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08-18 投稿


gondola 发音

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gondola 中文意思翻译



gondola 网络释义

n. 两头尖的平底船;狭长小船;无盖货车n. (Gondola)人名;(意)贡多拉

gondola 词性/词形变化,gondola变形


gondola 短语词组

1、gondola car ─── 无盖货车,敞车

2、gondola boat ─── 平底船

3、gondola meme ─── 贡多拉迷因

4、gondola ride ─── 平底船

5、gondola shelving ─── 收购超市的货架

6、gondola pole ─── 缆车杆

7、squaw valley gondola ─── 斯夸谷贡多拉

8、gondola ride las vegas ─── 拉斯维加斯缆车之旅

9、gondola stick ─── 平底木棍

10、removable gondola ─── 可拆卸平底船

11、gondola sales ─── 平台销售

gondola 相似词语短语

1、noncola ─── 非可乐

2、gondoletta ─── 平底船

3、Dongola ─── n.栋古拉(苏丹北部省的一部分)

4、Pondoland ─── n.蓬多兰(南非特兰斯凯一地区])

5、Monola ─── n.一种芥花籽油;莫诺拉

6、condole ─── vi.慰问;吊唁;哀悼

7、gondolet ─── 小型威尼斯水道船

8、mandola ─── n.大型曼陀林(琴)

9、gondolas ─── n.贡多拉(威尼斯特有船型,gondola的复数形式)

gondola 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The gondola will be released from the balloon and is equipped with three parachutes to allow for a safe landing. ─── 内舱会从气球中脱落,它身上装配有三只降落伞,从而能够保证它安全着陆。

2、Five types of CABR gondola( rail, suspension, wheel, insert rod, sliding) have been used in about100 projects. ─── 凯博"牌擦窗机有轨道式、挂式、载式、杆式、车式五种产品。已在北京、津、海、庆、州、圳、连等城市的近百项工程中成功应用。

3、Discussion on Calculation of Pressure on Side and End Walls of Gondola Car by Bulk Goods ─── 散粒货物对敞车侧、端墙压力计算的讨论

4、Includes National Park fee, Columbia Icefield Snow Coach, Lake Louise Gondola, Butchart Garden, BC Ferry. ─── 包括国家公园门票、哥伦比亚大冰原雪车、露易丝湖缆车、宝翠花园、卑诗渡轮。

5、The Gondola Cars Exported to Namibia ─── 出口纳米比亚敞车

6、Keywords gondola car;tank car;bogie;Former Soviet Union; ─── 敞车;罐车;转向架;前苏联;

7、After a few seconds, the gondola is launched upwards. ─── 数秒后,吊舱便向上弹射出去。

8、Causes of the cracking in the bolster beam for gondola cars and the remedies ─── 敞车枕梁开裂原因及措施

9、The Design of Stratospheric Balloon-borne Gondola Motion Remote Virtual-scenes Monitor and Control System ─── 平流层气球吊篮姿态远程视景监控系统设计

10、When it was operational, the gondola line had two cabins, the yellow one pictured above, and a red one that was blown up. ─── 当年,吊船有两个小舱,一个是上面图中黄色的,还有一个红色的已经被炸毁了。

11、Development of the Ore Gondola Car Exported to FMO Company in Venezuela ─── 出口委内瑞拉FMO公司矿石敞车研制

12、The GDE and GDT Types of Gondola Cars Exported to Brazil ─── 出口巴西的GDE型、GDT型敞车

13、unitrain gondola ─── 固定编组列车的高边敞车

14、Includes National Park fee, Columbia Icefield Snow Coach, Lake Louise Gondola,. ─── 包括國家公園門票、哥倫比亞大冰原雪車、露易絲湖纜車。

15、Ngong Ping Skyrail is a 5.7km gondola cableway traveling between its Tung Chung and Ngong Ping Terminals. ─── 昂坪缆车全长5.7公里,往来东涌与昂坪总站之间。

16、Shenxi is established in 1988 and it is birthplace of the first gondola, now it has been developed into a leading company in China. ─── 公司创立于1988年,是中国第一台擦窗机的诞生地,现已发展成为中国最大的高处作业设备生产商。

