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06-28 投稿




英:['ni:??]  美:['ni:o?]

英:  美:


pref. 表示“新的”;“现代的”


1 、Therefore, the present study was undertaken to explore the possibility of gene targeting in sheep fibroblasts by using myostatin as targeting gene, mAAT as the integrated gene and Neo as mark gene.───为此,本研究以myostatin基因为靶向基因,mAAT基因为目的基因,Neo基因为标记基因,对绵羊体细胞基因敲除进行了一系列探索性的研究。

2 、Neo - If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.───如果我是你,我希望我们不会再见面。

3 、A single spine can easily penetrate 2 cm of solid neo steel even at maximum range.───一发尖刺可以轻易穿透2公分的固态合金装甲, 即使是在最远的距离.

4 、Conservatism, Kristol-style, acquired a “neo”.───克氏风格的保守主义被冠以“新”这个前缀。

5 、Neo - Eurasianism as a Trend of Thought and Eurasian Party In Russia───俄罗斯的新欧亚主义思潮与欧亚党

6 、Garbage Truck After Neo dies, he is placed on the back of a machine that carts him off into the machine city.───尼奥死了以后,他就被放在机器的背后带到机器城。

7 、Erich Fromm is one of the most famous figures of Frankfort School and Neo--Freudism in the 20th century.───埃里希·弗洛姆是20世纪法兰克福学派和新弗洛伊德主义的主要代表人物之一。

8 、What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dreamworld and the real world? ?───neo,如果你不能从那个梦中醒过来怎么办?你如何来区分梦幻世界和现实世界之间的区别?

9 、Neo: There are only two possible explanations, either no one told me, or no one knows.───只有两个可能,要么没人告诉我,或者没人知道。

10 、Strong element of neo colonialism persist in the economic relation of the rich and poor countries.───富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留著浓厚的新殖民主义性质。

11 、They are trying to replace old colonialism with neo - colonialism.───他们企图以新殖民主义代替老殖民主义。

12 、One as neo pragmatism representative personage, Richard Rorty pays more attention to the person as well as person's life, he proposed“ the new personality” that set up on the Neo-pragmatism concept.───作为新实用主义的代表人物之一,罗蒂更加关注人以及人的生活,他在新实用主义的理论基础上提出了“新人”这个概念。

13 、LF (4 ohms) - dual 10-inch reflex neo.───低频(4欧姆)-双10英寸反射新.

14 、Two Neo Shifters cornbine forces to create the Split Shifter,the ultimate Tank-Walker and Robo Attack Drone to outpower the Ternplars.───两款武士镭射机器人结合力量创造出狙击::战神,并可以分别变形为终极坦克漫步者和雄蜂攻击者,力量强过战士.

15 、Agio Kosmas Olympic Sailing Centre-Marina Neo Faliro───奥运帆船中心-新法里诺码头

16 、Nordic neo noir dramas have us glued to our screens.─── 北欧的黑色电视剧看得我们目不转睛

17 、Playing to the actor's strengths, the Wachowskis have made Neo in the mode of Western heroes played by Gary Cooper (news) and Alan Ladd -- strong, silent men who do what they have to do.───可能,赌注存在于骇客帝国的很多爱好者将在很长的角色介绍和进一步的对哲学领域的放大中等待;而最终的战斗将取胜从而能为“革命”作铺垫;

18 、Fen was then also a fa- mous neo - Confucian.───冯先生后来又成了一位著名的新儒家。

19 、Costa, P. T., Jr . &McCrae, R. R., Revised NEO Personality Inventory and NEO Five -Factor Inventory: Professional Manual. FL : Psychological Assessment Resources, 1992.───吴济辉,企业员工在线上学习行为与学习成果关系之研究,辅仁大学资讯管理学系,2003。

20 、Neo: What is the Matrix?───尼奥:“矩阵”(**译为“母体”)是什么?

21 、Following years of experiment and experience accumulation, a painting style of so-called “neo inkwash” has come into being, a delightful result in a stage.───历经数年实验与积累,一种可称为“新水墨”的画风已雏形略具,这是阶段性的喜人成果。

22 、Additionally, an insertion vector pM-AAT was constructed by cloning the mAAT gene into the modified pLoxP-1.4K-4.3K vector, downstream of the neo gene and upstream of the right homology arms.───将mAA基因序列连接到酶切位点被修饰的pLOxp·1.4K43K A体的Mo基因后、同源右臂前,得到一个**入型打靶载体pM·AAT。

23 、Discovery and Study of the Neo - lithic Archaeo logic Culture in Guyuan───固原新石器考古文化的发现与研究

