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itinerary 发音

英:[a??t?n?reri]  美:[a??t?n?r?ri]

英:  美:

itinerary 中文意思翻译




itinerary 网络释义

n. 旅程,路线; 旅行日程adj. 旅程的; 巡回的,流动的

itinerary 短语词组

1、Changes in Itinerary to Proceed to Additional Places ─── 更改行程前往其他地点

2、itinerary map ─── 航程证明书, ─── 航线图

3、outbound itinerary ─── 出境行程

4、itinerary from ─── 行程自

5、certificate of itinerary ─── 行程证明书

6、Itinerary Advise Message ─── 行程建议信息

7、itinerary pillar ─── 行程支柱

itinerary 词性/词形变化,itinerary变形

名词复数: itineraries |

itinerary 相似词语短语

1、itinerate ─── vi.巡回;巡回传教

2、itinerated ─── vi.巡回;巡回传教

3、itinerancy ─── n.巡回;外勤公务

4、cinerary ─── adj.灰的;骨灰的;装骨灰用的

5、itinerants ─── adj.巡回的;流动的;n.巡回者;行商

6、itineracy ─── n.巡回;巡回公务

7、itineraries ─── n.旅游活动日程(itinerary的复数)

8、itinerantly ─── 巡回地

9、itinerant ─── adj.巡回的;流动的;n.巡回者;行商

itinerary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sicile_net Presenti guide ed itinerari della regione, notizie ed una galleria di foto divise per categoria. ─── 中国学生网包括同学录,主页空间,校园论坛以及学生生活的各个兴趣专栏。

2、But reality is, that change is only endless and hardship is itinerary germinant. ─── 但现实是,那场转变只是一个漫长而艰难旅程的开端。

3、Mr Hobbs said he would investigate why Ms Thorpe received such late advice about the changed itinerary. ─── “很遗憾,航班更改的消息在她抵达目的地墨尔本后才收到。”

4、The two sides have agreed on the itinerary of the visit. ─── 双方商定了访问日程。

5、Others are just passing through Tokyo, perhaps as the first stop on an Asian itinerary, and see there is easy money to be made rapping to inebriated Japanese. ─── 另外一些人仅仅是路过东京,或者东京是她们亚洲之旅的第一站,她们发现只要是拍拍喝的醉醺醺的日本人就能这么容易地赚到钱。

6、Their three-week itinerary is filled with bus and train rides. ─── 他们三个礼拜的行程表一直在坐巴士和火车。

7、E-ticket holders can print to the airport, "Itinerary, " as the reimbursement voucher, after the trip alone would be the only disbursements. ─── 持电子客票可到机场打印“行程单”作为报销凭证,以后行程单将是惟一滴报销凭证。

8、Imondonauti__Guida_delle_Maldive Fornisce informazioni e indirizzi utili prima e durante il viaggio, cosa vedere e cosa fare, itinerari. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。

9、Since they'll only be here for half a day,there's no point in planning an itinerary as long as your arm. ─── 因为他们只在这里逗留半天,所以不必制定长长的旅游计划。

10、Chinese citizens groups and the recommendations of the recent Mumbai, India to suspend or modify the itinerary. ─── 中英文对照:建议中国公民和团组近期暂缓赴印度孟买或调整行程。

11、Which is implemented in Apache Axis and searches some airline Web sites in real time to find the best available flight prices for a given itinerary. ─── 它是在Apache Axis中实现的,并且实时地查询一些航空公司的Web站点来查找特定航线的最佳航班价格。

12、The Health Ministry said his itinerary began in St.Louis and took him through St.Paul, Minn., Tokyo and Beijing. ─── 卫生部说他的旅行路线是从圣路易斯,到东京,到北京。

13、Just a pity that this has to rush to go in a hurry, according to the itinerary, this time to xing ping only go there a magical Lianhua Dong. ─── 只是可惜,这次来也匆匆、去也匆匆,按行程计划,这次到兴坪就只有去那神奇的莲花洞了。

14、You will have time to other places than those on the itinerary. ─── 你将有时间参观计划行程之外的一些地方。

15、The itinerary is subject to the final discretion of the local land operator. ─── 以上行程只供参考,最后行程于当地旅行社安排为准.

16、The Above Itinerary Is Subject To Change Due To Different Weather And Water Conditions. ─── 备注:因天气和水位时有变化,以上日程仅供参考。

17、While Elizabeth is in the shower, Alexis secretly reads her travel itinerary. ─── 在伊丽莎白冲凉的时候,亚历克西斯偷偷地阅读并了解了她的旅行日程安排。

18、You will have time to visit other places than those on the itinerary . ─── 你能有时间参观计划行程之外的一些地方。

19、An itinerary of a designer at garden city. ─── 一个设计师在花园城市的一段旅程。

20、Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. ─── 安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。

21、Can you tell me about the itinerary? ─── 你能够告诉我路线吗?

