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09-13 投稿


fontanel 发音

英:[?fɑ?nt??nel]  美:[?f?nt??nel]

英:  美:

fontanel 中文意思翻译




fontanel 短语词组

1、fontanel fuse fontanel ─── 导火索

2、sphenoidal fontanel ─── [网络] 蝶囟;颅囟

3、sagittal fontanel ─── [医] 矢囟, 惹迪氏囟(矢状缝内)

4、Cssser's fontanel ─── [医] 卡塞氏囟门, 乳突囟

5、posterolateral fontanel ─── [医] 乳突囟

6、bregmatic fontanel ─── [医] 前囟

7、fontanel closure ─── [医]囟门闭合

8、supraorbital fontanel ─── [医] 眶上囟

9、Gerdy's fontanel ─── [医] 惹迪氏囟, 矢囟(矢状缝内)

10、sphenoid fontanel ─── [网络] 蝶囟门;蝶囟

11、fontanel reflex ─── [医] 囱门反射, 格伦费耳德氏趾反射

12、fontanel sign ─── [医] 前囟征

13、fontanel map fontanel ─── 图

14、fontanel mansion nashville tennessee ─── 田纳西州纳什维尔丰塔内尔大厦

15、small fontanel ─── [医] 后囟

16、great fontanel ─── [医] 前囟

17、lateral fontanel ─── [医] 侧囟, 乳头囟

18、nasofrontal fontanel ─── [医] 鼻额囟(异常的囟)

19、fontanel baby ─── 扁桃体

fontanel 相似词语短语

1、montane ─── adj.山区的,山地森林的;n.山地森林,山下植被带;n.(Montane)(法、美、西、阿根廷)蒙塔内(人名)

2、fontine ─── 春天

3、Fontane ─── n.(Fontane)人名;(德)冯塔内;(法)丰坦

4、fontanges ─── n.方当伊高头饰

5、fontanelle ─── n.囟门(婴儿头部会动的部位,等于fontanel)

6、fontal ─── adj.泉的;洗礼的;本源的;原始的;n.(Fontal)人名;(西)丰塔尔

7、fontanels ─── n.[中医][解剖]囟门;n.(Fontanel)人名;(意、法)丰塔内尔

8、fontange ─── n.方当伊高头饰

9、fontanelles ─── n.囟门(婴儿头部会动的部位,等于fontanel)

fontanel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、asterion fontanel ─── 星状囟

2、anterial fontanel monometer ─── 前囱测压计

3、delayded (earlier) closure of the fontanel ─── 囟门晚(早)闭

4、Puncture of anterior fontanel ─── 前卤门穿剌术

5、Posterolateral fontanel of skull ─── 颅后外侧囟

6、On this week, enters the second trial “the fontanel city tube” with to start “the Nanyang net police” controversial but to, makes one look askance hand in hand. ─── 在本周,进入二审的“天门城管”与开始引起争议的“南阳网警”联袂而至,令人侧目。

7、In cases where the posterior fontanel is identified, the division between the natural ostium and the fontanel should be resected to allow free communication between the two. ─── 如果确定有前卤存在,应该将前卤和上颌窦口之间的间隔切除,使两者相通。

8、Preferably without a fontanel although a small one is allowed. ─── 尽管允许有较小的头洞,但最好没有。

9、"Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull (see fontanel). ─── 不动关节包括了头颅的骨缝。

10、Gerdy fontanel ─── 惹迪囟, 矢囟

11、anterior fontanel ─── 前囟

12、Sphenoidal fontanel of skull ─── 颅蝶囟

13、It is single-hole and the main road which led to North Fontanel in Ming Dynasty. ─── 单孔,是明代通往北天门的主要干道。

14、Anterolateral fontanel of skull ─── 颅前外侧囟

15、quadrangular fontanel ─── 前囟, 四角囟

16、Mastoid fontanel of skull ─── 颅乳突囟

17、anterolateral fontanel ─── 前外侧囟, 蝶囟

18、fontanel, fontanelle ─── 囟门, 囟

19、nn Fetal presentation:: Vertex or breech, ant/post fontanel, ROA/LOA, ROP/LOP。 ─── (变通方法:若食指及中指伸入阴道顶到胎头,尚能露出一指节为++11,两指节为++22,三指节为++33)

