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07-01 投稿




英:[??sen??l?]  美:[??sen??l?]

英:  美:


adv.本质上, 本来


1 、She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world.───她从未被这个基本上属于男人的世界所接受。

2 、I detached from myself, from all that was essential to me.─── 我是完全剥离了自己 不再拥有自我

3 、Essentially,mass culture means raising the cultural level of the peasants.───大众文化,实质上就是提高农民文化。

4 、They essentially rule out the latter.───他们根本上排除了[否定了]后者[的存在]。

5 、A stack frame is essentially the same as a function call.───堆栈帧实质上是与函数调用相同。

6 、Additional settling overnight reduced the residual iron to essentially zero.───再经一夜的沉降可使残余的铁降到近乎没有。

7 、He is essentially a good man.───他是个本性善良的人。

8 、All right, everybody, this runthrough is for essential personnel only, essential only.─── 好了 各位 我要给主要人员讲一下流程 闲杂人等退下

9 、Because she is essential... to the work.─── 因为她对这项研究至关重要

10 、She was essentially feminine, in other words, a parasite and a chalice.───她在本质上是个女人,换句话说,是一个食客和一只酒杯。

11 、Essential, as we push out further and further.─── 这是让我们得以越走越远的必备条件

12 、The rear slope of the roof appeared to be essentially undamaged.───似乎屋顶后坡大部分没有受到损坏。

13 、It is essentially a practical and communal religion.───它实质上是一个注重实际的和集体的宗教。

14 、That is, it is essentially impossible to get a free zero.───也就是说,基本上没有可能以低代价获得一个零点。

15 、Four years ago, his acting career was essentially stalled.───四年前,他的表演生涯基本上陷于停顿。

16 、Well, it's essentially a random number generator.───好,基本上就是一个随机数发生器。

17 、He is essentially a very nice person.───他基本上是一个和蔼可亲的人。

18 、So I think all the issues are essentially the same.─── 所以我觉得所有问题本质上都是一样的

19 、They can be found essentially in swampy regions and humid zones.───他们基本生活在沼泽的区域和潮湿的地域中。

20 、But all this was essentially dreamy lunacy.───但这一切基本上是迷梦和狂想。

21 、He' s essentially a very generous man.───他本质上是个十分慷慨的人.

22 、He lived a life that was essentially monachist in tone.───他过着本质上带有修道僧色彩的生活。

23 、All of them are essentially the same.───他们基本上是相同的。

24 、The structure of the DBs will remain essentially the same as now.───区议会的架构基本上会维持不变。

25 、Indirectly, you have essentially clustered Workgroup Edition (see Figure 2).───实质上,您会间接拥有群集Workgroup Edition(请参见图2)。

26 、Cut or lobed to, essentially to the base or to the midrib.───分或裂至叶基或中脉。

27 、Like it or not, web pages essentially revolve around boxy shapes.───不管你喜欢还是不喜欢,现今的网页大多都是以一个个四四方方的“块”组成。

28 、A class is essentially a type.───一个类本质上是个类型。

29 、So you'd essentially be talking to yourself.─── 所以你最后就变成在自言自语

30 、The COM proxy is essentially the same as a Java proxy, except in reverse.───COM实际上与Java**一样,只是方向不同。

31 、Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.───原谅就是宽恕本身没有道理的事情。

32 、Baseball is essentially an urban sport here.───在我们这儿棒球是主要的都市体育项目。

33 、Essentially, they were just massively de-leveraged.───也就是说,他们之前的杠杆太高了。

34 、She's essentially kind.───她本质上是和善的。

35 、Today, the big four state banks in China are, essentially, insolvent.───今天,中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力。

36 、This is essentially a process of arousal.───从本质而言,这是个觉醒的过程。

37 、Education worthy of the name is essentially education of character.───名副其实的教育,本质上是品格教育。

38 、Essentially, it is a mixture of bop-oriented jazz with Latin percussion.───从本质上来说,它是博普爵士和拉丁打击乐的混合。

39 、Several investigative teams settled on essentially the same approach.───好几个调查组采用了大体相同的方法。

40 、All telescopes work essentially the same way.───一切望远镜的工作原理实质上是相同的。

41 、What we do here, it's *ing essential.─── 我们此时所从事的是十分重要的事

42 、What is essential is invisible to the eye.─── 真正重要的东西 眼睛是看不见的

43 、Jane, you are essential to our study.─── 简 你对于我们的研究十分重要

44 、All other service piping and equipment were essentially intact.───其余各供水管及设备基本上安然无恙。

45 、The BOD test is essentially a bioassay procedure.───BOD试验实际上是一项生物测定方法。

46 、At the user level, the two modules are essentially identical.───在用户层面,这两个模块本质上是相同的。

47 、If the stock is not good,you are essentially throwing good money after bad.───因此,你可能是在浪费时间和金钱。

48 、It was essentially a foreign knockoff, but it had real value.───它其实只是个国外的仿冒品,但有它实际的价值。

