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09-14 投稿



inscrutable 发音

英:[?n'skru?t?b(?)l]  美:[?n'skr?t?bl]

英:  美:

inscrutable 中文意思翻译



inscrutable 短语词组

1、inscrutable fault ─── [法] 不明原因的过失

inscrutable 词性/词形变化,inscrutable变形

名词: inscrutability |副词: inscrutably |

inscrutable 相似词语短语

1、scrutable ─── adj.可以了解的;可解读的

2、inscrutableness ─── 高深莫测

3、incitable ─── 无标题

4、inscrutably ─── adv.费解地;高深莫测地

5、inscribable ─── adj.可题写的;可雕的,可刻的

6、instable ─── adj.不稳定的;不牢固的

7、insultable ─── 侮辱的

8、inspectable ─── 可被检查的

9、insertable ─── adj.可插入的

inscrutable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This may have, in a way made her poems obscure and inscrutable sometimes.Like Whitman she is a courageous experimentalist too. ─── 对于她诗歌就是思想落实在意象上,她大多数的诗歌很短,都建立在一个意象或象征上。

2、She told us nothing and maintained her inscrutable smile. ─── 它没有对我们说什么,脸上依然挂着那种不可思议的微笑。

3、The older men, as a rule, were inscrutable ─── 年纪大些的人照例是不可捉摸的。

4、To Sally it seemed a strangely inscrutable dispensation; more inscrutable than usual, he thought; ─── 在萨利看来,虽然天意如此,毕竟反常,不可思议。

5、Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ? ─── 我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板?

6、We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant that little creature, whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty passion. ─── 我们迄今尚未谈及那个婴儿; 那个小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的一个清白无辜的生命,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。

7、Unlearn your pronunciation if it's inscrutable. ─── 假如你的发音令人听不懂,便须全盘改过。

8、It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes. ─── 怪得很,各部里满是些甲虫一样的小人儿。 他们短粗矮小,早早变得胖墩墩,拖着两条小短腿儿,快手快脚,跑东跑西,肉嘟嘟的肥脸木然一团,还有双小而又小的眼睛。

9、The Chinese are extremely subtle, which is one reason Westerners sometimes find them“ inscrutable. ─── 中国人极为微妙莫测,这就是西方人有时认为他们“不可思议”的原因之一。

10、18 Like a house in ruins is wisdom to a fool; the stupid man knows it only as inscrutable words. ─── 明智为愚人,就如一座倒塌的房屋;无知之辈的知识,是一团表达不清的言语。

11、He had a vision of the divine Maya, the inscrutable Power of God, by which the universe is created and sustained, and into which it is finally absorbed. ─── 他有一个神圣摩诃(幻像)的异像,是难以了解的神之力量,宇宙是通过这种力量来创造和维持,最终溶解为一体。

12、Well-being, finally, has no single measure and is not inscrutable to others. ─── 最终,幸福是没有单独测量的,但也不是不可以测知的。

13、Liu Xing do with an inscrutable look said, and then continue to Mengchi. ─── 刘星装做一副高深莫测的样子说道,然后继续猛吃。

14、But the ocean is too sedated, too silent, and too inscrutable, that it gives you the creeps. ─── 但是大海太过平静,太过沉默,太过不动声色,你会突然感到莫名的不安。

15、She gave him, straight in the eyes, a look which was also inscrutable ─── 她还目光炯炯地注视了他一下,这也使他不能理解。

16、an inscrutable person who keeps his thoughts and intentions secret. ─── 掩盖他的想法、意图秘密的一个不可思议的人。

17、"WE have as yet hardly spoken of the infant; that little creature, whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a passion." ─── 我们迄今尚未谈及那个婴儿;那个小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的一个清白无辜的生命,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。

18、His eyes revealed so much when they crinkled with laughter, the mask removed, or conversely remained inscrutable like still pools of liquid chocolate, containing only a hint of belief. ─── 他有时眯着眼笑的时候,就抛掉了所有的掩饰,有时又故作神秘,像一杯平静的热巧克力,叫价难以捉摸。不管怎样,他的眼睛都流露出他的绅士风范。

19、English: The art of generalship is to be calm and somber in thought, inscrutable and comprehensive in strategizing; ─── 将帅用兵,要做到冷静而沉稳,端庄稳重,严正而有条理。

