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07-01 投稿




英:[?hez?t?nt]  美:[?h?z?t?nt]

英:  美:


adj. 迟疑的, 犹豫不定的


副词: hesitantly |


1 、Harvey - Alonso is a player we want, even though he is a very Outstanding professional player, but he slowly mobilization of the midfield so that I am a little hesitant.───哈维-阿隆索是我们想要的球员,尽管他是一个非常出色的职业球员,但他在中场的调动速度慢让我有点犹豫。

2 、He's hesitant about making new friends.───他不太愿意结交新朋友。

3 、Maybe she still wanted to go back to college.He was eight or nine years older than she, and if he fell in love, that meant he'd want to get married right away.He couldn't wait for her to finish college.Maybe that was what made her hesitant.───也许她要读书,自己年龄比她大八九岁,谈恋爱就得结婚,等不了她大学毕业,她可能为这事迟疑不决。

4 、He was hesitant about making a decision.───他对做决定很犹豫。

5 、If I was powered, I wouldn't hesitate.─── 如果我有超能力 我絕不會猶豫

6 、What do you wanna do exactly? To be a politican, then go to pass the government officers exam, don't hesitant around being a teacher.───你想做什么呢?做政治家,那就去考公务员,从政吧.不要老是当老师,这是打擦边球

7 、But never be afraidor hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you.───但是,当妳的内心已经明确知道怎样的路才真真正适合妳的时候,要敢于脱离既定的轨道去追求妳自己的方向,不要害怕或迟疑。

8 、What caused this whole mess? Really. That's it. Really. The word, "really." And the rep's hesitant tone of voice.───什么引起了混乱?其实。就是它。其实。就是这个词“其实”,还有这个推销员迟疑的口气。

9 、After I would love, but I stride go out this step, I would be very cautious, very hesitant.───以后我也会恋爱,只是我在跨出去这一步的时候,我会很谨慎,也很迟疑。

10 、"It's because of you that I'm so hesitant.───“就是为了你,我很踌躇。

11 、In numerously accept appointment, probably my educational background, my empirical shortage, make you hesitant at the moment uncertain.───在众多应聘者中,或许此刻我的学历,我的经验的不足,让您犹豫不定。

12 、Get online when shopping gens is buying goods, make a bit hesitant, ask oneself more a few " need really?───上网购物一族可以在购买商品时,稍作迟疑,多问自己几句“是不是真的需要?”

13 、You have to be willing to I won't hesitate.─── 你必须愿意... 我不会犹豫的

14 、The surge in popularity is because of volatile equity and hesitant credit markets as well as booming demand from the rapidly growing number of hedge funds in the region.───亚太地区可转债发行量猛增,原因是股市波动、信贷市场低迷,而该地区迅猛增长的对冲基金对可转债的需求也大幅增加。

15 、You did, because you hesitated when you shouldn't have.─── 是你丢的 因为你在不该犹豫的时候迟疑了

16 、A woman may also offer to cook dinner for a man as a way of "reimbursing" him for the money he has spent on previous dates with her. The man should, therefore, not feel hesitant about accepting such an invitation.───女的可能会烧一顿饭给他吃作为“补偿”他和她上次约会的花费,男的应该不加犹豫而接受邀请。

17 、Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment.───医生们不愿对新疗法作出评论。

18 、We could also feel more deeply tortuous step of China" s society and civilization, advanced intellectuals" fates and hesitant psychology.───体会那个时代以王韬为代表的先进知识分子在巨变之际的命运和彷徨迷惘的复杂心态。

19 、Understandably, utilities are hesitant to make big bets on products that could soon be obsolete.───可以理解,电力公司在可能很快过时的产品上不愿下大的赌注。

20 、But never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the ri_ht way for you.───但是,当你的内心已经明确知道怎样的路才是真正适合你的时候,要敢于脱离既定的轨道去追求你自己的方向,不要害怕或迟疑。

21 、He balloons his cheeks when he is hesitant.───他迟疑不决时会鼓起双颊。

22 、After hearing the news was hesitant at the time Kiichi is a worry, I feel very good, is a good thing, but I may hang!───听到消息之后很犹豫,当时是一喜一忧,感觉挺好,是好事,但是对我自己来说可能悬!

