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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


v.改组, 整顿


动词过去分词: reorganized | 动词第三人称单数: reorganizes | 动词现在分词: reorganizing | 动词过去式: reorganized | 名词: reorganizer |


reorganise | shake up | move around | reschedule | rearrange | sort out | restructure | regroup | tidy up | mobilize | reorder | alter | change




1 、An index cannot be reorganized when ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS is set to OFF.───ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS设置为OFF时,无法重新组织索引。

2 、If these returns to tradition are to be avoided, if the freed potential of human imagination and social rebirth is to be reorganized at a new, higher, more inclusive level, Neptune must act.───如果想避免这种历史的倒退,如果想解放人类潜在的想象力,社会得以重生并提升到一个新的、更高的、更宏观的境界,海王星必须扮演这一角色。

3 、Also, we can't find anything in the kitchen since you reorganized it.─── 还有你收拾完厨房以后 我们什么东西都找不到了

4 、Reorganized limits on pre-placed neutral units. Neutral hostile buildings now count towards the "unit" limit of 512, and only passive buildings count towards the "building" limit of 96.───改变中立建筑的统计,所有野外敌对建筑被统计入"单位",限制为512,所有被动建筑统计为"建筑",限制为96。

5 、I reorganized my cargo and complied with his demands.─── 我重新装了货物 顺了他的意

6 、injects malicious code deep inside this reorganized code;───将恶意代码深层次地**入这个重新排序以后的代码;

7 、Yvonne had reorganized the kitchen, which was now orderly and gleaming.───伊冯娜重新布置了厨房,经她一整,现在一切井井有条到处铮明瓦亮。

8 、Crowley reorganized and regrouped, then ordered another attack.───克鲁雷中尉整顿部队,重新编组,然后下令再度进攻。

9 、To suit the circumstances of war against Japan,the Red Army should immediately be reorganized into the National Rev- olutionary Army and become a model army in that war by raising the level of its military,political and cultural education.───使红军适合抗日战争的情况,应即改组为国民革命军,并将军事的政治的文化的教育提高一步,造成抗日战争中的模范兵团。

10 、Later in 2007 the JSC reorganized the rules yet again and used the FRBR entities as the organizing principle, thus moving RDA further from the flat world of MARC encoding.───2007年晚些时候JSC再次重新组织了编目规则,采用FRBR实体作为组织原则,这就使RDA进一步脱离了MARC编码的平面表达(,而进入FRBR的立体世界)。

11 、Some have extended the school year, or reorganized it to avoid a long summer break.───一些通过延长教学年的方法,而且的则重新组织教学年从而避免较长的暑期。

12 、Expressions that appear in a search condition, select list, or any other location within a query may be broken down and reorganized into one or more independent expressions.───可以对在查询的搜索条件、选择列表或任何其他位置上出现的表达式进行划分并重新组织为一个或多个独立的表达式。

13 、Therefore, the Shanghai government reorganized the basic society unit and reestablished society adjustment and control system in an unprecedented way.───为此,上海市政府以一种前所未有的方式对基层社会进行了单位化的重新组织,重构了社会调控体系。

14 、So once Tesla had his arc lighting system running in Rahway, his backers fired him and reorganized the firm.───所以特士拉才刚在拉威市架设好他的电弧照明系统,他的资助者就将他解雇并重组公司。

15 、The value added tax( VAT) that the reorganized enterprises need to pay for requisition of land,50% reward of the locally retained portion from the paid-in VAT by the benefited finance of this city in the current year.───改组企业为征用土地需缴纳的增值税,由本市受益财政在增值税缴纳当年按企业所缴增值税地方留成部分的50%励企业。

16 、This weekend I reorganized my website and updated my portfolio.This project at least helped time gone fast, when life without Nio Nio's company.───在没有小妞陪伴的日子,做这类繁琐的事情至少可以让周末的时间过得快一点。

17 、Sam has defined strategy, reorganized and revitalized organizations with his process oriented approach, team building, communication and coaching skills.───廖先生在管理上特别注重流程控制、团队建设,员工沟通和技术培训,从而使他领导的团队更具活力。

18 、Within weeks the expanded group was reorganized as the Stosstrupp (Shock Troop) Adolf Hitler.───几个星期后,这个扩编的团体就改组为阿道夫希特勒突击队。

