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06-28 投稿




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英:  美:


=dengue fever.

n. [医]登革热


1 、It also agreed to hand over the technology for making the vaccine, and to put additional money into local research into a vaccine for dengue fever.───另外英国公司将传授此疫苗的研制技术,并于当地额外投资以研制登革热疫苗。

2 、The W.H.O. says , dengue is spreading to new areas and producing major operatesoutbreaks.───世界卫生组织说,登革热正蔓延到新的地区并产生重大**。

3 、Sensitization to severe dengue illness through pre-existing immunity is a serious safety concern for vaccination.───免疫接种时的一个严重的安全性问题是由于先前已经存在的免疫性而触发严重登革热。

4 、Dengue virus (DV) infection causes dengue fever, and in some patients may develop into severe dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS).───大多数人在感染登革病毒时仅有发烧等轻微症状,但某些病人会产生严重的登革出血热及登革休克症候群。

5 、Such sensitization has been observed in the course of sequential dengue epidemics by different virus strains in Cuba.───在古巴,不同病毒株引起的一系列登革热流行过程中已经观察到这种致敏作用。

6 、In May, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2.───五月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。

7 、He likely does have malaria or dengue.─── 他很有可能罹患疟疾 或者登革热

8 、H.O. saids Dongue says dengue is speading spreading to new areas and produce producing major outbreaks, .───世卫组织说:登革热每漫延到新的地区都会暴发**。

9 、As of 15 February, WHO has received reports of 215 hospitalized cases of dengue infection and 20 deaths (case fatality ratio, 9.3%).───截止到2月15日,世界卫生组织已收到215例住院治疗的登革热感染病例和20例死亡(病死率为9.3%)的报告。

10 、A mosquito of the genus A?es, including A. aegypti, which transmits diseases such as yellow fever and dengue.───伊蚊一种伊蚊属传播诸如黄热病和登革热等疾病的蚊子,包括埃及伊蚊

11 、Our recent research interests include HIV, Lyme disease, dengue fever, Chlamydia,Rickettsia , tuberculosis, antimicrobial drug resistance, and inflammatory gene regulation and signal transduction.───包括爱滋病、莱姆病、登革热、披衣菌、立克次体、结核病、微生物抗药性....等感染性疾病的钻研及其相关发炎反应之调控,以期能突破目前许多感染症诊断及治疗上的瓶颈。

12 、Among all the 11 kinds of common tropical diseases in the questionnaire, the diseases that the people more familiar with were Guangzhou angiostrongylus disease, leprosy, malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis.───对问卷所列11种常见热带病认知程度较高的是:广州管圆线虫病、麻风病、疟疾、登革热、血吸虫病,但最高认知度也只达到所调查人群的50%。

13 、During the past several decades, alteration of habitats has also encouraged the expansion of such diseases as hantavirus, Ebola, West Nile virus, dengue fever and AIDS.───在过去数十年间,许多疾病都因为栖境改变而扩张范围,包括汉他病毒、伊波拉病毒、西尼罗病毒、登革热、爱滋病等。

14 、To identify one suspected case infected by dengue virus(DV)found in 2006 in Fujian.───[目的]对福建省2006年发现的1例登革热病例进行实验室检测并鉴定病毒型别。

15 、There have been a total of 30 dengue fever cases so far this year.───今年至今共有30宗登革热个案,全为外地传入个案。

16 、In the present study, we used jas and cyto D to investigate whether actin filaments may play a role in the dengue virus serotype 2 (DV2) infection of ECV304 cell line, which was derived from human umbilical vein endothelial cells.───在正常ECV304细胞中,F-actin主要以应力纤维(stress fiber)的形式存在,广泛分布于细胞内,包括细胞边缘部分。 以MOI=10对细胞进行感染,感染5分钟内,细胞微丝出现了解聚;

17 、ScientistScientists at research centers around the world say they are making progress for toward vaccines to protect against dengue fever.───世界研究中心的科学家们表示,他们在预防登革热疫苗研究方面正有所进展。

18 、Scientists at research centers around the world say they are making progress toward vaccines to protect against dengue fever.───全世界各研究中心的科学家们称他们正在努力研制防治登革热的疫苗。

19 、This year nearly 200,000 dengue cases have already been reported, including 2,693 cases of DHF.At least 37 people have died, including 11 in Paraguay and 17 in Brazil.───今年已经报道了将近20000例,包括2693例登革出血热,至少37人死亡,包括11个巴拉圭人和17个巴西人。

20 、Out of more than 200 patients treated for dengue infection at these sites over two years, less than one percent fit all four criteria necessary to meet the WHO definition of DHF.───两年间在这些监测点中有超过200个病人接受了登革热感染的治疗,仅少于1%的病人符合WHO对DHF的所有诊断标准。

21 、Have you been to a dengue fever epidemic area recently?───你近期到过登革热疫区吗?

