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07-01 投稿




英:[dr?b]  美:[dr?b]

英:  美:


adj. 土褐色的;单调的;乏味的

n. 邋遢女人;娼妓;少量


1 、In the meantime, the metope that finds a sitting room to do not let a person too too drab, made wall of one side vicissitudinous again.───同时,为了不让人感觉到客厅的墙面太过单调,又做了一面有变化的墙。

2 、Remain the same this year popular bingle, be like,applied on this foundation geometry, double deck, inclined to wait for clip means to replace drab in the past hairdo.───今年仍旧流行的短发,在此基础上运用了如几何、双层、斜向等修剪方式取代过去单调的发式。

3 、A girl comes out to meet you.To you she is the embodiment of loveliness;to another all that grace and beauty may look drab and homely.───你生命中出现了一个女孩,也许对你而言,这个女孩简直就是魅力的化身,但她对别人而言,那美丽和优雅也许就成了单调和平常。

4 、Answer relatively to it, often use abstract brushwork and sculpture to decorate, break a few drab, drab, curt line, with period obtain perfect and rich space to experience.───与之相对应,经常采用抽象绘画和雕塑来装饰,打破一些乏味、单调、生硬的线条,以期获得完美丰富的空间感受。

5 、THE Beijing Ren Ai Geracomium is set in a drab, dusty village just outside the Chinese capital.───北京仁爱敬老院就设立在首都郊外的一个尘土飞扬、缺乏活力的小村庄。

6 、After relishing the boom that transformed the drab United Kingdom into Cool Britannia, they fear that the disheartening economic stagnation of the 1970s might return.───在品味了英国经济有衰到盛的繁荣之后,他们将再次回到1970的经济大萧条中。

7 、Despising the "drab uniformity of the modern world", Sir Wilfred slogged across Africa and Asia, especially Arabia, on animals and on foot, immersing himself in tribal societies.───威福瑞爵士厌恶这个“单一乏味的现代世界”,于是或兽力或徒步,长途跋涉,穿越非洲和亚洲,特别是阿拉伯半岛,完全将自己沉浸在了部落社会中。

8 、Nowadays, the closestool in a lot of family closet is a pair plain coloured about, can you feel too drab so?───如今,许多家庭洗手间里的马桶都是一副素色模样,这样会不会觉得太单调?

9 、Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words--Duty--Honor--Country.───否则,千百万穿着草**、土**、蓝色和灰色军服的魂灵,就会从白色的十字架底下升起来,雷鸣似的喊出这几个具有魔力的字眼--“责任--荣誉--国家”。

10 、Returned from the bitter cold North with its drab and dried up vegetation, I was amazed and delighted when greeted by the charming scenery of sapphire mountains and emerald rivers as well as red flowers and green leaves.───从严冷枯黄的北方归来,看到展现在我眼前的青山碧水,红花绿叶,使我惊讶而欢喜!

11 、Despising the “drab uniformity of the modern world”, Sir Wilfred slogged across Africa and Asia, especially Arabia, on animals and on foot, immersing himself in tribal societies.───威福瑞爵士厌恶这个“单一乏味的现代世界”,于是或兽力或徒步,长途跋涉,穿越非洲和亚洲,非凡是阿拉伯半岛,完全将自己沉浸在了部落社会中。

12 、For numerous workers, the five-foot by five-foot compartment is a dreary place, dominated by uninspiring drab walls and the unfriendly glare of a computer screen.───对于许多员工而言,五英尺见方的格子间是一个沉闷的地方,归因于不鼓舞人的单色墙壁和不友好的刺目电脑屏幕。

13 、1. She pay me in drib and drab, not all at once.───她零零星星地付给我钱,而不是一次付清。

14 、a drab personality.See Synonyms at dull───乏味的个性参见

15 、It only takes two minutes to go from drab to fab.─── 只要两分钟就能让无趣变时髦

16 、Modeling, woodiness grain, neat and clear pencil with coral, lapis lazuli, shells, turquoise, red, green, blue, yellow, white, organic combination, formed the flower decoration, add for drab pen.───器物造型规整,木质紧密,纹路清晰,笔筒上嵌有珊瑚、青金石、贝壳、绿松石等,红、绿、蓝、黄、白,有机的结合,组成了花鸟纹饰,为单调的笔筒增添了生气。

