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07-01 投稿




英:[ɑ:'mi:n??]  美:[ɑ:r'mi:n?r]

英:  美:


n. 亚美尼亚;亚美尼亚人;亚美尼亚语

adj. 亚美尼亚的;亚美尼亚人的


1 、Occasionally l have been informed that my contribution was destined for Syria or Armenia or the upper Yangtze.───偶尔也有来信告知,我寄去的东西已分发到叙利亚,或阿美尼亚,或长江上游地区。

2 、BC Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires.───卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。

3 、It might have begun with Armenia, by considering America's plea to open its borders with it.───出于对美国要求开放与亚美尼亚边境的考虑,也许已从亚美尼亚开始了。

4 、After the August war, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the three Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, all crave reassurance against an irredentist Russia.───八月战争后,乌克兰、白俄罗斯、摩尔多瓦和格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆这三个高加索地区的国家,都渴望得到保障用以对抗坚持民族统一的俄罗斯。

5 、The Republic of Armenia Law on Trade Names───亚美尼亚共和国贸易名称法

6 、Ghukasyan Norayr, Director of National Institute of Education of the Republic of Armenia───亚美尼亚国家教育研究所所长古卡相·诺拉维扬

7 、The European Foil Industry: Austria, Italy, Russia and Armenia───全球铝轧制工业概览系列综述之二十五 欧洲的铝箔工业:奥地利、意大利、俄罗斯与亚美尼亚

8 、Armenia is a land-locked country located in Eurasia's Southern Caucasus mountain range.───亚美尼亚是位于欧亚大陆南高加索山脉的内陆国。

9 、The time in Armenia is currently three hours behind Taiwan. If it is 3:15pm in Taipei, it is 12:15pm in Yerevan.───亚美尼亚目前时间比台湾晚三小时。假如台湾现在是下午三点十五分,叶里温就是中午十二点十五分。

10 、Assyria proper was located in a mountainous region, extending along the Tigris as far as the high Gordiaean or Carduchian mountain range of Armenia, sometimes called the "Mountains of Ashur".───严格地说,亚述是位于山陵地区,延着底格里斯河,一直扩展到远至亚美尼亚境内的卡迪克亚山地和哥迪尼高地处,有时候称为“亚述山区”。

11 、So Turkey did another volte-face.Mr Erdogan declared that friendship with Armenia was no longer possible unless it withdrew from Nagorno-Karabakh.───于是土耳其立马又来了次急转弯,埃尔多安声称如果亚美尼亚不从纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫撤离,土亚两国间将无友谊可谈。

12 、It is also wary of Russia's show of wanting to help Armenia and Azerbaijan make peace over Nagorno-Karabakh.───俄表示愿协助亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆就纳-卡问题达成和平,土对此也很警觉。

13 、What an interesting stitch! I continued.My friend had an explanation. The woman -- her name is Mrs. Vidian -- told me she learned the stitch in Armenia, her native country.───“这种织法真有趣!”我继续说道。朋友解释说:“是威迪安夫人,她说她是在她的家乡亚美尼亚学会这种织法的。”

14 、Photo taken on Feb. 21, 2008 shows a snow removal truck on the way from the Sevan Lake of Armenia to Tbilisi of Gerogia.───2月21日,亚美尼亚境内塞万湖附近通往格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯的公路上,一辆铲雪车(左)在除雪。

15 、During these festivals, the Hayer Cultural Center finds talented children from all over Armenia and helps them to make their futures successful.───从这些节目中,我们发掘亚美尼亚国内具有才华的儿童,协助他们发展音乐天赋。

16 、This was sealed in 1993 after Armenia occupied a chunk of Azerbaijan in a vicious little war.───一九九三年,爱美尼亚在一次小小战役总占领了很大块阿塞拜疆的土地,这样就使得两国边境是在战后被封闭。

17 、In 1994, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh signed a peace agreement sponsored jointly by Russia and the OSCE.───1994年,在俄国和欧洲安全与合作组织的联合倡导之下,亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫签署了一项和平协议。

18 、Mr. Mkrtchyan Levon, Minister of Education and Science, the Republic of Armenia───亚美尼亚教育部部长姆克尔强·列翁

