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06-28 投稿




英:['l?b?r?l]  美:[?l?b?r?l, ?l?br?l]

英:  美:



adj.慷慨的, 大方的, 开明的, 自由主义的


n.自由主义者, 开明的人


名词: liberalness | 副词: liberally |


copious | openhanded | moderate | freethinking | extensive | advanced | freehanded | extravagant | cosmopolitan | plentiful | broad | large-minded | large | bounteous | unselfish | bighearted | laissez-faire | considerable | generous | handsome | progressive | giving | open-minded | loose | left | free | benevolent | tolerant | substantial | abundant | profuse | broad-minded | liberalist | ample | lavish | catholic | bountiful | big | expansive


compulsory | conservative | dogmatic


limousine liberal


1 、Have you bargained for more resources for Liberal Studies? Why?───你有否尝试过争取更多的通识教育科资讯?为什麽?

2 、His rise to power heralded the end of the liberal era .───他的掌权预示着自由主义时代的结束。

3 、LOL, liberal protesters who don't know what they are talking about.───大笑)这些自由主义抗议者没搞清楚他们在讲的什么。

4 、Her allowance is very liberal.───她的津贴很充足。

5 、His views lack consistency: one day he's a conservative, the next he's a liberal.───他的观点缺乏一贯性: 时而保守,时而开明。

6 、She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money.───她轻诺而手紧。

7 、An intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendancy.───反对任何自由主义倾向的固执的保守派。

8 、Every community is called to be an instrument for the liberation, the liberation and promotion of the poor.─── 我们号召所有群体 为解放贡献力量 为了贫苦之人的解放和福祉贡献力量

9 、He means to offer liberal payment for permission to lodge at the Heights.───他打算慷慨解囊以便住在山庄。

10 、He would find our bookhouse a liberal house, and so forth.───他会发现,我们的书店是慷慨大方的;如此等等。

11 、There was decidedly a very liberal measure of play in her.───她的性格里显然有相当多爱闹着玩儿的成份。

12 、Liberal in giving or sharing.───大方的慷慨给予的或分享的

13 、From the first he had the notion that liberal spending was better.───他一开始就认为花钱大方比较好。

14 、He liked to think of himself as a liberal.───他喜欢把自己视为开明的人。

15 、Can't be translated into the liberal terms.─── 也不能被解读为有自由主义的条款

16 、At home, he pledges to forge ahead with liberal reforms.───在国内,他承诺要推行开明的改革政策。

17 、He returned from abroad with very liberal ideas.───他带着非常开明的思想从国外回来了。

18 、He is liberal in his view on government.───他对政体的看法是属于自由主义的.

19 、A liberal award policy is simply good management.───丰富的奖酬政策确实是一个好的手段。

20 、English: Poor and liberal, rich and covetous.───中文:穷人常大方,富人反贪婪。

21 、They disagreed on how to define “liberal”.───他们对如何解释“liberal”一词的词义有不同意见。

22 、Youll also find a variety of liberal arts offerings online.───你也同样可以从网络上找到各种各样的文科课程。

23 、The higher division of the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages, composed of geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music.───四门高级学科中世纪七个文科中较高的门类,由几何、天文、算术以及音乐组成

24 、He declared himself (to be) a member of the Liberal Party.───他自称是自由党人。

25 、But not before he liberated the belt.─── 但是在那之前他把皮带拿了出来

26 、Compared with Mr Ivanov and Mr Zubkov, he looks liberal.───与伊万诺夫和祖布科夫相比较,梅德韦捷夫更加自由化。

27 、The speaker lashed into Liberal government.───发言人猛烈抨击自由党政府。

28 、The public interest in a liberal disclosure policy is generally strong.───在宽松的披露政策里,公众利益的位置极为重要。

29 、A white, well-educated, moderately affluent, liberal, suburban professional.───受过良好教育、比较富裕、思想开明、住在郊区的白人专业人员。

30 、It is a release of fear. It liberates you.─── 这是恐惧的释放 让你解放了

31 、Why, George Babbitt, you're about as broad-minded and liberal as a razor-blade.───嘿,乔治·巴比特,你跟剃刀口那么宽宏大量,通情达理。

32 、He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology.───他想多了解有关神学上不拘泥教条的自由主义。

33 、They were liberal in their help.───他们慷慨相助。

34 、That's the whole point of the women's liberation movement to be liberated from men.─── 那就是女性解放运动的意义所在 要摆脱男性

35 、The litmus test of a liberal regime must surely be the freedom of the individual from arbitrary arrest and punishment.───个人不会受到随意逮捕或惩罚,这无疑是检验自由政权的试金石。

36 、They are brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s.───他们在六十年代盛行的自由气氛中长大。

37 、He is a man of liberal views.───他是个思想观点开朗的人。

38 、Everything in her household arrangements was conducted on the most liberal plan.───她的一切家务都是根据最自由的计划安排的。

39 、He is liberal in his views.───他对事物的看法豁达。

40 、Do you agree with the NSS Liberal Studies be a core subject? Why?───你赞成通识教育科成为新高中课程的核心科目吗?为什麽?

