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09-11 投稿


doomful 发音

英:[['du:mf?l]]  美:[['du:mf?l]]

英:  美:

doomful 中文意思翻译



doomful 短语词组

1、doomful imvu ─── 恶果

2、doomful synonym ─── 末日同义词

3、doomful definition ─── 厄运的定义

doomful 相似词语短语

1、formful ─── 形式的

2、bookful ─── n.足够成一本书的量

3、doomfully ─── 倒霉的

4、doofus ─── n.蠢人;笨货;adj.古怪的;愚蠢的

5、foodful ─── 丰盛的

6、roomfuls ─── n.满屋子的,一屋子的(人或东西)

7、doleful ─── adj.寂寞的;悲哀的;阴沉的;忧郁的

8、gloomful ─── 阴郁的

9、roomful ─── n.满屋子的,一屋子的(人或东西)

doomful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So the animal learns to bolt at the sound of the breeze, because it could foretell certain doom. ─── 因此,这只动物知道一听见风吹草动就应该马上逃开,因为这可能预示着厄难临头。

2、Arwen: Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom. ─── 好了!让我们戒指送到末日火山去吧!

3、Those eyes of hers draw many poor victims to their doom! ─── 她那双眼睛使许多可怜的家伙成为受害者。

4、The fourth stage of the war, beginning this winter, will mark the approach of Hitler's doom. ─── 今年冬季开始的第四个阶段,将是希特勒走向死亡的阶段。

5、The thunder of the fifteen-inch guns reverberated among the surrounding mountains like the voice of doom. ─── 十五英寸口径大炮的轰鸣在四周的群山中回荡,宛如丧钟。

6、On one hand, some people are turned off by talk of doom. ─── 一方面,一些人厌烦了喋喋不休地讨论世界末日。

7、Give Blow for Blow, Scorn for Scorn, Doom for Doom -- with compound inters liberally added thereunto! ─── 以拳头还击拳头,以嘲笑还击嘲笑,以毁灭还击毁灭,双倍地偿还!

8、A scroll so wide might not be deemed too expansive for Providence to write a people's doom upon. ─── 对于上苍来说,在这样广漠的轴卷上写下对一个民族的判决,恐怕也不能算太大。

9、From this seal shall arise the doom of men,who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own. ─── 从这个封印中诞生的将是人类的毁灭,他们自大的想要把我们燃烧的烈火据为己有。

10、The reverse psychology of their cheerful sense of doom worked well. ─── 对他们幸灾乐祸的高兴劲儿,逆反心理起了作用。

11、Fpen the ravine laniate the doom. ─── 将沟壑踏平,将厄运撕破.

12、They move like mechanized doom. ─── 它们象机械化的死神在行动。

13、This, however, is divcisely where software consortia find their doom. ─── 但是这正好使软件组织找到了生存的方式。

14、A micrometeorite impact, a snag, a wayward tool or even a misstep can spell doom for an astronaut. ─── 太空人只要给一颗微陨石撞上、给钩住、一个工具失灵、甚至一次失足,都可能万劫不复。

15、Fortified Obelisks gain the Wailing Doom ability. ─── 加强的方尖石塔得到悲叹命运能力。

16、To all your friends, you're delirious. You're so consumed in all of your doom. ─── 你所有的朋友都认为你神智力不清。厄运吞噬着你的生命。

17、There was no longer any question about the doom the Inquisition had prepared for me. ─── 对宗教法庭给我安排好的归宿已经不再有任何疑问了。

18、By doing so he has signed his own doom. ─── 他这样做就是注定了自己必然完蛋的命运。

19、Cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom. ─── 因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度。

20、He had a premonition of impending doom. ─── 他有一种不祥的预感。

21、Somehow I have the feeling of impending doom! ─── 不知何故我感觉世界末日要来了.