24 、Underneath this style, the rising and vicissitude of the neo school of Hangzhou food is concealed, which is also in accompaniment of the unique idea of Sir. Zhang's.───在这种风情之下,掩藏着新派杭菜在时代潮流中的兴起与变迁,以及张生记独树一帜的美食主张。

25 、Former member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance.Apsala joined the Walsta Liberation Army when the two forces made an alliance.───前新瓦尔斯塔解放同盟的成员,当瓦尔斯塔的两大组织合盟时,阿芙萨拉也归并入了瓦尔斯塔解放军名下。

26 、A Cultural Interpretation of Modem Neo - Mohism───“现代新墨家”的文化解读

27 、Neo: You haven answered my question.───你还没回答我的问题。

28 、In the sequels, Weaving's Agent Smith has the ability to replicate, which means 100 of him take on Reeves's Neo.───在续集中,维文扮演的ASmith拥有了自我复制的能力,这意味着将有100个他来对付里维斯的Neo。

29 、A new world of magic and mechanical coexisting, Neo Steam GM of the team.───一个新的世界魔法和机械并存的,新蒸汽通用汽车的团队。

30 、Neo - This is about Zion.───你指的是锡安。

31 、It's all overrated the neos, the pointillists.─── 都过誉了 新印象派画家 点彩派画家

32 、You have to let it all go, Neo .Fear......doubt and disbelief .Free your mind.───你得摆脱一切,尼欧。恐惧、犹豫和怀疑。解放你的心灵。

33 、So at maximum RPM the total lifting capacity of the VERT-LEVS give us a new lift rating in this particular neo concept aircraft in question, known as VLT max.───因此,在最高转速的垂直总起重能力列弗让我们在这个问题,特别是新概念飞机作为VLT最大名优新电梯评级。

34 、Why'd you say that? I told you to shut up. (Runs out of his chair and tackles Neo through the door while shouting: I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!───你为什么要说话?我叫你闭嘴!(冲向左边的门,我叫你闭嘴!

35 、Neo: This... this isn't the Matrix?───尼奥:这...这不是在矩阵中吗?

36 、Neo - Confucianism exclusion policy───南宋“禁学”

37 、The subclone bladder carcinoma cell lines,stably expressing bcl-2 and neo gene respectively,were successfully selected, named as BIU87/bcl-2 and BIU87/neo.───建立分别稳定表达bcl-2基因、新霉素抗性基因(neo)的膀胱癌亚克隆细胞株BIU87/bcl-2、BIU87/neo。

38 、Neo stopped Jack Bauers bullets, Jack then kicked his ass back to realty... then he fucked Trinity.───尼欧挡下了杰克鲍尔的子弹,杰克把他踹出母体,然后上了崔妮蒂。

39 、Neo -Confucianism in the Yuan Dynasty───元**学

40 、They are believed to be the lawyer Terentius Neo and his wife.───他们被认为是法官特兰提乌斯-尼奥和他的妻子。

41 、It exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call "The Matrix." You've been living in a dream world, Neo.───弗洛伊德,荣格和阿德勒如果知道这个故事,他们一定会很忧愁,因为他们毕生都在解释别人的梦。

42 、Today’s handheld cameras, phones, music players and organizers3 pack power into tiny, cheap space and offer features so similar it can be hard to distinguish a Neo from a Treo.───今天的各种手持式相机、手机、音乐播放器和笔记本电脑把多种功能塞进极小的廉价空间之中,其所提供的特色十分雷同,使人良莠难分。

43 、Neo was a oncedutiful soldier who has a disagreement with a ranking officer and decides to finally stand up and say something.─── 尼奥曾经是一名尽职尽责的士兵 他和一名高级军官出现了分歧 最终决定站出来说些什么

44 、What any "neo"-classicism depends on most fundamentally is a consensus about a body of work that has achieved canonic status (illustration, below).These are the "classics.───对于19世纪这个政治、经济、社会皆飞速变化的时代来说,其最显著的结果就是富裕的中产阶级的剧增。

45 、Angel Blade - Neo Tokyo Guardians───天使之刃

46 、Explanation of Fengshui by Master Neo.───听一听梁正觉师傅解说风水.

47 、Former member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance.Joined the Walsta Liberation Army when the two forces made an alliance.───前新瓦尔斯塔解放同盟的成员,当瓦尔斯塔的两大组织合盟时,佩顿也归并入了瓦尔斯塔解放军名下。

48 、There is only one way to save our city, Neo.───只有一个办法能够救我们的城市,尼奥。

49 、When you've quite finished talking among yourselves,I'll continue to tell you about subtleties of neo - classical architecture.───当你们静下来后,我将继续为你们讲解新古典主义建筑精美之处。

50 、When Neo became blind? Can blind Neo find me? So I am Morphis. Who is Morphis? Does he see Neo blind?───尼奥什么时候瞎的瞎的尼奥看得到我吗那么我是墨菲斯谁是墨菲斯他看见了吗?

