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08-19 投稿


provisional 发音

英:[pr?'v??(?)n(?)l]  美:[pr?'v???nl]

英:  美:

provisional 中文意思翻译



provisional 网络释义

adj. 临时的,暂时的;暂定的n. 临时邮票

provisional 同义词

provisionary |slippery | secondary | mushroom | acting | accidental | utility | tentative | probationary | occasional

provisional 反义词


provisional 词性/词形变化,provisional变形

副词: provisionally |

provisional 短语词组

1、provisional assignee ─── [法] 临时受让人

2、provisional charter ─── [经] 临时执照(证书)

3、provisional agreement ─── [法] 临时协议, 临时协定

4、provisional committtee ─── [法] 临时委员会

5、provisional agenda ─── [法] 临时议税

6、provisional budget ─── [经] 临时预算

7、provisional apprehension ─── [法] 拘留, 暂时拘捕

8、provisional consitution ─── [法] 临时宪法, 临时约法

9、provisional contract ─── [经] 临时契约(合同)

10、provisional back-up value ─── [计] 候选返上值

11、provisional cortex ─── [医] 临时皮质(肾上腺)

12、provisional callus ─── [医] 暂时骨痂

13、provisional domicile ─── [法] 临时住所

14、provisional court ─── [法] 临时法庭

15、provisional canthoplasty ─── [医] 暂时性眦切开术

16、provisional certificate ─── [经] 临时证件

17、provisional account ─── [经] 临时帐户

18、provisional balance ─── [经] 暂时平衡

19、provisional assessment ─── [法] 临时估值, 临时估税额

provisional 相似词语短语

1、provisioner ─── n.粮食供应者

2、provisionally ─── adv.临时地,暂时地

3、previsional ─── adj.有先见之明的

4、provision ─── n.规定;条款;准备;[经]供应品;vt.供给…食物及必需品

5、provisionary ─── adj.临时的(等于provisional)

6、provisionals ─── adj.临时的,暂时的;暂定的;n.临时邮票

7、provisions ─── n.规定(provision的复数);食品;预备;v.供应补给品;供应粮食(provision的三单形式)

8、Provisional ─── adj.临时的,暂时的;暂定的;n.临时邮票

9、provisioned ─── adj.预分配的;v.供应补给品(provision的过去分词)

provisional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Provisional personas are, in fact, a more fleshed-out persona hypothesis (as described in Chapter 4). ─── 实际上,临时的人物角色是较为充实的人物角色的假设(参见第4章)。

2、In 1997,the Motor Vehicles Valuation Group registered a total of 136 motor traders and assessed the provisional taxable value on 66 931 vehicles. ─── 1997年,香港海关的汽车评值课共登记了136名汽车贸易商,并评定了66931辆汽车的暂缴应课税值。

3、The CC said it was still likely to be able to publish its provisional findings by the end of next month. ─── 消委会表示,他们仍然可能能够公布其调查结果的临时下个月底。

4、Fine. This provision should be included. ─── 对。应该附加这一条。

5、You should make provision for things going wrong. ─── 你要采取措施,以防不测。

6、Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. ─── 任何物理理论都是暂时的,因为它只是一种假设:人们永远不可能也证明它。

7、Members of the provisional government were prisoners or fugitives. ─── 临时政府的成员或被捕或逃亡。

8、They telex their provisional acceptance of the contract. ─── 他们拍出电传表示暂时接受合同。

9、A man in fair weather should make provision for rainy days. ─── 一个人处于顺境时应该未雨绸缪。

10、Coll did not crack the family's inner circle, so his conclusions on the matter are provisional. ─── 科尔并未与家族内部成员接触,因此,他只做出了暂时的结论。

11、They write to give their provisional acceptance of the contract. ─── 他们写信临时接受此项合同。

12、He did not make any provision for his children rs education. ─── 他没为孩子的教育作任何准备。

13、The company had make a $2m provision for bad debt. ─── 公司拿出200万美元以应付呆账的发生。

14、One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country. ─── 一个星期后,沙皇被迫退位,第一临时政府接管了俄国。

15、A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce. ─── 一位政府效率专家发现,几乎所有的临时逮捕都符合监督指挥官执行的证据充足的标准。

16、Breach with sin = definitive, actual, practical, not just provisional, potential. Not worked up (perfectionism). ─── 与罪隔绝:确定的,实在的,实际上,不只是有隔绝的潜能,不只是暂定的。

17、The Palestinians would then get a provisional state with temporary borders. ─── 巴勒斯坦人将建立一个拥有暂时边界的临时国家。

18、Ten minutes ago Clive and I shook hands on a provisional agreement. ─── 10分钟前,克莱夫和我就已经临时协议达成一致。

19、approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the provisional arrest is based is insufficient. ─── 如果指挥官认为临时逮捕所依据的证据不足,则不予批准。

20、From July 1,1997,the two Municipal Councils and 18 District Boards elected during British administration were replaced by provisional bodies. ─── 在英国管治期间选出的2个市政局和18个区议会自1997年7月1日起由临时组织取代。

21、She makes a provisional booking for a table for ten people . ─── 她临时定了一张20个人的桌子。