20、pterion fontanel ─── 蝶囱

21、Fontanel of skull ─── 颅囟

22、fontanel sign ─── [医] 前囟征

23、Gerdy's fontanel ─── [医] 惹迪氏囟, 矢囟(矢状缝内)

24、posterior fontanel ─── 脑后顶门

25、Bulging of fontanel in infant ─── 囟门下陷

26、“The challenge fontanel mountain” in the activity this chassis platform's outstanding performance already obtained the media and user's consistent approval in March. ─── 在3月份的“挑战天门山”活动中该底盘平台的优异性能已经得到了媒体和用户的一致认可。

27、Fontanel Gate ─── 囟会

28、the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. ─── 囟门未闭合时,头顶部腧穴一般不宜针刺。

29、Sagittal fontanel of skull ─── 颅骨的矢状囟

30、Bulging fontanel ─── 囟门凸出

31、The Chinese nation real estate not only slightly has at the exhibition captures, these fontanel shop's deal situation was also good. ─── 华邦地产不仅在展会略有斩获,这几天门店的成交情况也不错。

32、bregmatic fontanel ─── [医] 前囟

33、"Fontanel (fontanelle):One of six soft spots at the junctions (sutures) of the cranial Bones in an infant's skull, covered with tough, fibrous membrane." ─── 囟门:婴儿头颅上的柔软点,上面覆盖着坚韧的纤维膜。

34、lateral fontanel ─── [医] 侧囟, 乳头囟

35、The occiput of the baby has a similar obstetric landmark, the "posterior fontanel. " ─── 胎儿枕骨在产科临床上的标志为“后卤门”。

36、sagittal fontanel ─── [医] 矢囟, 惹迪氏囟(矢状缝内)

37、n Fetal presentation: Vertex or breech, ant/post fontanel, ROA/LOA, ROP/LOP。 ─── (变通方法:若食指及中指伸入阴道顶到胎头,尚能露出一指节为+1,两指节为+2,三指节为+3)

38、closure of fontanel ─── 囟门闭合

39、puncture of posterior fontanel ─── 后囟门穿刺术

40、small fontanel ─── 小囟门

41、Early fontanel closure ─── 囟门早闭

42、Sunken fontanel ─── 囟门凹陷

43、fontanel protrusion ─── 囟填

44、Points on the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. ─── 小儿囟门未闭合时,头顶部腧穴一般不宜针刺。

45、Failure of closure of fontanel ─── 囟门不合

46、posterolateral fontanel ─── [医] 乳突囟

47、Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull (see fontanel). ─── 不动关节包括了头颅的骨缝。

48、Anterior fontanel of skull ─── 颅前囟

49、Preferably without a fontanel although a small one is allowed. ─── 尽管允许有较小的头洞,但最好没有。

50、Casser fontanel ─── 卡塞尔囟门, 乳突囟

51、nasofrontal fontanel ─── [医] 鼻额囟(异常的囟)

52、By family business standards whether Johnny Fontanel got his coveted part in the war movie, or did not, was a minor matter ─── 从家庭事业的标准来衡量,约翰尼·方腾是否得到那部战争片中他所梦寐以求的角色,只是小事一桩。

53、By family business standards whether Johnny Fontanel got his coveted part in the war movie, or did not, was a minor matter. ─── 从家庭事业的标准来衡量,约翰尼·方腾是否得到那部战争片中他所梦寐以求的角色,只是小事一桩。

54、Cssser's fontanel ─── [医] 卡塞氏囟门, 乳突囟

55、Subdural tap through fontanel ─── 通过囱门硬脑膜下穿刺放液

56、Posterior fontanel of skull ─── 颅后囟

57、fontanel reflex ─── 囟门反射格伦费耳德氏趾反射

58、supraorbital fontanel ─── [医] 眶上囟

59、Late fontanel closure ─── 囟门晚闭

60、The sunken fontanel usually due to the depletion of body fluid caused by vomiting and/or diarrhea[4]. ─── 1.4“/”斜线号(virgule or slant)如: 囟门突然凹陷常由于吐泻伤津。

61、fontanel closing ─── 囱门闭合

62、Lateral fontanel of skull ─── 颅外侧囟

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