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07-01 投稿





英:  美:



n.危险, 冒险


动词现在分词: periling/perilling | 动词过去式: periled/perilled | 动词过去分词: periled/perilled | 动词第三人称单数: perils/perils |


at one's peril

1. 自己担风险

You do it at your peril!



endangerment | hazard | menace | jeopardize | expose | queer | scupper | threaten | risk | riskiness | jeopardise | exposure | imperil | harm | threat | liability | endanger | jeopardy | danger




All is not lost that's in danger
at the peril of
All is not lost that's in peril
Keep off at your peril!
-走开点, 否则危险自负。
in peril of
-有...的危险; 使...发生危险
in peril


named peril
basic perils
maritime perils
war perils
perils of the sea exception
war insurance
fire peril
war risk


1 、I am going to peril my reputation for you?───你以为我会为你拿我的名誉冒险?

2 、But now those plans appear to be in peril.───但是现在,这些计划似乎都岌岌可危。

3 、Underestimate your partner at your own peril.─── 低估你的搭档会让你身陷险境

4 、It was as if the public and Congress felt the national peril instinctively and created a surrogate center.───好象公众和国会都本能地感受到国家的生死存亡,因而设立起一个**中心。

5 、Only in the past few years did the science crystallise, revealing the urgency.Our planet is in peril.───地球的处境十分危险,如果不作出改变,我们的子孙后代将无力回天。

6 、"I will wait ten minutes," she said, "not a moment beyond, before I enter on my new peril.───“我要等候十分钟,”她说道,“十分钟后我就片刻也不等待地投入新的冒险。”

7 、Her training warned her of peril and of the wrong, subtle, mysterious, luring.───她的教养警告她:有危险,要出错儿,这是微妙、神秘而又诱人的。

8 、So we have been appointed to obviate that peril by finding a meeting of the minds and the hearts of our peoples.───因而我们奉命来寻求我们各国人民观念和心愿的共同点。

9 、"The fact is that the overwhelming majority of scientists say that the earth is in peril, if we do not act now," she said.───她说:“事实上,绝大多数科学家都表示,假如我们现在不采取行动的话,地球将处于严重的困境之中。

10 、If they venture, at least let them do so at their own peril.───如果他们不惜一试,那么只能自己承担风险了。

11 、They remain firm believers in a Russian sphere of influence in which NATO and others meddle at their peril.───在俄罗斯的影响范围内,他们(俄罗斯的**)依然有坚定的追随者,即使这些地区是北约和其他国家冒险干预的地区。

12 、A group of modern-day students is mysteriously transported to a fantasy world in peril.───一群现代学生被神秘地传送到一个处于危险之中的幻想世界。

13 、For the former involves smaller losses and has the advantage that preparedness averts peril and puts us in a fundamentally invincible position.───因为后者的损失较之前者为小,而其利益,则是有备无患,根本上立于不败之地。

14 、The passengers on the disabled ship were in great peril.───在那艘不能航行船上的乘客,处于极大的危难中。

15 、You ignore those instincts at your peril and theirs.─── 你忽视了你的直觉 给自己和病患带来了风险

16 、Whilst the peril of burns requires special protection measures for the handling personnel.───同时燃烧产生的危害要求对操作人员有特殊保护。

17 、Humanity is in peril!The tides of darkness have come again, and the whole world is poised upon the brink of war!───人类正处于危险之中,黑暗势力再次来临,整个世界都已经处于战争的边缘状态。

18 、He believed his immortal soul was in peril.───他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。

19 、Mess with it at your peril, as the villains in this book discover to their cost.───如果有人冒险搅国会这潭浑水,就会像书中的罪犯一样自找苦吃。

20 、In order to remove accident hidden peril and extend its service life,the pipeline was investigated with respect to corrosion.───为了消除旧管道事故隐患,延长管道寿命,对威成线腐蚀严重的管段、部位进行腐蚀调查。

21 、He told us we would be taking that old boat out at our peril.───他告诉我们说我们乘那条旧船出去风险很大。

22 、If he is a rich man, there is an imminent peril that he may corrupt the people with his lagniappes, and he becomes a suspect.───假如他很富有,那末他就极可能以慷慨馈赠来腐蚀人民,因此,他也是一个可疑分子。

23 、The spiny echinoderms, a potential peril to swimmers stepping on rocks, feast on kelp, which is dwindling along California's coastline.───做为一种多刺的棘皮类动物,海胆对于那些把脚放在暗礁上的海滨游泳者构成了潜在的威胁,这种动物通常以大型海藻为食物,因此海藻在加州沿海地区正呈出日渐减少的趋势。

24 、Act ii. Sc. 2. Alack!there lies more peril in thine eye,Than twenty of their swords.───唉!你的眼睛比他们二十柄刀剑还厉害;

25 、On this topic, I have perilously little of it.─── 在这件事上 我没什么耐心

26 、Underestimate my exam at your own peril.─── 低估我的考试你可要后果自负

27 、It is an election year and the US economy is in peril of falling into recession or worse.───今年是大选年,同时美国经济又有可能陷入衰退、甚至更糟糕的境地。

28 、Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity.───唉!你的眼睛比他们二十柄刀剑还厉害;只要你用温柔的眼光看着我,他们就不能伤害我的身体。

29 、No. It is my gaoler who stands in peril.─── 不 看管我的监狱长才危险

30 、Whatever it is could be perilous to everyone here.─── 不管它是什么 对这里所有人都是危险的

31 、You had better not invest so much money at your peril.───你最好不要冒险投资这么多。

32 、When the nation is in peril, how can one talk about home?───国将不国, 何以为家?

