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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


abbr.毕业生, 校友(=graduate)


cordiality | diplomacy | courtesy | benignity | favor | affability | refinement | civility | kindness | benignancy | politeness




1 、for 18 year olds, that kind of blow is harsh nough, as bad as or even worse than the slamming of the gate of law school against a college grad.───一个学校给了25个本科留学生奖学金,很慷慨了。你问问花双博,他那年头,哪有这事。以前国内拿了全奖签几次没签出来的都不是一个两个。

2 、However, once I graduated from grad school and both of those competitive activities were behind me, I found I had a lot of extra time on my hands.───不过,一旦我毕业于奇格勒学校都被后面的竞争活动,我发现有很多额外的时间在我手中.

3 、Keeping up with daughter Chelsea, 22--who just finished her first year of grad school in international relations at her father's alma mater, Oxford University--hasn't been as easy.───22岁的切尔西刚在她父亲的母校--牛津大学的国际关系学院读完大学一年级, 想跟踪报道她可不是件容易的事。

4 、Experiences in Design of FP systems, and working for at least 5-6 years in sales of quality high grad products.───在消防领域至少有5-6年从事高端技术类产品销售的工作经验。

5 、I have begun to do the part-time job as a guide at the summer holidays、 May day holiday、National day since I study in the college of the second grad.───从大学二年级开始,我就在暑期和“五一”,国庆期间为两家旅游公司兼职作导游.

6 、How to Nudge Your Grad Out of the Nest───如何将刚毕业的孩子赶出安乐窝

7 、Educational Council for Foreign Medical Grad uates───外国医科研究生教育委员会

8 、Kevin seemed too much the typical MIT grad: a true engineering at heart.───凯文看起来是个典型的麻省理工毕业生,甚至有点过头:一个真正的学工程的人。

9 、I beg my Chinese grad students. No response.───”我向我的中国研究生恳求道,但是没有反应。

10 、Just before World War II,she married Philip Graham,a brilliant Harvard Law grad and Supreme Court clerk.───就在二战前夕,她嫁给了菲利普·格雷厄姆--一个才华横溢的哈佛大学法学院的毕业生,在最高法院任职。

11 、Im Sommer sind es normalerweise 90 Grad Fahrenheit.───夏天一般是华氏九十度。

12 、grad insulated voltage transformer───分级绝缘电压互感器

13 、land grad───名词, 抢地盘

14 、Bespeak Meal System mostly used to accomplish accessorial work, namely order dish and grad the service.───其主要功能是完成外卖的前期和辅助工作,即通过网络进行定餐和对服务进行评价。

15 、He walks around with a knapsack, looking like a grad student on the way to the library.───他总是背着个旅行背包走来走去,就象一个去图书馆路上的大学生。

16 、35% of Math Faculty graduates head to grad school or obtain other degrees or designations.───35%的数学院学士生毕业后继续深造,以获得硕士或其他学位;

17 、Lenin grad was named after Russian leader Vladimir Lenin .───列宁格勒是以俄罗斯的**列宁之名来命名的。

18 、Hexagon nuts--Style 1--Product grad C───GB/T41-19861型六角螺母C级

19 、Figure they're probably all grad students, too.─── 我觉得他们可能也都是研究生

20 、Region gray average values - grad───区域灰度均值-梯度

21 、Sacramento State grad is trying to make money the old fashioned way, by auctioning off her virginity to help pay for her graduate studies.───免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

22 、If you have an Economics bachelor's degree from China, it may be hard to get into econ grad school in the states.───如果现在申请太难,又对某个学校情有独钟,那么深入了解下学校的换专业规则,够胆就给他来个先斩后奏。

23 、2) With a RN of 75%:25%, the value of proportion of high and middle grad tobacco, content of nicotin, N, K, uptake of N and K/Cl were the highest, volatile base was lowest.───2)RN为75%:25%时,中上等烟比例、**、总氮、钾、钾氯比、氮吸收量最高,挥发碱含量最低。

