focused over time develops good study habits that become natural.───停留一段时间的发展重点是学习好习惯,成为自然。

42 、His eyes were focused on her.───他的目光集中焦点在她身上。

43 、Focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem.───他们集中全部注意力寻找解决问题的办法。

44 、Some CRM providers, such as PDSC, are focused on service.───一些CRM软件商,例如PDSC,就致力于服务功能。

45 、In Holland,the entire year's activities will be focused on Rembrandt.───在荷兰,2006年整年的许多活动将是以这位、艺术大师为焦点.

46 、It involves slow and deliberate movements focused on relaxation and calmness.───可知太极的动作舒缓,令人从容不迫,有利于人的放松。

47 、He was young, ambitious, and totally focused.───他年轻,豪迈,引人注目。

48 、He focused his attention on the map.───他的注意力都集中在那张地图上。

49 、Keeping the children focused was a real challenge.───使孩子们聚精会神是一项重大的挑战。

50 、You're convienced he is completely focused on SYNAPSE again.───你已经完全说服他再次全力投入synapse系统开发了

51 、Fossett focused on sailing and aviation.───佛施特的兴趣焦点放在航海。

52 、He took the glass and focused the sun on some dried wood.───他拿出透镜,然后把太阳光聚焦在一些干木材上。

53 、He focused his blue eyes on her.───他那蓝色的眼睛注视着她。

54 、The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.───他演讲的精华着重于教育的重要性。

55 、The talks in New Delhi focused on how to accomplish that task.───在新德里进行的谈判主要集中在如何完成这一任务上。

56 、If you stay focused on yourself, you are going to be miserable.───只关心自己会使你变得可怜。

57 、Stay focused and don’t try to oversell your capabilities.───保持专注而不要尝试过份吹嘘你的能力。

58 、Since World War II, psychologists have focused on fixing what is broken -repairing psychosis, and neurosis.───二战以来,心理学的研究重点是如何弥和创伤,即治疗精神症和神经症。

59 、If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.───人如果近视的话, 图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方。

60 、Yet she focused almost obsessively on her "underachievement.───可她却几乎痴迷地关注于自己的”不足“。

61 、Stay focused on key objectives?───关注关键目标,排除不确定因素的干扰;

62 、He kept his head and focused on the goal.───他保持清醒,并关注目标。

63 、He focused his eyes on the tiny characters.───他目光专注地看着那些微小的字符。

64 、Energy is not consumed but recharged, to be focused outwards into the world.───两人的精力不是在耗费而是在重新蓄满,以继续朝着自己的目标与理想前行。

65 、He focused sharply on a problem and examined it minutely.───他敏锐地集中于一个问题,并细致地考察它。

66 、She described him as a focused and serious teenager.───在她的印象中他是个专注严肃的年轻人。

67 、Let's focus on us, focus on what we're doing.─── 让我们回到正题 专注在将做的事情上

68 、He focused the sun's rays on a paper with a burning glass.───他用一面凸透镜把阳光聚焦在纸上。

69 、Are you focused on your customers?───你专注于你的客户了么?

70 、The research is focused on upstream and downstream film holes.───取气膜孔前后3倍气膜孔径范围为研究对象。

71 、Are you focused on order and perfection?───你对秩序和完美非常专注?

72 、From the outset these European schools focused on international general management.───从一开始,这些欧洲学校就强调国际化的综合管理。

73 、You should stop focusing on how and focus on why.─── 你该专注于为什么 而非他是如何做到的

74 、"We're very focused [as dance partners]," Hudgens, 19, adds.───“我们非常集中[舞蹈伙伴] , ” 哈金斯, 19 ,增加了。

75 、The dispute of GSE thought focused on the educational tenet of GSE.───关于女学思想的论争,主要集中在女学的教育宗旨上。

76 、Our industrial policy must become more focused.───加大产业政策的聚焦力度。

77 、The beams of light moved across the sky and finally focused on the balloon.───光束在天空移动最后聚焦在那个气球上了。

78 、He focused the sun 's rays on the paper with a burning glass.───他用取火镜使太阳光聚集在纸上。

79 、ISQ provides you an Audit service focused on welding activities.───ISQ向客户提供以焊接生产活动为中心的审核活动。

80 、He focused closely on Tynan to see if his reaction betrayed anything.───他紧盯着泰纳恩,想看看对方有什么异乎寻常的反应。

81 、It's not a loss of focus, it's a shift in focus.─── 他不是失去了目标 而是转移了目标

82 、The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft.───光束穿过天空,射向飞机。

83 、All eyes were focused on him when he came in.───他进来时大家都注视着他。

84 、He focused his binoculars on the bird.───他把**远镜的焦点对准在那只鸟上。

85 、They focused their attention on the main problems.───他们把注意力集中在主要问题上。

86 、Several muffled thuds focused his attention immediately.───但接著而来的那几声隐约的重击声,则立刻吸引了他的注意力。

87 、His eyes focused slowly in the dark room.───他在那间黑屋子里眼睛慢慢地看清了东西。

88 、Toggles the focused check box in a dialog.───31切换对话框中获得焦点的复选框。

89 、All our eyes were focused on the speaker.───5大家的目光都集中在发言人身上.

90 、When a person looks at an object, the image is focused on the yellow spot.───人凝视物时,物像聚焦在黄斑上。



你所给句子里,focused 是过去分词演变过来的形容词。


be/become/remain focused on




keep 后跟动名词表示“不断(继续,坚持,反复)做……”。keep focusing on…不断(继续)关注。

keep(系动词) focused(过去分词作形容词,作表语)on…:保持关注,聚焦于,注意力集中于:

At the same time, you can also keep focused on your family.同时,你还可以专注于你的家庭。

根据句意,应该是keep focused,这样句子才通顺。


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