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07-01 投稿




英:[?p?:fju:m]  美:[p?r?fju:m]

英:  美:


n.香水, 香气

vt.洒香水于, 使香气弥漫


动词现在分词: perfuming | 动词过去式: perfumed | 动词第三人称单数: perfumes | 动词过去分词: perfumed |


incense | freshen | bouquet | aromatize | emanation | scent | cologne | toilet water | attar | odor | aroma | balm | imbue | aromatise | redolence | fragrancy | anoint | essence | balminess | extract | fragrance | smell | odour | lace




a perfumed talk
-[美讽]骂人话, 坏话


fougere perfume
soluble perfume
oily perfume
mimosa perfume
sachet perfume
medicinal perfume
fancy perfumes
oil soluble perfume
semisynthetic perfume
soap perfume
compound perfume
-调合香料; 香精
synthetic perfume
natural perfume
soluble essence


1 、What perfume would you like?───您要哪种香水?

2 、He caught a whiff of her perfume.───他闻到一股她身上的香水味。

3 、He caught a whiff of perfume as he leaned towards her.───他倚向她时闻到一股香水味。

4 、She was redolent of perfume.───她带进来一股刺鼻的香风。

5 、A faint perfume of jasmine came through the window.───从窗户外飘进一阵淡淡的茉莉花香。

6 、Janey:You mean to tell me that you made this perfume from scratch?───你想告诉我是你亲手做成这些香水的吗?

7 、He fell victim to her perfume.───他沦为她香水的牺牲者。

8 、I'm not interested in watching ads for perfume.───我不喜欢看香水**。

9 、In Persia, perfume was considered a sign of high rank or class.───在波斯,香水被视为上层阶级的标志。

10 、The scent of her perfume arrested those around her.───她身上散发的香水味道吸引了她周围的人。

11 、Which kind of perfume does rabbit like best?───兔子最喜欢哪款香水?

12 、Actually this perfume is an underarm deodorant.───事实上这种香水是腋下除臭剂。

13 、A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer.───一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。

14 、And you with the perfume of the spirit.─── 而您则可以享受灵魂的芬芳

15 、Kitchen: Rosemary or perfume geranium.───厨房:迷迭香或香水天竺葵。

16 、Who has taken you from crayons to perfume?───一位教你区别蜡笔和香水的人士?

17 、Paris is noted for its perfume and wine.───巴黎以香水和葡萄酒而闻名。

18 、She drenched herself in perfume.───她浑身洒满香水。

19 、Have You Used Wrong Perfume?───你用错香水了吗?

20 、He was covered in perfume when I found him.─── 我找到它时 它身上被喷满了香水

21 、I caught a whiffof perfume as she swept past me.───她从我身边走过时,我闻到一股香水味。

22 、Find the perfume in the Kayleigh's office at the Nuclear Plant.───前往核能研究室找到闯祸的香水。

23 、She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.───她朝耳后洒了点香水。

24 、You could have your own clothing line, your own perfume.─── 你还会拥有自己的服装和香水品牌

25 、She used up my perfume without my knowledge.───她背着我,用光了我的香水儿。

26 、And he wanted to get me a perfume, because all Italian ladies have perfumes.─── 他想给我买瓶香水 因为在意大利 每位女士都用香水

27 、No, don't drink it. It's perfume. I've had worse.─── 别喝 那是香水 我喝过更难喝的

28 、She is wearing a strong perfume.───她身上有浓烈的香水味。

29 、Well,I want to buy some new perfume.───好的,我想买一件新出品的香水。

30 、This smaller one is perfume, and the larger one is cologne.───小瓶的是香水,大瓶的是古龙水。

31 、She's sweetened with some special perfume.───她用了一种特殊的香水,闻起来特别香。

32 、It makes no difference, right? perfume is perfume.─── 没什么区别吧 香水就香水嘛

33 、Her perfume it choked me, it was so strong.─── 她的香水味 浓到要窒息了

34 、When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder.───她叹息的时候,呼出浓重的香粉的香气。

35 、I like your perfume. I'm not wearing perfume.─── 你香水真好闻 我没喷香水

36 、It was his idea to start our perfume line.─── 建立我们自己的香水品牌就是他的主意

37 、My swimming pool can only fill in with expensive perfume!───只有昂贵的香水可以注满我的游泳池!

38 、You'll have to pay taxes for the perfume.───您的这些香水需要纳税。

39 、Your perfume does not have the poison!───你的香水没毒

40 、By degrees, the night became impregnated with the perfume of the flowers.───夜色里渐渐地充满了馥郁的花香。

41 、Nice perfume (or aftershave). Must you marinate in it?───很好的香水(或须后水)。你一定要浸泡在里面?