49 、A composite control is essentially a component with a visual representation.───复合控件本质上是具有可视化表示形式的组件。

50 、It's essentially an unsent letter that became a song.───它其实是由一封未寄出的信改成的歌曲。

51 、Essentially, it becomes a native Office object.───实质上,该控件变为了一个本机Office对象。

52 、A simple, essentially tubular jet engine, such as a ramjet.───压式喷气发动机一种简单的,主要为管道式的喷气发动机,如喷压式发动机

53 、She was operating in a world that was still essentially male dominated.───她在一个基本上仍是由男性主宰的世界里运作着。

54 、Essentially, they had been instantaneously transported to America.───从本质上说,他们瞬间一下子被运到了美国。

55 、Soldiers fight for only a few simple and essentially local reasons.───士兵只为几个简单而重要的根本理论而战。

56 、Urban sprawl was essentially unplanned.───城市蔓延是生来无计划的。

57 、In a word, Normalization is essentially the simplification of conceptions.───因此所谓规范化实质上是概念的单一化。

58 、This essentially means that it is just for the purpose of transferring flights.───其根本意义在于仅用于转机的目的。

59 、He's essentially a very generous man.───他本质上是个十分慷慨的人。

60 、The classic law-of-nature is an essentially revolutionary doctrine.───古典自然法基本上是一种革命的理论。

61 、Friendship is essentially a partership.───友谊说到底就是好伙伴。

62 、Essentially the same vision that motivated apartheid South Africa.───基本上,跟南非的种族隔离一模一样.

63 、Essentially, each segment is its own address space.───从本质上来说,每个段就是自己的地址空间。

64 、Your paddle stroke should be essentially like a crawl-swimming stroke.───你划水的姿势基本上要像是游泳时划水一样。

65 、Consisting of particles of essentially the same size, as soil.───同样的由最基本的同样大小的微粒所构成的,如土壤

66 、To learn is essentially to form sets of those connections.───学习,本质上就是形成一组组的神经细胞连接。

67 、The 1977 amendments essentially codified this consent decree.───1977年的修正案实质上把双方同意的判决编入了法典。

68 、A system consisting essentially of underground cables.───基本上由地下电缆组成的系统。

69 、Taiwan has essentially put this concept into practice.───基本上,台湾已实现了此一基本理念。

70 、He was essentially a man of the theatre.───他基本上是个戏剧人。

71 、Dedication is essentially a Bodhi wish.───迴向主要是一个菩提愿。

72 、He was essentially a shrewd commanding officer.───他本质上是一位机敏的指挥官。

73 、Essentially, therefore, it is a mythological figure...───因而,它在本质上是一种神话形象。

74 、She is an essentially selfish person.───她本质上是个自私自利的人。

75 、Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting an essentially vertical growth habit.───具有近似或表现出直立生长的习性。

76 、The universe was essentially matter in motion.───宇宙从根本上是运动着的物质。

77 、But Bosch was essentially a literary figure .───但是博什基本上是一个文人。

78 、He was, essentially, a teacher, not a manager.───他总的来说是个教师而不是经理。

79 、Recurring behaviours are essentially "hardwired".───再生的一些行为基本上会被“连入”。

80 、It will essentially be on all the time, so there will be no waiting.───它将会本质上是在始终,如此在那里将会不是等候。

81 、The rest of the steps are essentially the same as the previous case.───其余步骤实际上与前面的例子的相同。

82 、The ancient business of pawnbroking remains essentially unchanged.───古老的典当业本质上仍然不变。

83 、In this transaction the lender is essentially lending more money to its debtor.───在这种情况下,贷方会把更多的钱借给借方。

84 、Having such a close similarity or resemblance as to be essentially equal or interchangeable.───可互换的十分类似或相象以至于本质上相等的或能互换的

85 、Hard metamorphic rock consists essentially of interlocking quartz crystals.───坚硬的变质岩,主要由嵌合的石英晶体组成。

86 、CENTCOM fights wars with troops essentially borrowed from PACOM.───中央指挥部从太平洋指挥部调用军队参加(中东的战争)。

87 、He was essentially a shrewd battle leader.───他本质上是一位机敏的战场领袖。

88 、He is essentially an artist.───: 他本来就是位艺术家.

89 、Marxist philosophy is certain essentially,not diversiform.───从本质上看,马克思主义哲学是确定的,不是多样的;

90 、He said it was essential you couldn't know.─── 他交待过一定不能让你知道



Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolicrepresentation of what is conceived to be reality.理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。


主语:A theory


表语:an abstract, symbolic representation (abstract, symbolic定语修饰rerpresentation)

定语:of what is conceived to be reality, 修饰representation

其实:what is conceived to be reality= something that is conceived to be reality






a theory(主语)


an abstract,symbolic representation ...reality(表语)

其中,of what...reality是介词短语做representation的定语,


又an abstrac,symbolic做representation的定语.


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