17 、Cause one of causes that find new job, the design skill that is beater division is drab, experience is defective.───导致跳槽的原因之一,是打板师的设计技能单调,经验欠缺。

18 、Design is consequently drab old mannish;───因而款式单调老气 ;

19 、Yeah, we gotta clear up a few dribs and drabs.─── 是的 我们还有一些零碎的事要处理

20 、An unskilled worker in a drab northern Italian industrial city of the 1950s and 1960s, Marcovaldo has a practiced eye for spotting natural beauty and an unquenchable longing to come a little closer to the unspoiled world of his imagining.───作为20世纪五六十年代意大利北部一个乏味的工业城市的低级工人,马可瓦多善于发现自然美,并热切的渴望更靠近他想象中未受到破坏的世界。

21 、After a while, there is a dispiritingly drab sameness about their stories.───交谈不一会儿,她便感到气馁了,因为他们的故事千篇一律,单调而乏味。

22 、It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.───就像一些美丽的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀来到我们褐色牢笼,让那些墙壁消失得无影无踪。

23 、If an article or a speech merely rings the changes on a few terms in a classroom tone without a shred of vigour or spirit, is it not rather like a piehsan, drab of speech and repulsive in appearance?───如果一篇文章,一个演说,颠来倒去,总是那几个名词,一套“学生腔”,没有一点生动活泼的语言,这岂不是语言无味,面目可憎,像个瘪三吗?

24 、But worst of all, those who try to kill our spirit by their miserable drabness, who have such venom in their hearts for everything they cannot control.─── 通过他们的单调与乏味 想要杀死我们的精神 那些心中留着毒液 对任何无法控制的东西怀恨在心的人的罪

25 、Traditional perhaps call in an orderly way model: They are not certain and cool drab, although very able also, but slant to be mixed at guarding really careful.───传统型或者称为有条不紊型:他们并不一定冷淡乏味,虽然也很能干,但确实偏于保守和谨慎。

26 、But this differs to be mixed frowzily at sinking drab, contrast is need, basically be the degree that should master good contrast.───但这不等于沉闷和单调,对比是需要的,主要是应把握好对比的程度。

27 、In a great drab field of desolation, she finds the meanest, most arduous of tasks rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her.───在一大片死气沉沉的荒地上,她找到了最低下的、最艰苦的活。雇主是一个苛刻粗暴的乡下佬,他怀着旧有的怨恨,对苔丝非常憎恶,这给苔丝更增添了十倍的困难。

28 、Hens who endure life's drab defeats while hoping and scratching for a break.───一群母鸡,它们忍受生活上一成不变的种种挫折,惟希望抓取一次突破。

29 、In the world's temperate zones, where drab plumage is the norm, this kingfisher, unlike its North American cousins, bedazzles.───在温带,通常的鸟类羽毛都是灰褐色的,而翠鸟不同于它的那些北美亲属,它美得让人眼花缭乱。

30 、Their subjects may have been drab or driven by greed, but they were above all else human beings with will, spirit, and purpose.───他们作品中的人物可能单调乏味,或者被贪婪所驱使,但他们首先是具有意志、精神和目的的人。

31 、The fourth indictment against stereotyped Party writing is its drab language that reminds one of a piehsan.───党八股的第四条罪状是:语言无味,像个瘪三。

32 、The graph is: The partition that opens type partly makes the bright yellow of the kitchen projects from inside glass come out, add a bright color for drab white space.───图为:半开放式的隔断使厨房的明亮**从玻璃中投射出来,为单调的白色空间添入一丝亮色。

33 、In Brasov,more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks,prompting authorities to begin culling the animals,which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe.───在罗马尼亚城市布拉索夫,十几只褐色大熊正欢畅地穿梭在灰蒙蒙的城市高楼间,它们围着一个个垃圾堆尽兴地