17、Discussion of Lower Junction Point Connection Mode of Side Posts on Gondola Cars ─── 敞车侧柱下结点连接方式的探讨

18、But the gondola system had many initial problems, which led to a lot of controversy. ─── 但是刚开始营运的猫缆却状况百出,引发许多争议。

19、Analysis of Causes to Common Troubles in Depot Repair of Gondola Cars and Suggestions ─── 敞车段修时常见故障的原因分析及建议

20、As the gondola is to Venice, so the 2CV was to France. And what better way to see Paris, but in this most iconic of Gallic cars. ─── 2CV对于法国来说就像刚朵拉(船)对威尼斯一样。参观巴黎的最好方式就是乘坐这种最具象征意义的高卢汽车。

21、So when a boat enters a gondola, the amount of water leaving the gondola weighs exactly the same as the boat. ─── 因此,当船只进入吊舱时,离开吊舱的水的重量与船只的重量完全相同。

22、Dongzhi combination established in 1985 which is specialized in the production of Gondola, Storage Rack and furnishings of office, also correlation products. ─── 东志集团成立于1985年,主要生产超市货架,各类仓储货架以及各类办公家具以及相关产品。

23、In any case, with the Maokong Gondola, people can not only have a bird's eye view of Maokong, but also drink tea there more conveniently. ─── 无论如何,有了猫缆,民众不但可以鸟瞰猫空,去猫空品茗也更方便。

24、Improvement of Center Side Door Lock Device on Gondola Cars ─── 敞车中侧门门锁装置的改进

25、Includes National Park fee, Columbia Icefield Snow Coach, Lake Louise Gondola. ─── 包括国家公园门票、哥伦比亚大冰原雪车、露易丝湖缆车。

26、And last but not least, take a romantic, relaxing gondola ride through the canals at night.You can then truly experience the charm of Venice. ─── 最后也很重要的一点,晚上去坐浪漫、宜人的贡多拉摇橹船漫游运河,这样你就能真正体会威尼斯的魅力。

27、flat-bottom gondola ─── 平底高边敞车

28、car gondola ─── 客运缆车

29、Described in this paper are the main usage,technological parameters,structure,calculation,characteristics and technical,economic index analysis for the bathtub type gondola car of aluminum alloy exported to Zimbabwe. ─── 介绍了出口津巴布韦铝合金浴盆式敞车的主要用途、技术参数、结构、计算情况、特点及技术经济指标分析。

30、After a few seconds, the gondola (ball) is launched upwards. ─── 数秒后,吊舱(球体座椅)便向上弹射出去。

31、Our gondola ride over from the West Peak had not been a problem . ─── 我们从西山峰的吊车旅程没有问题。

32、Design of track of gondola ─── 擦窗机的轨道设计

33、WENS gondola for the outsicle wall finishing of the rie ntal Plaza project ─── 东方广场外墙施工WENS吊篮系统

34、With her head high and her body erect, Wen Xianglin daintily stepped forward.Giving Wen Xiang one of her hands and drawing up her skirts with the other, she very cautiously stepped into the gondola. ─── 文湘琳昂首挺胸,轻移莲步,一只柔荑搭著文祥的手心,另一只拉起裙角,小小心心地踏进了船舱。

35、gondola sales ─── 平台销售

36、What images come to mind when you think of a trip to Venice?No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges. ─── 想到威尼斯一游,你的脑海中会浮现出什么画面?毫无疑问你一定会想象自己乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿着窄窄的运河航行,从一座座别致的桥下穿梭而过。

37、heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability ─── 压舱物,压载放在船舱或气球吊篮里以增加稳定性的重物

38、The resort said in a news release that the gondola section where the incident took place is approximately 30 feet above the ground. ─── 度假村在新闻发布会上说的贡多拉节在事件发生大约是30英尺以上的地面。

39、No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges. ─── 毫无疑问你会想象乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿着窄窄的运河航行,从一座座别致的桥下穿梭而过。

40、These results imply that there are some similarities between the gondola function disturbance in EILST and KYD rats, but their levels are different. ─── 基于这些结果,可以认为两种状态在性腺轴功能紊乱方面存在一定的相同之处,但程度不同;