19 、The Republic of Armenia───亚美尼亚共和国

20 、Of or relating to Armenia or its people, language, or culture.───亚美尼亚的亚美尼亚或其人民,语言,或文化的有关亚美尼亚或其人民,语言或文化的

21 、He says he would like Mr.Gul to leave Armenia in a bad mood, but only because his team has lost the game.───他表示希望居尔带着坏心情离开亚美尼亚,但仅仅是因为土耳其队输了。

22 、Former Prime Minister of Armenia───亚美尼亚前总理

23 、But it is not unthinkable, as we have seen many times, in Armenia, in Cambodia, in Germany, in Bosnia, in Darfur: genocide continues to take place often with impunity.───但是我们多次目睹,在美国,柬埔寨,德国,波斯尼亚,达尔福尔这些国家里的大屠杀持续发生,却不用受到任何惩罚。

24 、But Spain had done enough, and completed a happy first day of qualifying, having already learnt that second seeds Ukraine had been held by Armenia.───依靠劳尔和贝莱隆的进球,西班牙队在客场以2-0力克希腊队,取得了2004年欧锦赛资格赛的一场胜利。这是第6小组的一场比赛。

25 、northern Media became the kingdom of Atropatene, which passed to Parthia, Armenia, and Rome.───北米底亚成为阿特罗帕坦王国,后来转归安息、亚美尼亚和罗马。

26 、An Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh was a source of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which went to war after the province proclaimed its independence in 1991.───位于阿塞拜疆的亚美尼亚人自治州纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆冲突的根源。1991年该省宣布独立后两国间爆发战争。

27 、After the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, more than 97 percent of the 902 patients who eventually required hospitalization were admitted in the ?rst six days after the temblor.───1988年亚美尼亚地震中902例需要住院的患者中,超过97%的住院伤者是在地震发生后的前六天。

28 、Nork-Marash,9-th Street,house 39,Yerevan, Republic of Armenia 375048───办公地址:亚美尼亚共和国,埃里温市,诺尔克-马拉什,第九街39号

29 、"So you think it's some large and powerful nation close by?" asked Father. Of course, there was only one large and powerful nation close to Armenia.───“所以你认为是更大更强的国家?”父亲说,当然,亚美尼亚附近只有一个强国。

30 、Armenia is occupying a region of Azerbaijani territory, which has resulted in Turkey enforcing a trade embargo against Armenia since 1993, crippling the Armenian economy.───亚美尼亚目前占领着阿塞拜疆的一个地区,土耳其因此从1993年开始对亚美尼亚实施贸易禁运,给亚美尼亚经济造成重大损失。

31 、An ancient empire and civilization of western Asia in the upper valley of the Tigris River. In its zenith between the ninth and seventh centuries b.c. the empire extended from the Mediterranean Sea across Arabia and Armenia.───亚述亚洲西部底格里河流域北部一帝国和文明古国。公元前9世纪至7世纪,在它的强盛时期,亚述帝国的疆域从地中海跨越阿拉伯和亚美尼亚地区

32 、Armenia: Drug and Medical Technology Agency───亚美尼亚:药物和医学技术署

33 、The world was like a plate; paradise was up a mountain, across a sea, perhaps guarded by angels, maybe in China, or Armenia, or Abyssinia, or Mesopotamia.───世俗世界像是一个盘子,跨过群山,穿过海洋,或许在中国,或许在亚美尼亚,或许在埃塞俄比亚,或许在美索布达米亚,就是被天使所守卫的天堂。

34 、Since independence, Armenia has switched to a market economy and seeks parliamentary style democracy, but elections are not yet considered fair by international observers.───亚美尼亚独立后,转型市场经济,采行议会形式的民主,但国际观察家认为迄今的选举并不公平。

35 、In exchange Armenia would have to recognise its border with Turkey and make some conciliatory gesture towards Azerbaijan.───为了达到互惠互利,爱美尼亚将承认其与土耳其的边界,并对阿塞拜疆人采取调和手段。