34 、Within Cuba life had settled into a drab routine.───在古巴国内,生活已变成一套干巴巴的公式。

35 、Voices of caution - there were many in Iceland - were drowned out by a media that became fixated on the nation's emergence from drab pupa to gaudy butterfly.───冰岛国内不乏众多警告的声音,但都被关注于这个国家乌鸡变凤凰般地兴起的媒体所湮没了。

36 、a drab evening, existence, personality───单调乏味的夜晚、 生活、 个性

37 、His dress became as recognized a part of Cuba as he was, with his beard and olive drab becoming an inspiration to blue-collar workers and revolutionaries throughout Latin America and beyond.───他的装扮和他本人一样,已经成为古巴不可或缺的部分。他的大胡子和橄榄绿军装也成为了激励拉美甚至全世界工人和革命者的标志物。

38 、Don't wear blue tonight, it's too drab.───今晚不要穿蓝色衣服,显得太单调。

39 、His hands had been drab all night.───他的牌运始终没有一点起色。

40 、Women are usually enclosed in a world of drab routine.───妇女们通常陷于大量的日常琐事之中。

41 、Still, our tiny, drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that, you know.───即使如此,我们那个狭

42 、A drab personality.───乏味的个性

43 、Life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.───与海外充满激情的生活风格相比较,这里的生活死气沉沉。

44 、Sitting room: Overall and tonal be with black and white give priority to, amid adorns green, red, unite already also do not appear drab.───客厅:总体色调是以黑白为主,在其中点缀绿色、红色,既统一也不显得单调。

45 、I'll have to go to the streets and become a sailors' drab to feed myself and the baby.─── 我就得沦落街头 给水手们当*来养活自己和孩子


47 、Use white only, too too drab, will both put together, be just like the black and white key on piano, mutual collocation, play a moving variations.───只用白色,又太过单调,将两者放在一起,就好比钢琴上的黑白琴键,相互搭配,弹奏出动人的变奏曲。

48 、It's a real struggle to mother in a drab visiting room.─── 在死气沉沉的接访室里 进行亲子会面真的很痛苦

49 、A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamities.───一则令人愉快、妙趣横生的**会给一面单调乏味的墙或一张登满各种灾难的报纸平添多少变化呀!

50 、As a result, nearly everyone wears matching purple -- an echo of the decades when the masses all wore the same drab green Mao jacket and cloth cap.───因此,差不多所有的人都穿着同样的紫色(南山的雪服背部是紫色的),让人回想起那个全民都穿着单调的绿色毛式样服装和帽子的年代。

51 、The Development and Present Situation of Brown Earth and Drab Soil in the Mountain Regions of Beijing───北京地区棕壤与褐土研究工作的发展及现状

52 、It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.───像美丽的小鸟飞进了我们这灰暗的笼中,使这些围墙消失了,令肖申克监狱中的所有犯人感受到了片刻的自由。

53 、The slaves must be content with drab, neutral colours.Any attempt to wear bright colours is met with extreme chastisement at the hands of a disapproving Goff.───奴隶们只能穿颜色单调灰暗的服装,要是哪只屁精准备冒天下之大不韪,就得做好被某位不爽的氏族成员一把捏死的觉悟。

54 、A few corners are far from door window or furniture, radial dark and gloomy, this kind of corner drab, drab, fine long hair is lacklustre, often be called blind angle.───一些角落远离门窗或家具,光线晦暗,这种角落单调、乏味、毫无生气,常被称为死角。

55 、Sitting last week in a Boston lawyer's drab office, McSorley remembered what he says were Geoghan's last words to him: "We keep secrets. We're good at keeping secrets.───上周在波士顿一位律师的色彩单调的办公室里,麦克索利回忆起乔根对他说的最后一句话:“要保密,我们都会保密。

56 、It's a little drab, I think. It looks a little drab.─── 颜色有点素 我觉得 看起来有点素

57 、There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town.───小镇以采矿业为主,层层烟雾的笼罩下,是许多死气沉沉的房屋。