19 、The dynamic changes, of MT included: MT disaggregated into tubulin, and a flat-shaped microtubules-network was reorganized.───微管的动态变化包括解聚成微管蛋白及重组成扁平形微管网。

20 、MetCoat Technology Corporation (MTC), a reorganized anti-corrosion company, is established in 2006 and one of the most skillful plating company in Taiwan.───东逸科技股份有限公司(MTC),成立于2006年,原是台湾防腐蚀技术闻名的电镀厂家之一。

21 、Because the present has reorganized, everybody is the operator may relax toward this aspect competes, this is one.───因为现在重组了,大家都是运营商可以往这方面更放松进来竞争,这是一个。

22 、Reorganized as the Bank of China Ltd. and after the successful listing of the new strategic objectives in the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard ideas.───中国银行改组为股份有限公司并成功上市后,在新的战略目标中引进了平衡记分卡的思想。

23 、While he was Librarian of Congress, MacLeish reorganized the Library and worked to "increase the use of the Library to its readers.───在他担任国会图书馆馆长的时候,麦克列许重新整顿了图书馆,并且努力增加读者对图书馆的使用。

24 、Some of the reorganized divisions later reverted to their original designation of corps───国民党又将整编师恢复为军,旅改称师。

25 、In 1993, Tsingtao Beer Stock Company was reorganized into a stock company and issued H stocks and A stocks respectively in Hong Kong and Shanghai.───1993年改制为股份有限公司,并在香港和上海上市发行H股和A股股票。

26 、I don't understand why your mother would reorganize the entire kitchen while we're at work.─── 我不懂 *为什么趁我们上班时 重新整理厨房

27 、He reorganized the cabinet in order to effectively control the country.───他重组了内阁,以更好地控制这个国家。

28 、Political forces disintegrated, or were reorganized, and the trend toward a mult-polar order continued.───政治势力或分化瓦解,或重新组合,多极化的趋势继续发展。

29 、The Regiment was reorganized as a light reconnaissance unit and a single Guidon was presented in 1971.───六零年代军团改组为一轻侦察团,后经女皇批准,军团于1971年获颁一面侦察部队的燕尾式军旗。

30 、Then Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658), the famous opposition leader, reorganized, the Parliamentary forces into the New Model Army.───后来,著名的反对派领袖克伦威尔将议会力量改编成新模范军。

31 、And from there, you will begin to reorganize your crews as quickly as possible.─── 然后 你们要尽快 重新组织你们的船员

32 、A large amount of funds, management of more standardized, reorganized as a branch.───少数资金数额大、管理工作较规范的,可改组为分支机构。

33 、She reorganized the room.───她重新布置了房间。

34 、Lanfranc reformed and reorganized the English church, ensuring its independence from the crown.───兰弗朗克改革并重组了英国的教会,保证教会独立于王权。

35 、Using ALL with PARTITION causes all index partitions with the same partition_number to be rebuilt or reorganized.───将ALL与PARTITION一起使用可导致重新生成或重新组织所有具有相同partition_number的索引分区。

36 、The local people's militia should be reorganized in accordance with present conditions───各地民兵,须按目前条件,重新组织。

37 、In 1886 it was reorganized and changed its name to the American Federation of Labor.───1886年该联盟进行改组,并改名为“美国劳工联盟”。

38 、In fact, Rizhao Iron and Steel was reorganized and a background.───其实,日照钢铁被重组还有一个背景。

39 、As a prelude to this extensive unilateral disarmament, the Chinese armed forces were reduced, reorganized and restructured between 1982 and 1984.───作为八十年代大规模单方面裁军行动的序幕,从1982年到1984年,中国对军队进行了精简整编和体制调整。

40 、The Experience Analysis of Groundwater Reorganized Data───地下水长观资料整编的几点体会

41 、Reorganized Big State Owned Design Institutes Should Put Emphasis on Personnel Aftercare Work───国有设计大院改制应重视人员安置工作

42 、Indexes can be rebuilt online, pages containing LOB data can be compacted, and partitioned indexes can be reorganized or rebuilt on a single partition basis.───可以在线重新生成索引,可以压缩包含LOB数据的页,并且可以在单个分区基础上重新组织或重新生成已分区索引。