22、The slightest miscalculations in trajectory can spell doom for a successful space mission. ─── 对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。

23、But the tactic could ultimately hobble or even doom reform. ─── 但是这个做法可能最终阻碍医改甚至将其推入绝境。

24、He knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom. ─── 他知道他不得不被驱逐到末日之塔。

25、If what you say is accurate, Roosevelt is pronouncing a long-range doom on all free men. ─── 如果你说的话没错,罗斯福是在对全体自由人宣布长期的厄运。

26、It has been clear to all that, acting the way it has been doing, the KMT would certainly meet its doom sooner or later. ─── 因为大家知道,以国民党这样的作风,失败是早晚要来的。

27、He's sent you and your dead knights to meet their doom,Darion. ─── 他是把你和你的死亡骑士们引向灭亡,达里安!

28、Fortified Positions have an improved version of the Wailing Doom ability. ─── 加强的职位有悲叹命运能力的一个改良版本。

29、Owen thought he could see Cowperwood's approaching doom quite plainly. ─── 奥文认为他能够很明白地看出柯帕乌迫在眉睫的灾祸。

30、A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand. ─── 一个声音在大喊:“你的厄运快要到手了。

31、All in property may be a radical thought, while we are in rumor of chaos of inhorn to our doom. ─── 同一性不是最大的权威,与此同时我们应保持自我不致陷于混乱。

32、All the reactionary rulers who hold the people down will inevitably meet their doom . ─── 一切压迫人民的反动统治者总是要灭亡的。

33、Nevertheless, this will in no way save them from their doom. ─── 但是不论怎么样,总是无救于他们的灭亡的。

34、Their doom is eternal punishment in the lake of fire. ─── 他们的结局就是硫磺火湖里永远的刑罚。

35、Where others see only doom and gloom, look for the bright glimmer of opportunity. For it is most certainly there. ─── 在别人只看到死亡和灰暗的地方,去寻找机遇的灿烂闪烁,因为它极有可能就在那里。

36、BdK. I'll call up from the lobby-when Ii rrive. What's your doom number? ─── 好的。我到旅馆大堂后给你打电话。你的房间号是多少?

37、As it was, the "September miracle" could not avert Finis Germaniae, it could only postpone the doom. ─── 事实上,“九月奇迹”并不能改变德意志的灭亡,它只能延迟它的毁灭。

38、He had no vision of her after this that was anything but darkness and doom . ─── 从此以后,他在幻觉中看到她总是充满了阴郁,凶多吉少。

39、The band specialises in morose, ambient Doom music. ─── 乐队专门制作阴郁、厄运氛围音乐。

40、People sent the criminal to his doom. ─── 人们将这个罪犯处死。

41、If we let our QMS decay, become bureaucratic or too inwardly focused, we'll seal our doom. ─── 如果我们让QMS衰退成为官僚机构或只注意向内看,那么我们必死无疑。

42、They are bound to doom if they don't listen to you. ─── 如果他们不听你的话他们注定会失败。

43、Sky-Byte: Keep your hands up, team. Together we can keep the hostages safe from certain doom! ─── 坚持举着你们的手.我们一起能使人质化险为夷!

44、You have little time left in this world. Prepare to meet your doom. ─── 你在这个世界上只有几分钟的时间了,准备下地狱吧。

45、An inexorable opponent; a feeling of inexorable doom. ─── 一个冷漠的对手; 对无情毁灭的预感

46、She had a sense of impending doom(= felt that sth very bad was going to happen). ─── 她预感到厄运已经逼近。

47、To get a bus here you have to wait till the crack of doom, ie an extremely long time. ─── 在这儿真要等到世界末日(很久很久以後)才能有公共汽车。

48、The scenes on Mount Doom were filmed on an actual active volcano12 called Mount Ruapehu, on New Zealand's North Island. ─── “厄运山”上的那几场戏是在一座真实的活火山上拍摄的,叫“鲁阿佩胡山”,它位于新西兰的北岛。

49、Yet India's response to this doomful scenario has been, at best, haphazard. ─── 但是印度目前对其将要面对的似乎无可逃避的前景还并没有做出较有系统的反应。

50、A gentleman will take his road to his doom. ─── 在未知的世界里,他渴望证明自己是王的未来!

51、To get a bus here you have to wait till the crack of doom. ─── 在这要等到世界末日才能有公共汽车。

52、NBA is a place of Darwinism.A gentleman will take his road to his doom. ─── NBA是个弱肉强食的地方,赛场上过分的绅士,只会自取灭亡。

53、Your destiny can be your doom. ─── 命运也许会成为厄运。

54、The world's day of doom is a long way from now. ─── 世界末日离现在还很远哩!