42 、Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave.───不要使用太多香水或须后水。

43 、Her exotic perfume has a subtle scent.───她的外国香水有一种幽幽的香味。

44 、Can you smell the perfume of the roses?───你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?

45 、She reeked of cheap perfume.───她身上散发出廉价香水难闻的气味。

46 、Do you wear/use perfume? What brand?───你用香水吗?什么牌子的?

47 、How do we introduce to use perfume to build wonderful mood below?───下面我们就介绍一下怎么利用香水来营造美妙心情?

48 、She has a notion that men should not wear perfume.───她认为男人不该搽香水。

49 、Don't look for the perfume in the dog-house.───别在狗窝里找香水。

50 、She bought a small bottle of French perfume.───她买了一小瓶法国香水。

51 、The Silk Road was a conduit for textiles, perfume and jewels.───丝绸之路是纺织品,香水和珠宝交流的通道。

52 、"Perfume,eh?"he asked sarcastically.───“香水,啊?”他讽刺地说。

53 、You: You can put on some lipstick and perfume, but not too much.───妳可以搽些口红和香水,但不要太多。

54 、The hint of perfume on her keepsake handkerchief.───在她遗留下来的手帕上散发着一股香水味。

55 、She bought an expensive bottle of perfume in Paris.───她在法国买了一瓶价格昂贵的香水。

56 、She took a deep sniff of the perfume.───她使劲闻了闻香水。

57 、Famous-Brand perfume spreads fragrance for as long as a century.───名牌香水,香飘百年。

58 、She uses a very expensive perfume.───她用的是一种很贵的香水。

59 、He bought his wife a bottle of perfume in the duty - free shop.───他在免税商店为妻子买了一瓶香水。

60 、Neff: Same chair, same perfume, same anklet?───同样的椅子,同样的香水,同样的脚镯?

61 、B:Listen. Perfume is for girls. Men use cologne.───听者。香水是给女人用的。男人用古龙。

62 、They went to Paris to buy perfume.───他们去巴黎买香水.

63 、An oil or a perfume obtained from the flowers of this tree.───依兰花香精油或香水从这种树的花中提取的香精油或香水

64 、The lilac reminds me of her perfume.─── 丁香花让我想起她的香水味

65 、An establishment that makes or sells perfume.───制造或出售香料的设施

66 、What a strong smell! She's wearing too much perfume.───好浓的味道!她用太多的香水。

67 、What kind of perfume do you have?───你们有些什么牌子的香水?

68 、She heisted a bottle of perfume in the store.───她在商店里偷了一瓶香水。

69 、I want to buy auto Perfume ,please and contact us.───我们需要求购汽车香水,请尽快与我们联系。

70 、Personality is to man what perfume.───人格之于人,犹如芳香之于.

71 、She wore that bracelet and dabbed the perfume on her wrist.───她戴着那只手镯,并在手腕上涂上了那香水。

72 、I caught a whiff of perfume as she swept past me.───她从我身边走过时,我闻到一股香水味。

73 、Once it opened, the perfume would give off a funny smell.───一打开,这瓶香水就会散发出一股怪味。

74 、Mother puts perfume on her handkerchief to make it smell pleasant.───妈妈在手帕上洒香水, 使手帕闻起来很舒服。

75 、You can smell the perfume of jasmine.───你可以闻到茉莉花的香味。

76 、She dabbed some of the perfume behind her ears.───她在耳朵后面点了几滴香水。

77 、She sprayed perfume over her chest.───她在胸前撒上了香水。

78 、The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume.───包围着客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。

79 、More flowers will come to you with perfume and pride, O world!───啊,世界,更多的花涌到你怀里,带着芳香,带着骄傲!

80 、She put a dab of perfume behind her ears.───她朝耳后喷了点香水。

81 、Do you need to spray some perfume?───你想用一些香水吗?

82 、More flowers will come to you with perfume and pride,O world!───啊,世界,更多的花涌到你的怀里,带着芬芳,带着骄傲!

83 、He stopped selling books to sell perfume stead.───可以判断出他在推销书方面并不成功。

84 、What perfume are you wearing?───你擦什么香水?

85 、Don ’ t look for perfume in t he doghouse.───不要在狗窝里找香味。

86 、She dabbed on a little perfume.───她轻轻地搽了一点香水。

87 、In summer, make up whether can water volatilize like perfume?───在夏天,化妆水是否会像香水一样挥发呢?

88 、The balding man then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying them all.───之后,秃头男人还掏出一瓶香水,向信封上喷。

89 、Well, what kind of perfume do you have?───哦,你们有些什么样的香水?

90 、The odor of cheap perfume is penetrating.───劣质香水的味道太冲了。






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