24 、An Interpretive Structure Model on the Grad in Generalized-grads Theory───广义梯度理论中梯度的解释结构模型研究

25 、“When we first saw this happen, I had grad students throwing their hands up in the air, yelling,” Dr.Fenton said.“Well, we needed a lot more than that” one study.───“当我们第一次看到这种情况发生,我让研究生们举起手来大声欢呼,”芬顿博士说,“嗯,我们需要的远不止是这一个研究。”

26 、dense grad asphalt concrete───密级配沥青混凝土

27 、a UCLA grad, so probably not the choice for you Trojans out there.She's a crossword fan and loves to cook, making those Sunday mornings all the more enjoyable.───安妮卡:她是加州大学洛杉矶分校的毕业生,所以她很可能不是特洛伊棒球队会选的人,她是个纵横填字谜,喜欢煮东西,这样使得周日清晨更加的愉快。

28 、Need gifts for dads or grads? Dad has enough ties, and your grad will get plenty of towels: get gadgets instead.───为爸爸或毕业生需要礼品吗?爸爸有足够的关系,并且你的毕业生将得到很多的毛巾:相反得到小器具。

29 、The Mode of lntegrating Chinese Medicine With Western's and It's Entirety and Grad Ation───中西医结合的方式及其整体性和层次性

30 、grad sample───定时采集的样品随机采集的样品任意采集的样品

31 、And for the record, he dropped out of grad school.───但是据记录,他是研究生时辍的学,

32 、In 1982-83, during the first Reagan administration, I took a year off of grad school to work on the junior staff of the CEA.───在1982~83年,在第一届里根政府,我从研究所休学一年在经济顾问理事会担当一个初级职员。

33 、During her second year of grad school, Wiersma fell into a severe, yearlong depression.───在她读研究生的第二年,威尔斯曼陷入严重的持续了整整一年的抑郁症。

34 、Basically, if I get to do it again, knowing what I know now, I would have gone to UCLA for undergrad, and then apply to Berkeley for grad school.───后来我去了加州大学洛杉矶校区攻读博士,并且作为助教和本科生交流。学校的本科化学专业给我留下非常深刻的印象。它们的专业知识更全面,我在那里接受了良好的教育。

35 、But then, I don't have to tell you who he really works for, do I?And for the record, he dropped out of grad school.Bit of a late bloomer.───为什么,我,埃里森,一个退学生,竟然在美国最具声望的学府里这样厚颜地散布异端?

36 、Harvard Debater B: My opponent is right about one thing.Thoreau was a Harvard grad, and, like many of us, a bit self-righteous.───哈佛辩手乙:对方辩友有一件事说对了:梭罗确实是哈佛毕业生,而且他也像我们大多数人一样,有点自以为是。

37 、Francis and I were roommates in grad school.─── 弗朗西斯和我是研究生时候的室友

38 、As one Sharif grad in the Persian Gulf port city puts it, "Here, our education is properly valued.───在这个波斯湾港口城市的谢里夫大学毕业生说:“在这里,我们得到恰如其分的评价。

39 、grad with teeth───带牙抓斗

40 、Key technology of making top grad bovine hide smooth box───制造高档牛皮开边珠革的技术关键

41 、Grad s assumption───Grad假设

42 、"Me first! Me first!" says the grad student. "I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat with a gorgeous woman." Poof! He's gone.───“我先来!我先来!”毕业生说道,“我希望去巴哈马,开着快艇,并且和一个漂亮的女士在一起。”于是噗的一声他不见了。

43 、Auch bei 30 Grad im Schatten laesst ihre Bilungswut nicht nach.───即使是30度在阴影下,他们道德学习热情丝毫没有减弱。

44 、The base surface should be adjusted flatly with the grad enter.The pump should not mounted on the base until the cement becomes solid.───基础面应使用水平仪校平,待基础的水泥凝固后将泵装在基础上。

