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07-01 投稿




英:['tre?n?(r)]  美:[?tren?]

英:  美:


n. 训练者, 训练设备, (软底)运动鞋


1 、She liked the other animals in the circus and her trainer, Archie, took very good care of her.───她很喜欢马戏团里的其它动物,她的驯兽师阿奇也非常照顾她。

2 、You're not a trainer, you're a cleaner.─── 你并不是教練 只是個清潔工

3 、I don't know, man. I'm not a trainer.─── 我就不懂了 我又不是教练

4 、B. has admitted using a substance his trainer G.A. told him was flexi flaxseed oil.───B.也承认使用被他教练成为亚麻子油的物质。

5 、As a good trainer, train store managers and floor supervisors to carry out the sales of the service products.───作为一个优秀的培训师,为零售店经理及楼面负责人提供良好的培训,使他们能够开展该服务产品的销售。

6 、The gymnastics trainer insisted that his students discipline themselves.───体操教练坚持地要求他的学生要过个自制的生活。

7 、HR Manager, Training Manager, Internal Trainer, and those who need to train people in enterprises.───人力资源经理,培训经理,培训师,企业内部需要对他人进行培训的工程师,主管等。

8 、He argued vehemently with Lakers trainer Gary Vitti about his bum knee during the NBA Finals.───在NBA决赛中他也曾经同湖人的教练加里.维蒂为他受伤的膝盖激烈争吵。

9 、His improved performance does credit to his trainer.───他的表演有进步,这应该归功於他的教练。

10 、He's an 18)omnivore, and what a trainer would call food-driven.───他是杂食动物,驯兽师称之为“食物驱动型”。

11 、As a personal trainer to the rich and famous, he earns over a million dollars a year.───作为富翁和名流的私人教练,他每天的收入高达一百多万美元。

12 、He has a dual interest in the football team,he's the trainer and his son plays for them.───他跟那个足球队有双重关系,他是足球队教练而他的儿子是队员。

13 、I have the honor to be a member of the internal trainer team of CCTC.───也是随便问问,不到十五分钟,最后说,要见我。

14 、She's been working as a personal trainer for two years.───她做私人教练有两年了。

15 、He is an animal trainer for the circus.───他是马戏团的驯兽师。

16 、Come and connect with personal trainer right now, to taste the goods of personal trainer course.───不要再考虑,立即联络会所的私人教练,开始亲身体验私人健身课程无可比拟的好处!

17 、You can be my personal trainer.───你可以当我的私人教练。

18 、The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank for all her help during the training.───她做的第一件事就是走到教练跟前,感谢她在训练期间给予的帮助。

19 、Are you a best China Trainer?───你是中国最好的教练吗?

20 、Nelson, his whiskers bristling with anticipation, leads his trainer across a field.───因期待而竖起胡须的尼尔森带著训练师穿过一块田野。

21 、Prof.Wilken, elephant trainer (US version) (?───) (克莱恩教授,大象教练机(美国版) ( ?

22 、Alexey has experience as trainer more than 25 years.───他从事教练工作有超过25年的历史。

23 、He is a successful trainer in the football field.───他是足球领域成功的教练。

24 、Don: Leo here actually thinks he's a better dino trainer than me!───多纳泰罗:莱昂纳多居然觉得他是个更好的恐龙训练师。

25 、He has a dual interest in the football team; he's the trainer and his son plays for them.───他跟那个足球队有双重关系,他是足球队教练,他的儿子是队员。

26 、How long has Yvonne been working as a personal trainer?───伊冯做私人教练多久了?