43 、Since 2003, SMEDI has formally reorganized into an enterprise group (corporation).───在“中国勘察设计综合实力百强单位”评比中,位列市政行业前茅。

44 、And now we'll reorganize all of our resources toward finding a solution.─── 现在我们要 集中所有的可用资源来寻找解决方案

45 、It has been reorganized and reformed by Bengbu Glass Industry Design & Research Institute since 2007.Triumph Heavy Industry Co.───2007年由蚌埠玻璃工业设计研究院控股重组,并更名为凯盛重工有限公司。

46 、In 1928, Bank of China was reorganized to be a foreign exchange bank, and began its specializational remake under general manager Chang Kia-ngau's lead.───1928年,中国银行改组为国际汇兑银行,在总经理张嘉璈的领导下开始进行专业化改组。

47 、Reorganized Enterprises───改制企业

48 、In Non-VSAM data sets, deletion of records is logical and not physical.The data set has to be reorganized to reclaim the space.───VSAM数据集里,删除记录是逻辑的,数据集必须重组来收回空间;

49 、The few remaining survivors (one of whom was convicted of cannibalism) were joined in 1609 by 800 new arrivals, sent over by the reorganized and renamed Virginia Company.───剩下为数不多的幸存者(据说其中有一位是食人狂)在1609年与800个新来的拓居者汇集起来。这些后来者是由重组后更名为弗吉尼亚的公司运来的。

50 、Hazel had me organizing and reorganizing random things all day.─── 黑泽尔整天让我各种整理 乱七八糟的东西

51 、It announced its disincorporation in Mar.3,1950, when most of financial guilds are reorganized after liberation of Shanghai in May,1949.───1949年5月上海解放后,在金融业各同业组织被改组归并的情况下,学会于1950年3月3日正式宣告结束。

52 、Analysis on Support Environment for Reorganized China Automotive Industry───我国汽车工业重组的支撑环境研究

53 、The framework of our public finance should be reorganized by giving a prominence to the law and strengthening its legal effectiveness.───我国建立公共财政的基本框架,亟需确立预算的法律地位,硬化法律效力,实质上是重建预算制度。

54 、His many works by renowned musician Shuman, Liszt, Bolamusi, Lahemaninuofu et al. are reorganized for the piano music spread the later generation.───他的很多作品被著名音乐家舒曼、李斯特、勃拉姆斯、拉赫玛尼诺夫等人改编为钢琴曲而流传后世。

55 、For the reorganized non-core enterprises of CNPC, how to transit seedily and create a new prospect during the internationalized development period of national markets is the most important task.───对于石油企业内部重组后的存续企业,如何在国内市场国际化发展的重要时期,实现平稳过渡、开创新的发展是一个重要课题。

56 、Pinker says it comes from reality but is organized and reorganized by the mind.That’s why you can look at the same thing in different ways.───世贸组织全体成员已就妥协方案进行初步讨论,各方基本认可两份方案可以成为进一步谈判的基础,并且希望在9月对该方案进行进一步讨论修改。

57 、A year ago we reorganized the regions and country to achieve our record results.───一年前,我们对全国及区域结构进行了重组以期达到业绩目标。

58 、Remind me, I want to talk about a reorganization at treasury.─── 记得提醒我 我得说说财政部的重组

59 、Classes will be reorganized after the first four weeks.───开学四个星期后要重新编班。

60 、He established a village militia system (see baojia), reorganized the Hanlin Academy, and restructured the civil-service examinations.───他还建立了乡村的军事体制(参阅baojia)、重组翰林院,并调整了中国文官制度。

61 、He represented to the press conference that the government was to be reorganized in the near future.───他代表政府在记者招待会上宣布政府不久将进行改组。

62 、Reorganized how NPCs will choose their loots, they will accord to the performance instead of the price.───NPC自动选择战利品彻底调整,NPC选择装备不再以物品价格为标准,而是以物品性能为标准了。

63 、You're going to love how I reorganized her mitochondria.─── 你一定会喜欢我重组它的线粒体的手法

