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07-01 投稿




英:['trem?l??]  美:[?tr?m??lo]

英:  美:


n.颤音, 震音


名词复数: tremolos |


1 、Even Though I have not learned the tremolo harmonica, I think learning the tremolo will do no harm to learning the blues harmonica.───虽然没有学过复音口琴,但是我觉得,学了复音不会对学10孔有害。

2 、What we saw in childhood is mainly the tremolo harmonica. The blues harmonica now played is good as well, and is portable in the handbag.───小时候看到的都是复音口琴,现在吹的10孔口琴感觉也很好,而且很小巧,方便放在手包里。

3 、In fact, the hand vibrato is a tremolo rather than a vibrato.───与其说手振音为振音,还不如说它是一种颤音。

4 、tremolo harmonica───颤音口琴

5 、Yours could be a tremolo or an octave harmnoica.The lessons in the site was written for the blues harmonica.And so you had better choose a 10 hole one to follow the trainging course here.───口琴草堂的口琴课程是针对布鲁斯口琴写的,也就是10孔口琴,所以建议也选择一把10孔口琴吧。

6 、Tremolo is no great technique, it's just an effect that every other guy with some discipline and knowledge towards his exercises can get.───颤音不是什么了不起的技巧,它仅仅一种每个人都可以根据一些规则和知识练习并掌握的弹奏效果。

7 、French decoration-are: Yi Yin, tremolo, Echo, Boeing, after Yi Yin, Payin, and other categories, particularly those for the previous three must follow the basic decorative sound.───欧洲比较重要和完善的符号装饰音,起于17世纪法国,为其他各国作曲家所采用,一直延用到浪漫乐派初期。

8 、The Strat’s spring-loaded tremolo system, which could alter the pitch of all six strings at once, may have caused the to guitar to go out of tune a little, but you rarely saw one break.───琴弦上装备的颤音系统,可以同时改变六条弦的音高,尽管会让吉他稍微跑调,但很少会发生一次中断。

9 、Practice your new technique on easy pieces. I recommend trying it out on Romance first. Here's a simple adaptation of the first part of Romance in tremolo.───用一个简单的片段来练习你的技巧。我推荐用爱的罗曼斯这曲子。曲子的第一部分是个很简单的轮指。

10 、There is only the 24 hole tremolo here.───我这里好像只有24孔口琴。

11 、I played tremolo harmonica at the begining, and then began to choose blues harmonica. I like both of the types.───我开始也吹复音,现在吹十孔,但是仍然很喜欢24孔。

12 、How do I practice arp. To achieve great and fast tremolo?───我应该如何练习琶音以达到好听快速的颤音。

13 、Research on the Playing Techniques of Pipa--Tremolo and Pizzicato───琵琶技巧研究--勾轮与挑轮

14 、The tremolo harmonica is good as well, so you can choose any type as you wish.───当然了复音口琴也不错,可以根据自己的喜好选择。

15 、Some people use a very different tremolo on the first string than when they move on to the second string.───有些人在一弦和二弦上演奏轮指有很大的不同。

16 、Yes, the site is mainly for the blues harmonica. But if you post questions about the tremolo, I believe, people will give you answers if they can.───是的主要是10孔口琴的。不过,如果你提出关于复音口琴的问题,相信知道答案的朋友会为提供帮助。

17 、Two LFO's are available for tremolo, vibrato and filter modulations.───两个低频振荡的可供颤音,颤音和过滤器的调制。

18 、Girls can play any instrument that they wish!Many Chinese people play the tremolo harmonica, and make wonderful music with it.───女孩子们当然可以选择自己喜欢的乐器,学多中国乐手用复音口琴吹奏了动人而美妙的音乐。

19 、But one night, Sam walked to the window, hesitated to issue a tremolo.───但有一天晚上,山姆走向窗口,毫不犹豫地发出的颤音。