41 、We missed last time with Liberal Team, Expect next chance!───上次跟自由者队无缘碰面,期待下次机会!

42 、Beijing University is best liberal arts school, answer dawn is very good also.───北大是最好的文科学校,复旦也很好。

43 、She was invited to stand as the Liberal candidate.───她被邀请做自由党候选人。

44 、He was liberal in mind and stout of body, and always looked young.───他这个人心宽体胖,总不显老。

45 、No liberal sun no Halloween.───不为慷慨的太阳,也不为万圣节前夕。

46 、He was a liberal giver to charities.───他是一位对慈善事业慷慨解囊的施舍者。

47 、His rise to power herald the end of the liberal era.───他的掌权预示著自由主义时代的结束。

48 、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al.───她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

49 、He was adopted as a Liberal parliamentary candidate.───他被选为自由党议员候选人。

50 、Many of the more liberal elements of the party coalesced behind him.───党内许多更为开朗的人士联合起来支持他。

51 、Fae: Oh, there she goes again with that liberal duck and parry.───喔,她又来这招自由主义者的讬辞了。

52 、So far, so much liberal boilerplate.───到目前为止,已出现多种自由争论。

53 、His painting is unbound and liberal.───他的画,画得很随意,很自由!

54 、She's the most liberal judge in the county.─── 她是全县最随心所欲的法官

55 、That you were not liberating the people, you were destroying them.─── 说你不是在解放人们 而是在摧毁他们

56 、They exhibit the range of the liberal arts.───他们开示了一套君子之道。

57 、The Republicans are trying to unseat the liberal democrat.───共和党正努力罢免自由党的人。

58 、You must make a liberal allowance for unforeseen circumstances.───你必须充分考虑到预料不到的情况。

59 、He was Conservative in sentiment but Liberal in opinion .───他在感情上是保守派但在思想上是自由派。

60 、They want their child to have a liberal education.───他们要他们的孩子接受通才教育.

61 、Far from being a reactionary his actually quite liberal in his views.───他根本不是反动分子,实际上他的观点相当开朗。

62 、Today, many liberal democracies do not have the death penalty.───今天,许多自由民主国家已没有死刑。

63 、A deep commitment to liberal policies;a profound commitment to the family.───为自由主义政策奉献;对家庭由衷的奉献

64 、He's a liberal, he's like you and me.─── 他是自由派 和我们一伙的

65 、He stood as a liberal candidate in the general election.───在大选中他当自由党的候选人。

66 、To which party does your member of Parliament belong Liberal.───你的国会议员属於哪个政党自由党。

67 、South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias.───南部公园保守分子:反对新闻自由党偏见的斗争?

68 、The "Nation" and other such liberal journals were equally bitter.───《民族》及其它开明杂志同样痛恨不已。

69 、He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.───他对离婚和再婚看得很开。

70 、Blanket laws banning headscarves are hardly a liberal solution.───仅靠法律禁戴头巾并不是自由主义的解决方法。

71 、He put in a liberal supply of coal for the winter.───他储存了足量的煤以便过冬。

72 、He is liberal with his money and buys a lot of presents.───他对钱毫不吝惜,买了许多礼物。

73 、The liberal arts are not merely indispensable; they are unavoidable.───君子之道不仅绝对必须,还不可避免。

74 、How many candidates in the Liberal Party running in the general election ?───在这次普选中,自由党有多少候选人竞选?

75 、A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.───人文学科学问的一种非科学分支;文科的一个(学科)

76 、Are you a Liberal or a Conservative?───你是自由党党员还是保守党党员?

77 、I'm liberal and all, but, like, they don't get it.─── 我是不在意 但是 他们不懂

78 、He camped on the liberal side.───他加入自由主义的阵营。

79 、She is very liberal with her money.───她用钱很大方。

80 、"Pricing" means mainly "good" loan rates and liberal loan policies.───“价格”主要指优惠贷款利率和宽松的贷款政策。

81 、He is of a liberal disposition.───他性格开放。

82 、She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.───她正在寻求对女儿更自由的探视权。

83 、She had a liberal, full rimmed mouth.───她的嘴巴宽阔,嘴唇丰厚。

84 、Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom.───她的父母很开明,让她享有许多的自由。

85 、He is liberal with his money.───他用钱慷慨。

86 、Well, it's not because I'm a liberal.─── 这不是因为我是一个自由派的律师

87 、He plumped for the Liberal candidate.───他投了自由党候选人的票。

88 、His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement.───他的颠覆行为将使整个自由运动丧失信誉。

89 、But we should not insist that China will turn into a liberal democracy.───但我们不应该坚持认为中国将变成自由民主体。

90 、Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats.───两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

liberal arts education是什么意思?

liberal arts education



{$i} Some Thoughts on Liberal Arts Education and Second Classroom Development for Medical School Students


{$i} Research and Practice of Construction of Teachers 'Troop on Comprehensive Liberal Arts Education's Speciality



liberal professions [词典] [经] 自由职业; [例句]I live in Beijing, the liberal professions, hobbies, photography, editing done.我生活在北京,自由职业,爱好摄影,做过编辑。

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