20、Clifford sat in the pale sun. with the light on his smooth, rather blond hair, his reddish full face inscrutable. ─── 克利福静坐着,灰白和阳光照着他的光滑的近全栗色的头发,照着他的圆满红润的、不可思仪的脸孔。

21、He looked at her oddly, still inscrutable and as she hurried on she could not tell if he were amused or repelled. ─── 他表情古怪,令人难以捉摸,因此当她迫不及待地接着说下去时也搞不清他究竟是高兴还是在无可奈何地听着。

22、she imagined delicate food served in marvellous dishes, murmured gallantries, listened to with an inscrutable smile as one trifled with the rosy flesh of trout or wings of asparagus chicken. ─── 她也想到那些盛在名贵碟里的佳肴;她也想到一边吃着粉红色的鲈鱼肉或松鸡的翅膀,一边带着莫测高深的微笑听着男友低诉绵绵情话的情镜。

23、Clifford sat in the pale sun, with the light on his smooth, rather Blond hair, his reddish full face inscrutable. ─── 克利福静坐着,灰白和阳光照着他的光滑的近全栗色的头发,照着他的圆满红润的、不可思仪的脸孔。

24、The ways of heaven are inscrutable ─── 天理难测

25、Because the paths to the Lord are inscrutable,because the essence of his forgiveness,lies in his word and in his mystery. ─── 因为通往上帝的路途是不可预测的,因为他宽容的本质,就藏在他的语言和神迹里.

26、Despite her reputation for being icy and 6)inscrutable, Wintour didn't get where she is without talent. ─── 尽管因冷酷严厉,让人琢磨不透的性格而声名远播,但如果温托没有自己独特的才能,她也不会有今天的地位。

27、that it was human to avoid the peril of death and infamy, and the inscrutable machinations of an enemy; ─── 为了避免死亡和耻辱的危险,以及一个敌人的莫测的诡计,出走原是合乎情理的;

28、I met a drunken person, today. When I handed her my handkerrchief, my hand got bitten. Inscrutable !! ─── 我今天碰到了一个醉鬼。我把手帕给她时,她咬了我的右手。好疼,为什么?

29、How inscrutable are the ways of providence--for what great and mysterious purpose has it pleased heaven to abase the man once so elevated, and raise up him who was so abased?" ─── 天意真太难测了!究竟是因为什么苍天要贬黜一个显赫有名的人,去抬举一个软弱无能的人呢?”

30、Should he leave these reasonably comfortable quarters and fly from this inscrutable horror? ─── 他应该离开这些相当舒适的地方,从这不可思议的恐怖中逃走吗?

31、Collision with Inscrutable Liability ─── 不明责任碰撞

32、My wife, Elaine, appears at the top of the stairs, an inscrutable expression on her face. ─── 我的妻子伊莱恩站在楼梯最上边,脸上表情莫测。

33、It is not for me to attempt to fathom the inscrutable workings of Providence(Earl of Birkenhead. ─── 我并不想明白上帝神秘工作的义务(伯克黑德中的厄尔)

34、In his letter, Mr.Patterson included a coded message which he said “should be absolutely inscrutable to all unacquainted with the particular key or secret for decyphering. ─── "在他的信中,帕特森先生包括编码的信息,他说: “应该是绝对不可思议的所有不了解特别关键或秘密decyphering 。

35、He watches her with an inscrutable expression, but doesn't interrupt. ─── 他用一种费解的神情看着她,但却没有打断她。

36、But the inscrutable Mr Ban replies that, in Asia, a smiling face often hides an inner strength. ─── 但这位高深莫测的潘基文回应说,在亚洲,一张笑脸背后往往隐藏着内在的力量。

37、In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me or than I am to them. ─── 在我所经过的这座城市的墓地里,哪里有一个长眠者的内心世界对于我能比那些忙忙碌碌的居民更为深奥难测呢?或者,比我对他们更为深奥难测呢?

38、Man, poor creature, .is nothing more than the sport of the inscrutable wind of fortune. ─── 人就是可怜地被不可知的“风”支配着!