36 、The comparative clastogenic activity of mainstream tobacco smoke from cigarettes widely consumed in Armenia───亚美尼亚大宗香烟中主流烟草烟尘的比较裂解活性

37 、armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness───亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。

38 、The Republic of Armenia Law on Copyright and Related Rights───亚美尼亚共和国著作和相关权利法

39 、Armenia won 6 bronze medals, but no gold or silver ones.───亚美尼亚获得了6面铜牌,没有金也没有银。

40 、Armenia and South Africa are on it for the third year in a row.───亚美尼亚和南非连续三年榜上有名了。

41 、On April 6th 1992, China established diplomatic relations with the republic of Armenia. Armenia is in the west of Asia, is a landlocked mountainous country. The capital is Erivan.───1992年4月6日,中国与亚美尼亚共和国建交。亚美尼亚位于亚洲西部,内陆多山国家,首都埃里温。

42 、But one Western diplomat says that “rapprochement with Armenia is on its last legs.───不过一位西方的外交官说:“向亚美尼亚示好,土耳其真是黔驴技穷了。”

43 、After missionary work in India he travelled to Armenia, Colombia.───他完成了在印度的传教工作后,到了哥伦比亚的亚美尼亚。

44 、In the World Bank's ranking of GDP per capita for 2007 using purchasing power parity, China was ranked 112th at $5,370, behind Egypt, El Salvador and Armenia.───从2007年世界银行按购买力平价转换而来的人均国民收入统计数字来看,中国仅以人居5370美金排在112位,在埃及,萨尔瓦多,亚美尼亚之后。

45 、3 October 2007, Rome - African Swine Fever (ASF) remains deeply entrenched in Georgia and has recently also hit northern Armenia and the outskirts of the capital Yerevan, FAO said today.───2007年10月3日,罗马 - 非洲猪瘟(ASF)在格鲁吉亚依然很顽固并且在最近袭击了亚美尼亚北部及首都耶烈万的周边地区,粮农组织今天说。

46 、Armenia and South Africa are on it for the third year in a row .───亚美尼亚和南非连续三年被列入清单。

47 、92 BC Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires.───卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。

48 、a native or inhabitant of Armenia.───一个亚美尼亚土著或居民。

49 、Armenia is the only country bordering Turkey, a NATO member, in which the Russians have troops and a base.───亚美尼亚是与土耳其这个北约成员接壤的唯一一个驻有俄军并建有军事基地的国家。

50 、Today the zurna still exists as a folk instrument used mainly in festive village music in Islamic areas, as well as Greece, Cyprus, and Armenia.───今天的唢呐仍然代表了一种民族乐器,伊斯兰地区、希腊、塞普勒斯及亚美尼亚主要用它来演奏节庆乡村音乐。

51 、Armenia retorts that it is up to Turkey to prove that its overtures are not designed solely to kill the genocide resolution;───亚美尼亚则反驳道,这取决于土耳其证明其提议不是单纯有意的阻扰种族灭绝议案;

52 、A client from Armenia seeks laser engraver machines to engrave on wood and stone.───亚美尼亚客户求购激光雕刻机,用于在木头和石头上雕刻。

53 、He made his debut for the national team in August 1997 against Armenia but had to wait 18 months for his first start against The Netherlands.───1997年8月份保莱塔迎来了国家队的处子秀,不过第一次首发则推迟到了18个月之后对阵荷兰队的比赛中。

54 、In order to pass, at least one-third of Armenia's eligible voters must approve the measure by at least 50 percent.───上面是叙述亚美尼亚宪法修改的时候全民公决的事,是1/3合格选民参与公决,50%通过吗?