58 、He is determined to prove that the 3-0 home wins against Israel and Russia were not flukes after the drab draw against Macedonia at Old Trafford last October.───他下了决心要证明在去年十月,在老特拉福德无趣地被马其顿逼平之后,3比0主场战胜以色列和俄罗斯的胜利并非侥幸。

59 、My misfortune was to be born in a drab age and to have lived in the stifle of a barn where a man was only as good as the things he crafted.─── 我的不幸便是出生在一个单调的年代 还要与一群手工匠们共同生活在一间乏闷的谷仓里 我们曾是车轮匠

60 、1. The female is generally drab, the male per contra brilliant.───一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。

61 、The drab color that the soldier can use bright-coloured colour to adjust barback;───军人可用鲜艳色彩调剂军营的单调色彩;

62 、The word"dismal", originally a noun, comes from Latin. Literally it means"evil days," though gradually it became used as an adjective meaning "gloomy", "depressing. " or"drab".───“dismal”这个词原来是名词,源于拉丁文,字面上的意思是“邪恶日”,而后逐渐变成了形容词,意为“情绪低落的”、“无生气的”或“单调乏味的”。

63 、In modelling and colour respect, board type radiator is put in drab problem.───在造型和色彩方面,板式散热器存在单调的问题。

64 、Still,our tiny,drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that,you know.───即使如此,我们那个狭小、简陋的寓所却像天堂一般,你要知道,这是因为有了爱。

65 、The fourth indictment against stereotyped Party writing is its drab language that reminds one of a piehsan───党八股的第四条罪状是:语言无味,像个瘪三。

66 、Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to an otherwise drab face.───她的眼睛又大又明亮,使本来显得平板的脸平添了几许美。

67 、There has been a touch of snow on the mountains that ring the bay this year, and the low wintry sunlight makes even drab buildings look bright.───在今年围绕海湾的山(区)上曾经有一点点儿雪,(和)低冬的阳光使甚至不鲜明的建筑物看上去明亮.

68 、All the drab houses of the mining town collapsed after the earthquake.───地震之后矿区的单调简陋的房屋全部坍塌了。

69 、Originally drab circle lavatory, change set prescription after appears draw interest is very;───原本单调的圆型洗脸盆,变成方型后显得绘劲十足;

70 、D verbal sex is automatic disease: Appear drab, inflexible, repeat utterance, in a low voice from language, yelp or laugh.───d 言语性自动症:出现单调、刻板、重复言语、低声自语、叫喊声或发笑。

71 、It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage an d made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.───就像一些美丽的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀来到我们褐色牢笼,让那些墙壁消失得无影无踪。就在那一刹那,鲨堡监狱的每一个人都感到了自由。

72 、They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities.───他们看起来像一批毫不起眼的碌碌庸才。

73 、And you make the rooms so drab and dingy.─── 而且你把房子写得那么沉闷昏暗

74 、The life of a person who never does anything is dull and drab.───如果一个人的一生什么事情都没有做是多么迟钝和单调。

75 、My life, as you know, was drab and colorless until you came into it.───你知道,有了你,我的生活才不像以前那么单调无趣。

76 、You don’t have to deal with the buzz of florescent lights all day long, or stare endlessly at the drab gray cubicle walls.───不必要一整天都开着白炽灯听它嗡嗡作响,没完没了的坐在灰褐色的办公隔间里。

77 、As he speaks, stunning images of the Golden Gate bridge and Santa Monica's palm trees clash with a cow crossing a freeway in a drab Nevada desert.───伴随此声音的是一些惊人的画面,金门大桥和圣莫尼卡的棕榈树与一头游走在内华达州沙漠内一条高速公路上的牛正发生着冲突。

78 、She has been tired of the drab life.───她厌倦了单调的生活。

79 、The new design freshens the old, somewhat drab appearance of the current homepage and adds small icons for Yahoo services on the left hand side of the page.───众所周知,对话是提高口语能力最有效的方法,所以应该抓住一切机会和讲英语的人士对话。如果找不到和你进行对话的合适人选,你可以采取以下几种方法:第一、模仿。

80 、But all on wall of if one side is some of book only, drab rather also.───但倘若一面墙上全都只是些书本,也未免单调。