27 、A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.───她请来了一个培训师,帮她锻炼身体。

28 、He is the trainer of my class.───他是我们班的导师。

29 、In 1995 he was the trainer of Racing Football Team, but resigned after 4 months.───1995年他又持教于竞技队,但是四个月后辞职。

30 、Oh, we're not together. I'm his trainer.─── 我们没在一起 我是他的教练

31 、He has a dualinterest in the football team; he's the trainer and his son plays for them.───他跟那个足球队有双重关系,他是足球队教练,他的儿子是队员。

32 、Prove your pilot skills in the stunt flying game "Stunt Pilot Trainer".───可以提高你在特技飞行游戏“特技飞行员教练机”中的驾驶技能。

33 、KC is a powerful speaker and trainer, having trained &mentored over 70,000 peoples since 1984.───KC是一位极具影响力的演讲者和培训师,自1984年起已培训并指导了超过70,000人次。

34 、Chef Luigi is also a qualified wine trainer and lecturer in hotel management.───主厨阿海不仅是一位出色的烹饪大师及高级品酒师,还是一位酒店管理方面的高级培训讲师。

35 、Beat Eisele has been a consultant, teacher, and teacher trainer for more than ten years.───十几年间一直担任教学顾问,教师及教育培训师。

36 、His presentation skills and his knowledge as a trainer have received high praise.───他的讲授技巧和作为培训者的知识备受推许。

37 、Kevin, I'm a trainer. I have other clients.─── 凯文 我是健身教练 我有很多客户

38 、He is either a trainer or a teacher.───他不是个教练就是个教师。

39 、Ice break Music Loud and the trainer in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile.───大声音乐,训导师着销售经理服装微笑着站在学员面前。

40 、The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thanked her for all her help during her training.───她所做的第一件事情就是走到她的教练面前,感谢她在训练期间给予她的帮助。

41 、Nadal: I work more on the court.I have a special trainer and a physio.───N:我有一个特别的训练师和物理治疗师。

42 、Music Loud and the trainer in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile.───大声音乐,训导师着销售经理服装微笑着站在学员面前。

43 、His father is an animal trainer for Mazzola.───他的父亲是玛佐拉的驯兽师。

44 、Does the trainer at the gym give good advice?───健身房的教练教导有方吗?

45 、A cosmetic dentist might consider even starting a joint venture with a personal trainer to give total body makeovers!───一开始,甚至可以考虑美容牙医合资教练给个人全身面貌!

46 、But in the meantime, he is willing to get in the ring and work the mitts with Trainer Jeff Fenech as onlookers gawk.───但同时,他却愿意进入这个拳击台,挥舞着拳套,而他的教练芬内克则像个呆子一样在边上旁观。

47 、Nancy:You can pay a personal trainer to help you exercise better.───你可以雇一个私人教练来教你如何更好地健身。

48 、A trainer and a butler and a bodyguard or five, a gardener and a stylist, do you think I'm satisfied?───一个私人教练和一个男管家,一个或五个保镖,一个花匠和一个发型师,你认为我满意吗?

49 、She spends up to three hours a day with her personal trainer.───她每天得花3小时接受私人教练的训练。

50 、They also present a low top velcro strap trainer, with perforated suede uppers.───他们也提出一位低顶面维可牢尼龙搭扣皮带教练员,与穿孔的绒面革鞋帮。

51 、So, we know that you and your trainer were having an affair.─── 我们知道你和你的教练有染

52 、She met flight trainer Charles @Chief@ Anderson there.───她在那里会见了飞行训练师查尔斯?齐夫?安德森,

53 、Damon spent about an hour on the trainer's table on Wednesday before the scheduled afternoon contest was washed out.───大门在星期三下午开赛被延后前花了一个小时在训练员的桌前。

54 、Ice Block (Frost) is now available on the trainer to all mages at level 30.───“寒冰屏障”(冰霜天赋)现在能在30级以后在训练师处学习。

55 、The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her for all her help during her training.───她做的第一件事就是走到教练面前,感谢教练在训练期间给予她的帮助。

56 、Some losing traders go looking for a trainer, a teacher, or a therapist.───一些失败的交易者会去找训练师,教师或医生。

57 、What are your strengths as a trainer?───你作为培训者的强项在哪里?

58 、Most of them employ a personal doctor, trainer and nutrition expert!───他们大多雇用私人医生、教练和营养专家!