64 、Taipei Office was reorganized to Taipei Branch.───将台北办事处改组为台北支店。

65 、But with all the troubles, they recently reorganized into *aller groups.─── 但是鉴于各种问题 他们最近形成了各个小团体

66 、The rot set in last year when they reorganized the department.───去年他们重组这个部门时,衰败就开始了。

67 、In 1930, the Southern Presbytery was reorganized as the Southern Synod, and that the four aforementioned regional churches became “Presbyteries”.───1930年南部中会改为南部大会,四个区议会升格为中会。

68 、).I have reorganized the content of the meeting by subject area.All quotes are Buffett's unless otherwise noted.Words in [brackets] are my comments or edits, and all web link insertions are mine.───),同时按照主题不同,我已调整内容顺序,除非特别注明,所有引用的数字都是巴菲特本人提出,至于框线中的字以及网路连结,则是我个人的评论。

69 、At the time we reorganized the business, we promised him a partnership, and I am sure he will hold us to it.───我们在改组企业时,曾答应他入伙,我相信他将要求我们兑现。

70 、The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, coming from the Central Bank during the Great Revolution, was reorganized and established in 1932.───广东省银行溯源于大革命时期的中央银行,于1932年改组成立。

71 、Along the rise of the divorce rate, there are many increases of a new family form, a reorganized family, and the relationship of a stepparent and a stepchild is a difficult problem in marriage disputes.───摘要随着当今社会离婚率的升高,重组家庭这个新的家庭模式也在不断地增多,继父母与继子女的关系也逐渐成为婚姻纠纷中的一大难题。

72 、If an index spans more than one file, the files are reorganized one at a time. Pages do not migrate between files.───如果索引跨越多个文件,将一次重新组织一个文件,不会在文件之间迁移页。

73 、He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department.───他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。

74 、Driving Change through Relentless Communication How a CEO reorganized a conglomerate into an integrated company with the power of communication.───一位CEO的变革之旅强大的愿景,清晰的战略,持续的沟通。

75 、When they reorganized the company, they made a clean sweep of all the holdovers.───当他们重新改组公司时,撤换了所有的留用人员。

76 、The city is reorganized along the matrices of transportation, water, and sewer networks, and grows infrastructural tentacles in order to ship and receive.───城市是改组沿着矩阵的交通,水和污水处理网络,并增加基础设施的触角,以船舶和接收。

77 、And when a bank failed, the Swedish regulators reorganized the institution with "good" loans and "bad" loans under separate managements.───当一家银行倒闭时,瑞典管理者改组这个机构,把“好的贷款”和“不好的贷款”分别管理。

78 、What king of Babylonia reorganized the empire under the Code that bears his name?───哪个巴比伦国王使用以他命名的法典来重新组织了国家?

79 、China's reform and opening up has improved the changing of social strata's structure, and the original social strata have evolved and reorganized.───摘要我国改革开放推动了社会阶层结构的变化,原有的阶层己经分化重组。

80 、By 1995, the Croatian army had been reorganized and strengthened. It launched attacks on the Serb-held territory. The Croatian army recaptured most of the territory seized by the Serbs in 1991.───1995年,克罗地亚重组军队和加强军事实力,向塞尔维亚佔有的领土发动攻击,克罗地亚军队最终重夺塞尔维亚人于1991年夺得的大部分土地。

81 、For purpose of better positioning and decision-making, the company has reorganized its structure into a flat instead of the used pyramid connection.───为适应新经济时代的到来,顺应市场变化,提高项目前期的**与决策能力,公司通过组织再造,打破等级森严的金字塔结构,建立了扁平化组织结构;

82 、An Analysis on Impacts of Enterprise Income Tax on Reorganized Foreign-owned Banks───外资银行转制后的企业所得税影响

83 、The analysis and thought about the reorganized and listed of construction enterprises───对建筑施工企业改制上市的分析与思考

84 、At the end of 1909 or the beginning of 1910, the Chekiang Government Bank was reorganized to be the Chekiang Bank.───1909-1910年间,浙江官钱局改组为浙江银行。

85 、In addition, the Chinese Cultural Renaissance Movement Promotion Committee has been reorganized into the National Cultural Association.───中华文化复兴运动改弦更张,改组成立中华文化复兴运动总会。