22、To promote water safety, the Provisional Urban Council launched a water safety campaign in July and August. ─── 为了宣传水上安全的信息,临时市政局在一九九七年七、八月举办水上安全运动。

23、Location: Shaoshan street, high-speed beltway entrance of the Provisional. ─── 地理位置:韶山路旁,临绕城高速入口。

24、The Provisional Urban Council is committed to improving the urban environment with landscape and tree preservation. ─── 临时市政局致力美化环境及保护林木,以求改善都市环境。

25、Next is the provisional ruling. ─── 下面是结果:

26、The provision of the last sentence of Article19.2 shall apply. ─── 上面第19.2条的最后一句依然适用。

27、The provisional regional council operates 26 libraries,including three central libraries,19 district libraries and four mobile libraries. ─── 临时区域市政局共设有26间图书馆,包括3间中央图书馆、19间地区图书馆及4所流动图书馆。

28、Pursuant to the two provisional regulations. construction Permit was implemented in the City. ─── 依照两个暂行规定,实施了建筑管理许可证制度。

29、The Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganisation) Ordinance which transfers the powers, functions, and liabilities of the provisional municipal councils to the Government and other statutory bodies was enacted in December. ─── 一九九九年十二月通过的《提供市政服务(重组)条例》,就是把两个临时市政局的权力、职能和法律责任移交政府和其他法定机构。

30、Make provision against possible disasters. ─── 他们采取措施防备可能发生的灾难。

31、We hope that our detailed discussions in Beijing will result in the signing of a provisional agreement during our visit. ─── 希望在我们访问北京期间,经过双方详细的磋商,能够签署一份暂定协议。

32、No provision was made against England aggression. ─── 对于英国的侵略毫无防备。

33、This provision is subject,however,to the application of Article 10. ─── 但本规定以第十条为条件,方可适用。

34、The following is the provisional rules of arbitration procedure of the foreign trade arbitration commission . ─── 下面是对外贸易仲裁委员会仲裁程序暂行规定。

35、The booking is only provisional. ─── 这只是暂定的预订。

36、He makes adequate provision for his wife. ─── 他为妻子提供足够的给养

37、In 1997, the Motor Vehicles Valuation Group registered a total of 136 motor traders and assessed the provisional taxable value on 66 931 vehicles. ─── 年内香港海关的汽车评值课共登记了136名汽车贸易商,并评定了66931辆汽车的暂缴应课税值。

38、The daughter was to have but a slender provision. ─── 女儿只能得到一份菲薄的嫁妆。

39、The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes, including six major parks. ─── 临时区域市政局所管理的公园和花园超逾600个,面积大小不一,当中包括6个大型公园。

40、At the outset, we will set a probation period of 6 months for this new training body on provisional basis. ─── 但新的培训机构将于首6个月内为试用期。

41、Provision of shelter is their main concern for the disaster victim. ─── 为灾民提供避难处是他们最关切的事。

42、By June 30th, 2008, all provisional licence holders must be accompanied by a fully licenced driver of at least two years experience. ─── 到2008年六月30日,所有临时驾照持有者必须有至少两年经验驾驶员陪伴才能驾驶。

43、Notwithstanding the provision of 5.1 above. ─── 尽管本协议作了上面5.1条款

44、It is highly important that this subject should be investigated immediately and at least a provisional report made on this war policy. ─── 这一主题应该立即加以研究,以及对于这一战争政策做出至少省级的报告是高度重要的。

45、The military leaders set up a provisional government. ─── 军事领导人们成立了临时政府。

46、One work-around for this is to break up the tests into a must-pass project and a provisional project. ─── 变通方式,是把测试拆分成必须通过(must-pass)的项目和临时项目。

47、Arbitration shall be carried out according to the provisional rules of procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission. ─── 仲裁应根据对外贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规定来进行。

48、GATT was ad hoc and provisional. ─── 关贸总协定是临时的。

49、It had organized a provisional government. ─── 它组成了一个临时政府。

50、Provisional Commodity List for the Administration of Textiles Export to U.S. ─── 对美出口纺织品临时管理商品目录。

51、The Provisional Urban and Regional Councils run 17 major arts venues at various accessible locations throughout Hong Kong. ─── 临时市政局及临时区域市政局辖下共设有17个大型文化场地,遍布全港各地,以便市民观赏各类文化表演。

52、Provision of shelter was their main concern. ─── 为灾民提供避难处是他们主要关心的事。

53、He was insulting to the king's provision. ─── 他辱没了国王的预备。

54、Health and the sea Ningbi cold, Shek Pik cut straight into the sea, rock Provisional Cliff Yan lying. ─── 大海凝碧生寒,石壁直削入海,磐石临崖偃卧。

55、Send a message to QQ friends, do not need to add each other as friends (provisional conversation mode). ─── 发送消息给QQ好友,不需要加对方为好友(临时会话模式)。

56、As of this past January,11 programs had received provisional, conditional or full accreditation. ─── 今年1月,委员会审核了11个鑑识学程,分别做出临时合格、条件合格,以及完全合格的审查结果。

57、She made a provisional booking for a table for ten people . ─── 她临时定了一张10个人的桌子。

