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06-29 投稿




英:  美:


pref. 表示“盐”(=halo-)

n. 哈尔(男子名;Henry的昵称)


1 、Their results indicate that normal heat treatment by the HAL has little effect on sealant adhesion, and it may cause the binder to become brittle.───他们的结果表明由HAL的正常热治疗有对密封胶黏附力的少许作用,并且它也许造成黏合剂变得易碎。

2 、When Hal was born, she wasn't expecting to feel so detached.───哈尔出生的时候,她没想到会有这么强烈的疏离感。

3 、A plain-clothes police officer enters the town hal of Almelo on June 16, 2008 in the eastern Netherlands.───6月16日,一名便衣警察进入荷兰小城阿尔默洛市政厅,当日一男子冲进市政厅,劫持了5人。

4 、"Hal I know how anxious you are to get married and start a family.───他说:“海尔,我知道你是非常急于结婚成家。

5 、I heard that later the Heavenly Emperor felt Fa Hal had gone too far, tormenting poor mortals like that, and decided to arrest him.───听说,后来玉皇大帝,也就怪法海多事,以至荼毒生灵,想要拿办他了。

6 、I byeol gga ji do sa rang hal geo e yo haeng bok kan sa ram mi doe eo ju se yo...───古今中外,多少仁人志士、大家名流在这 醉人迷心的月夜创下不朽之作,无法细细计量。...

7 、But Mercedes interfered, crying, "Oh, Hal, you mustn't" as she caught hold of the whip and wrenched it from him.───但是美茜子干涉了,大叫着说,“哦,赫尔,你不能这样做。”

8 、HAL: Mr. Learner, come here please. This is Robin and Melissa. They're making a picture book.───勒纳先生,请到这边来。这是罗宾和梅利莎。他们在做一本图画书。

9 、Neither Hal nor Oscar was in his place.───哈尔和斯卡都不在其位。

10 、Hal: That was an unexpected result at the darts match this evening.───哈尔:今晚掷镖赛的结果真是出人意料。

11 、Open the pod bay doors please Hal.───哈尔,请打开舱门。

12 、Hal, 38, is considered more fiscally conservative, and he rarely speaks in public.───另外一位小老闆霍尔,今年38岁,对于财务方面比较保留,而且很少公开发表谈话。

13 、Hal is generally right, but not always.─── 哈尔多数时候是对的 但不总是对的

14 、In 2007 I also had a new book of guitar music released on Hal Leonard called The Best of Alex de Grassi.───2007年我经由Hal Leonard出版社同样发行了乐谱集。

15 、Hal, I swear, I threw you out once, I'll do it again.─── 哈尔 我发誓 我把你赶出去过 我还会这么做

16 、We're doing our reconnaissance work and we'll continue to do that," co-chairman Hal Steinbrenner said Tuesday at a promotional event for the All-Star festivities. "Losing Wang, it hurts.───"失去王,是很伤的,他是我们的王牌。但好消息是,看起来他可能在季末之前就能回来,我知道我们需要他。

17 、But you wrong and defraud, and this your brothers. Tetapi kamu sendiri melakukan ketidakadilan dan kamu sendiri mendatangkan kerugian, dan hal itu kamu buat terhadap saudara-saudaramu.───你们倒是冤枉人,亏负人,况且这又是对弟兄。

18 、HAL: Good. Come see my fifth grade.───不错。来看看我教的五年级。嗨。

19 、Hal and I screwed that one up all on our own especially me.─── 是我们自己搞砸了 尤其是我

20 、The 1, 3 and 5 year survival rates of HAI + HAL + cryosurgery or microwave therapy group (n = 40) were 83. 6%, 57. 9% and 57. 9%, respectively. Of this group, two - stage resection was performed in 6 patients (15. 0% ).───HAI+HAL十术中冷冻、微波等治疗组(40例)1、3和5年生存率分别为83.6%、57.9%和57.9%,其中有6例(15.0%)获二期切除。

21 、Hal's writing is so neat and legible that it puts mine to shame.───哈尔的书法工整清晰,与他的相比,我的书法黯然失色。