41、Key control curs from top to bottom and move around, press the space bar to start the gondola. ─── 方向键可以控制小人上下左右移动,按下空格键即可开始擦窗。

42、Two hydraulic steel gates are raised, so as to seal the gondola off from the water in the canal basin. ─── 两个液压钢制闸门抬高,以将贡多拉与运河盆地里的水隔离开。

43、80t gondola car of stainless steel and full steel ─── 不锈钢及全钢

44、Strange......if you take the gondola no. 1 line to another side of the resort, the height of the two mountains there is 868 m (East Mount) and 994m (Mount Isola) respectively. ─── 弊在个山唔够高,得个600m左右,话就话缆车载你上山顶,但其实个山顶系个山丘顶

45、But the prime positions in the store are the ends of the aisles, otherwise known as Gondola ends. Now these stand out and grab our attention. ─── 产品这里被抢购,厂商付出很多在这片货架区,这里是众所周知的业界热点。

46、Comparative study of beveled external wall gondola ─── 凹立面外墙擦窗机方案比较

47、Here they can rent skis, sign up for lessons or purchase tickets for a gondola ride to the peak of Mount Barwangsan. ─── 他们可以在那里租滑雪板、报名上滑雪课,或是买票坐缆车到八王山顶。

48、a usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon ─── 悬挂在热气球上,通常为敞口的吊篮

49、"They all included a large cigar-shaped Bag or Balloon filled with a gas such as hydrogen or helium, a car or gondola suspended Below the Balloon that held the crew and passengers, engines to drive the propellers, and rudders for steering." ─── 包括一个大雪茄烟型的气囊或气球(里面灌满氢或氦),下面悬吊一个吊篮可载人,发动机驱动推进器,操纵的方向舵。

50、1.a gondola (suspended from an airship, balloon or cable-railway); 2.a hanging basket (used to exhibit plants, etc.) ─── 吊篮

51、C70 gondola car ─── C70型敞车

52、gondola car ─── n. 无盖货车, 敞篷货车

53、covered gondola ─── 有盖敞车

54、We splashed out on a gondola ride, giggling to ourselves. ─── 我们行驶在威尼斯的尖头小船上,大肆挥霍,咯咯大笑。

55、1、 If store has a lot of stock age over 1 year item, CCU will appoint one podium or 4 promotion table to clean them with crazy discount as well as special offer gondola. ─── 如果店内有大量库存超一年单品,CCU会安排一个地堆或4个促销桌进行大幅度打折销售,与货架上“特别优惠”方式一致。

56、The main causes to wear of the positioning navels for bolster springs in Zhuan K6 bogies mounted on C80 gondola cars are analyzed comprehensively from dynamics and operation conditions. ─── 从动力学及运用状况综合分析了C80型敞车装用的转K6型转向架的摇枕弹簧定位圆脐磨耗的主要原因,并提出了一些相关建议。

57、You can sit on a soft cushion in a gondola while a boatman rows you along green canals. ─── 你可以乘着由船工驾驭的平底船并坐在柔软的靠垫上游览绿色的运河。

58、C70 gondola car brake system paint spraying and assembly is introduced to implementation the paper of179"Three Standardization One Interconvert"specific quality program objectives. ─── 介绍C70型敞车制动系统先进行油漆喷涂,再完成组装,实现运装货车[2006]179号文件的"三化一互换"设计质量目标的具体方案。

59、While you was still in her gondola? ─── 你在她的贡多拉里面的时候?

60、a gondola car; an open wago ─── 敞棚货车

61、To some foreigners, taking a trishaw ride in Singapore may be just as thrilling as riding in a gondola in Venice. ─── 对某些外国人来说,在新加坡坐三轮车就好比在威尼斯坐平底船那么刺激。

62、Problems with the manufacture of fish - belly sill for GDE gondola and the remedies ─── GDE型敞车鱼腹梁制造中存在的问题及解决办法

63、Actuality and Development of special Gondola Car for Our Country Railway Transportation of Coal ─── 我国铁路运煤专用敞车的现状及发展