23 、Meanwhile, Jackson said he is hesitant to play Walton for extended minutes.───同时,菲尔也在担心,沃顿增加出场时间是不是合适?

24 、They are close, but very different: Richard is strong and purposeful, Anthony younger, more hesitant.───哥哥理查德强壮富有野心,弟弟安东尼年轻却优柔寡断。

25 、But if you do not know anyone in a big city, it's easy to fool hesitant about going there.───但是甘果在一个大城市中,谁也不认识,那就很容易里足不前了。

26 、I do. I only hesitate because I'm surprised.─── 不错 我犹豫 是因为我有点惊讶

27 、undecided; hesitant; many-minded───三心二意

28 、You're practical, serious and methodical. Your cautious attitude makes your uneasy and hesitant when it comes to making choices.───你是实际的、真的、条理及谨慎的,因为冒险会使你不平稳和不安全。

29 、The more you talk, the more you’ll both unearth fantasies you may have been hesitant to voice before.───你们谈论得越多,你们两越有可能将此前犹豫不敢言的感受说出来。

30 、When did you become so hesitant?───你何时变得如此优柔寡断?

31 、Think for the other's family and speak out what the other wanna say but hesitant.───主动替对方的家人考虑,说出对方想说又迟疑的话。

32 、Elected officials frequently were hesitant to seek injunctions which might shut down major industries.───在请求发出关闭本地主要工业的禁令时,在任的官员往往表现出犹豫不决。

33 、Why are you hesitating? It's fine.─── 你为什么犹豫不前 没事

34 、Sad over a breakup and hesitant to take off.───分开的感伤想飞的彷徨。

35 、But I didn't hesitate, not for a second.─── 但我没有犹豫 没有半分犹豫

36 、After my encounter with the savage dune thresher, one might think it natural were I hesitant to venture into the wastes surrounding Caldeum.───在我遭遇沙丘长尾蜥后,人们觉得我对去卡迪安周边荒郊探险肯定是有顾虑的。

37 、The same thing happened with Assembler and C++ few years ago, and in the future there will be new languages that make our life easier and there will still be people hesitant to adopt them right away.───在几年前这同样发生在汇编和C++身上,而在未来会后新的程序语言是你的生活更方便,而仍然有人在犹豫是否接受它。

38 、Garnett isn't a slash/speedster so it is as bad as it could be, be he will nonetheless be hesitant.───加内特不是一个奔跑型球员,所以他只会更糟糕,进攻会变得更加犹豫。

39 、At his most hesitant he was also at his gravest.───他最吞吞吐吐的时候,也就是最严肃认真的时候。

40 、Because love is patient: Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen, hesitant to criticize, but eager to encourage, remembering your endless patience with me.───因为爱是恒久忍耐:请帮助我能够用心地去听,而不是轻易下结论。多一点去鼓励,迟一点去批评。铭记你对我无尽的耐心。

41 、Most people can't be successful is due to hesitant,because he is lack of determination.───大部分人之所以不成功是因为他时常犹豫不决,是因为他缺乏决断力。

42 、Donn't be hesitant,or you miss the good chance.───别犹豫不决,否则会错失良机。

43 、You must have been heaven-sent,Sometimes we should be hesitant.───你应该被送上天空,有些事我们应该犹豫。

44 、He's hesitant (aBout) whether he should give in.───他在犹豫他是否该让步。

45 、He was hesitant to join in the slaughter of largely defenseless Autobots,but did not want to take up arms against someone he'd considered a friend .───他犹豫着要不要加入手无寸铁,损失惨重的博派,但又不想与他一直认为是好友的红蜘蛛针锋相对。