55、For Faulkner, the key-word is doom. ─── 就福克纳而言,关键字眼是“劫数”。

56、It announces to raid what consumable to use after doom hits. ─── 会在团队中通知每次必然厄运后用的消耗品。

57、To dramatize the gloom and doom of the second budget,city officials printed it on purple paper and used black poster boards in the public presentation. ─── 为了强调第二个预算之令人极端忧郁与绝望,市府官员在向各界解说时,把它印在紫色纸上,并使用黑色展示板。

58、Once the country's doom is sealed,it will be too late for regrets and lamentations. ─── 全国丧亡,嗟悔无及。

59、With the crowd shouting for blood, the battles will be furious and unmerciful in the Arena of Doom! ─── 在命运竞技场里每个人的血都在咆哮,彼此进行着疯狂无情的战斗!

60、To get a bus here you have to wait till the crack of doom,ie an extremely long time. ─── 在这儿真要等到世界末日(很久很久以后)才能有公共汽车。

61、This winter, goaded on by the fear of his impending doom, Hitler will once again reorganize his forces. ─── 今年冬季,希特勒因被死亡所驱迫,将再一次整备他的军队。

62、He's sent you and your death knights to meet their doom, Darion. ─── 他派你和你的死亡骑士们见证他们的末日.

63、Oh, you know,"he waved a dismissive hand."Prophecies of doom, blah di blah, whatever. ─── 哦,你知道的,“他不满的摆了摆手。“命定的预言,诸如此类的废话,无论怎样。

64、He"s sent you and your death knights to meet their doom, Darion. ─── 他把你和你的死亡骑士送上来不归路,达里昂。

65、I am Kuizhao, guarding the grave under orders of my master. Doom to all trespassers in no time! ─── 吾乃魁召,奉主人之命镇守此地,凡擅自闯入者,令其立毙当场!

66、Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment. ─── 判令指司法判决和裁定。

67、I like to drink Sagres lager, London Pride, Guinness in winter, or Doom Bar beer in Rock in Cornwall. ─── 冬天我喜欢喝萨格里什啤酒, 伦敦的骄傲, 吉尼斯纪录,或者毁灭酒吧啤酒。

68、Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom. ─── 好了!让我们把戒指送到末日火山去吧!

69、Yet India's response to this doomful scenario has been, at best, haphazard. ─── 然而印度对这充满悲剧情节的命运反应却一直很冷淡,充其量也是偶然的。

70、Fortified Positions also have the Wailing Doom ability. ─── 加强的职位也有悲叹命运能力。

71、But two copies doom the bearer to pain and a shortened life span. ─── 但同时带有两个突变的基因,却会让个体疼痛并且寿命减短。

72、Perhaps this was the brute's trick, the way it lured travellers to their doom. ─── 也许这不过是这个怪兽的诡计,是它诱惑旅行者走向死亡绝路的方式。

73、They are going to their doom. ─── 他们在走向灭亡。

74、Don't trust a liar to save your girlfriend from prophesied doom. ─── 别相信声称能从命定的预言里救出你女友的骗子。

75、Solar flares can also doom satellites. ─── 太阳火焰还能使人造卫星毁于一旦。

76、A literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom. ─── 哀史表达痛苦的悲叹或对恶运直白地预言的文学作品或演说词

77、For the day is near, the day of the LORD is near- a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations. ─── 因为耶和华的日子临近,就是密云之日,列国受罚之期。

78、The girl draws back, frightened by this sign of her impending doom. ─── 女孩缩了回去,被即将到来的厄运吓得发抖。

79、Saved from certain doom, Milyk and Adler are forever in your debt. ─── 从被毁灭的边缘之中被救起,米利克和埃德勒永远都欠你一份情.

80、During August our doom appeared to some giddy Western journalists "a question of days". ─── 八月间,在西方某些轻率的记者看来,我们的毁灭似乎“指日可待”。

81、Dissonance among the three partner doom the project. ─── 三个股东间的不调和注定了那计划的失败。

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