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06-28 投稿




英:[?b???wɑ:?zi:]  美:[?b?r?wɑ?zi]

英:  美:


n.中产阶级, 资产阶级


名词复数: bourgeoises |


middle class




1 、There is, of course, a clash of interests between the working class and the national bourgeoisie.───工人阶级的利益同民族资产阶级的利益也是有冲突的。

2 、What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers.───它首先生产的是它自身的掘墓人。

3 、With restrictions, the bourgeoisie have a bit of these freedoms, just a tiny bit.───在限制之下,资产阶级这些自由是有那么一点,小得很。

4 、In dealing with the national bourgeoisie,our Party has made both "Left" and Right mistakes.───所以在对待民族资产阶级方面,我们党有“左”的经验也有右的经验。

5 、MAO Dun has his unique literary creation inclination-writing for the petty bourgeoisie.───摘要茅质有自己独特的“为小资产阶级写作”的文学观;

6 、Generally speaking, the class attribute of the intelligent in former China was ranked as petty bourgeoisie.───摘要对于旧中国知识分子的阶级属性,一般认为是小资产阶级的。

7 、They are the very persons Sun Yat-sen spoke of as the bourgeoisie of modern states who oppress the common people.───孙中山所说压迫平民的近世各国的资产阶级,正是指的这些人。

8 、Hence we believe that in the present situation the attitude of the national bourgeoisie can change.───因为这些情况,我们认为民族资产阶级的态度,在今天的时局下,有起变化的可能性。

9 、Winning over the middle forces means winning over the middle bourgeoisie,the enlightened gentry and the regional power groups.───争取中间势力,就是争取中等资产阶级,争取开明绅士,争取地方实力派。

10 、During the late 19th century and the First World War, in the generally-launched bourgeoisie reformism movement, Arabic literature made rapid progress.───从19世纪后期到第一次世界大战期间,阿拉伯的文学和文论在普遍展开的资产阶级改良主义运动中, 得到了长足的发展。

11 、You must be happy now that you're bourgeoisie.─── 你一定很开心你现在是中产阶级了

12 、The cause underestimated is lain in1 Huang Xing is a bourgeoisie revolutionist, and is not proletarian revolutionist.───低估的原因在于:黄兴是资产阶级革命家,不是无产阶级革命家;

13 、Our policy towards the big bourgeoisie capitulationists is to treat them as enemies and resolutely strike them down.───我们对于大资产阶级投降派的政策是把他们当作敌人看待,坚决地打倒他们。

14 、In the present war the pro-Japanese big bourgeoisie (the capitulationists) have either surrendered or are preparing to surrender.───在抗日战争中,亲日派大资产阶级(投降派)已经投降,或准备投降了。

15 、So long as we avoid wrong executions, we don't have to worry even if the bourgeoisie raises an outcry.───只要我们不杀错,资产阶级虽有叫唤,也就不怕他们叫唤。

16 、To serve them,we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie.───我们要为他们服务,就必须站在无产阶级的立场上,而不能站在小资产阶级的立场上。

17 、The bourgeoisie then, as well as the statesmen, required a man who should express this word Halt.───因此,无论对资产阶级或对政治家们来说,都必须有一个人出来发布这个命令:立定。

18 、We have many comrades who are still not very clear on the difference between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie.───我们有许多同志还不大清楚无产阶级和小资产阶级的区别。

19 、Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution.───因此,中国的带买办性的大资产阶级历来都是革命的对象。

20 、Let us now analyse the different sections of the petty bourgeoisie other than the peasantry.───我们现在就来分析一下各种类型的没有把农民包括在内的小资产阶级。

21 、We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.───我们不能允许产生一个新的资产阶级。

22 、The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe.───不断扩大产品销路的需要,驱使资产阶级奔走于全球各地。

23 、For the Chinese people do not want such a government and would not welcome a one-class dictatorship by the bourgeoisie.───因为中国人民大家不要这种一个政府,而且不欢迎资产阶级一个阶级来专政。

24 、Therefore, Bentham said of the bourgeoisie is very smart and attractive.───因此边沁的说法对精明的资产阶级很富吸引力。

25 、Up to February this year we applied our policy towards the petty bourgeoisie fairly well.───对小资产阶级的政策,我们在今年二月以前,是执行得比较好的。

26 、With its birth begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie.───它反对资产阶级的斗争是和它的存在同时开始的。

27 、Although they have class contradictions with the peasants,they also have their contradictions with the big landlords and big bourgeoisie.───他们虽然同农民有阶级矛盾,但他们同大地主大资产阶级亦有矛盾。

28 、Were we to adopt this view and identify all the landlords and the bourgeoisie with the Kuomintang die-hards, we would isolate ourselves.───如果我们采取了这种看法,将一切地主资产阶级都看成和国民党顽固派一样,其结果将使我们自陷于孤立。

29 、Which part of the petty bourgeoisie do they chiefly represent?───他们主要代表小资产阶级范畴里哪一部分人呢?