46 、Secondly, many customers to use the Beijing home is an investment hesitant attitude in the exposition scene that the real information is a huge risk for them.───其次,很多北京顾客对异地投资置业都抱迟疑态度,在展会现场了解到的楼盘信息不足以让他们出巨资冒险。

47 、We must not be pessimistic and give up. If we are hesitant,we will miss this opportunity.───千万不好灰心悲观,犹豫不前而坐失机遇。

48 、Meanwhile, Eve suggests to Adam that they work separately for awhile, so they can get more work done.Adam is hesitant but then assents.───同时,夏娃建议亚当分头工作,如此一来,工作方能尽早完成,亚当犹豫了一下,但之后也同意了。

49 、But many observers believe that courts are even less hesitant about discerning "unambiguous" mandates in regulatory laws than one would expect from a reading of the Chevron opinion.───但许多观察家相信,较之人们会期望从"切弗伦"案的意见中能够理解的,法院甚至更痛快地在起管理作用的法律中辨别出"明确的"指令。

50 、He is very shy and hesitant in company.───他在别人面前很害羞且犹豫不决。

51 、Occasionally, administrative action may be held to be unreviewable because it involves some special area in which courts are hesitant to become involved, such as foreign affairs or military decisions.───偶尔有一些行政行为被认为不可复审,因为它涉及到了一些法院不愿卷人的领域,如外交事务与军事决议。

52 、He becomes more and more hesitant after he took it at very beginning.───个小时演变得愈加犹豫

53 、They have hesitant, tender-hearted and ready to gloss things over to avoid trouble.───他们有着优柔寡断、畏难手软、息事宁人的情绪

54 、We have to do ahead of plan, prepare, if still hesitant, to pay close attention to time.───大家一定要提前做计划,做准备,如果现在还在犹豫不决的话,要抓紧时间了。

55 、He was hesitant about giving her the secret.───他对是否告诉她秘密还犹豫不决。

56 、Like a calf dreads nothing, he is just undergoing the period when he isn't hesitant to do whatever he wants.───他是初生之犊,正是敢想敢干的时候。

57 、Cock asked: "centipede brother, you say something even though, why the hesitant.───公鸡问:“蜈蚣弟弟,你有事尽管说话,何必吞吞吐吐的。”

58 、From struggling alone to supporting the whole family, can we be qualified for good “daddies”?You may refer to the following advice when you are hesitant.───从独闯天下到举家前行,我们能成为一个好爸爸吗?

59 、That's why she didn't hesitate to let him in.─── 这就是她毫不犹豫让他进门的原因

60 、He is hesitant whether he should give in.───他在犹豫他是否该让步

61 、He took a hesitant step towards her.───他犹豫着向她走近了一步。

62 、The deployment Bosc line-up of the most difficult in midfield, he is still hesitant Harvey's partner who is.───博斯克调配阵容的最大难点还是在中场,他目前仍在犹豫哈维的搭档是谁。

63 、You might be surprised to learn that, in fact, your partner is hesitant about initiating physical contact because he or she is afraid of appearing overeager, and insensitive.───你也许会惊讶地发现,事实上,你的伴侣对进行身体接触感到犹豫是因为他或她担心显得过于饥渴及(对你的病痛)麻木不仁。

64 、I became hesitant after hearing what you said to me.───听你这一说,我又二乎了。

65 、The Health Ministry and Red Cross Society of China want to encouraging the typically hesitant Chinese population to donate organs after they die.───中国卫生部和红十字协会表示,国家鼓励那些犹豫不决的民众在死后捐赠自己的器官。

66 、It suffices to say that,even today,some companies continue to be hesitant to communicate with their customers.───可以很确定的说,即使是现在,很多物流公司对于是否和客户交流还是犹豫不决。

