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06-28 投稿




英:['s?nju:]  美:[?s?nju]

英:  美:


vt. 赋予力量, 支持

n. 肌肉, 精力, 原动力


动词过去分词: sinewed | 动词现在分词: sinewing | 动词第三人称单数: sinews | 动词过去式: sinewed |


1 、3.All tough sinew, she looked like a hawk eyeing its prey.───她长着一身结实的肌肉,看上去像一只盯着猎物的鹰。

2 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'───只要你即使在身心衰弱之时,为了未竟事业依然奋力前驱,坚决顶住,在徒剩躯壳一具时,除了意志依然在高喊“顶住”;

3 、Result: There is glass appearance in the sinew and fibrocartilage in the terminal structure of the SD rats in the modeling group;───结果:造模组大鼠的末端区的结构出现腱内和纤维软骨区的玻璃样变;

4 、This article studies the connotation,source,contents and function of sinew changing technique.───考证传统功法易筋经的含义、起源、内容与作用。

5 、A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew of our own innate savagery.─── 像一层皮肤 覆盖着我们的骨血肌腱 包裹着我们内心的野性

6 、"Aurax, your journey is at an end.. Tomorrow I shall take your flesh apart one sinew at a time and the world will see who is master of all. DEMONUMINON!!!!!."───你的旅行到了终点。明天我会从你身上割下你的肉的,世界将会看到谁是万物的主人。是DEMONUMINON!!!!!

7 、Because I knew that you are obstinate, And your neck is an iron sinew, And your forehead brass;───4因为我素来知道你是顽梗的,你的颈项是铁筋,你的额是铜的;

8 、antelope sinew───羚羊腱

9 、roe's sinew───狍筋

10 、back sinew───[医] 背侧腱, 腿后腱

11 、deer rs sinew───鹿筋

12 、Research of Fuyuan Mixture on Simple Obesity Rats'Losing Weight and Fat and Increasing Sinew───复元液合剂对单纯性肥胖大鼠减脂降重提高体能的研究

13 、The rotator cuff is a sleeve-shaped structure which is wrapping the humeral bone,also made up of the sinew in the supraspinatus muscle、infraspinatus muscle、lower-scapular muscle and knolls muscle.───肩袖是由冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌和小圆肌的肌腱构成的包裹肱骨头的袖套样结构。

14 、Her exquisitely painted hands, drawn with an accurate knowledge of the structure of bone and sinew are crossed in her lap as a sign of humility and submission.───她的双手交叉放在膝上,表现出谦卑和顺从。这双手画得极其完美,说明作者对骨胳和肌肉结构有精确的了解。

15 、On one side of the handle, an air bubble had developed between sinew and wood core.───去掉两端的线后从弓把到弓梢是18英寸的反曲形.

16 、Behold He hath said it shall be so, and therefore, like Jacob, prevailing in prayer, I go forward though my sinew be shrunk.───祂已经应许要拯救我这软弱瘸腿的,所以,让我们像雅各那样,虽然大腿筋扭到了,仍然在祷告中奋力,走完天路!

17 、The sinew, the soft meat, the dark blood coarsing within!───软软的肉,皮肤,在其之下奔流的黑暗之血!

18 、It is argued that sinew changing technique refers to some specific exercise used to train the body and enhance the body;───认为易筋经是指通过一些特定的方法来锻炼身体、增强功能。

19 、KJV] Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank.───[新译]因此,以色列人直到现在都不吃大腿窝上的筋,因为那人在雅各的大腿窝上的筋打了一下。

20 、Sinew means the source or mainstay of vitality and strength.───指的是力量源泉活力和力量的来源和主要支柱。它主要用于复数中。

21 、SPACE technology has been a sinew of military power ever since the Soviet Union shocked America into the space race when it launched Sputnik 1 into orbit 51 years ago.───51年前苏联将1号人造地球卫星发射上轨,此举使美国大为震惊并引发了太空竞争;

22 、Foot part sinew breaks , how long can go to the fields walking? How long can be recovered?───脚部肌腱断裂,多久能下地走路?多久能痊愈?