22 、How is dengue fever diagnosed?───如何诊断登革热?

23 、One of the implications of sensitization to DHF is that dengue vaccines need to elicit a balanced immunity to all four dengue serotypes.───DHF致敏作用的意义之一是:登革热疫苗需要对4种血清型的登革热病毒产生平衡的免疫性。

24 、Because dengue was long confined to the tropics, it remains a little-understood disease.───因为登革热病很长时期仅限于热带地区,所以它仍然是一种不被了解的病毒。

25 、At least three of the seven fatal cases had serological evidence of primary dengue infection.───7例死亡病例中至少有3例有感染登革热的血清学证据。

26 、Basing on the duration of gonotrophic cycle in different temperatures, the life expectation was in terms of physiological age suggesting that 25C is favorable for transmitting dengue fever.───不同温度的成蚊预期寿命,用生殖营养周期换算为生理龄期,更能说明寿命与流行病学的关系,并在五个实验温度中,25℃似乎更有利于登革热的传播。

27 、In November, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 1.───十一月份,登革热的呈报个案有1宗。

28 、The incidence of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding in patients with dengue fever varied from 8.4% to 58.5% in Taiwan.───在台湾,登革热合并上消化道出血的比例从8.4%到58.5%都有人报导过。

29 、In June, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2.───六月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。

30 、What is the treatment for dengue fever?───如何医治登革热?会有后遗症吗?

31 、For example, warming could change patterns of infection, enabling diseases such as malaria and dengue fever to spread outside their normally tropical zones.───例如,气候变暖可能改变疾病传染方式,像一些热带地区的常见疾病(疟疾和登革热)可能向其他地区传播。

32 、The Panels followed up the discussion with the Administration on measures to control the spread of dengue fever.───事务委员会跟进讨论政府当局控制登革热蔓延的措施。

33 、Learning more about how mosquitoes mate could help scientists invent ways to target mosquitoes in areas at risk for dengue fever.───学习更多关于蚊子是怎样交配的能帮助科学家们创造出方法来应对蚊子对登革热的危险。

34 、For example, the dengue fever virus takes about two weeks to incubate.───例如,登革热病毒在蚊子体内大约需要两个星期的培育孵化期。

35 、Encephalitis, malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and filariasis are transmitted to man and animals in various regions of the world through the bite of the mosquito.───世界上许多地区的脑炎、疟疾、黄热病、登革热、丝虫病即是通过蚊子叮咬而传染给人及动物的。

36 、Fatal DHF/dengue shock syndrome (DSS) does occur in adults and in primary dengue infection.───在成人和原发性登革热感染中,致死性的DHF/登革热休克综合征(DSS)确有发生。

37 、Defending Olympic badminton champion Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia has been hospitalized with dengue fever and it is uncertain whether he will defend his title at the Beijing Games.───奥运会羽毛球男单卫冕冠军陶菲克已确诊患上了登革热,目前正在住院治疗,并极有可能缺席奥运会。

38 、What should be done if I suspect that my family members or I have dengue fever?───如果我怀疑自己或家人感染登革热,应该怎办?

39 、The Panel discussed with the Administration the objectives and implementation plan of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2004, and the findings of the dengue vector surveillance programme in 2003.───事务委员会与政府当局讨论2004年灭蚊运动的目标和推行计划,以及2003年登革热病媒监察计划的结果。

40 、Guard against the breeding of mosquitoes to avoid dengue.───对滋生蚊虫要多加防範,以免得到骨痛热病.

41 、It is the major media for malaria and dengue fever.───埃及伊蚊是登革热病的传播媒介。

42 、Taiwan has long been affected by the transmission of dengue virus by mosquitoes.───多年来,台湾受登格热病毒传播影响,而蚊子是传播媒介。

43 、She came back with dengue fever and a copy of the kama sutra.─── 她回来时得了登革热 还带了本印度圣经

44 、What is dengue and how is it treated?───什么是登革热以及如何治疗?