67 、A hesitant performance by global equity markets highlighted the shift in mood away from the optimism seen for most of last month.───全球股市犹豫不决的走势,突显出上月大部分时间里的那种乐观人气已发生转变。

68 、But it is right travel road person very captious also, too cross soft of attentive, continous soft or hesitant not before, its metropolis close the door on.───但它对行路者也很挑剔,太过温存、绵绵软软或犹豫不前的,它都会拒之门外。

69 、There is a cozy atmosphere and if you have romantic plans, this is the time. You can take a hesitant step forward to woo loved ones.───今天有着惬意的气氛,如果你有浪漫的安排再好不过了。提起你犹豫不决的脚步追求你心爱的人吧。

70 、Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.───参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。

71 、He is always hesitant to take action, which leads to the delay of many things.───他做事总是踟蹰不前,许多事都耽误了。

72 、Why Ni 4 year agoes' boy friend beat to Ni all can very hesitant meet rise and chat very long?───为什麽妳4年前的男友打给妳都可以好不犹豫的接起来并聊很久?

73 、But she has been both hesitant and meddling, and has often allowed a small cabal of personal advisers to overrule and undermine ministers.───但是她既犹豫不决又多管闲事,而且经常让一个私人顾问组成的小集团去否决和损害部长们。

74 、But if you see him, you don't hesitate.─── 如果你看到他 不要犹豫

75 、The government of any country that is hesitant to commit ist combatants to these hideous campaigns will soom be taught a powerful lesson.───任何犹豫不定地让它的战士参加这些可怕的战役的国家政府将立即得到一个强有力的教训。

76 、Their conversation was strangely hesitant considering the naturalness and confidence of their earlier meeting.───奇怪的是尽管他们刚才相遇时是那么自然随便,现在说话却吞吞吐吐的。

77 、He was very hesitant in his steps.───他的步子已十分不稳了。

78 、That wasn't the only reason we hesitated.─── 这不是我们犹豫的唯一理由

79 、We must not be pessimistic and give up. If we are hesitant, we will miss this opportunity.───千万不好悲观放弃,犹豫不前而坐失机遇。

80 、Most preachers are hesitant to speak on offering and giving for mission.───但国内仍有许多教牧同工甚少传讲奉献的信息,有些甚至不提。

81 、He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English.───他结结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交谈。

82 、"My family is supportive of everything I do," says Christensen, "but they were hesitant because I was asked to pay for my trip.───“我家人对我做的每件事都很支持,”克里斯腾森说,“但听说我要自己付旅费就犹豫了。

83 、But consumers in the purchase, has been very hesitant: What kind of house is energy-efficient?───但消费者在购房时,又十分犹豫:怎样的房子才是节能的?

84 、He turned and looked at Sun Chi-jen with such a look of determination and confidence in his eyes as would have made the most hesitant of men decide there and then to follow him.───他转过脸去看着孙吉人,他那眼光的坚决和自信能够叫顶没有主意的人也忽然打定了主意跟他走。

85 、She's hesitant about making new friends.───她对交新朋友很犹豫。

86 、If they find out I was here, they won't hesitate.─── 要是他们知道我来过这儿 绝不会有一丝犹豫

87 、But some Washington insiders are still hesitant, due to the lack of progress with the previously U.S. approved military purchase (ASW plane, AB missiles, SSK) for the past two years.───不过,一名华府官员说的好:三大军购案早已根据美军正式报价完成建案,但过去两年来台湾立院还不是照样拒审预算?

88 、Second, the weight of blue-chip rebound hesitant.───二是权重蓝筹股反弹犹豫不决。

89 、He was hesitant to mention it.───他很不愿意提起那件事。

90 、People who are hailing cabs are generally in a hurry, so at first I was hesitant to ask her for a picture.───人谁欢呼驾驶室一般都在急急忙忙,所以起初我是犹豫,请她为一张图片。





Um," the woman hesitated. "I'm actually the one with the cancer."





They may seem hesitant to make friends or lose connection with their current friends.


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