23 、to sinew glass with wires───用铁丝做芯体玻璃牢固

24 、Stewed sinew in brown sauce───红烧蹄筋

25 、Money is the sinew of love as well as war.───爱情与战争,哪样都需要钱财的支撑。

26 、sinew weeping───腱鞘囊肿

27 、We're all made of the same thing nerves, sinew, the levers, the pulleys.─── 我们都由相同的东西构成 神经 肌腱 杠杆 滑轮

28 、All tough sinew, she looked like a hawk eyeing prey.───她肌肉强健,看上去像只老鹰盯着它的猎物。

29 、Conclusion: The "electric shock jump" is the feasible way of establishing the rat and the animals models of sinew enthesiopathy.───结论:“电击跳跃法”是建立大鼠跟腱末端病动物模型可行的方法。

30 、get one's sinew [tendon] sprained───扭了筋

31 、He strained every sinew to help us, but didn't succeed.───他尽全力帮助我们,可是没有成功。

32 、4 Because I know that you are stubborn and that your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead bronze,───因为我知道你是顽固的,你的颈项似铁杠,你的额是铜制的,

33 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,───如果你已一无所有

34 、It just exploded into this fireball of turkey flesh and bones sinew.─── 飞流直下三千尺 疑是火鸡落九天

35 、Deer sinew contains high level of deer blood.Research has found that procedure, which can keep more deer blood in deer sinew when processing, is the key to deer sinew product quality.───对久患风湿、关节痛,腰脊疼痛,筋骨疲乏或软弱无力,步履艰难,手足无力,手脚抽筋,跌打劳损、筋骨酸痛等疗效显著。

36 、of gold. Money is the sinew of love as well as war.───爱情往往没有金钱来的牢靠。金钱是爱情和战争的原动力。

37 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them :"Hold on!"───如果你能强迫沉寂自己的心智、精力和体力,在别人都离去后,使你仍能持久坚守永不放弃,即使当你的内心空无一物,只有意志力告诉自己:“坚持!”

38 、Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass;───赛[48:4]因为我素来知道你是顽梗的,你的颈项是铁的,你的额是铜的,

39 、Talk about passing the sinew theory in application with clinical acupuncture and moxibustion lightly───浅谈经筋理论在针灸临床的应用

40 、weeping sinew───[医] 腱鞘囊肿(手背)

41 、In addition, I bound the handle and ear areas some more to hold down the sinew.───我额外地绑扎把手和耳的地方固定筋腱.

42 、Every cell and tissue, every bone and sinew, every organ and muscle in your entire body is subject to the control of your subconscious mind.───(你全身的每个细胞和身体组织、每根骨骼和肌腱、每个器官和肌肉都是受你的潜意识的控制。

43 、However,practicing sinew changing technique can really improve the bones and tendons,strengthen the organs.───通过易筋经的锻炼确实能变易筋骨、强壮内腑。

44 、It gives a brief introduce on working theory, combination of proventing soil wall with sinew soil and on structure material, calculation of proveuting soil plank, tensil sinew, restuffing material.───文中对加筋土挡土墙的工作原理、组成以及挡土板、拉筋、回填料的结构、材料与计算作了概括介绍。

45 、While many nations are straining every sinew to give industry a leg-up, China is doing the opposite.───在许多国家竭尽全力要助工业一臂之力之际,中国正反其道而行之。

46 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothin in you Except the Will which says to them:"Hold on!"───如果你能迫使自己,在别人走后,长久坚守阵地,在你心中已空荡荡无一物’只有意志告诉你“坚持!”

47 、Deer's tail sinew mushrooms frog's egg red ginseng.───鹿肉,鹿鞭,鹿筋,牛肝菌,裙边,雪蛤,红参

48 、to sinew someone to overcome himself───鼓励某人去战胜自我

49 、.. farming this area is because mobs such as Cobalt Magweavers and Scalebanes tend to drop Mature Blue Dragon Sinew ....───[转贴]合逻辑的事不一定是对的 - 吉米丘上的海盗乐园 - 吉米丘上的海盗乐园 .