22 、Hal has done in George.───哈尔已把乔治杀死

23 、When Hal makes a commitment, he sees it through no matter what happens.───只要哈尔答应干什么,不管发生什么情况,他都会坚持下去。

24 、Hal: The interviewer told me that they had an opening for a person of my ability.───主考官告诉我他们为我这样能力的人打开了大门。

25 、Hal's out back if you want to say goodbye.─── 如果你想道别的话 哈尔在那后面

26 、Here is one author who asks for a re-do to the 50 best of all time.Maybe this time instead of Hal Greer or Dolph Schayes, we can have the best of any generation included: Kobe Bryant.───也许他不会成为下一个魔术师,迈克海尔或者皮蓬,但是科比会成为下一个独一无二的人,永远活在人们的心中。

27 、Whey do not you ask Hal to help you write the application? He usually has a good turn of phrase.───你为什么不请哈尔帮助你写申请书呢?通常他有很好的措词才能。

28 、Although Hal didn't know what the trouble was,he also leaped m with his opinions.───哈尔根本不知道到底毛病是什么。他也急切提出了他的看法。

29 、Meanwhile, Hal Roberts, a Harvard University researcher, showed how the program could freeze a browser every time the user types the letter F into the location bar.───同时,一位哈佛大学的研究者显示,当计算机使用者每次在搜索栏上键入字母“F”时,该软件会冻结浏览器。

30 、Hal Saflieni Hypogeum | .───[史]毛利塔尼亚(北非...

31 、The 1 year survival rate of HAI group (n= 33) was 0. The 1, 3 and 5 year survival rates of HAI + HAL group (n = 185) were 71. 3%, 43. 9% and 29. 7%, respectively. Of this group, two - stage resection was performed in 28 patients (15. 1% ).───HAI组(33例)1年生存率为0; HAI+HAL组(185例)1、3和5年生存率分别为71.3%、43.9%和29.7%,其中有28例(15.1%)获二期切除;

32 、HAL notices a serious problem in the spaceship.───哈尔通知了一个飞船上的严重问题。

33 、What they do not know is that HAL can hear them talking.───他们不知道哈尔可以听到他们的谈话。

34 、HAL's outpouring of feeling contrasts with the emotionlessness that characterizes the human figures in the film, who go about their business with an almost robotic efficiency.───HAL的情感发泄跟**里人的那种冷漠无情形成鲜明对照,那些人以机器人般的效率干着手头的活计。

35 、H5N1 Avian influenza virus HAl protein───H5N1亚型禽流感病毒HA1蛋白

36 、He then starts to disconnect the computer HAL.───他随即开始拆卸电脑哈尔。

37 、HAL ( Health Affairs Library)───卫生事务图书馆

38 、Hal, you have an enormous responsibility on this mission.─── 哈尔 此次任务你责任重大

39 、Hal used to sing in the cathedral choir until his voice broke.───哈尔在噪音变为成年人的之前一直在大教堂唱诗班唱歌。

40 、And in the house the disciples questioned Him again concerning this. Ketika mereka sudah di rumah, murid-murid itu bertanya pula kepada Yesus tentang hal itu.───到了屋里,门徒又问祂这事。

41 、Hal, we both know what we need to do.─── 海尔 你我心知肚明我们必须做什么

42 、How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time by Hal R.Varian UC Berkeley December 1994 Current version: June 11, 1997 Abstract.───为了回报各位网友对网站的支持,本站13分以下资料全部免费。

43 、Hal Schaeffer, President of D & H Credit Services, explains why cash flow - often referred to as the lifeblood of an organization - is so vital to businesses of every size.───专业人士探讨企业如何在经济衰退下怎样改善现金流转情况。

44 、Hal does a good job at everything he sets his hand to.───哈尔无论稿什么工作都干得很出色。

45 、What are you talking about, HAL?───你在说什么,哈尔?

46 、"Rest be blanked," said Hal, with his beardless lips; and Mercedes said, "Oh!" in pain and sorrow at the oath.───“休息个屁。”赫尔张开那张没长胡子的嘴说。美茜子听了痛苦而又悲伤地“哦”了一声。

47 、And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all those who heard these things. Maka sangat ketakutanlah seluruh jemaat dan semua orang yang mendengar hal itu.───全召会以及所有听见这事的人,都甚惧怕。

48 、Hal! Dave! Get your butts in here!───哈尔!戴夫!马上过来!