64、fixed end gondola ─── 固定端板高边敞车

65、Rail service from Wonsan to Hamhung was resumed on 9 November with the caution that passengers were to ride only in open gondola cars. ─── 从元山到兴南的铁路交通从11月9日起开始恢复,而搭乘火车的乘客则只能小心地呆在无顶盖的车厢里。

66、The person who propels a gondola. ─── 平底船船夫摇平底船的人

67、I have a gondola here. ─── 我开来了一条平底船。

68、A free gondola connects the town with its companion town Mountain Village, Colorado at the base of the ski area. ─── 免费缆车连接其同伴镇山村,在科罗拉多州的滑雪场基地城市。

69、* Bayside Skyride, a 1967 gondola lift. ─── *贝塞德Skyride , 1967年吊舱升降机。

70、When the gondola was approaching to the top, a peek at the abyss gave me quite an adrenaline rush. ─── 当缆车接近山顶时,脚下的深渊令我不寒而栗。

71、But after the gondola ride, my wife Laura and I found ourselves climbing hundreds of icy, steep steps using the flimsiest of guardrails. ─── 可是,下了吊车后,我跟我夫人罗拉发现,我们正要攀登以百计陡峭并覆盖着冰雪只用最脆弱的栏杆防护的阶梯路。

72、Brief Introduction of Comprehensive Adjustment and Repair Machine for Gondola Cars ─── 敞车综合调修机简介

73、As the gondola is to Venice, so the 2CV was to France. And what better way to see Paris, but in this most iconic of Gallic cars. ─── 2CV对于法国来说就像刚朵拉(船)对威尼斯一样。参观巴黎的最好方式就是乘坐这种最具象征意义的高卢汽车。

74、Investigation on feasibility of unit train gondola car with overall weight 100t ─── 总重100t单元列车敞车的可行性研究

75、side dump gondola ─── 侧倾卸高边敞车

76、I was founded in 1995, has for many years been engaged in the importing gondola, such as sales, installation and after-sale service work in this area has a wealth of experience. ─── 我公司成立于1995年,多年来一直从事进口擦窗机等销售、安装及售后服务工作,在此领域有着丰富的经验。

77、Founded in 1988, is China's first gondola, the birthplace. ─── 公司创立于1988年,是中国第一台擦窗机的诞生地。

78、The Venetian gondola is as free and graceful in its gliding movement as a serpent ─── 威尼斯小艇划起来就象蟒蛇一样洒脱自在。

79、Fournier’s gondola will be sealed, pressurized and equipped with oxygen. ─── 弗尔涅的飞行舱会作密封、加压处理,并会配备氧气瓶。

80、Let our singing gondoliers take you on a romantic ride in an authentic Venetian gondola along one of our three canals. ─── 乘坐意大利传统的贡多拉船,配以船夫美妙歌声的衬托,漫游大运河。

81、The Multi-axle Gondola Car and Tank Car in the Former Soviet Union ─── 前苏联铁路的多轴敞车与罐车

82、In the morning,we will ride the gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain,to experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountains. ─── 早上前往班夫镇搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礡的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。

83、The gondola door is automatic. No shouting, No Smoking, No graffiti in the gondola. ─── 二、车门自动开闭,请不要乱拉车门,严禁在车厢内打闹,不准吸烟,不准乱写乱画

84、From there, the Whistler Mountain gondola ride was just a few steps away. ─── 从那里可步行至惠斯勒山缆车站。

85、In Venice, it is always preferable to have one's own gondola, as it is preferable to have one's own car on land. ─── 在威尼斯,总是有一部分自己的游艇好,正如在陆地上,总是有一部自己的汽车好一样。

86、Better book your gondola soon! It's like a big underwater party! Sadly, the party might be over soon. ─── 你最好赶快去订贡多拉!这就像一个大型的水下派对!遗憾的是,派对可能很快就要结束了。

87、Wow. I'll bet. But he wasn't in her gondola too? ─── 哇,真有你的。不过,他不会也在她的贡多拉里吧?

88、Analysis of Causes to Loss of Hanging Links on Lower Side Doors of Gondola Cars ─── 关于敞车下侧门吊钩挂环丢失的原因分析及解决措施

89、A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon. ─── 吊篮悬挂在热气球上,通常为敞口的吊篮

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