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08-18 投稿


unvaried 发音

英:[?n?verid; ?n?v?rid]  美:[?n?ve?r?d]

英:  美:

unvaried 中文意思翻译



unvaried 词性/词形变化,unvaried变形

名词: unutterableness |副词: unutterably |

unvaried 反义词


unvaried 同义词

unvarying | tiresome |uniform | boring

unvaried 相似词语短语

1、unversed ─── adj.不精通的;不熟练的;无经验的

2、untried ─── adj.未经实验的;未经审讯的;未经检查的

3、undried ─── adj.未干燥的

4、unharried ─── 不烦恼

5、unvalued ─── adj.不受重视的;无价值的;不足道的

6、covaried ─── v.共变

7、unwearied ─── adj.孜孜不倦的;不累的

8、unburied ─── vt.从坟墓中挖出;挖掘

9、unmarried ─── adj.[法]未婚的;单身的;独身的;v.离婚(unmarry的过去分词)

unvaried 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They sit aside from the revolution of the seasons. Their strain is unvaried as Truth. Only in their saner moments do men hear the crickets. ─── 它们处于季节转变之外。它们的歌儿像真理那样地永垂不朽。人类只有在精神比较健全的时候,才能听见蟋蟀的鸣声。

2、The design and construction of urban administrative center is a hot issue nowadays,existing the deficiency such as the expanded scale,unvaried image and isolation from citizens. ─── 城市行政中心设计与建设是当前的热点,存在规模膨胀、形象单一、与市民隔离等问题。

3、The decrease in the number of students who choose the course is largely due to the unvaried and boring teaching material and methods. ─── 在高校中出现选修街舞课人数下降的现象的主要原因是教学内容单一,教学方法枯燥。

4、Emmert stresses that while there may indeed a board direction the traducement Labor represent in the scheme, www.ige.com/it’s belike not the unvaried ship anymore. ─── 清除眼部代谢垃圾,打通眼部血氧通道和泪道,补充眼睛营养,消除视力疲劳,提高眼睛免疫力,预防眼病,国家射击队指定专用护眼产品,贴贴更清晰。

5、Facing such problems as insufficient class time, backward teaching method and unvaried teaching means, college Chinese teaching needs reforming and innovating to perform its educational roles. ─── 摘要大学语文教学面临着课时不足、教学方法滞后、教学手段单一等突出问题,必须加强改革与创新,切实发挥大学语文教育的作用。

6、Owing to the well-distributed and uniform and unvaried soil layers in Shenzhen area, the method, thus, recommended herein would be general to a certain extent. ─── 由于深圳地区浅部土层分布较为均匀,层位稳定,故文中介绍的方法具有一定的普遍性。

7、Monotone refers to a sound, for example speech or music, that has a single unvaried tone. ─── 指声音的单调,例如演讲或音乐,只有单一音调。

8、An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon. ─── 云彩裹住了天空整体浩瀚从天顶到天际。

9、An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon. ─── 一望无际的云幕蒙住了从天顶到地乎线的整个夜空。

10、And tires their echoes with unvaried cries. ─── 一成不变的喊叫显得疲惫。

11、It is an improvement with comparison to the unvaried transistor voltage regulators. ─── 这比起模拟调压器只能以固定参数进行电压调节,无疑是一个进步。

12、The studied results show that the radial dimension of keyhole increases with laser power for partial penetration, while it is nearly unvaried when the workpiece is fully penetrated. ─── 研究结果表明,小孔径向尺寸在工件未焊透时随激光功率的增大而增大,在焊透时小孔径向尺寸随激光功率的变化较小;

13、The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tuning one unvaried series of sounds. ─── 鸟儿啄食着浆果或谷物,好像非常快乐地飞到树丛中,停靠在树枝上并且百无聊赖地吟唱着一成不变的曲调。

14、Men with limited sexual experience may 性交合 that unvaried, deep, and quick thrusts are the most effective, but in actual fact this is rarely the case. ─── 性经验有限的男性也许认为一成不变的、深深的和快速的抽插最为有效,但是,事实上这是罕见的情形。

15、Unbalanced Quote Model Based on Unvaried Expectative Benefit of Contractor ─── 基于承包商预期收益不变的不平衡报价模型

16、The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tunnin one unvaried series of sounds. ─── 小鸟吃饱喝足了,会飞到树上去"快乐的唱歌"--把生命浪费在发出千篇一律的声音上;

17、With the same width of the microchannel tubes and unvaried pressure drop, the more the number of microchannel, the better the heat transfer performance of PFC. ─── 当制冷剂质量流量不变时,在相同的扁管宽度的情况下,采用较多的微通道数能获得较好的传热性能而压力损失增加不大。

18、To the unvaried function, the continuity of integrand function on closed interval is the important conditions which make Newton-Leibniz formula hold. ─── 摘要在一元函数中,被积函数在闭区间上连续是牛顿-莱布尼兹公式成立的重要条件。

19、The forest area in the Delta almost kept unvaried, and the forest biomass as increasing ear after year, with an annual increment of about 1.2%. ─── 珠江三角洲快速城市化和经济发展对区域森林生物量的积累并没有产生明显影响,区域森林面积基本保持不变,而区域森林生物量呈逐年增长趋势,年增长率为1.2%。

20、It is not impossible to pass a piss test, unvaried if you brook to pan and marijuana like a fish takes to water. ─── 整个夏日我亢奋起舞,我仅有的水上步行球夏日,当它逝去我也年老了,欢乐也将付诸流水。

21、There should be no united timing records on timecards, i.e., unvaried starting time and ending time for several consecutive days for the several employees. ─── 不能有统一的打卡记录,即不能有某些员工有连续几天的上下班时间都是一样的。

22、Any diet containing unvaried food is very dangerous, as it makes your body receive only a certain set of vitamins and minerals, while it still needs other ones, too. ─── 任何只有单一类食物的饮食习惯都是非常危险的,因为你的身体只能从中吸收一部分维生素和矿物质,而机体所需的不单单只是这些。

23、Milan produced a convincing 3-0 win against surprise team Livorno and kept the distance from Juventus unvaried to 9 points just before the winter break. ─── 米兰3-0击败了让人意外的利沃诺,这使得他们在冬歇期前,和尤文的差距保持在9分。

24、the lane was long and unvaried , and , owing to the rapid shortening of the days , dusk came upon her before she was aware ─── 漫长的篱路没有变化,由于冬日的白昼迅速缩短,不知不觉就到了黄昏。

25、1. The colours used are flat and unvaried. ─── 使用的颜色既单调又无层次。

26、Results Galen vein system and related arteries in pineal region were relatively unvaried in different individuals and such anatomical structures permiting surgical operation in th... ─── 结论枕下经小脑幕入路为进行松果体区肿瘤手术较为安全、方便的手术入路方法。

27、Unvaried in texture, color, or design. ─── 均质的在组织、色彩或设计上一贯的

28、The colours used are flat and unvaried. ─── 使用的颜色既单调又无层次。

29、There should be no united timing records on timecards, i. E., Unvaried starting time and ending time for several consecutive days for the several employees. ─── 不能有统一的打卡记录,即不能有某些员工有连续几天的上下班时间都是一样的。

30、Over the last decade business television has fed us an unvaried diet of glamour, greed and ambition. ─── 过去10年,商业电视节目充斥着千篇一律的魅力、贪婪和野心。

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