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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


n. 引人注意的文句;标语;警句


1 、The catchphrase catchword that sees hooter fourth team only is: "Without noise, free from contamination, just now and then cry.───只见****丁队伍的标语口号是:“无噪音,无污染,只是偶然喊一喊。”

2 、Getting some soy sauce: Another catchphrase that originated with a man on the street's don't-bother-me response to an intrusive reporter.───打酱油:另一个网络流行语;记者在路上询问一名男子对某事件的看法,他拒绝回答,说自己是出来打酱油的。

3 、The mother is taken at once swim Chi Bian catchphrase card gives a daughter keep out, the yock is unable to bear or endure after people saw catchphrase shop sign.───母亲赶快拿起泳池边儿的标语牌给女儿遮挡,人们看了标语牌后禁不住大笑。

4 、But while Kobe's renewed commitment to team ball makes for a cute catchphrase, it's a misnomer.───但是虽然科比重新相信团队篮球有助于成为一个有力的论据,但这还是不恰当。

5 、I wouldn't drop that annoying catchphrase so fast if I were you.─── 如果我是你 可不会过早发出这么烦人的声音

6 、Todays new catchphrase Presentation Virtualization...───今天的新口号,介绍虚拟化...

7 、Apply the form such as column of broadcast, TV, conduct propaganda, catchphrase to undertake..───运用广播、电视、宣传栏、标语等形式进行...

8 、A catchphrase is a trademark and protected as a form of property.─── 金句也是一种商标 能作为财产被保护起来

9 、He is something of an idiot savant in matters of romance, which generated the popular catchphrase "How you doin'?───但这样的外表,其实是让人难以看清他那爱作对、爱抗议的挑剔天性。

10 、When processional that day, each director of the city is in charge of trying the catchphrase catchword of hooter team.───等到游行那一天,城市的各局长负责审理****队伍的标语口号。

11 、Three push-ups: Another Internet catchphrase, this one derived from an unconvincing alibi used in the death of a high school student.───三个俯卧撑:网络流行语;语出某高中生死亡事件中的一个没有说服力的不在场证明。

12 、The lyric has assumed the status of a cult catchphrase.───这首曲子的歌词是以一种口头禅的形式来写的。

13 、His own catchphrase, “Yes We Can”, seems to be answered by Africa's, “But We Don't”.───奥巴马的名言“我们能成功”看似是对非洲的一种解惑,“但这很难”。

14 、This catchphrase is good with respect to the masses point of view that fortunately it reflected a faction, hit the point cadre of a few party card two long-standing abuse that are not down up.───这则标语好就好在它体现了党的群众观点,切中了一些党政干部两眼向上不向下的积弊。人民群众是我们党安身立命之本。

15 、Oh, you lot really do need a new catchphrase.─── 你真的需要换个新的口头禅了

16 、"Don't be too CNN", broadly intended to mean "don't ignore the truth",has a music video which has been posted on many blogs and forums inChina.The lyric has assumed the status of a cult catchphrase.───"做人不能太CNN"意指"不要忽略真相",许多中国的博客和论坛都已经贴上了这个音乐视频.歌词体现出对这个**式语言的崇拜.

17 、Yeah, and we need to get you a new catchphrase.─── 你要有一個標志性的口頭禪

18 、Three push-ups: Another Internet catchphrase, the one derived from an unconvincing alibi employ in the death of a high educate student.───三个俯卧撑:网络时髦语;语出某高等初等初等中学生死亡事件中的一个没有说服力的不在场证明。

19 、The catchphrase of the hour is that America is living beyond its means───当前美国流行的话题是:美国人过的是入不敷出的日子。

20 、His own catchphrase, “Yes We Can”, seems to be answered by Africa’s, “But We Don’t”.───加纳最引以为傲的安南出生于中产阶级家庭,这些拥有国际经历的中产阶级群体在国内占很大一部分比例并日趋庞大。

21 、5. Three push-ups: Another Internet catchphrase, this one derived from an unconvincing alibi used in the death of a high school student.───三个俯卧撑:网络流行语;语出某高中生死亡事件中的一个没有说服力的不在场证明。

22 、Such writing have card of a catchphrase: "If your car can swim, illuminate please leave continuously, need not brake.───有一幅标语牌是这样写的:“如果你的汽车会游泳的话,请照直开,不必刹车。”

23 、advertising catchphrase───**标语

24 、and her catchphrase, "you do the math. ".───还有她的标志用语。"你自个儿算吧"。

25 、Well, I don't want to overuse my catchphrase here, but true dat.─── 虽然我不想再用我的口头禅了 不过说得对

26 、Indeed, " group boredom " turned into a catchphrase on the Internet.───“群体无聊”在网上成了一个流行标语。