51 、Neo: So is this the same Oracle that made the prophecy?───(那么,这位先知也就是发表预言的那位?

52 、Here's another deal. You give me Neo, or we all die right here, right now.───不如我们另做一笔交易:你给我尼奥,要不我们全都马上死在这里。

53 、Netkiler or Neo.chen or neo.───chan 都被人注册了。。

54 、What's all the more remarkable is the fact that this book was written at the advent of this development, and the author well understood what it portended.Time to wake up, Neo.───大家在论坛遇到问题发站内**给我,很可能无法及时回复,最好再发一封**给其它版主。

55 、Priviminary Research on Neo Archean Lower Continental Crust(Lower Crust) and Its Nature───冀西北新太古代下部陆壳及其性质初探

56 、Neo: You haven't answered my question.───你还没回答我的问题呢。

57 、FUJI New Middle Type NEO SC Series Electromagnetic Contactor───富士新中型NEO SC系列电磁接触器

58 、The Confucian monotheism, deviating from the Neo - Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values, constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries.───儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。

59 、The integration of neo gene had been identified through the───SYBR荧光定量PCR初步确定neo基因的模板拷贝数很高。

60 、Neo Domino seems fit to entertain itself with a wild new event called "Riding Duels", the newest form of playing the ever popular Duel Monsters card game.───在二龙之战中忽然出现的神秘红龙,让游星的手臂浮现出了龙之痣。

61 、A Comparison of Preliminary Socialism and Neo - Democratism and the Significance───关于社会主义初级阶段与新民主主义异同的比较及其现实意义

62 、Costner was apparently considered for the role of Neo (seriously).───凯文被慎重考虑出演Neo角色。

63 、The answer is out there, Neo .It's looking for you .And it will find you......if you want it to.───世上一定有答案,尼欧。它在寻找你。只要你愿意,它就会找到你。

64 、290 bp Neo gene band was discovered by nest primer RT-PCR in all the samples.───套式RT -PCR检测Neo基因 ,第 2轮后全部出现 2 90bp条带 ;

65 、Neo: Do you want to do it yourself or do you want us to do the installation for you?───尼欧:你是要自己组还是我们来安装?

66 、A Reflection on the Morphology of Classical "Model Calligraphy" and the Concept of "Neo Model Calligraphy"───对古典"帖学"史形态的反思与"新帖学"概念的提出

67 、Xiao Youmei, As A Critic of Neo - music───作为新音乐批评家的萧友梅

68 、pure neo - classical paradigm───“纯粹”的新古典范式

69 、LF (12 ohms) - single 8-inch horn-loaded neo.───低频(12欧姆)-单8英寸喇叭加载。

70 、Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real?───尼奥,你曾经做过这样的梦吗,你坚信不移的东西都是真的吗?

71 、WPP acquired HyLink Advertising in 2005, and Ogilvy China under WPP acquired Neo@Ogilvy.com.───WPP于2005年收购了华扬联众,旗下的奥美中国又于2006年收购世纪华美。

72 、Modernizational View of Neo - Confucianism───儒学现代化观

73 、the relationship was not clear between jealousy and extroversion dimension of NEO PI R;───开放性维度、顺同性维度和严谨性维度与嫉妒关系并不密切。

74 、Please, just listen .I know why you're here, Neo .I know what you've been doing .───听我说,我知道你来的目的,还有你在做什么。

75 、"Neo" is a combining form in words like "neocolonialism".───“neo”在“neocolonialism”一词中是一个构词成分。

76 、One is a time-frequency distribution based EMD, the other is nonlinear energy operator (NEO) based on EMD, and both of them have good results in epileptic EEG signal processing.───一个是基于EMD的时频分布,另一个是基于EMD的非线性能量算子(NEO)方法,其在癫痫脑电信号的处理中都取得了比较好的效果。

77 、The Architect - Hello, Neo.───建造者:你好,Neo ...

78 、Neo - You haven""t answered my question.───你还没有回答我的问题。

79 、Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real?───你曾做过一种梦,彷佛实实在在的发生过?

80 、Are you listening to me, Neo?───你在听还是在看红衣女郎?

81 、Stronger Neo - Minophagen C (SNMC)───复方甘草酸苷

82 、Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why?───尼欧?程式入侵程式。为什麽?

83 、SmtpMail.Send("neosdk@msn.com", "neo@netsdk.com", "Hello", "haa");───参数依次:发送人,接受人,主题,内容





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