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09-14 投稿



dubiousness 发音


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dubiousness 中文意思翻译



dubiousness 短语词组

1、dubiousness dictionary ─── 可疑词典

2、dubiousness define ─── 可疑性定义

3、dubiousness definition ─── 可疑性定义

4、dubiousness meaning ─── 疑义

5、dubiousness in a sentence ─── 句子的可疑性

6、dubiousness def ─── 可疑性定义

dubiousness 词性/词形变化,dubiousness变形

副词: dubiously |名词: dubiousness |

dubiousness 相似词语短语

1、deviousness ─── n.迂回;曲折

2、cautiousness ─── n.谨慎;小心

3、dieciousness ─── 死亡

4、duteousness ─── 孝顺

5、furiousness ─── n.猛然;狂暴

6、desirousness ─── 欲望

7、curiousness ─── n.好学;好奇;不寻常

8、dioicousness ─── 象似性

9、cumbrousness ─── 积木

dubiousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The transformation of the parliament's function brings the dubiousness of publicity as the organizational principle of the state order into full view. ─── 议会功能的转变,将作为国家程序组织原则的公共性的疑点都显露出来了。

2、"I really fear sometimes that you cannot, " he said, with a dubiousness approaching anger. ─── “我的确有时候挺害怕你不爱我。”他说,那疑心近乎生气。

3、“The transformation of the parliament’s function brings the dubiousness of publicity as the organizational principle of the state order into full view. ─── [议会功能的转变,将作为国家程序组织原则的公共性的疑点都显露出来了。

4、Recently, quite a few accounting scandals and financial fraudulence have emerged within the major capital markets, causing austere dubiousness about the financial reporting credibility. ─── 迩来,受到国内外接连爆发公司财务报导不实事件的影响,财务报表可靠性再次受到各界訾议。

5、the dubiousness of his claim; there is no question about the validity of the enterprise. ─── 我对这个项目能否实施存有疑问。

6、I really fear sometimes that you cannot," he said, with a dubiousness approaching anger. ─── 我的确有时候挺害怕你不爱我。”他说,那疑心近乎生气。

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