45 、In 2002, for example, there was an outbreak in Southern Taiwan involving 5336 indigenous cases, 242 of which suffered from dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and 21 died.───2002年登革热席捲南台湾,全年本土确定病例数达5,336例,其中包括登革出血热242例,并有21名患者不幸死亡。

46 、Once infected with dengue fever, what are the possible complications?───感染登革热后,可能会出现甚么并发症?

47 、They spent three years adapting it to infect the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries dengue fever.───他们花了三年时间改造这个沃尔巴克氏体以使其适应埃及伊蚊,埃及伊蚊通常携带登革热。

48 、A Muslim woman falls asleep while sitting next to her daughter suffering from dengue fever at a hospital in Jakarta, Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004.───2月28日,在印度尼西亚首都雅加达一家医院里,一位母亲在照料患登革热的孩子时睡着。

49 、When a dengue fever patient is bitten by a vector mosquito, the mosquito is infected and it may spread the disease by biting other healthy people.───当登革热患者被病媒蚊叮咬后,病媒蚊便会染上病毒,再叮咬其他健康的人,便有机会将该病传播。

50 、Increase in international air travel is facilitating the rapid global movement of dengue viruses.───国际航空旅行的增多促使登革病毒在全球范围快速传播。

51 、The W.H.O. says dengue is spreading to new areas and producing major outbreaks.───世界卫生组织称,登革热正在向新的区域传播并且造成大面积暴发流行。

52 、The Panel discussed with the Administration the dengue fever situation and mosquito control strategy in Hong Kong.───事务委员会与政府当局讨论在香港发生登革热的情况及控制蚊患的策略。

53 、Children learn the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis at an Anti-Mosquito Campaign exhibition.───在灭蚊运动期间,儿童从展览中吸取有关预防登革热及日本脑炎的知识。

54 、The viral NS1 and E gene sequence were different between dengue virus type 2 Mawei strain and NGC strain.───DEN - 2贵州分离株和NGC株NS1、E基因区基因序列存在差异。

55 、Since the epidemic of dengue fever occurred in Pingtung area in the past few years, we conducted a study to investigate the epidemiology in this area in 2004.───鋻于这几年登革热的流行,屏东都有感染案例,因此进行本研究,将屏东地区2004年的登革热病毒感染流行病学进行分析报告。

56 、Ge C X, Chen G J, Huang J L.Amplification and cloning the full-length C gene and prM gene from dengue virus (NGC strain)[J].Chinese Journal of Zoonoses, 2002, 18(1): 5-7.───[5]葛春喜, 陈观今, 黄炯烈. 登革病毒(NGC株)C与PrM全长基因的扩增与克隆[J]. 中国**共患病杂志, 2002, 18(1): 5-7.

57 、Even to a physician like U.S. Army Capt.D.J. Doyle, the list of diseases in Afghanistan is frightening: typhoid fever, dengue fever, polio, cholera, leishmaniasis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.───伤寒

58 、Eighty-three preparations of immunofluorescence-positive monoclonal antibodies of four dengue (DEN) virus serotypes were identified by means of complement fixtion test (CF) and haemagglutination inhibition test (HI) run parallelly.───利用补体结合试验(CF)和血凝抑制试验(HI)对83份免疫荧光**的登革病毒单克隆抗体进行了鉴定,11份CF**,8份HI**。

59 、And they may experience pain in joints such as the elbow or knee.This kind of joint pain is the reason why dengue fever is sometimes known as breakbone fever.───他们可能感到肘部或膝盖处的关节疼痛,这类关节痛就是凳革热症有时叫做关节痛热。

60 、DV is a causative agent for dengue fever (DF) and/or dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS).───DV是登革热(dengue fever, DF)和登革出血热/休克综合症(dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome, DHF/DSS)的病原体。

61 、La salud de las personas es responsabilidad individual y comunitaria. Si cada uno asume este compromiso nos libraremos de dengue.───人们健康既是个人的责任也是社区的责任。如果每人都承担这种承诺,我们将远离登革。

62 、DOH said that from Jan. 1 to Aug. 29 this year, it has recorded 13,468 dengue cases nationwide.At least three deaths have been reported in rural area.───DOH说,从今年1月1日到8月29日,全国已有13468份登革热病例记录,在农村地区至少有三人死亡。

63 、The epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and prevention of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome are reviewed in this paper .───为加强对登革热的诊断与防治,本文对其流行病学、临床表现、诊断与预防进行了简要综述。