86 、In order to raise efficiency, the company needs to be reorganized.───为了提高工作效率,公司组织架构要重新调整。

87 、I think it seems better than... It's reorganization.─── 我觉得这看起来比... 是重组的意思

88 、He reorganized the internal structure of the company, consolidating some operations and eliminating jobs and departments that did not fit into his long-range plans.───他重组了公司内部机构,加强了某些运作机制,撤销了不利于长期计划实施的项目和部门。

89 、China Shipbuilding NDRI Engineering Co., Ltd was originally reorganized on the basis of the Ninth Design and Research Institute of CSSC, now under China State Shipbuilding Corporation.───中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司是由原中船第九设计研究院改制而成,隶属于中国船舶工业集团公司。

90 、Notice of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce concerning Relevant Issues on Doing a Good Job in Industrial and Commercial Registration of Reorganized Foreign-funded Banks [Effective]───国家工商行政管理总局关于做好外资银行改制工商登记工作有关问题的通知[现行有效]


type in napolean into yahoo or google and there should be heaps of english intro on it




The French called Napoleon Bonaparte “a man of destiny.” A hero in France, Napoleon was hated elsewhere in Europe. Today, Napoleon is remembered as one of the greatest military leaders of all time. He built an empire that covered much of Europe.


Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 on Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. At the age of 16, Napoleon chose a career in the French army.


In 1789, a revolution began that rocked France. The king and queen were executed. Hungry working people demanded new freedoms. Revolutionary governments in France swept away old laws. They declared war on supporters of the former king. The French Revolution lasted until 1799.


Napoleon first showed his military skill fighting for the French Revolution. In 1794, he captured the French city of Toulon, which supported rule by royalty. For this success, Napoleon was made a general at the age of 24. In 1795, Napoleon saved the revolutionary government from rioters in Paris, the capital.

From 1796 to 1797, Napoleon commanded the French army on the Italian-French border. While there, he managed to defeat bigger armies from Austria, France’s chief enemy of the day. Napoleon went on to invade Egypt in 1798. Napoleon’s victories enlarged France’s territory.


Napoleon returned to France as a hero. The French people had lost confidence in the revolutionary government. So Napoleon decided to seize control. In November 1799, Napoleon set up a new government with himself as leader.

Could Napoleon lead his country as well as he could command an army? At first, he was a great success.

Napoleon reorganized national and local government. He made new laws that upheld religious freedom and other rights of the people. He introduced fairer taxes and a new education system. From 1800 to 1802, he forced European countries that had joined together against France to agree to make peace.

In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France as Napoleon I. He paid top artists to portray him in proud, powerful poses.


France was now the strongest nation in Europe. But Napoleon wasn’t satisfied. Ruthless, restless, and always seeking glory, he dreamed of a mighty empire. Britain, Russia, Austria, and Prussia (north Germany) united to fight him.

In 1805, Britain defeated France’s ships off the southern coast of Spain in the famous Battle of Trafalgar. But by 1807, Napoleon had smashed Russian and Prussian armies and won more land for France.


In 1808, Napoleon invaded Spain. Spanish fighters put up a fierce resistance. They used guerrilla tactics (surprise attacks and rapid retreats), making it impossible for Napoleon to win.

Worse was to come. In 1812, Napoleon led 500,000 soldiers to invade Russia. Through bitter winter weather, they marched to Moscow, Russia’s capital. But they found themselves stranded. The Russians had set fire to much of the city, destroying food and shelter needed by Napoleon’s troops. Napoleon had to retreat. Over half his men died.

Soon after this loss, Napoleon suffered another defeat at Leipzig, Germany. The countries allied against France forced Napoleon to step down. He was sent into exile on the Mediterranean island of Elba, near Italy, in 1813.


Napoleon was not a man to give in. In 1815, he escaped from Elba and dashed back to Paris. There, he was greeted by cheering crowds. Napoleon gathered an army and marched north into Belgium to face enemy forces.

The campaign in Belgium ended in disaster. Napoleon’s outnumbered troops met a crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo, one of history’s most famous battles.


Napoleon spent his last years as a prisoner on the island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. He died in 1821. But Napoleon’s influence on France has lasted long after his death. Many of his reforms in law, government, and education still govern French life today.

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