81 、There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town.───冒烟的矿内有许多土褐色的房子。

82 、Housewives are enclosed in a world of drab routine───家庭妇女被紧锢在单调乏味的日常务中。

83 、Those women count on me to brighten up their drab little lives.─── 那些女人指望我 让她们单调的生活变得活跃

84 、her drab personality; life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas; a series of dreary dinner parties.───她沉闷的个性;与海外更加令人兴奋的生活方式相比,这里的生活是单调沉闷的;严肃、沉闷的宴会。

85 、Do not want the drab life with bureau ordinary be confined to, undertake living in revolution, break all traditions to manacle.───不要局限于平凡的乏味生活,进行一次家居革命,打破所有的传统束缚。

86 、At the drab wooden house in which she lived he said good night briefly and amiably.───到了她住的那幢黄褐色的木头房子前,他简短而友好地道了晚安。

87 、The bookcase that adjust measures to local conditions makes, proper fill the drab sense that whole Bai Qiang brings.───因地制宜制作的书柜,恰到好处的填补了整面白墙带来的单调感。

88 、Take Temucuicui, a drab Mapuche village of some 170 families just five miles off the Pan-American highway.───以特姆库库为例,这是一个由170个家庭组成的简单的马普利村庄,村庄离泛美高速公路仅有5公里的路程。

89 、The ornament such as feed of network of edge, delicate embroidery, printing decorates adscititious Lei Sihua, your underwear no longer empty and drab.───外加蕾丝花边、精致刺绣、印花网料等点缀装饰,令内衣不再空洞乏味。



红色 red

朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau

粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom

梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red

玫瑰红 rose madder; rose

桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose

樱桃红 cherry; cerise

枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red

深红 deep red; crimson

淡红 light red; carnation


橙色 orange


** yellow

桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge;

深桔黄,深橙 deep orange

浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange;

柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron

浅黄 light yellow;pale yellow;buff

淡黄 jasmin(e); primrose


绿色 green

豆绿 pea green ; bean green

浅豆绿 light bean green; asparagus green

茶绿 tea green ; celandine green

苹果绿 apple green

浅绿 light green

淡绿 pale green


青色 cerulean blue ; blue ; green

天青 celeste; azure

浅青 light blue; light cerulean

淡青 pale cerulean ; light greenish blue


蓝色 blue

天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste;

蔚蓝 azure; sky blue

月光蓝 moon blue

海洋蓝 ocean blue

淡蓝 pale blue ; baby blue ; calamine blue


紫色 purple; violet

紫罗兰色 violet

葡萄紫 grape

浅紫 grey violet

淡紫 pale purple ; lavender; lilac; orchid

淡白紫 violet ash


黑色 black

煤黑 coal black

碳黑 carbon black ; charcoal black

古铜黑 bronze black

铁黑 iron oxide black ; iron black

暗黑 dull black


白色 white

珍珠白 pear white ; gray lily

玉石白 jade white

银白 silver white

铅白 flake white; lead white; ceruse white

雪白 snow-white; snowy white

灰白 greyish white; off-white

青白 bluish white

纯白 crisp-white;pure white

本白 raw white; off-white


灰色 grey; gray

银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom

蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey

青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green

白灰 pale grey

深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey

暗灰 deep grey

中灰 medium grey

浅灰 light grey;ash grey


棕色,褐色 brown


赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta

棕褐 summer tan

茶褐 auburn ; umber

黑褐 black brown

紫褐 puce

黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown

栗褐 chestnut brown

灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige

浅灰褐 putty

橙褐 orange brown

土褐 clay

深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna

暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun

淡褐 light brown;caramel


咖啡色 coffee

酱色 caramel;reddish brown


daffod;daffadilly 水仙,鲜**

dark 深色

deep 深色

delicate color 娇色

denim 粗斜纹棉布,蓝牛仔布

dim gray 暗灰色

dodger blue 闪蓝色

dove 鸽子;乳白色

drab 土褐色

dry rose 浅紫色

dull silver 雾银

dun 焦茶色,暗褐色

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