49 、Cyberdyne, the Japanese company responsible for the HAL (hybrid assistive limb) prototype robot suit, is starting rentals this week. The price for being superhuman: about $2,200.───一间日本公司发明了这个玩意儿,有兴趣的人可以租借。想要做飞毛腿的代价?2,200。

50 、Hal was like my advance man.───哈尔好比是我的先遣人员。

51 、The playful relationship between Prince Hal (Ewen Leslie) and Falstaff (John Gaden), for example, was speedily established by Hal fellating Falstaff.───例如,哈尔王子(埃文莱斯利饰)和福斯塔夫(约翰盖灯饰)之间戏谑的关系,在哈尔对福斯塔夫的**后立马确立。

52 、Hal buys and sells antique books,helps run a wine bar,and plays in a rock band in the evenings,he's got a finger in every pie.───哈尔买卖古书,帮助经营酒吧,晚上在摇摆舞乐队演奏,他什么事都要**上一手。

53 、HAL goes back to his original state when he was first programmed.───哈尔回复到了最开始编写时的初始状态。

54 、When Hal has one nightstand with Catherine, she gives a notebook to him with the development of a unique mathematics theory that Catherine claims that she developed.───凯瑟琳当然不愿离开,她和哈尔之间的关系也越发复杂。

55 、Dong Sheng - Wu Hal railway line───东乌铁路

56 、Hal Saflienis Underground Temples───哈尔撒夫黎尼地下宫殿

57 、Drivers, even though they execute in kernel mode and can therefore talk directly to their hardware, use facilities provided by the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to access hardware.───即使去冬在内核模式执行并且可以因此直接和它的硬件对话,驱动(还是)使用由硬件抽象层(HAL)提供的工具来访问硬件。

58 、Good afternoon gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer.───下午好先生们。我是一台哈尔9000电脑。

59 、Where the hell'd you get that idea, HAL?───哈尔,你到底从哪知道的?

60 、Hal, I know how anxious you are to get married and start a family.But don't let yourself get swept off your feet by a pretty face: think about what you are doing before you get caught.───他说:“海尔,我知道你是非常急于结婚成家.但是,你不要被一张漂亮的脸弄得昏昏然的.在问题还没有发生前,你得脑子清楚一些,明白自己到底在干什麽。”

61 、“Dave my mind is going” HAL says forlornly.───“戴夫,我的思想要没了,”HAL可怜巴巴地说道。

62 、Hal: Not really. She was referring to the exit door.───不是你想得那样,她指着出口。

63 、Companies to the root user needs, the production of HAL (HAL), the entire board gold-plated, coating Preflux PCB may also be difficult BACK PLANE production, as well as PCMCIA.───公司能根用户需要 ,生产热风整平(HAL)、全板镀金、涂覆预焊剂印制板,还可能生产高难度的BACK PLANE以及PCMCIA。

64 、After pussyfooting around for several months,Hal decided to bite the bullet and ask his boss for a raise.───哈尔经过几过几个月的犹豫不决之后,终于决心去请求老板给他提高工资。

65 、Hal, I won't argue with you anymore.─── 我不想再和你辩论 赫尔

66 、Still, as Hal Zenick of the agency's office of research and deelopment put it in an e-mail message, “there is uncertainty as to the risk to humans.───但是,正如部门研究和发展办公室的HalZenick在一封电子邮件中所说,“对人类的危害是未知的。”

67 、There's no sign of Hal the dominating computer from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (written by Arthur C Clarke) appearing on the horizons next year to dominate human life.───从影片《2001:太空冒险旅行》(阿瑟·C·克拉克编剧)中丝毫看不出那个叫“哈尔”的引人注目的计算机会在第二年就出现,从而支配人类的生活。

68 、Hal's got that uncanny ability to see into the future.───哈尔有一种非凡的本事:他能预卜未来。

69 、HAL: Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.───哈尔:戴夫,尽管你在舱里极力不想让我听到,但我可以看见你的口型。