45 、Good new for colleg student who ar graduat thi spring: Employer plan to hire nearli 20% more new grad thi year than thei did last year, accord to a survei by the Nation Associat of Colleg Employers.───对即将于今年春天毕业的大学生们来说,这有一个好消息:根据美国全国大学生雇主协会的一次调查,美国雇主计划今年比往年多招收20%的应届毕业生。

46 、pressure grad───压力梯度

47 、Henry has been a grad student now for ten years.───亨利已经当了十年的研究生了。

48 、I wonder what he's doing slumming in grad housing.─── 我真不明白他为什么要住学生公寓

49 、Yttrium-europium oxide-Phosphor grad───GB/T16482-1996荧光级氧化钇铕

50 、In our sartorially egalitarian age, one doesn't need to be a blue blood or an Ivy grad to occupy the corner office or know the name of the best tailors.───在这个穿著上讲求平等的年代,人们不一定要出身名门或毕业于常春藤名校才能入主经理办公室或说得出最好的裁缝的名字。

51 、There were no significant differences of bak mRNA expression between pression of bak in IDC and peri-cancerous tissues(P>0.05),and so did beween the grad II and grade III of IDC(P───在癌组织与癌旁组织中,bak基因表达无显著差异(P>0.05); 但在IDC中,bakmRNA的表达II级组织强于III级组织(P

52 、Lower level math/science classes are often taught by grad students whose understanding of English is quite subpar.This can be frustrating, but these classes usually aren't too difficult.───低年级的数学和科学课程基本是研究生教的,他们对于英文的造诣比较有限,不过这些课不难。

53 、This reminds me of when you interviewed me to be your grad student.─── 这让我想到了当初申请研究生时你面试我的场景

54 、For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm───创业初期的公司形象,应该是一个刚毕业的大学生,而不是一家律所。

55 、two grad vibration isolation───两级隔振

56 、Each school is in Cambridge, which is a cool place to be a grad student.───两个学校都地处剑桥,作一个研究生,这绝对是个很酷的的地方。

57 、ax. grad.───(=axial gradient) 轴梯度,轴倾度

58 、Medicine is always intervenient means of conquering diseases from its beginning to now.It shows a tendency to widen and develop from repair to replacement grad ually.───医学发展至今,一直是“征服疾病”的干预手段,这种干预有着扩展和泛化的趋势,逐渐由修复向替代发展。

59 、4. the differences of self-co nt rol ability were significant in grad and sex;───(4)中学生自我控制能力在年级及性别上的差异非常显著 ;

60 、Grad,in dem ein Satz ihhaerenter Merkmale Anforderungen erfuellt.───大家能说说这句话什么意思吗?

61 、Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?───大学生应比非大学生挣钱多?

62 、If you're interested in physical therapy but aren't ready for grad school, a career as a physical therapist assistant may be of interest. In South Un...───如果您有兴趣物理治疗,但并不研究生院,作为一个职业物理治疗师助手准备好,可能会感兴趣。在南非大学副理学...

63 、Okay, tell me I couldn't be a grad student.─── 我这么嫩还扮不了研究生吗

64 、communication culture grad───交通文化梯度

65 、I used to like wearing it in grad school, and one of my friends, Jessica Hodgins would say,why do you wear this letterman's jacket?───上研究生的时候,我最喜欢穿它。可我的一个朋友杰西卡?霍金斯就问我:“你为什么要穿这件优秀运动员外套?”

66 、loose eclge was a question in partical board production which made great effection on the quality and grad of the products and also on the economic benefic of the emperiments.───刨花板生产中出现的“松边”问题对其成品质量、等级均产生极大影响,直接关系到企业的经济效益。

67 、MV grad.───(=mitral valve gradient) 二尖瓣(压力)梯度

68 、Design of even grad magnetic field in large displacement measurement───大位移测量中均匀梯度磁场的构建

69 、He had to rely on the busy schedules of Brooks and his busy grad students.───他不得不依赖于忙碌的布鲁克斯和他忙碌的学生们。

70 、When God distributed the intelligence did wast thou be grad aufm loo!───上帝为人类注入智慧时,你小子大概上茅房去了吧!