39、an inscrutable mystery ─── 不可测知的神秘

40、inscrutable fault ─── [法] 不明原因的过失

41、inscrutable numbers at the bottom of the File Manager, you can request a Properties dialog box from Windows Explorer. ─── 取代了长长的难以理解的数字,你可以在属性对话框中找到需要的信息。

42、But through maya, Its inscrutable Power, time, space, and causality are created and the One appears to break into the many. ─── 但是通过摩耶(幻像)和它难以了解的力量,时间、空间和因果关系被创立了,“太一”看上去分裂成很多碎片。

43、He leaned back carelessly in his chair and looked into her tense face and his own dark face was inscrutable. ─── 他在椅子上漫不经心地向后一靠,瞧着她那紧张的脸,同时他自己的棕色脸宠上显出一种莫测高深的表情。

44、He always left behind him an inscrutable prescription ─── 他总是留下一张深奥的药方。

45、His inscrutable face does not show what he is thinking ─── 他那神秘莫测的面孔看不出在想什么。

46、Of course, to naive girls like myself, you're inscrutable. ─── 当然我们不知世事的女孩子,莫测高深。

47、Your eyes revealed so much when they crinkled with laughter, the mask removed, or conversely reminded inscrutable, like still pool of liquid chocolate, containing only a hint of belief. ─── 你有时眯着眼笑的时候,就抛掉了所有的掩饰,有时又故作神秘,像一杯平静的热巧克力,叫人难以捉摸。不管怎样,你的眼睛都流露出淑女风范。

48、You may think it is inscrutable to get the healing power in a short time but it is reasonable. ─── 你可能认为,在短时间内得到治愈力量是难以了解的但是它是合理的。

49、The past gathers round it all the inscrutable mystery of life and death ─── 往事把不可思议的生与死的全部奥秘都聚在它周围。

50、Bonus payments remain an inscrutable part of executive compensation. ─── 奖金仍然是高管薪酬中神秘莫测的一项内容。

51、Daisy, on this occasion, continued to present herself as an inscrutable combination of audacity and innocence ─── 戴西这时的表现却是一如既往,既有些大胆放肆,又有些天真无邪,依旧叫人难以捉摸。

52、That is partly because Nagano, in a race of inscrutable men, is notoriously tight of tongue, partly because the Japanese have a mania for secrecy. ─── 一部分原因是,永野来自一个居心叵测的种族,他是出了名的嘴巴紧;另外一部分原因是日本人对于兵者诡道的狂热。

53、When in the morning I looked upon the light I felt in a moment that I was no stranger in this world, that the inscrutable without name and form had taken me in its arms in the form of my own mother. ─── 早起我看到光明,我立刻觉得在这世界里我不是一个生人,那不可思议,不可名状的,已以我自己母亲的形象,把我抱在怀里。

54、He looked at her oddly, still inscrutable and as she hurried on she could not tell if he were amused or repelled. ─── 他表情古怪,令人难以捉摸,因此当她迫不及待地接着说下去时也搞不清他究竟是高兴还是在无可奈何地听着。

55、And then the flash of intelligence was gone, and O'Brien's face was as inscrutable as everybody else's. ─── 可这智慧的闪光瞬息即逝,奥勃良的脸变得又和旁人一样莫测高深。

56、In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me or than I am to them? ─── 在我所经过的这座城市的墓地里,哪里有一个长眠者的内心世界对于我能比那些忙忙碌碌的居民更为深奥难测呢? 或者,比我对他们更为深奥难测呢?

57、"and having also the passes of the dark, inscrutable forest open to her, where the wildness of her nature might assimilate itself with a people whose customs and life were alien from the law that had condemned her" ─── 她还面对着通向阴森莫测的莽林的道路,也可以在那里逃脱制裁她的法律,使自己不驯顺的本性在生活习俗完全两样的民族中相得益彰。

58、Daisy, on this occasion, continued to present herself as an inscrutable combination of audacity and innocence. ─── 戴西这时的表现却是一如既往,既有些大胆放肆,又有些天真无邪,依旧叫人难以捉摸。

59、the inscrutable future ─── 不可测的将来

60、For an hour she had watched Rhett hold the yarn Melanie was winding for knitting, had noted the blank inscrutable expression when Melanie talked at length and with pride of Ashley and his promotion. ─── 原来刚才有一个小时之久,她一直望着他手里拿着媚兰正在绾卷准备编织的那团毛线,也一直在注意媚兰详细而自豪地谈起艾希礼和他的晋升时那副又呆板又叫人看不透的表情。

61、the inscrutable ways of Providence ─── 不可思议的天道

62、Toolbars and direct-manipulation idioms can be too inscrutable for a first-time user to understand, but the textual nature of the menus serves to explain the functions. ─── 工具栏和直接操作习惯用法对于新用户来说可能太难理解,但菜单的文本特性有助于解释其功能。