70 、The following flags control vertex processing behavior for the hardware abstraction layer( HAL) and reference devices.───下面的标识为硬件抽象层和引用设备控制顶点处理的行为。

71 、DAVE BOWMAN Open the pod bay doors, HAL.───哈尔,打开分隔舱舱门。

72 、Hal's only motivation is what's best for the country.─── 哈尔的唯一目的就是国家的利益

73 、Hal, I thought you said you weren't coming.─── 哈尔 你不是说你不来么

74 、A study in 1999 by Masson et al. (3) in Montreal, Canada evaluated the use of the HAL method.───一项研究在1999年由马松等人。( 3 )在加拿大蒙特利尔评价使用HAL的方法。

75 、Paine ;with contributions by James H.Terry and Hal Fessenden.───书名/作者 Ships of the world :an historical encyclopedia /Lincoln P.

76 、Co-starring Hal Holbrook it's a deft combination of powerful drama and spellbinding entertainment and a thriller as urgent and relevant as today's headlines.───一次,赫特发现了一个由多名有地位的法官组成的地下裁判团,私下审判法律上所纵容的犯人,执行私人的裁决,讨回公道。

77 、In only a thousand days, Hal and I put together a brandnew car.───只花了一千个昼夜,哈尔和我就装配出了一辆崭新的汽车。

78 、EXE, which contains the kernel of the operating system, and HAL.───EXE,包含操作系统内核,并动态链接到HAL.

79 、Hal and some colleagues devised a new model.─── 哈尔和同事们设想了一个新模型

80 、After pussyfooting around for several months, Hal decided to bite the bulletand ask his boss for a raise.───哈尔经过几过几个月的犹豫不决之后,终于决心去请求老板给他提高工资。

81 、Hal's a real high - flyer;he started his own business when he was only in his twenties and he was a millionaire before his fortieth birthday.───哈尔是一个真正有抱负的人,仅在二十几岁时就开创了自己的事业,在40岁生日前就成了一名百万富翁。

82 、HAL is a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer.───HAL是一个硬件抽象层的规范(描述)和实现。

83 、HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.───哈尔:我想你和我一样知道问题是什么。

84 、“Dave, my mind is going,” HAL says, forlornly.───停下好吗?

85 、In only a thousand days, Hal and I put together a brand new car.───只花了一千个昼夜,哈尔和我就装配出了一辆崭新的汽车。

86 、Hal is a business genius and had reached the top of the tree before he was twenty-five.───哈尔是一个商业天才,因此他不到25岁就挤身商界的最高地位。

87 、HAL: Mr. Learner reports the news on the radio.───勒纳先生为电台报道新闻。

88 、One of Hal's great strengths is the ability to keep cool when things start to go wrong.───哈尔最大的优点之一就是出问题时,他能保持沉着、冷静。

89 、"Ini merupakan percobaan pertama sehingga banyak hal yang tidak diperkirakan," ujar Wang Zhaoyao, deputi direktur program ruang angkasa China.───“这是第一次尝试,因此很多事情是不可预知的。”中国太空项目副主任王昭耀说道。

90 、But then the thing that really snuck up on me that freaked me out and continues to do that, is that my music has been published by Hal Leonard.───不过真正在我身上悄悄发生的,令我极度兴奋并继续令我兴奋的事情是,我的音乐已经被HalLeonard发行。

开机出现加载硬件抽象层(HAL)所需的DLL 文件怎么修复

因为你这个C盘根目录下的隐藏文件boot.ini的内容需要修改,一般就是把分区1改成分区2,因为你的C盘应该是在第二分区,但是这个文件中设置的,从第一分区启动。建议你仔细看看,用光盘的PE进去后,可以看到C盘下这个文件,打开后,修改凡是带partition(1)的地方,你改成partition(2),你试试。 这个问题我遇到过,因为装了系统无法进入,就这样修改的。

开机出现加载硬件抽象层(HAL)所需的DLL 文件怎么修复

开机出现加载硬件抽象层(HAL)所需的DLL 文件的修复方法如下:



输入: expand x:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll  










改完就是下面这样子的,boot.ini [boot loader]timeout=3default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS[operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect


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