71 、A grad student, a post-doc, and a professor are walking through a city park and they find an antique oil lamp.───一个毕业生,一个博士后和一名教授正走过一个城市公园,他们发现一个古代的油灯。

72 、in fact, we have to reimport the thinkers now. look at where grad students are from in science and engineering.───实际上,我们现在都不得不再输入思考者了。看看科学系和工程系毕业的学生们都是从哪里来的!

73 、temp grad───(=temperature gradient) 温度梯度

74 、As an unfavorable raw material for sulphuric acid production, pyrite should raise its competitive capacity by lowering mining cost and increasing ore grad, reducing environmental pollution and implementing comprehensive utilization.───对于本土资源硫铁矿,由于在制酸方面并无优势可言,要提升竞争力必须降低矿成本,提高矿品位,减轻环境污染,搞好综合利用;

75 、The deep truth of grad school is that the transition from undergrad to grad is when you go from primarily being “a student” to primarily being “a scientist.───作为学生,你的基本任务就是按照教授的指导去做事。而作为科学家,你的基本任务是做好科学研究。

76 、If you're a Grad Student, you should definitely check out the growing Grad School Colony in Second Life!───如果你是某校的毕业生,你甚至可以找到日渐增长的校友同盟。

77 、The lack of teaching jobs is no problem for grad students in fields like engineering, computer science, biology or economics, who can become hot properties on Wall Street, at consulting firms or at other companies.───对工程、计算机科学、生物学或经济学领域的毕业生而言,教育职位缺乏,并不会产生任何问题,因为这类毕业生可以在华尔街、咨询公司或其他公司中取得高身价。

78 、And I wrote a paper on it in grad school.─── 我读研的时候写了篇关于这个的论文

79 、rural power grad───农村配电网

80 、In my second year of grad school, I had something of an epiphany I've never done anything but go to school───在读研究生二年级时,我似乎有一种顿悟的感觉,我想除了上学以外,我什么也没有做过。

81 、An Interpretive Structure Model on the Communication Culture Grad in Generalized-grad Theory───广义梯度理论中交通文化梯度的解释结构模型研究

82 、In this paper,the author introduces the main eq uipm ent and technology of short cycle production line,and also em p hasizes process practice on hot-readjusting trial and development of steel grad es.───叙述了五钢短流程生产线的主体设备特点和工艺流程,热调试生产工艺及品种开发工作。

83 、N80 grad───N80级

84 、Even into grad school, it was crazy.─── 即使在读研的时候也是 太疯狂了

85 、More than 6 million college grad face dim job prospects this year.───今年,约600万大学毕业生面临惨淡的就业前景。

86 、II have an internship. I'm a grad student there.─── 我在那实习 我是那的研究生

87 、Keeping up with daughter Chelsea,22--who just finished her first year of grad school in international relations at her father's alma mater,Oxford University--hasn't been as easy.───22岁的切尔西刚在她父亲的母校--牛津大学的国际关系学院读完大学一年级,想跟踪报道她可不是件容易的事。

88 、For years students hoping to avoid the real world have turned to grad school to prolong their precious college days.───希望回避现实世界的学子们,多年来以转去研究所来延长他们宝贵的大学时光。

89 、There's a reason I moved here after grad school.─── 我研究生毕业后搬到这里是有原因的

90 、I haven't been bowling with you since grad night.─── 自从毕业以后就没再和你打过了


We've got grad students and we have working people, so no loud music.

我们这儿有研究生,还有工作人员, 所以不允许放高声音乐.


The climber tried in vain to make a grad at the rope.



He has been a grad student now for ten years.

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