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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


v. 临时代人照看婴儿


1 、I've been babysitting this evidence all day.─── 我已经在这看管这些证据了一天了

2 、'I can take the kids to school. You'd have to babysit tonight, I have a date.'───“我可以先载孩子们上学。你今晚得看孩子哦,我今晚有个约会。”

3 、babysit v.───照看婴儿;

4 、She agreed to babysit these kids when their mums were on night shift.───她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照顾这些孩子。

5 、If a fire-eating machine, such as Watt's engine, lacked self-control, it would have taken every working hand the machine displaced to babysit its energy.───如果一种靠火驱动的机器,比如说,瓦特的蒸汽机,缺失了自我控制系统,所有被这种机器置换出来的那些劳动力,就都会用来呵护它的燃料。

6 、Danna often got time to babysit some pityful and hungry children.───戴安娜经常抽些时间去看一下那些饥饿可怜的孩子们。

7 、She has to babysit her little brother when her mom goes to work in the evening.───当她妈妈晚上上班的时候,她不得不照顾她的小弟弟。

8 、carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers. “Will you babysit the cubs?”───但是还是有嘘声和嘲讽声.“你会抚养那个幼兽吗?”

9 、“What say you, Draco?”asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet, it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers.”Will you babysit the cubs?”───“你认为呢,德拉科?”伏地魔问,尽管他的声音很轻,但却清晰得传过了那片嘘声和嘲笑声,“你会管这样的小杂种吗?”

10 、Yeah, it could be Rachel asking if someone could babysit again.───哦,对可能又是瑞秋要我们帮她看孩子。

11 、Andrew: Yeah, but I know she's going to ask me to babysit.───安德鲁:对啊,但是我知道我姐一定会叫我帮忙带小孩。

12 、I asked was she babysitting or something.─── 我问她是不是在帮别人带孩子

13 、Teenagers (13 to 19 years) may babysit at neighbors' homes in order to earn a few dollars a week.───十三岁到十八岁的少年可能在邻居家里照顾小孩,为了一星期可以赚几块钱。

14 、why do I have to babysit mother?───为什么要我照顾妈妈?

15 、I'm not here to babysit you or your buddies.─── 我不是在这里照顾你或你的朋友的

16 、Maybe except the fact that it takes alot of patience to babysit.───也许我只能说看管小孩是需要很多耐性。

17 、The day before I'd worked all night, and the day of the party I had three meetings scheduled and had promised to babysit for my friend's son.───那天的头一个晚上我彻夜都在工作,而那天我有三个安排了的会议,还答应给我朋友带孩子。

18 、Dammit Joe,if you were going to babysit me,you could have let me know about it!───干!周,假如你想让我做保姆,起码告诉我那个人在哪里?

19 、I was hoping you could help out more with babysitting.─── 我希望你能多帮我照看孩子

20 、A:Can you babysit for me Thursday evening?───周四晚能帮我看看小孩吗?

21 、I'm paying you to babysit, is what I'm doing.─── 我所做的是让你们拿着钱当保姆

22 、Babysit v. Look after a baby for a short time───临时受雇照顾婴儿

23 、He said he would babysit his sister tomorrow.───他说他明天要照顾他妹妹。

24 、Dammit Joe,if you were going to babysit me ,you could have let me know about it !───干!周,如果你想让我做保姆,起码告诉我那个人在哪里?

25 、16 So the government is sending some ruthless killer spy to babysit me.───所以政府会派一些无情的杀手**看护我。

26 、I am going to babysit my nephew tomorrow.───明天我将要去照顾我的侄子。

27 、The older ones can cook basic dishes and babysit the younger ones.───大一点的几个可以做一些基本的食物并且照看几个小的。

28 、And when I retire maybe I can babysit for all the other players.───退役之后我会为其他球员看孩子。

29 、The proud grandparents always love to babysit for their children's newborn.───祖父母喜欢为他们儿女的新生儿担任临时保母。

30 、All I can do is love you and babysit for you.───我所能做的只是爱你,帮你照顾你的小孩。

31 、Oh, no, no, no. I'm not here to babysit.─── 不不不 我不是来这里看孩子的

32 、She has to babysit her sister .───她必须照顾(babysit)她的妹妹.