64 、Dengue virus infection causes a wide range of symptoms from an unapparent or mild disease (dengue fever, DF) to severe hemorrhagic form (dengue hemorrhagic fever, DHF, or dengue shock syndrome, DSS).───a登革病毒感染之后会产生症状轻微的登革热 (DF) 或是产生较严重的出血症状之登革出血热(DHF)与登革热休克症候群 (DSS)。

65 、There is no specific treatment for dengue fever.───对登革热没有特殊的治疗办法。

66 、In China, mosquito-borne infectious diseases include malaria, filarial, epidemic Japanese B encephalitis, and dengue fever.───我国蚊媒传染病有疟疾、丝虫、流行性乙型脑炎和登革热。

67 、For the safety of all passengers heading to tropical or sub-tropical areas, please take measures to prevent catching Dengue Fever.───为了各位旅客的安全,在前往热带及亚热带地方时,请采取预防登革热的措施

68 、We hypothesized that dengue virus NS1 elicited anti-DR4 fractions of auto-antibodies (anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs) could influence the endothelial cells.───我们假设登革病毒非结构蛋白NS1诱发的自体免疫性抗体(anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs) 会影响内皮细胞。

69 、We report a serologically confirmed dengue patient with UGI bleeding.Successful hemostasis was achieved after application of endoscopic hemoclip.───在此我们提出一位血清学证实为登革热的病患,在使用内视镜止血夹治疗后,成功止住消化性溃疡出血的个案。

70 、Dengue fever or one of the other rare blood disorders.─── 比如针对登革热 或是其他罕见的血液病

71 、In its most serious form, known as dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), it involves internal and external bleeding and can result in death.───它最严重的形式是登革出血热(DHF),造成内外大出血,并可以致死。

72 、Gene cloning, expression and immunological identification of a single chain antibody fragment 3D3 against Dengue type 3 virus Si Bingyin, Yang Peiying, Qin Ede, et al.───中华实验和临床病毒学杂志1998年第3期第12卷论著作者:司炳银杨佩英秦鄂德徐品芳于曼单位:100850北京军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所...

73 、Similarly, Maldives has received support for their social mobilization activities on dengue vector control.───同样,马尔代夫已就其登革热媒介控制的社会动员活动获得支持。

74 、When will symptoms be developed after infection with dengue virus?───感染登革热病毒后,何时会出现病徵?

75 、Our Department went on high alert following an outbreak of dengue fever, and a territory-wide anti-mosquito campaign was quickly put into action.───在登革热刚出现之际,本署即提高警觉,迅速推行全港灭蚊运动。

76 、The World Health Organization says 40-percent of the world is at risk from dengue.───世界卫生组织说,全世界有40%的人面临登革热的威胁。

77 、To construct the recombinant SFV containing the PrM E gene, the SFV expression vector DNA, which contained the PrM E gene of Chinese dengue 2 virus, and the helper vector DNA were linearized and transcribed in vitro , respectively.───为构建含PrM E基因的重组SFV病毒 ,将含我国登革 2型病毒PrM E基因的SFV表达载体和辅助载体DNA线性化后 ,进行体外转录 .

78 、The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus.───作为对照的黄热病毒疫苗株17D、登革1~4型病毒、日本脑炎病毒、西尼罗病毒Chin-01株结果均为阴性,证明该体系具有良好的特异性。

79 、DNA sequence of the isolated virus showed 97%,97%and 98%homology with those of dengue virus type 1 strains of dengue hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Cambodia,in China 1997 and 1999 respectively.───基因序列分析表明,2003年流行株与登革1型病毒柬埔寨流行株及我国1997、1999年登革1型病毒流行株的同源性最高,分别为97%、97%、98%。

80 、They also spread dangerous diseases such as dengue fever, which affects more than fifty million people every year.───他们还传播危险的疾病,如登革热,该疾每年病影响了超过五千万人。

81 、In March, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2.───三月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。

82 、During the war,Sabin's vaccines protected thousands of U.S.troops against such diseases as dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis.───二手轮胎的进口则将亚洲虎蚊引入美国,也是登革热的病媒蚊。

83 、Referring to vectorborne infectious diseases, Dr Tsang said the CHP has attached great importance to the prevention of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis.───对于透过病媒传播的疾病,曾医生指生防护中心十分重视预防登革热及日本脑炎的工作。













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