63、It is not the only inscrutable country to be cosying up to the inscrutable private-equity industry. ─── 神秘的中国偏好于神秘莫测的私人股权公司,这并不是唯一。

64、Even so, the motive may prove inscrutable. ─── 即便如此,其动机可能还是令人费解。

65、Mr. Bounderby sat looking at her, as, with the points of a stiff, sharp pair of scissors, she picked out holes for some inscrutable ornamental purpose, in a piece of cambric. ─── 当她用一把又硬又快的剪刀尖,在一块白亚麻布上剪出一个一个的小洞眼作什么莫名其妙的装饰品的时候,庞得贝先生就坐在那儿盯着她。

66、Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven. ─── 天道难知。

67、It is not for me to attempt to fathom the inscrutaBle workings of Providence ─── 我并不想明白上帝神秘工作的义务

68、If there was not this inscrutable unrest within me. ─── 即使没有这不可预料的不安在我内部动荡。

69、The Inscrutable Occidental: Implications of Roberto Unger's Uses and Abuses of the Chinese Past." Texas Law Review,64: pp.915-972. ─── 令人费解的西方人:关于罗伯特·格尔对中国历史的运用和滥用》。

70、Collision with Inscrutable Fault ─── 不明过失碰撞

71、"It is not for me to attempt to fathom the inscrutable workings of Providence" (Earl of Birkenhead). ─── “我并不想明白上帝神秘工作的义务” (伯克黑德中的厄尔)

72、This inscrutable man never felt more alone than when surrounded by his dogs. ─── 这个神秘的男人在被他的狗包围着的时候,感到最孤独。

73、She regarded her with a look of inscrutable alarm and terror ─── 她带着不可思议的惊讶和恐惧打量着她。

74、Though Putin remains somewhat of an inscrutable figure both personally and politically, ─── 尽管普京就个人和政治而言都还有点神秘莫测,

75、He pushed his coarse brown moustache upwards, off his lip, and glanced irritably at his sister, who sat impassive and inscrutable. ─── 她坐在那里,面无表情,令人难以捉摸。

76、"That it was human to avoid the peril of death and infamy, and the inscrutable machinations of an enemy;" ─── 为了避免死亡和耻辱的危险,以及一个敌人的莫测的诡计,出走原是合乎情理的

77、Hammershoi is defiantly inscrutable; the mood is melancholic and enigmatic, but the paintings are oddly compelling. ─── 哈默休伊的神秘莫测是如此离经叛道;他气质忧郁迷人,但作品却充满强迫感。

78、She was imperturbable, inscrutable, impenetrable ─── 她是不可动摇的,不可理解的,不可捉摸的。

79、Among the Chinese, this would be explained in private by references to the inscrutable (capitalist) foreigners. ─── 中方在私下里解释这种情况时会说,外国人(资本家)的心思叵测难料。

80、" He describes his father as "a distant, inscrutable patriarch"; ─── 他将父亲描述成是“一位遥不可及又难以琢磨的一家之长”;

81、Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning? ─── 我们中谁没有在某个接待室里坐过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种可能的莫测高森的门板?

82、Even if the connections were visible, they would remain inscrutable to most people. ─── 即便这些联系是可见的,但它们对大多数人来说还是无法理解的。

83、Blaming PowerPoint for an inscrutable slide is like blaming Twitter for DMing pictures of your penis to unsuspecting followers. ─── 责备PowerPoint是糟糕的幻灯片就像责备是特推发送了你的淫秽图片给关注者一样。


85、Using components build the Virtual Enterprise (VE) model can increase its agileness which makes the VE adapts the variable and inscrutable market competitive environment. ─── 使用构件建立虚拟企业模型可以提高虚拟企业的敏捷性,从而适应持续多变和不可预测的市场竞争环境。

86、In public he remained inscrutable. ─── 在公开场合他一直是个谜。

87、Instead of long, inscrutable numbers at the bottom of the File Manager, you can request a Properties dialog box from Windows Explorer. ─── 取代了长长的难以理解的数字,你可以在属性对话框中找到需要的信息。

88、They ought to be wary of inscrutable companies, giving the firms an incentive to change their ways. ─── 他们应该提防这类不透明的公司,促使这些公司改变他们的经营。

89、an inscrutable fog ─── 不能透视的雾

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