30 、Hey, look, I know all about bourgeoisie cliches.─── 我对那套中产阶级的陈词滥调可熟悉了

31 、A considerable part of the petty bourgeoisie vacillates.───小资产阶级中间有相当大一部分人是动摇的。

32 、With victory, the people will be grateful to us and the bourgeoisie will come forward to flatter us.───因为胜利,人民感谢我们,资产阶级也会出来捧

33 、To serve them, we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie .───我们要为这四种人服务,就必须站在无产阶级的立场上,而不能站在小资产阶级的立场上。

34 、New technologies, new ideals, new gods, perhaps new barbarians, will challenge the final triumph of the bourgeoisie.───新的技术,新的理想,新的偶像,或许还有新的异己,都将是对中产阶级取得最后胜利的挑战。

35 、From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.───从这个市民等级中发展出最初的资产阶级分子。

36 、Discussion on the nature of contradictions between working class and bourgeoisie in transition period.───“过渡时期工人阶级和资产阶级矛盾性质”的讨论。

37 、Therefore, the big-character poster as an instrument favours the proletariat, not the bourgeoisie.───因此,大字报这个工具有利于无产阶级,不利于资产阶级。

38 、With the birth it begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie.───它的存在就是要同资产阶级斗争。

39 、By the Americans during the American Revolution and the bourgeoisie revolution in England.───北美独立战争和英国资产阶级革命。

40 、By the institutions and the ideology of the bourgeoisie, we only ask for compassion, for a fair share of the fruits of our labors.─── 根據學術和中產階級的 意識形態分析 我們只是尋求同情 只想公平地分享我們的勞動果實

41 、This section of the Chinese petty bourgeoisie took part in the revolution of 1924-27.───中国的这些小资产阶级成分曾经参加过一九二四年至一九二七年的革命。

42 、In other words,the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.───换句话说,中产阶级是法国大革命的产物。

43 、The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism.───启蒙运动实际上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式。

44 、Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.───他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。

45 、Don't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie.───别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。

46 、It is the bourgeoisie that will contend with us for leadership.───同我们争领导权的是资产阶级。

47 、The Chinese bourgeoisie, tied to foreign capital, was infected with feelings of inferiority and antiforeignism.───依附于外国资本的中国资产阶级既有民族自卑感,也有排外情绪。

48 、each carcass was divided: prime cuts went to nobility, second to the clergy, third to the bourgeoisie and fourth to the army.─── 每一具尸体都被分配如下 优质肉分给贵族 次优肉分给神职人员 三等肉分给中产阶级 四等肉分给军队

49 、The great landlords and the financiers had combined against the small bourgeoisie and the workers .───大地主和大资本家已经联合起来反对小资产阶级和工人。

50 、The old lion still roaring, still trying to provoke, to be relevant, stick it to the bourgeoisie, it doesn't scan.─── 老狮子仍咆哮着 试着挑衅它 沾上光 好让它牢牢地禁锢在资产阶级的身边 它从不细看

51 、The pro-Japanese section of the big bourgeoisie,having completely capitulated to Japan,is ready to play the puppet.───亲日派大资产阶级早已彻底投降日本,准备充当傀儡。

52 、The October Revolution overthrew the bourgeoisie, an event without precedent in world history.───十月革命推翻了资产阶级,这在世界上是个新鲜事情。

53 、Those are concerns for the petite bourgeoisie.─── 那些是小资产阶级关心的事

54 、Kang Youwei is the bourgeoisie reformist leader,also a poet of "the poem revolution".───康有为既为资产阶级改良派**,亦是“诗界革命”派诗人。

55 、So long as the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie do not completely turn traitor, this policy of ours will not change.───只要大地主大资产阶级一天没有完全叛变,我们的这个政策总是不会改变的。

56 、In the historical class, we came to know that national bourgeoisie is in a resigned position.───在历史课上我们了解到,民族资产阶级处在很无奈的地位。

57 、They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat.───他们愿意要资产阶级,但是不要无产阶级。

58 、Is it possible that a new bourgeoisie will emerge?───会不会产生新的资产阶级?