20 、Anything below that would be too slow and would not be perceived of as a tremolo.In fact, a slower tempo will make a smooth tremolo harder to achieve.───任何比它还要慢的速度都会让人感觉不到这是轮指,实际上,一个慢拍子的曲子里是很难实现轮指的。

21 、Abdominal tremolo has been called another name of air tremolo for it produce sound wave by alternation rule of strong air and weak air, the vibration of abdominal muscle and diaphragm.───腹颤音有的也称气颤音,因为它是靠气息的有规律的强弱交替而形成的水纹般的音波,是依靠腹肌和横隔膜有弹性的颤动而获得的。

22 、Your perc sound got to slice through that spice and make room for the bottom on that tremolo.─── 你的打击乐器音得把香料切开 为底部的颤音腾出空间

23 、10. The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo --an enchanting sonority.───引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。

24 、This is not so much an exercise as a way to get used to playing in two contrary directions simultaneously which is what we have to do in a tremolo.───这里没有列举太多的练习来熟悉在一个轮指中同时往两个不同方向的弹奏。

25 、So, you knowledge and experience form the tremolo can be applied to your new 10 hole harmonica.───所以你在复音口琴上的经验可以应用到10孔口琴上。

26 、The choppiness will disappear when the tremolo is sped up.───这样波浪感就会在加快速度时消失。

27 、The sorrowful demeanour, the tremolo music, the long, explanatory, cumulative addresses, all were there.───悲哀痛苦的姿势,如泣如诉的音乐,长长的说明性道白使情节层层推进,通俗剧的成份一样也没少。

28 、With tremolo, you should also practice softer sound, harder sound.───在练习轮指演奏时,你也应该试着用大音量和小音量来弹奏。

29 、when the man retreated, the sound retreated;if he made any hasty gesture, a tremolo accompanied the gesture;when he halted, the sound ceased.───他做一个急促的动作,铃子也跟着发出一连串急促的声音,他停着不动,铃声也随即停止。

30 、The most commonly used vibrato on the harmonica, the hand vibrato, is not really a vibrato at all, but a tremolo, which in my opinion is usually unsuitable for classical music.───口琴上最常用的振音,手振音,完全不是真正的振音。而颤音,在我看来通常是不适合演奏古典音乐的。

31 、I am learning the tremolo harmonica, but I also want to learn the 10-hole harmonica. Will that do good to learn the 10 hole harmonica?───正在学复音口琴,但是也想学十孔口琴,想请问一下学复音口琴对学十孔口琴有没有好处。

32 、The tremolo is an interesting technique.───轮指是个有趣的技巧。

33 、This is a one-man band, Jia-Yi He has played almost all kinds of harmonicas: chromatic, diatonic, tremolo, alto, polyphonia, chord, bass... etc.───由何家义演奏的一人合奏,使用了半音阶、全音阶、复音、中音、自然半音阶、和弦和低音等多种多样的口琴。

34 、This works too, but like mentioned in the tremolo article that makes for a bastard technique that lacks control and can't easily be adjusted or trusted in a concert situation. (Trust me, I know;───这样尽管也有作用,但是这样会导致在“颤音”中提到的结果,形成恶劣的缺乏控制的技巧,从而难以纠正以及参加正式的演奏会。

35 、The steps to achieving a good tremolo There are several steps to practicing the technique.───达到良好轮指的步骤接下来是几个练习技巧的步骤。

36 、Revolutionary WAVE to MIDI conversion software. Any vibrato, tremolo, pitch-bend, portamento or event brightness change effects of your sound will be faithfully converted to MIDI events.───革命者波动到MIDI变换软体。任何的振音,颤音,节距-弯曲,滑音或事件亮度变化你的声音的效果将会忠实转换到MIDI事件。

37 、The DA15 features auto-wah, chorus + delay, chorus + reverb, compressor, compressor + chorus, compressor + phaser, delay, flanger + reverb, reverb, rotary + reverb, and tremolo + reverb.───该da15功能自动哇音,合唱+延迟,合唱+混响,压缩机,压缩机+合唱,压缩机+相位,延迟,镶边+混响,混响,扶轮社+混响,颤音+混响。

38 、The most popular approach is the staccato tremolo.───现在最流行的方法是断音练习。

39 、If you give me a lesson and you say: "your slurs are very bad and your tremolo is fantastic, so you must practice your slurs", I know I will go home and practice my tremolo!───如果你给我上课,并且说:"你的连音弹得不好,而你的轮指实在是太妙了,因此你必须要加强连音的练习。"那么我知道我必须回家去练习我的轮指!