33 、Asians : When old, guarantee will not be lonely, as long as willing to babysit the grandkids.───亚洲人:退休后,保证将不会寂寞,只要愿意带孙辈。

34 、Could you babysit for us on Friday?───你星期五帮我们看一下孩子好吗?

35 、I'll type your report if you'll babysit in exchange.───如果你愿意代我照看孩子,我就把这个报告给你打出来。

36 、We'll need you to help babysit, if Jenny is working with me.───如果詹妮和我一块儿干活,我们就需要您帮着看孩子。

37 、Why are you babysitting me? I'm not babysitting you.─── 那你为什么看着我 我没看着你

38 、What is she going to do on vacation? She is going to babysit her sister.───她假期准备做什么?她要照顾她妹妹。

39 、Yeah, she's a friend who who babysits for me.─── 對 她是我朋友 幫我照顧孩子

40 、Betty: Can you babysit for me Thursday evening?───周四晚上能帮我看看小孩吗?

41 、Vendors are willing to ‘babysit’ the store when I can’t be there.───我不在的时候,供应商乐意暂时照看我的小店。

42 、When I was a young teenager I used to babysit my next door neighborhood's son.───当我还是青少年时,曾担任邻居小孩的保姆。

43 、But I have better things to do with my life than to babysit him while I wait for the pair of you to attempt a rescue.───不过与其要照看他,倒不如等待你们两位来尝试这场援救行动,那样对我的人生有着更大的意义。”

44 、But when the pack had puppies, the other adults recruited him to babysit.───但是包让人招募他照看婴孩小狗,其它成年人。

45 、It's no picnic to babysit.───照顾婴儿不是轻松的工作。

46 、Can you babysit for me Thursday evening?───周四晚能帮我看看小孩吗?

47 、What is worse, there is only me left to babysit Huizi.───惨的是我成了惠子的“小保姆”了。

48 、He had the cheek to ask his ex-girlfriend to babysit for them.───他竟厚着脸皮要他以前的女朋友为他们临时照看小孩。

49 、I was babysitting you when I was your age.─── 我像你这么大时都能照顾你了

50 、11.I'm in competition with your mother.She takes you on vacations every year and buys things I can't afford.All I can do is love you and babysit for you.I hope that's enough and that it's appreciated.───我现在在跟你妈竞争,她能每年带你度个假,买那些我买不起的东西,我能做的就是爱你,照顾你的孩子,我希望这样是足够的也是值得感谢的。

51 、Given that most professional tradesmen work business hours, someone will have to be available to meet them, explain the problem, and then babysit them while they finish the job.───想想那些最职业的商人们吧,他们在工作的时候,有人会和他们会面,向他们解释问题,然后在完成工作后犒劳一下他们。

52 、I'll babysit your little cousin.───我立即去照顾你的小表妹。

53 、“What say you, Draco?” asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet, it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers. “Will you babysit the cubs?”───“你认为呢,德拉科?”伏地魔问,尽管他的声音很轻,但却清晰得传过了那片嘘声和嘲笑声,“你会照顾这小杂种吗?

54 、Does anyone need a babysitter to babysit your children?───需要一个帮您看孩子的人吗?找我吧,前三周免费!

55 、On Saturday morning, TV is filled with animated programs so that it can babysit while parents sleep late.───每个周六的上午,为了让父母们睡个懒觉,电视里会播放大量的动画节目。

56 、Like the time she told my guidance counselor that I had to miss school for exploratory surgery, when she really needed me to babysit.───就像上次她跟我的指导员说因为我要做外科手术需要请假,而实际上她真正的目的是要我帮她带小孩。

57 、"Minna could babysit one night if your father has to work.───“如果你的父亲得去工作,米娜可以看一晚上孩子。”

58 、So what's it doing? It's babysitting.─── 那它是做什么的 照顾孩子

59 、I have to babysit my little sister when mom is outside.───当妈妈外出时,我不得不照顾我的小妹妹。



现在时:I babysit my neighbor's kids on weekends. 过去时:Last night, she babysat for her sister's children. 过去分词:She has babysat for many families over the years.



- 现在时:babysit

- 过去时:babysat

- 完成时:have/has babysat

- 过去完成时:had babysat

- 将来时:will babysit

- 过去将来时:would babysit

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