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07-01 投稿




英:[sa?k]  美:[sa?k]

英:  美:


n. [苏]小溪;沟渠


1 、" Hoi-chang said that the members of the team, "the game no matter how the state of Guangzhou team, we have a rival Sike Ah.───海昌队队员说,“这场比赛无论广州队状态如何,我们都得死磕对手了啊。”

2 、So owners Sike official swindle prove that the unit does not agree to sell suites son.───于是业主私刻公章造假,证明单位不同意卖该套房子。

3 、0 0 Anfield to see the score board, is the most happy tonight Sike of Manchester United and Chelsea had.───看到安菲尔德0比0的记分牌,最高兴的莫过于今晚死磕的切尔西和曼联了。

4 、Dangyang Sike Tools Co., LTD is a medium-sized company that based on high technology, the main varieties includes: hard alloy saw blade, diamond saw discs, rotary file, tooth drills and etc.───丹阳市西科工具有限公司是一个以技术为导向的中型企业,主要产品有硬质合金锯片、金刚石切割片、旋转锉、牙钻等钻头系列。

5 、Concerned respect still receives many reader feedback, praised Ka Sike National People's Congress to grow the Chinese's ambition.───有关方面还收到大量读者反馈,赞扬卡斯柯人大长了中国人的志气。

6 、When I'm sike, I'm black.───我生病了,我是黑色的。

7 、The film tells the story of a named Li-meter taxi drivers, four years with the love Sike in the end, regardless of all to find the missing boyfriend of suspense love story.───该片讲述了一个名叫李米的出租车司机,四年来跟爱情死磕到底,不顾一切寻觅失踪男友的悬疑爱情故事。

8 、Do not just copy or believe, because of a considerable number of complaints were fraudulent use, false certificate or other business license and professional use of official Sike;───千万不要只看或相信复印件,因为投诉当中相当一部分是冒用、假造别人营业执照和资质证书或使用私刻的公章;

9 、Zhu of cheap Er of 、 of Kuo of fast 、 easy weighs Yi of Zhi of Yi of Mo Sike subway.───莫斯科地铁一直以快速、舒适、便宜而著称。

10 、But, hi, you didn't have to sike your dog on me.───乔:但是,喂,你8必叫你家的狗来咬我。

11 、Internally "Sike" advocates the Solidarity and mutuality; externally emphases on the cooperation and coexistence.───西可对内倡导团结互助,对外强调协同合作、和谐共生。

12 、to embezzle company premises, at Sike company official?───为了侵吞公司房产,不惜私刻公司的公章?

13 、But do not worry about that pick satisfaction Huxing, so impatient people on the morning of the day before yesterday from queuing up with coat and bread, a "Sike" preparations.───但担心当天挑不上满意的户型,于是心急的人前天上午就带着大衣和面包赶过来排队,做好了“死磕”的准备。

14 、Sike Preparation, Foundation and Structure Construction"───整地,基础及结构工程业","

15 、The use of deception Xi Sike Cliff Linton's sister Isabella married to wife, after marriage, she was abused in every possible way.───希思克利夫利用欺骗手段娶了林顿的妹妹伊莎贝拉为妻,婚后百般虐待她。

16 、The Company was in 1997 in the Russian Kamchatka - Petrovsky Bafu-Fu Sike the establishment of the city.───本公司于1997年在俄罗斯堪察加--彼得罗巴甫落夫斯克市成立。主要经营俄废旧物资的综合性公司。

17 、In October after revolution, suweiai politics Quan proposes issue of She subway De at carrying Zai Mo Sike 1922.───十月革命后,苏维埃政权于1922年提出在莫斯科建设地铁的问题。

18 、The Chinese Government has decided that Ambassador Wu Sike will succeed Ambassador Sun Bigan as China's Special Envoy on the Middle East issue.───中国政府决定,吴思科大使接替孙必干大使任中国中东问题特使。

19 、" Wu said, Sike Baidu will be carried out in the end.───吴称,将死磕百度进行到底。

20 、" Meng Sike said, "But you know, the federal control of the network will not allow such a report spread out.───南京军区福州总医院肿瘤科陈樟树副主任医师表示,除此之外,有裂缝的甘蔗等都含有较高的黄曲霉素。