40 、The bouncing motion will drastically reduce the speed of the tremolo, but that's to be expected.───这个练习能彻底降低轮指的速度,那正是被期待的。

41 、In western countries, the blues harmonica is most popular in the blues, bluegarss, folk, country and pop music. In Asian countries, the tremolo harmonica is the most popular one.───在西方音乐中,布鲁斯口琴(10孔)最为常见,常用来表现布鲁斯、蓝草、民俗、乡村、流行音乐;在亚洲国家,复音口琴最为流行,适合表现优美的旋律及流行音乐。

42 、The tremolo is one of the most beautiful techniques of the classical guitar.───轮指是古典吉他最美的技巧之一。

43 、In tremolo, if you have the possibility of making it rounder or sharper, you can really affect the melodic feeling, and I think it's worth doing.───在轮指演奏上,如果你能够自如地弹出饱满或是尖锐的声音,那么你一定可以表现好音乐旋律的感觉,而且我感觉这是非常值得你去实践的。

44 、Tremolo in the bass would announce the coming storm, followed by the two voices fighting each other in a constant crescendo, and.Finally, an abrupt chord brought the drama to an end.───在男低音里的颤音将宣布即将到来的风暴,随后有在一连不断的渐强高潮音里代表了两种争吵声音,最后,一阵突然的和弦结束这幕戏剧。

45 、maybe i will learn diatonic harmonica later, harmonica is my favourite musical instrument, no matter is diatonic, tremolo or chromatic, i'm willing to expert.───迟些我也许会学十孔口琴,口琴是我至爱的乐器,所以不管是十孔、复音、还是半音阶,我都想精通。

46 、I am a beginner and like the 24 hole tremolo harmonica very much, but there are only lessons for the 10 hole harmonica here.───有没有24孔口琴的教程?我是一个初学者,喜好24孔复音口琴,可是这里只有10空口琴的教程。

47 、an organ stop producing a gentle tremolo effect.───产生温和的颤音作用的调音器。

48 、The tremolo are popular in Aisa while diatonica and chromatic in western countries.───而在西方国家却流行十孔口琴(也称为布鲁斯口琴),半音阶口琴。

49 、Tremolo is not a technique. It is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed.───颤音不是一种技巧,只是某种的琶音的表现形式。

50 、So anyone can give me some guide for playing tremolo harmonica?───有没有人介绍一点复音口琴的吹奏技巧?

51 、tremolo massage───机械震颤按摩

52 、Her style of performance comprises of the tremolo method which uses all five fingers ("Rinshi"), something original to the Chinese lute.───邵容的演奏以颤音技法,即中国琵琶独创的五指轮弹(轮指)见长。

53 、7. a large number of techniques are used when playing these wind instruments, such as tapping, appogiatura, tremolo , legato, "flower tongue,"augment, glide, trill, overtone and prong.───演奏时运用了大量的技巧,如震音、连奏、花舌音、垛音、滑音、颤音、泛音、叉口等。

54 、Many people in China play the 24 hole tremolo harmonica.However most Western players use a 10 hole harmonica, like I do.───中国很多人吹24孔复音口琴,但是西方乐手使用10孔口琴。

55 、Yet what is it about the tremolo which makes it so elusive to students?───那是什么让轮指使学生们如此难以捉摸呢?