58、Thus, the GATT was born, as a provisional agreement until such time as the Havana Charter would be ratified. ─── 因此,关税与贸易总协定诞生了,这一协定将作为临时协议直到哈瓦那宪章被批准。

59、After his inauguration as provisional, or temporary, president in February1861, Davis sent a peace commission to Washington. ─── 在他于1861年就职临时总统后,大卫斯立刻派遣一队和平委员会到华盛顿。

60、In 1999-2000, these funds totalled $130 million for both the Provisional District Boards and the District Councils. ─── 在一九九九至二零零零年度,临时区议会和区议会共获拨款1.3亿元。

61、They are making provision for their children's education. ─── 他们正为孩子的教育做准备。

62、They made provision for their children's education. ─── 他们为孩子的教育预作安排。

63、Shanghai First Provision Store Plc. ─── 上海第一食品商店股份有限公司。

64、A learner driver is issued with a provisional licence and then gets a full licence when he has passed the driving test. ─── 初学开车的人发给一张临时执照,当他通过了驾驶考试就可以领到正式执照。

65、The duration of any provisional measure shall be counted toward the period provided for under paragraph 6. ─── 任何临时措施的期限均应计入第6款下规定的期限。

66、A: The landlord will come to my office in fifteen minutes. Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement. ─── 业主十五分钟后会到公司。然后双方签订一份临时租约。

67、So what are the provisional effectiveness reports findings? ─── 临时效果报告的调查结论是什么?

68、Readers should know before they start which is Ray Burke and which Ray MacSharry, and why a fragment of the IRA is Official and most of it Provisional. ─── 在翻开这本书前,读者应事先弄明白谁是雷.布克,谁又是雷.麦克萨里,还有为什么有部分爱尔兰共和军是正式军队,其余大部分则是临时的。

69、Setps can be taken to make provision against a severe winter. ─── 对寒冷的冬天可以采取预防措施。

70、In this connection,the WTO established a panel,which took a long time to judge this case and made a provisional ruling. ─── 对此,WTO成立了一个委员会,历时很久,做出了临时判定。

71、And the Provisional Local Vessel Advisory Committee,which advises on local craft matters. ─── 临时本地船只咨询委员会,负责提供本地船舶事务方面的意见。

72、The provisional court in communities provides convenient access for residents. ─── 临时法庭进社区,可以给周围群众提供不少方便。

73、Like real personas, provisional personas can help focus the product team and build consensus around product features and behaviors. ─── 和真正的人物角色一样,临时的人物角色可以帮助产品团队的工作,并且在产品特性和行为上的达成一致的观点。

74、Rly o sciific a chological vlopm a coiu o provi usrs wih high-ch mchaical proucs is our cosis pursui. ─── 依靠科技求发展,不断为用户提供满意的高科技机械产品,是我们始终不变的追求。

75、Provisional regulation of the People's Republic of China on Enterprises Income Tax. ─── 《中华人民共和国企业所得税暂行条例》

76、It was the first official public visit by Western diplomats since the establishment of the provisional rebel government. ─── 这是自反对派临时政府成立以来,西方第一次公开官方访问。

77、Therefore, your admission is provisional, pending receipt of final transcripts and degree conferral proof. ─── 因此,你的ad是暂时的,需要你提供最后一学期的成绩单和你的学位证明。

78、The Provisional Urban Council provides and manages sports and recreational facilities. ─── 临时市政局提供和管理体育及康乐设施。

79、Figures in March are provisional figures. ─── 三月份数字为临时数字。

80、The 1st meeting of the Provisional Directory was assembled on July 21st, 2007, in City University of Hong Kong. ─── 临时理事会第一次会议已于2007年7月21日在城大召开。

81、They are for people who have established the required level of business in Australia while holding a provisional visa. ─── 商业技术签证也适用于那些持有临时签证的同时在澳大利亚已经创办了所需水平和规模的商业公司的人。

82、Yi Taiwan Provisional Cliff standing broaden their horizons, Xiwang Emei, under Example Sanjiang, beautiful scenery. ─── 尔雅台临崖而立,视野开阔,西望峨眉,下瞰三江,景色绚丽。

83、Provisional regulation of the People's Republic of China on Pricing. ─── 《中华人民共和国价格管理暂行条例》

84、We propose that a provisional national assembly be convened to meet the present emergency. ─── 为应付当前的紧急状态,我们提议召集临时国民大会。

85、Laws and doctrines are of provisional value, a concession to human sin, according to a text from the Tao Te Ching. ─── 《道德经》其中的一个章节讲到,律法和教义的价值都是暂时的。

86、The weight of Iron Ore Lumps ascertained and certified by CCIC shall be the basis of Seller's provisional invoice. ─── CCIC出具的装港水尺重量决定卖方出具的首付发票重量。

87、Initializes the segmentation registers and a provisional stack. ─── 初始化段寄存器以及一个临时栈。

88、Provisional regulation of the People's Republic of China on Value added Tax. ─── 《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》

89、Out of the profit, the company have retain50,000 as provision against bad debt. ─── 公司从利润中留出50000英镑以对付呆(坏)帐。

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