59 、The petty bourgeoisie is also demanding resistance.───中国的小资产阶级也是要反抗的。

60 、From then on the Kuomintang became the counter-revolutionary political party of the big landlords and big bourgeoisie.───从此,国民党基本上变成代表大地主大资产阶级的反动集团。

61 、The classical natural law has the profound influence on the establishment of bourgeoisie legal regime in modern times.───古典自然法对近代资产阶级法律制度的建立有着深刻的影响。

62 、Brand seems like“a embroidered pillow”, undistinguished but ambitious to exceed petty bourgeoisie.───品牌是平庸但又渴望超越小资们的一只绣花枕头。

63 、Hence these sections of the petty bourgeoisie constitute one of the motive forces of the revolution and are a reliable ally of the proletariat.───因此,这些小资产阶级是革命的动力之一,是无产阶级的可靠的同盟者。

64 、To be frank, we shall not permit the emergence of a new bourgeoisie.───坦率地说,我们不会容许产生新的资产阶级。

65 、Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a prudent policy towards the national bourgeoisie.───因此,对于民族资产阶级采取慎重的政策,是完全必要的。

66 、Mahinda, from Hambantota, represents the rural south, the Buddhist provincial bourgeoisie, rather than the urban elite.───一位来自汉班托塔的叫做曼达的人表示在他更愿意支持南部乡下的信仰佛教的地方中产阶级,而不是城市精英。

67 、The new bourgeoisie has created an enormous market, even if you ignore wild extrapolations about the future.───即使不对未来做粗略的推测,新兴中产阶级已经创造了一个巨大的市场。

68 、They are the loyal servants of the bourgeoisie.───他们是资产阶级的忠臣。

69 、The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie.───中世纪的城关市民等级和小农等级是现代资产阶级的前身。

70 、Literature and art for the bourgeoisie are bourgeois literature and art.───文艺是为资产阶级的,这是资产阶级的文艺。

71 、He started out as a stonemason, then a schoolteacher, before transforming himself into a thug philosopher advocating the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie.─── 起先靠当石匠谋生 后来又当上了教师 之后摇身一变 开始信奉暴力哲学 主张用暴力*资产阶级

72 、The attempt has been made, and wrongly, to make a class of the bourgeoisie.───人们错误地把资产阶级当作一个阶级。

73 、The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class, i.e. from the big bourgeoisie.───中等资产阶级就是除了买办阶级即大资产阶级以外的民族资产阶级。

74 、And nothing brings out the bourgeoisie quite like opening night at the theater.─── 没什么比剧院首演之夜 更能让资产阶级出动了

75 、A virile bourgeoisie contributes to nation's prosperity.───强而有力的中产阶级促进国家的繁荣。

76 、Though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle.───如果不就内容而就形式来说,无产阶级反对资产阶级的斗争首先是一国范围内的斗争。

77 、At one time the national bourgeoisie may take part in it,at another it may not.───在某一时期有民族资产阶级参加在内,而在另一时期则民族资产阶级并不参加在内。

78 、The rich peasants are the bourgeoisie in the countryside where very few people listen to them.───富农是农村的资产阶级,他们在农村说话没有什么人听。

79 、The bourgeoisie was cowardly.───当时的中产阶级很懦怯。

80 、In 1927 and for some time afterwards, the Chinese national bourgeoisie also followed the counter-revolution.───中国的民族资产阶级也曾在一九二七年及其以后的一个时期内一度附和过反革命。

81 、There, the task of the proletariat was to oppose the bourgeoisie, not to unite with it.───在那里,无产阶级的任务,是反对资产阶级,而不是联合它。

82 、Encroachment on any enterprise run by the national bourgeoisie is strictly prohibited.───一切民族资产阶级经营的企业,严禁侵犯。

83 、Politically,they stand for the establishment of a state under the rule of a single class,the national bourgeoisie.───他们的政治主张是,实现民族资产阶级一阶级统治的国家。

84 、Gth of the Newly born Bourgeoisie.───新兴资产阶级。

85 、Elizabeth is a courageous for seeking love,devastating look,clever,stong, and qute , bourgeoisie girl .───伊丽莎白是个勇于追求爱情、漂亮聪明、坚强可爱的中产阶级女子。

86 、The national bourgeoisie is not interested in fighting feudalism because it has close ties with the landlord class.───反对封建主义,民族资产阶级没有兴趣,因为他们和地主阶级有密切的联系。

87 、There is,of course,a clash of interests between the working class and the national bourgeoisie.───当然,工人阶级的利益同民族资产阶级的利益也是有冲突的。

88 、From the basis of the bourgeoisie?───从资产阶级的基础吗?


小布尔乔亚:即小资产阶级或小资阶级(petite bourgeoisie)。小资产阶级并不是指“小的资产阶级”、小企业主,而是指“小资产的阶级”、中下社会阶层。



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