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07-01 投稿




英:[tre?s]  美:[tres]

英:  美:


n.痕迹, 微量, 踪迹

v.追踪, 描绘, 找出根源


动词过去式: traced | 动词过去分词: traced | 名词: traceability | 动词现在分词: tracing | 副词: traceably | 动词第三人称单数: traces | 形容词: traceable |


trace back

1. 追溯

Her family can trace its history back to the 15th century.



trace out
-探寻踪迹; 描摹出, 映写出; 计划出
double on one's trace
lose (all) trace of
trace back to
-追溯到, 追究到, 追查到
without a trace


scale trace
memory trace
oscilloscope trace
finite trace
sweep trace
-扫(描)迹(线), 扫描线
leaflet trace
foliar trace
clean trace
ultra trace
root trace
program trace
-跟踪程序, 程序故障检测
calibration trace
torpedo's trace
semi-finite trace
peaked trace
alternating trace
linear trace
reduced trace
oscillograph trace
-示波图; 波形图; 示波图扫迹
system trace
dorsal trace
latex trace
elliptical trace
arc trace
bright trace
axial trace
return trace
-回描, 归迹, 回程
sinusoidal trace
-正弦曲线(扫迹), 正弦线[轨]迹
broad azimuth trace
principal trace
calling trace
comprehensive trace
wavy trace
dimmer sweep trace
horizontal trace
many-pronged trace
normal trace
steam trace
circular trace
sharp trace
ventral trace
hyperbolic trace
trace of a compact operator
branch trace
lateral trace
no trace
-线索不明, 无法查找
dark trace
matrix trace
selective trace
dual trace
anodal trace
synchro trace
double trace
beam trace
blurred trace
spiral trace
-螺旋线(轨迹), 螺旋线扫迹
vertical trace
fault trace
-【地质】断层迹, 裂纹迹
flame trace
leaf trace
barograph trace


1 、Traces of steel left on the skull match traces of steel left on the feet.─── 头骨上的钢铁痕迹与双脚的钢铁痕迹吻合

2 、He could trace his lineage back many centuries.───他可以回溯他的家世背景到许多世纪。

3 、And crased every trace of the past from her memory.───也一天天抹去了她过去的所有记忆。

4 、They tried to trace the rumour to its source.───他们试图追查谣言的根源。

5 、Why are trace minerals so important?───为什么微量矿物质如此的重要?

6 、And there's no trace of you being there.─── 那里没有留下你的任何痕迹

7 、Spoke with a trace of sarcasm.───带着一丝嘲讽地说

8 、As long retrospective, here is to trace Buddhism.───如追溯久远,这里又是佛教迹地。

9 、He spoke without a trace of emotion.───他说话时毫不动感情。

10 、To capture the trace to a database table.───将跟踪捕获到数据库表中。

11 、I know where he is. I've had a trace on him.─── 我知道他在哪 我一直在追踪他

12 、The corners of her mouth suggested the least trace of irony.───她的嘴角上浮现一丝儿讽刺的痕迹。

13 、Otherwise, the trace flag has no effect.───否则,跟踪标志无效。

14 、His family can trace its history back to the tenth century.───他的家系一直可以追溯到十世纪。

15 、They did not take kindly to trace and trail.───他们不喜欢缰绳和雪道。

16 、He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm.───他说话总带着一丝讽刺。

17 、You can save trace results to a file.───可以将跟踪结果保存到文件中。

18 、She spoke without a trace of bitterness.───她说话时一点儿也不伤感。

19 、All her yesterdays had vanished without a trace.───她的过去已经完全烟消云散了。

20 、His behaviour extinguish the last trace of affection she have for him.───他的这种行为使她对他的最後一丝爱慕之情荡然无存。

21 、They failed to find any trace of the runaways.───他们未能找到逃跑者的任何踪迹。

22 、A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also contains some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body.───人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。

23 、Inserts a bookmark into the open trace.───将书签**入到打开的跟踪中。

24 、In spite of the mist the sailors could trace the outline of an island.───尽管有雾,水手们还能依稀看出一个岛屿的轮廓。

25 、Olympiad in 2008 trace what the mascot is?───2008年奥运会的迹吉祥物是什麽?

26 、The family are trying to trace the missing dog.───全家人正在设法找寻失踪的狗。

27 、SQL Trace can monitor any trace event class.───SQL跟踪可以监视任何跟踪事件类。

28 、Generic starting point for creating a trace.───创建跟踪的通用起点。

29 、They had never found Boyd or any trace of him.───从前保义的尸体,他们是连影踪都没有找到呢。

30 、Property for a console trace listener.───属性。控制台跟踪侦听器是跟踪源的。

31 、Alter database backup control file to trace.───可以产生一个控制文件的文本备份。

32 、The author has managed to trace many incidents in which the long arm of confidence brought the heroine in fleeting touch with the members of the family.───作者设法追溯了许多事件,在这些事件中,由于离奇的机遇,使女主角与这一家庭有了短时间的接触。

33 、DNA databank to trace kidnapped kids.───DNA数据库(全国联网)帮助被拐骗儿童寻亲。

34 、They couldn't find any trace of the lost children.───他们一点也找不到丢失的孩子的踪迹。

35 、You can view the trace output in the trace viewer.───可以在跟踪查看器中查看跟踪输出。

36 、Apply heavy line weight to trace the light sketch.───再加上重线条在之前的草图上。

37 、I could trace the outlines of a house in the darkness.───在黑暗中我能看出一间房屋的轮廓。

38 、Then write trace can not disappear spontaneously.───书写后不会自动消失。

39 、They feared some undetected trace of poison.───他们担心一些未被识破的投毒痕迹。

40 、Are you OK understand him appetitive trace?───你应该可以了解自己食欲的踪迹吧?