55 、The former Soviet republic of Armenia remain the only user of the WM-80 MRL.───前苏联亚美尼亚共和国一直是WM-80式MRL的唯一使用者。

56 、3 October 2007 - African Swine Fever remains deeply entrenched in Georgia and has recently also hit northern Armenia.───2007年10月3日,罗马-非洲猪瘟(ASF)在格鲁吉亚依然很顽固并且在最近袭击了亚美尼亚北部。

57 、Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Torosyan on the 16th of this month announced his resignation as speaker of the job.───亚美尼亚国民议会原议长托罗相于本月16日宣布辞去议长职务。

58 、"They might kidnap her to prevent her own nation from using her," said Nikolai. "Which brings us back to Armenia's neighbors."───“但他们可能为了防止她为自己国家效力而绑架她。”尼可莱说,“会使我们成为亚美尼亚邻国的。”

59 、formerly, Gey Yekhush ) is a town in the Lori Province of Armenia.───Saralanj (Armenian: 諐铡謤铡宅铡斩栈, also Romanized as Saralandzh and Saralandj ;

60 、an ancient empire and civilization of western Asia in the upper valley of the Tigris River. In its zenith between the ninth and seventh centuries b.c. the empire extended from the Mediterranean Sea across Arabia and Armenia───亚述,亚洲西部底格里河流域北部一帝国和文明古国。公元前9世纪至7世纪,在它的强盛时期,亚述帝国的疆域从地中海跨越阿拉伯和亚美尼亚地区

61 、And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia.───一日在他的神尼斯洛庙里叩拜,他儿子亚得米勒和沙利色用刀杀了他,就逃到亚拉腊地。

62 、The Republic of Armenia Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellation of Origin───亚美尼亚共和国商标、服务标识和产地名称法

63 、"We're getting votes from Armenia, from Venezuela. I'm getting phone calls from Macedonia. I mean, these are places even I have trouble putting on the map."───"我们获得了来自亚美尼亚和委内瑞拉的投票。我还接到了来自马其顿王国的**。我想说的是,这些地方连我都很难在地图上找准。"

64 、In only six - Indonesia, Mongolia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Thailand - did it narrow over the period in question.───只有在印度尼西亚、蒙古、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦、亚美尼亚和泰国这一差距没有拉大。

65 、The independent weekly newspaper Sensation, Armenia───亚美尼亚热门周报

66 、“It also shows that Turkey lacks the stomach to take on the Americans, so it is going after an easier target, Armenia, instead.───“这也说明土耳其缺乏搞定美国的能力,因此它随后锁定一个更容易的目标,用亚美尼亚代替。”

67 、Armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness.───亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。

68 、World Weather Information - Armenia───世界城市天气-亚美尼亚

69 、Late Prime Minister of Armenia───亚美尼亚已故总理

70 、United States has highly valued Armenian geographic position since Armenia gained independence.───亚美尼亚独立以后 ,因其地理位置的战略重要性 ,受到美国的高度重视。

71 、G. A. Galechyan Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, 原始页:───2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

72 、Armenia has become the latest country to help fight nuclear proliferation.───亚美尼亚是最近一个在打击核**方面提供协助的国家。

73 、$$Japanese$$Armenia$Republic of Armenia───$$日语$$亚美尼亚$亚美尼亚共和国

74 、Embassy of the Republic of Armenia───亚美尼亚共和国大使馆

75 、“All pig units must be regarded as being at risk,” a recent joint mission of the European Community, FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to Armenia warned.───“所有的养猪单位都应被视为面临危险”,欧共体、粮农组织和世界动物卫生组织最近派往亚美尼亚的联合工作组警告说。

76 、He descended the River Tigris in triumph, from the mountains of Armenia to the Persian Gulf.───他在胜利中来到发源于亚美尼亚山脉、流入波斯湾的底格里斯河。

77 、Spreading of carcinogens and mutagens in the environment of Armenia and possible ways of cancer prevention───亚美尼亚环境致癌物质和有机体突变诱导物质传播机理研究及癌症预防的可能途径

78 、Spitak Earthquake: In Armenia an earthquake 6.9 on the Richter scale kills nearly 25,000, injures 15,000 and leaves 400,000 homeless.───1988年的斯皮塔克地震:美国的一次里氏6.9级的地震造成近2万5千人丧生,1万5千人受伤和40万人无家可归。


80 、He handed Armenia to a client king, Tiridates II, whose father Caracalla had imprisoned.───他将亚美尼亚交给了附庸国王,提里达特斯二世,这个人的父亲在卡拉卡拉手上却遭到了牢狱之灾。


是 亚美尼亚共和国(The Republic of Armenia)









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