21 、Zhou Xun: God is really good to me, I am feeling so stable, solid, Qi was also very good to me, I think it is a Xiangshou, unlike Li-meter Sike so tragic love.───周迅:老天对我真的很好,我现在的感情那么稳定、坚固,大齐也对我非常好,我觉得是一种相守吧,不会像李米对爱情死磕那么惨烈。

22 、Catherine ill, in pain after giving birth to daughter Catherine's death, Isabella in the clear understanding of the true Xi Sike cliff after left him, and gave birth to a son, Linton.───凯瑟琳在病疼中生下女儿小凯瑟琳后去世,伊莎贝拉在认清希思克利夫的真面目后也离他而去,并生下了儿子小林顿。

23 、On the Application of Outside Environment from Sike Company's Recruitment Work───从思科公司看企业招聘工作对外部环境的适应

24 、We'd sike to hear what you say concerning the matter sof packing.───我很想听听你们就包装问题发表意见。

25 、That's enough, i am sike of you. Please let me explain.───够了,我对你感到厌烦。请让我解释。

26 、Who opens Guo Sike to amount to Ming Rui? ? Feeling how?───谁开过斯柯达明锐??感觉如何?

27 、After 10 years, mo Sike subway begins construction long build.───10年后,莫斯科地铁动工修建。

28 、At present Yi becomes Mo Sike subway only second Yuniuyao Di of world of De of Jing of Dong of He of Ba Li of 、 London 、 system of 5 big subways.───莫斯科地铁目前已成为仅次于纽约、伦敦、巴黎和东京的世界第五大地铁系统。

29 、Sike for love in the end "Li meters," Zhou Xun's understanding that, "she is looking for its own.───对于为爱死磕到底的“李米”,周迅的理解是,“她其实是在找自己”。

30 、Not that this year will be as big as a small, small matter of, but count on the valley and the Football Association really Zhendaozhenqiang Sike and in the end, may not be easy.───倒不是说这件事一定会像当年那样大事化小、小事化了,但指望光谷和足协真能真刀真**地死磕到底,或许并不是件容易事。

31 、In the industry, and Wu Ping-MP3 search for "Sike Baidu, the claimant billion" and a network celebrities.───在业内,吴端平因MP3搜索“死磕百度、索赔亿元”而成为网络界知名人士。

32 、Even in the fight away, the opponent is doomed to avoid relegation Sike's struggling.───即使在客场作战,对手又是注定要死磕的保级弱旅。

33 、Buy inferior do Yuan Jian or Mai Sike amount to Ming Rui?───买起亚远舰还是买斯柯达明锐?

34 、Before they were replaced by steamships,sailing vessels sike the Cutty Sark were used tocarry tea from China and wool from Australia.───在被蒸汽轮船取之前,“卡蒂萨克号”这样的帆船被用于从中国运茶中,澳大利亚运羊毛。

35 、Keywords transform;optimize;hoist links;sike;───改造;优化;提升环节;箕斗;

36 、Zhou Xun said, "we were also discussed in private this problem, we are the kind of will in the end Sike.───周迅表示,“我俩私下也讨论过这个问题,我们都属于那种会死磕到底的人。

37 、sike knife───切割器动刀片

38 、Author Zou Changjun;Zhang Sike;Qiu Jun;Zhao Qingtao (Fine Chemical Department;Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology;Postcode 132022);───作者邹长君;张思科;邱俊;赵庆韬;

39 、A healthy beggar lives a happier life than a sike king。(Illness is the last thing for one to own。)───健康的乞丐比有病的国王更幸福。(什么都可以有,不能有病。)

40 、Verified and found that the seals are Sike, is the owner fraud.───经核实,发现该公章是私刻的,完全是业主弄虚作假。

41 、Analysis of the reason of mergering stratey in sike company success and it's aspiration───并购战略在思科公司成功的原因分析及其启示

42 、Illness had not improved Mr. Sike's temper.───赛克斯先生没有因为生病而脾气变得好一些。

43 、In May 1935, mo Sike subway Shi opens Tong.───1935年5月,莫斯科地铁正式开通。





Sike na I耳机,属于中上等城市的耳机,我认为它无论从质量,还有品牌知名度,外观来说都是很适合白领人群使用的

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