33 、The world's ecology of coral reefs is in peril from human impact. Treat reefs with extreme care and respect.───全世界的珊瑚礁生态系统受到了人类的威胁。要极其关爱珊瑚礁。

34 、Earth could be in peril from a large asteroid and a spacecraft may be needed to knock it off its path, the head of Russia's space agency claimed today.───地球可能因为一粒大的小行星而处于危险中,可能需要一架太空船去撞击它令它离开轨道,俄罗斯航天局头头今天声称。

35 、It is at your peril that you neglect it, for you will be disobeying your Father.Does he command you to seek the image of Jesus?───你当竭力成圣完全,不是因为律法的命令,乃因为救主的要求。

36 、Four British divisions and the whole of the first French Army were now dire peril of being cut off around Lille.───四个英国师和整个法国第一集团军情势十分危急,在利尔附近有被切断之虞。

37 、Rescues are invariably delayed until the moment of extreme peril.───不到千钧一发之际救星绝不出现。

38 、You bet against them at your peril.───你是不能冒险打赌的。

39 、He met a friend who told him the peril an old merchant of Syrance was in, and advised him to pass for a merchant of Epidamunum.───他碰上了个朋友,那个人告诉他说,一个从叙拉古来的老商人遇到了危险,劝他还是冒充作厄匹达姆纽姆的商人。

40 、GA is spread the losses suffered by the shipper in time of peril in the voyage so that all interested parties assume their share.───共同海损是指将在航运中危险之时,托运人所遭受的损失均摊,然后所有受益的托运人承担自己应分担的部分。

41 、Full of or involving peril; dangerous.───充满或包含危险的;危险的

42 、Traitors and collaborators sprang up in every town and China was in great peril.───在所有的大小城市中,一时汉奸蜂起。中国处于危亡之中。

43 、Congressmen take on AIPAC at their peril.───国会议员们把以色列游说团看作他们的危险。

44 、We had seen them through two weeks of mortal peril.───在具有致命危险的两个星期中,我们曾帮助他们渡过了难关。

45 、All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it.───大家都是面对同样的危险,如果大家明白这种危险,就有希望通过集体努力避免它的发生。

46 、He was in peril.───他有危险。

47 、Levchenko felt gratitude and admiration for those who rescued his country from such peril.───列夫钦科对那些使他的国家免遭这种危险的人产生了感激和钦佩之情。

48 、They were in peril of death from hunger.───他们有死于饥饿的危险。

49 、Risk of loss or injury; peril or danger.───危险损失或受伤的危险;危难或危险

50 、Making the right decisions in a time of peril made the difference between life and death for a Calgary hiker, a Parks Canada safety specialist said.───一名加拿大园林部的安全专家说:在危险的时刻做出了正确的决定,使一名卡尔加里市的徒步旅行者得以生存下来。

51 、The paladin looked up, cued to his peril only by the dark hordes themselves pulling back with Judith's arrival.───圣骑士在黑暗阵营自动退却时才发现茱蒂丝的危险性。

52 、And I am deeply sorry this peril came to you.─── 把您也拖下了水 我深感抱歉

53 、Teen prodigy Kenji unwittingly throws humanity into peril when he cracks a math code from a mysterious sender.───内向的天才数学少年健二受到仰慕的学组夏希拜讬,与她一起回去长野老家。

54 、It was not the peril but the poverty that her family disliked.───她家所鄙夷的并非是险境,而是贫困。

55 、A source or an instance of risk or peril.───危险物危险或冒险的来源或事例

56 、Is the arms race the greatest peril now?───军备竞赛是当今的最大危险吗?

57 、A decision is made, and shelter is granted to the tiny fellow, who has no inkling of his peril.───他们作出决定,并且给这个孩子提供了一处庇护所,但没有人告诉他他所处的危险。

58 、In a whirlwind of change and hope and peril, our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our union is strong.───在风云变幻和期望与风险的旋涡中,我们的信念是牢固的,我们的决心是坚定的,我们的联邦是坚固的。

59 、All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.───一切艺术既具有表层意义,又具有象徵意义。潜入表层底下的人得自己承担风险,读出象徵意义的人也得自己承担风险。

60 、He's a turncoat, perilous to us both.─── 他这个小奸细 把咱俩都害了

61 、But as we've all learned from the time travel classics, this is a path fraught with peril, isn't it?───但正如我们已经全部了解,从时间旅行的经典,这是一条充满危险的路程,不是么?