59 、"Chela didn't want to put the gloves on at first," said her trainer Chacaliaza, "but now she likes it.───切拉"的训导员说:"它起初不愿带上拳击手套,但现在非常喜欢。"

60 、Stamina and Free Throws do NOT depend on trainer level.───体力和罚球不取决于训练员的等级.

61 、Her trainer paced her on a motorcar following her slowly.───她的教练骑着一辆摩托慢慢跟随着她为她测步速。

62 、He has worked as an animal trainer for many years.───他当了好几年的训兽师。

63 、Active music and the trainer is in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile.───大声音乐,着销售经理制服站直,微笑。

64 、As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.───作为一个教员你必须争取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。

65 、Millie gave a talk on "The Life of a Trainer".───关着的米梨做了一个关于“运动鞋的一生”的报告。

66 、She works as a personal trainer in a fitness center in Beijing.───她是北京一家健身中心的私人教练。

67 、Evocation - Is now available to all mages (via trainer), starting at level 20.───唤醒现在是个可以在20级从训练师处学习到技能。

68 、The device he invented is called the Link Trainer.───他发明的装置叫林克训练器,

69 、Which is why we need to get him for the trainer.─── 所以我们需要在教练这边拿下他

70 、T-Nation: You were always known as a very intense trainer.───型国家:你总是被称为一个非常激烈的教练机。

71 、His most probable destination remains Roma, where trainer Spalletti is seeking a partner for Francesco Totti.───他最可能的下家是意大利的罗马,斯帕莱蒂在为托蒂寻找一名搭档。

72 、Her trainer was even more gloomy about the prospects for British tennis.───她的教练对英国网球的前景甚至更为悲观。

73 、Yvonne Castillo work as a personal trainer in a fitness center in New York.───伊冯?卡斯蒂洛是纽约一家健康中心的私人教练。

74 、Most of them have more than five years experience of Outward Bound Trainer.───他们大多数曾任职外展导师达5年之久。

75 、KC is a powerful speaker and trainer, having trained &mentored over 50,000 peoples over the last 20 years.───KC是一位极具影响力的演讲者和培训师,在过去的20年中已经培训并指导了超过50,000人次。

76 、Her trainer had decided she shouldn't run in the race.───她的教练决定她不应参加赛跑。

77 、Why do you like to be a trainer?───你为什么想做培训师呢?

78 、It's a bakery, but with dog trainers.─── 是个烘焙活动 但由训犬师参加

79 、She knew how fast she was running, because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle.───她知道自己跑步的速度,因为她的教练骑着自行车在为她定速度。

80 、Don: Well, raph, who's the better trainer?───多纳泰罗:嗯,拉斐尔,谁是更好的训练师?

81 、She knew how fast she was running,because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle.───她知道自己跑步的速度,因为她的教练骑着自行车在为她定步速。

82 、Profession trainer group is the guarantee of our high quality training!───专业化的师资队伍,是我们高品质培训的根本保障!

83 、And the fact that you're Jack Garris's trainer?───|你是杰克.加里斯的教练?

84 、I bet the affair's with her trainer.─── 我打赌肯定是和她的健身教练出轨了

85 、Please arrange for a personal trainer.───一定给我安排个私人教练。

86 、I should have asked the trainer, but can you tell me which machine is good to exercise my back?───你: 我其实应该请教教练的,你能不能告诉我,要锻炼我的背部该用哪一种器械比较好呢?

87 、Take the role of trainer of technicians and operators to improve process control standard.───作为培训师培训技术员和作业人员以提高工艺控制标准。

88 、They escaped the zoo by killing their trainer, a trainer who had been with them for years, since they were cubs.─── 它们咬死了驯兽师逃出动物园 驯兽师已经驯了它们好几年了 从幼崽时期就开始养

89 、We'll call you my trainer and consultant.─── 我们就称你为我的训练师和顾问

90 、Here are all the new spells I see on the trainer for Shaman.───以下是新的训练获得的技能。




n. 助理教练;训练员;驯马师;飞行练习器;运动鞋

n. (Trainer)人名;(英、德)特雷纳


英 ['tre?n?] 美 ['tren?]


The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.




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