27 、A Bridge Too Far (catchphrase)───走过了头的一条桥

28 、"I ain't see shit." It's the catchphrase of the day.─── "我什么都没看见" 这是今天的口头禅

29 、Oh, no, it's just a catchphrase in our family.─── 不 那只是我家的口头禅

30 、It is an eye-opening look at the evolution of a brilliant politician whose name has become a catchphrase for hope in a politically jaded society.───奥巴马作为国际政坛上最耀眼的一匹“黑马”,为日渐失去民心的美国政坛注入了一剂强心针,他的名字也将会被镌刻在美国的历史上。

31 、Which also happened to be my catchphrase.─── 这句话也是我当年的招牌语

32 、Constituent worker family member has administrative levels of key, cent to learn, can wait through board newspaper, catchphrase, seminar, speech undertake conduct propaganda.───组织职工家属有重点、分层次学习,通过板报、标语、报告会、演讲会等进行宣传。

33 、There also is oneself catchphrase in his hand: .───他手里也举着自己的标语:。

34 、1. a penny for your thoughts([w]catchphrase[/w]) used to ask sb what he is thinking about.───(警语)用以问某人在想什麽。据说当时有这种说法的时候,1便士...

35 、As commonly used as a catchphrase today, “fire in the hole” means “watch out,” “stand back,” or “something exciting and/or important is about to happen.───今天这个词已被普遍使用,意思是“小心”,“退后”,或者“令人激动的或重要的、即将发生的事”。

36 、Could never come up with clever catchphrases.─── 他总是想不出朗朗上口的口头禅

37 、After an university doctor that just society drives sees this catchphrase, the tune on the horse opens car plant, he asks a manager seriously: "You this kind of car can swim, be amphibian?───一位刚学会开车的大学博士看到这条标语后,马上调头开到汽车厂,他认真地问经理:“你们这种车会不会游泳,是不是水陆两用的?”

38 、The days of dismissing contradictions by invoking Mr.Deng's catchphrase “socialism with Chinese characteristics” are over.───援用邓小平“有中国特色社会主义”的政治标语来消除矛盾的日子已经过去了。

39 、The following day, all catchphrase are removed entirely.───第二天,所有标语全部撤下。

40 、Catchphrases obviously aren't one of your superpowers.─── 显然你也没有想口头禅的超能力

41 、The catchphrase catchword that sees hooter third team only is: "Not unripe female, do not add male, do not give a government incommode.───只见****丙队伍的标语口号是:“不生女,不添男,不给政府添麻烦。”

42 、On forum, he was worn robber mask, a catchphrase still matched below the photograph: "My commercial pattern no longer important.───在论坛上,他被戴上了强盗面具,照片下面还配了一句标语:“我的商业模式不再重要。”

43 、Went 70 years, the Red Army writes down for us in long march a catchphrase, first one a caricature, song, one goes out Thespian, still shine up to now fire bright ray.───70年过去了,红军在长征中为我们写下一条条标语、一幅幅漫画、一首首歌曲、一出出戏剧,至今还闪射出灿烂的光辉。

44 、Getting some soy sauce: Another catchphrase those originated with a man on the street's don't-two of themer-me response to an intrusive reporter.───打酱油:另一个网络时髦语;记者在路上询问一名男子对某事件的看法,他拒绝回答,说自己是出来打酱油的。

45 、This is why the popular catchphrase among Chinese youth has transformed from "don't be too CCTV" to the current "don't be too CNN.───这就是为什么中国青年的流行语从“不要太西西踢微”变成了“不要太西恩恩”。

46 、Then, this view has become the catchphrase of the property market in 2008.───而后,这个观点成为2008年楼市的流行语。

47 、Write on catchphrase card: Dangerous, deep 2 meters, practician is used.───标语牌上写道:危险,深2米,熟练者使用。

48 、This special report will weigh the chances of making progress with the EU constitution or devising some other “institutional settlement”, to use the current catchphrase in Brussels.───特别报告将评估欧盟宪法取得进展的可能性,以及评估设计一些其他的“制度设置”以便利用布鲁塞尔当前的口号的可能性。

49 、Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a popular business catchphrase that can elicit a wide range of interpretations and attitudes.───企业社会责任已经成为一种普遍的商业标语,同时也被广泛的应用。

50 、Catchphrase, for its unique function and features, has now become a relatively independent section of applied language.───摘要**语由于其独特的功能和特性,已成为应用语言里一个相对独立的部分。

51 、The mother moved catchphrase shop sign at once height, this, people is a yock more more than, the reverse side is: The male is special, strip is asked before entering.───母亲赶快把标语牌调了个儿,这回,人们更是大笑不止,背面是:男性专用,进前请脱衣。







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