62 、Do you think I am going to peril my reputation for you?───你以为我会为你拿我的名誉冒险?

63 、He made the experiment at his peril.───他冒险做这个试验。

64 、You have magnified the peril.───你把危险夸大了。

65 、In the imminent peril in which Jean Valjean found himself, this sombre building had about it a solitary and uninhabited look which tempted him.───冉阿让正在走投无路时看见了那所楼房,冷清清,仿佛里面没有人住似的,便想从那里找出路。

66 、Such peril, Calvin notes, has to be intuited or sensed rather then taught, since “words fail to explain how necessary prayer is.───加尔文指出,要感受到这样的危险必须是由直觉而来,绝不是出于旁人的教导,因为“任何话语都无法说明祷告的重要性。”

67 、At his own risk and peril, it analyzes and digs deep into its own bedazzlement.───人常在遐想中不避艰险,分析研究并深入追求他自己所赞叹的妙境。

68 、Already the sense of enmity between the two had weakened in the face of a common peril.───两人中间的仇早就给共同的患难冲淡了。

69 、Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul.───如果没有相应的精神世界的发展,物质财富的增长就意味着危险的增加。

70 、And if you try to hurt him, you do so at your own peril.─── 如果你企图伤害他 那你后果自负

71 、TWO Human emotion is both the source of opportunity in trading and the Greatest challenge. Master it and you will succeed. Ignore it at your peril.───人类情绪既是交易机会之源又是巨大的挑战。掌握它你会成功。忽视它你会自食苦果。

72 、He was in peril (of his life).───他有 (生命的) 危险。

73 、To put into peril; endanger.───使陷于危险;危及

74 、At my own peril. I'll be following your way.─── 虽然后果自负 但我会跟着你学

75 、Courfeyrac and others had accosted him two or three times, warning him of his peril, beseeching him to withdraw, but he did not hear them.───古费拉克和另外几个人曾两次或三次走到他跟前,把当时的危险说给他听,请他避开,他却好象什么也没听见。

76 、You do it at the peril of your life.───你做那件事要冒生命的危险。

77 、For some years the Javanese attacks placed Palembang in dire peril .───在几年内爪哇人的进攻,看来已使巴邻旁处于极度危险之中。

78 、One cannot guard against every peril.───一个人不能够预防每一种危险。

79 、In fact, the newspapers have different views regarding this peril of the sea.───事实上,对于这次海难报纸上的说法不一。

80 、She grew familiar with smuggling peril, clocking impressive Kessel Runs aboard the Millennium Falcon with Calrissian.───她渐渐熟悉了**行当的风险,并搭乘千年隼号飞越科塞尔小道(KesselRun),为之记时。

81 、But those keen to set up the next monetary union ignore Emu's early lessons at their peril.───但如果那些热心建立下一个货币联盟的人忽视欧洲早期的教训的话,则必然危机四伏。

82 、Hepatitis B was eliminated as a serious transfusion peril by the late 1970s.───到七十年代末,乙型肝炎作为一种输血性疾病已经被消灭了。

83 、Whenever he steeled himself deliberately to think, he could see the desperate peril in which he stood.───他在二十四小时里只睡四小时还嫌四小时生活时间被剥夺。

84 、Icy roads are a peril to motorist.───冰冻的路面对于摩托车手是一种危险。

85 、"This debate offers great opportunities and great peril.───“这个辩论提出了极大的机遇和危险。

86 、To maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm; protect.───保护使免于损害,危险或伤害而处于安全中;保护

87 、The inland marine coverage on this property is generally broader (open peril ) than is that provided by property insurance.───内陆运输保险的承保范围(未列明风险)要比财产保险的承保范围宽泛。

88 、A man will lay down his head, or peril his life for his honour, but let us be shy how we ask him to give up his ease or his heart's desire.───一个人为了荣誉,可以抛头颅,洒热血,可是我们千万别要求他放弃舒适的生活或内心的欲望。

89 、Brodhead adds the university failed to reach out in a time of extraordinary peril.───他还说到当时大学并没有在非常危险的时刻及时伸出手来给予帮助。

90 、We gat our bread with the peril of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness.───哀5:9因为旷野的刀剑、我们冒著险、才得粮食。


中文意思是n. 灵魂;心灵;某种人;(用于否定句中)一个人(也没有);灵乐;感受强烈感情的能力;(艺术、音乐作品或文章中的)热情,气魄;精神,精髓;(某地的)人们,人口(souls);(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质;(某种品质的)典范,化身;美国黑人文化(或种族尊严);鬼魂

adj. 激情黑人的,黑人文化的

She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.






soul也可作“精髓,精华; 中心人物”解,主要指集体的骨干或精神支柱或某事物最好的部分,引申还可作“典型”解,常与介词of连用。soul of在be后作表语时, soul前面通常要加定冠词the。

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