41 、He disappeared without a trace.───他消失得无影无踪。

42 、But there's no trace of it in the archive.─── 但服务器上找不到这份录像

43 、He was able to trace his ancestry back over 1000 years.───他可追祖溯宗至 1000 年以前。

44 、Kelp is rich in vitamins and trace elements.───大型褐藻富含维他命和微量元素。

45 、Writes trace data to the output file or stream.───向输出文件或流中写入跟踪数据。

46 、Her family can trace its history back to the 15th century.───她的家史可追溯到15世纪。

47 、There was no trace of mockery in her expression.───他脸上没有一丝嘲弄的意思。

48 、There's not a trace of surveillance on any of us.─── 我们身上都没有被监视的痕迹

49 、The kids are learning to trace the letter.───孩子们学描字母。

50 、But so far the files show no trace of his career.───但到目前为止,那些档案并没有揭示他过去的履历。

51 、He spoke without a trace of bitterness.───他说起话来,丝毫也不伤感。

52 、Her fear of water can be trace back to a childhood accident.───她很怕水,起因可归于儿时的一次事故。

53 、A faint trace of egg on his vest.───他背心上的不清楚的鸡蛋印。

54 、He seems to have vanished without trace.───他似乎消失得无影无踪。

55 、There isn't a trace of a smile on her face.───她脸上没有一丝笑容。

56 、She had vanished without a trace.───她消失得无影无踪。

57 、All I'm saying is, a lesser pathologist might have missed trace amounts of stool in her intestines, which contained trace amounts of water hemlock.─── 我是说 普通的病理学医生 可能会不检测她肠子里的粪便 里面有毒芹的成分

58 、Exterminated the trace and shadow in a wink.───在转瞬间消灭了踪影。

59 、A string containing stack trace information.───包含堆栈跟踪信息的字符串。

60 、There was not a trace of cynicism in his voice.───他的语气里没有一丝挖苦。

61 、There was a trace of derision in her smile.───她的微笑里带有一丝揶揄。

62 、His voice was English with no trace of accent.───他讲的是纯正的英语,丝毫不带外国腔。

63 、But I leave no trace and have no friends.───但我不会留下任何痕迹,而且我也没有朋友。

64 、His family can trace its history back to the 10th century.───他的家世渊源可追溯到10世纪。

65 、He can trace his ancestors back through fourteen generations.───他能追溯他的祖先到第十四代。

66 、A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.───化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等

67 、And he traced the money, and he traced the account.─── 他追踪到了里面的钱 追踪到了这个账户

68 、She and Djali disappeared without trace.───她和得加里失踪了,没有留下任何蛛丝马迹

69 、He father claims to be able to trace the family back many centuries, to the time of the Conqueror.───他父亲声称他的家族系谱可追溯到好几个世纪以前的诺曼底入侵时代。

70 、It is not mandatory to set a filter for a trace.───并不一定要为跟踪设置筛选器。

71 、Seismic trace inversion and attributes.───地震道反演和地震属性。

72 、Switches on the specified trace flags globally.───以全局方式打开指定的跟踪标记。

73 、You do not have to use a trace flag.───不必使用跟踪标志。

74 、He like to trace the origins of all things.───什么事他都喜欢推本溯源。

75 、For trace of dream you left inside my lonely heart.───去寻觅孤独的心中,你留给我的梦的痕迹。

76 、He has disappeared without trace.───他已销声匿迹了。

77 、He is so robust and never has a trace of weariness.───他非常健壮,从不显示一丝倦意。

78 、I don't have a trace of him after that, but fret not.─── 在那之后我就找不到他的踪迹了 不过别急

79 、The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map.───后来发电站被精确地描画在大比例地图上。

80 、Refer to this table for the trace string to use.───使用的跟踪字符串参见下表。

81 、Have I ever kept any trace like a hairspring?───但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊?

82 、How far back can you trace your family tree?───你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?

83 、To do away with completely so as to leave no trace.───完全废除,使毫无痕迹。

84 、Traces of lanthanides, yes, but traces only.─── 鑭的痕跡 沒錯 但也僅此而已

85 、They disappeared without leaving a trace.───他们不见了,没有留下一点痕迹。

86 、The rain flushed away the trace left by the criminals.───大雨把犯罪分子遗留的痕迹冲刷掉了。

87 、If we have to trace 25,000 vans, then we have to trace 25,000 vans.─── 如果我们必须追踪25000辆车 那我们就这么做

88 、The children were lost without trace in the forest.───孩子们在森林里失踪了,没有留下一点痕迹。

89 、Only his hair showed the real trace of years.───岁月只在他头发上留下了痕迹。

90 、Modifies the current state of the specified trace.───修改指定跟踪的当前状态。




tracevt.跟踪,追踪; 追溯,探索; 探索; 查找; vi.沿着一小径或道路前进; 可以追溯的; n.痕迹,踪迹; 微量,极少量; [植](脉)迹; 痕迹[英][tre?s][美][tres]Trace system calls and signals. 跟踪系统调用和信号。

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