56 、The 10 hole and the tremolo are different instrument.Both can make wonderful music.───10孔口琴和复音口琴是两种不同种类的乐器,它们都可以吹出动听的音乐。

57 、To perform flute better and get the graceful tamber, a good lip condition is demanded, so do a corrct mouth shape, the proper breathing, the skillful fingering and the accurate tremolo.───要想更好的演奏长笛,吹出优美地音色,就必须具备一个好的嘴唇条件、一个正确的口型、一个正确的呼吸、一个熟练的指法和一个正确的颤音。

58 、6. Thereof you have to use a 10 hole harmonica to do exercises, that is, a tremolo harmonica will not work.───音量会影响声音大小的因素:膜片面积,振幅,磁场强度,功率,阻抗,音腔大小,膜片花纹/厚度,开孔.收藏指正

59 、4. We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke.───我们在颤音中使用断奏是为了确定手指在弹奏下一次时在琴弦上已经做好准备。

60 、In other words, to produce a good tremolo, all the notes have to be perfectly matched and separated equally in time.───换句话说,要弹出好的轮指,所有的音符必须是完美配合并且每个轮指是完全一样的。

61 、Are there lessons for tremolo harmonicas, and tremolo lovers here?───请问这里有复音口琴的教程吗?有会吹复音口琴的琴友吗?

62 、Of course, friends of the tremolo would help you in the forum.───当然了,论坛里可能也会有喜欢复音口琴的朋友帮助你。

63 、In order to build a proper arp. which in turn leads to tremolo you have to do combos, or else youll invest time in some bastard technique that cant be controlled regarding tempo, tone and such.───这是为了形成一种能达到完美的颤音效果而必须去练习的琶音组合。否则你可能会把时间用在一些对颤音,音色没有帮助的练习上面。完美的琶音才能形成独立流畅的颤音。

64 、Italy sometimes used initials "g" (groppo) said Echo , "T" (tremolo), such as that sounds.───英国维吉纳曲集中在符干上划单或双斜线的装饰音;

65 、Fees for Chromatic Harmonica Solo (Open Section) and Tremolo Harmonica Solo (Open Section) include the cost of one copy of the test piece.───半音階口琴獨奏公開組及複音口琴獨奏公開組之報名費已包括指定樂曲樂譜一份之費用。

66 、Thereof you have to use a 10 hole harmonica to do exercises, that is, a tremolo harmonica will not work.───10孔口琴与复音口琴的音阶排列不同,所以这里的口琴谱与复音口琴没有对应关系。

67 、And once you've got that kind of feeling, I think it usually makes tremolo a bit better.───我没有这种情况,原因是我在弹奏琴弦之前没有很大的移动,我的手指会在弹奏音符之前很靠近琴弦,而不会从上面去击打琴弦。

68 、So can play the tune with only one harmonica?The orginal verison is played by a 21 hole tremolo harmonica, and it sounds strange if using 24 hole tremolo.So how about the tamber of 21 hole harmonica?───难道一定要买两把.......游戏里原版口琴好像是21孔复音口琴,但是我用24孔的吹了一下感觉很奇怪,请教各位高手21孔的音色是什么样的?

69 、Unfortunately I do not play the tremolo harmonica, and so have not been able to write any lessons for it. Perhaps you could try the 10 hole harmonica instead?───遗憾的是,我不会吹复音口琴,所以不能写复音口琴的教程。也许,你可以来尝试一下10孔口琴。

70 、The Scale of Tremolo Harmonicas───复音口琴音阶排列

71 、It is true that the tremolo and the 10 hole harmonica tuned similarly form hole 4 and above.───是的,在4孔以上的部分10孔口琴和复音口琴基本上相同。

72 、Being more familar with the diatonic harmonica, I think the tremolo sounds too loud.───另外,我觉得24孔的声音很大,吹惯了10孔的我,有点受不了。。。=,

73 、Is it easy to play tremolo harmonica for beginners?───这种口琴是不是适合初学者?

74 、In lighter music such as La Paloma or O sole mio the tremolo can occasionally be used.───像在LaPaloma或Osolemio这样的轻音乐中偶尔可以用一下颤音。






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