50 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothin in you except the Will which says to them:”Hold on!”;───假如你能,在运气不佳身心俱疲之时,仍能全力以赴抓住机遇,在一无所有只剩意志支撑的时刻,咬牙坚持到底。

51 、The volatilization of sintering aid Ni decreases by controlling the vacuum during sintering ,so this can increase the density of the sinew of TiC skeleton.───通过控制烧结真空度以减少金属助烧剂Ni的挥发 ,可以增加碳化钛骨架筋的致密度。

52 、light deer rs sinew───明鹿筋

53 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone,───如果你的心智和筋骨,早已丧失,而仍能由你强制运用,

54 、The skeleton coalesced into an older man with parchment skin and absolutely no flesh and sinew beneath the thin veil of life.───皮包骨头的老头子身上没一星半点的肉,也没半点精神头。

55 、The taste of blood and bone and sinew was on his tongue, and his ears rang to the song of the hundred cousins, but he had lost his other brother, grey-furred and smelling of the sun.───血,骨头和肌腱的味道依然在它舌尖萦绕,耳边回响着弟妹们的歌声;可它失去了另一个兄弟,那个散发着阳光味道的灰色兄弟。

56 、dried pig's sinew───干猪蹄筋

57 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve you turn long after they are gone;───假如你能在运气不佳身心俱疲之时仍能全力以赴抓住机遇;

58 、mixed deer rs sinew───混鹿筋

59 、Next, the sinew is laboriously prepared, providing strands of ideal length to cover the back of the bow.───其次,腱子是艰苦准备,提供理想的长链,以支付背面的弓。

60 、The special effects first show the skeleton as it is displayed in the museum, then add muscle and sinew, followed by skin.───通过特殊效果,人们先看到的是博物馆了陈列的这副恐龙的骨架,然后出现了肌肉,接着是皮肤。

61 、re never so binding as when the links are made of gold. Money is the sinew of love as well as war.───若非金钱为媒,爱情岂能长久维系。爱情与战争,哪样都需要钱财的支撑。

62 、This article is a exeniple which the principle of sinew soil is applied to engineering.───摘要本文是加筋土原理在工程实践中应用的一个实例。

63 、the dream catcher is a sphere or hoop created from a twig wrapped in buffalo hide, with a spider's web of sinew woven inside.───梦想捕获器是一个由水牛皮包裹的枝条做成的半球体或圆环,里面有一张编织结实的蜘蛛网。

64 、I'd have ripped the sinews from their necks before I walked away from my house.─── 要我的话至少把他们脖子上的筋扯下来 再离开我的房子

65 、Exercise sinew bone and skin───外练筋骨皮

66 、Dry Fish Tripe with Pork Sinew───猪肉干鱼肚

67 、bear sinew───熊筋

68 、The knights must prevail with steel and sinew alone.─── 骑士军团唯有靠着血肉之躯战胜它

69 、I sinewed the bow the same way I would sinew any other bow.───我给这张弓铺筋的方法也和铺其它弓一样.

70 、Collagen is the main protein of sinew, cartilage, bone and skin.───胶原是腱、骨、、肤的主要蛋白质。

71 、So our ancestors were certainly scavenging, they may have been hunting as well, and we also know that they were making stone tools that can cut through flesh and sinew.─── 所以我们的祖先肯定会捡拾被杀死的猎物 可能也会狩猎 我们还知道他们会制造石器 能够切开肌肉

72 、If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,to serve your turn long after they are gone,and so hold on when there is nothing in you,except the Will which says to them"Hold on!"───如果你能强迫沉寂自己的心智、精力和体力,在别人都离去后,使你仍能恒久坚守,永不放弃,即使当你的内心空无一物,只有意志力告诉自己“坚持”--











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