22、However, when I looked at the itinerary it was all jumbled and several different flights and times were listed. ─── 可是当我看到我们的路线时,发现有不同的航班和时间,看上去很乱。

23、The Health Ministry said his itinerary began in St. Louis and took him through St. Paul, Minn., Tokyo and Beijing. ─── 卫生部说他的行程从圣路易开始和途经圣保罗,明尼苏达州,东京和北京.

24、They modified their itinerary by eliminating Greece. ─── 他们改动了旅行计划,取消了希腊之行。

25、The new city, which was finished in 1258,is the unparalleled Yuan Capital in the itinerary by Italian traveler Marco Polo. ─── 1258年新城全部建成,这便是意大利旅行家马可·波罗在游记中称之为“世界莫能与比”的元大都。

26、Mr Premier, we are greatly honoured that in your first official visit to Europe as Premier, you have included Ireland on your itinerary. ─── 尊敬的总理先生,我们对您作为中国国家总理对于欧洲的第一次正式访问就将爱尔兰列在您的访问日程中感到非常的荣幸。

27、In the process of creating the model, this paper mends the itinerary table of Concordia and design itinerary table with linked structure. ─── 在模型设计过程中对Concordia的旅行表进行了改进,创建了链式结构的旅行表。

28、Ground crew: I'm sorry, but you're not on this flight and it's full. Can I see your itinerary? ─── 地勤人员:对不起,但你不是坐这班机,而且它已经客满了。我可以看看你的行程表吗?

29、If you have five hours or more between flights, consider following your own DIY itinerary. ─── 如过境逗留时间有五小时或以上,您可考虑任选以下介绍的自由行行程。

30、Your itinerary experiences can be composed into a story. ─── 你的旅行经历可以编成一个故事了。

31、The itinerary for today's tour is a city tour in the morning, lunch by the river, followed by a visit to the zoo in the afternoon. ─── 今天的旅程安排是:上午观光市容,在河边午餐,下午参观动物园。

32、As expected my energy level began to wane after a few months on the road, and my original ambitious itinerary grew a bit shorter. ─── 正如所料,几个月后我的体力有所下降,对原本热望的旅程进行了缩减。

33、Should you change your itinerary or dates of travel, this may affect the fare required to be paid. ─── 如果您要变更您的航程或者旅行日期,将可能影响您应支付的票价。

34、You can ask the travel agent for the itinerary arrangement. ─── 你可以问旅行社有关行程的安排。

35、I wonder if you could check our manager's European itinerary. ─── 你是否能核对一下我们经理的访欧旅行计划。

36、Would you please type out my itinerary? ─── 可以请你把我的旅程用打字机打出来吗?

37、Namaskar_ tour[ Porcari, LU] Propone gite organizzate in autobus gran turismo. Dispone di cataloghi per itinerari italiani ed esteri. ─── 国立东华大学资讯工程学系于民国八十四年招收首届研究所硕士班学生,目前设有大学部、士在职专班、士班。

38、Well,if you don't mind,I'd like to discuss the itinerary with you. ─── 假如你认为可以的话,我想同你商讨一下日程。

39、Handled the itinerary of the general manager. ─── 安排总经理的计划时间表。

40、Sightseers at Mount Ali will as a rule include on their itinerary a trip to see the sunrise. ─── 到阿里山旅行,看日出是一项不可少的节目。

41、If foreigners plan to take a trip outside Xingyi, a member of the school Foreign Affairs Office should be informed of your travel itinerary in advance. ─── 外籍教师、留学生外出旅行应将出行计划告知学校外事办公室,旅行途中要注意安全,防止因为事故发生.

42、Visits to four different countries are included in your itinerary. ─── 你的行程计划包括游览四个国家。

43、PM - Announcing itinerary for the rest of the event over the next two days. ─── 介绍后两天赛程,公布选手。

44、Ask practical questions about a client's visit. Propose various leisure-time activities to be included in the visitor's itinerary. ─── 在客户参观时询问比较实际的问题。包括在旅游安排中推荐各种休闲娱乐活动。

45、Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency. ─── 留下一份您的行程,与家人或朋友家中,让你可以接触到在紧急情况下。

46、Life can be as busy or as relaxing as you like—we can even help you create your own itinerary of excursions to the other islands, each stunningly beautiful but very different. ─── 生活可以是繁忙的,也可以是轻松的,只要你喜欢——我们甚至可以帮助你设计自己的旅行路线到其他岛屿,每一个都美得令人惊叹,但非常不同。

47、The next city on Kathy and Evan's itinerary is The Hague. ─── 凯西和艾凡行程上的下一个城市是海牙。

48、The itinerary of their visit was so full, It simply can run them off their feet. ─── 参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了。

49、Ease his mind by giving him a detailed itinerary at the beginning of the night telling him where you will be and who you will be with. ─── 要让他放心就提起一个晚上告诉他你详细的旅程,你将去哪里,你将与谁一起去。

50、A day before departure we were still lacking an itinerary. ─── 就在临行的前一天,我们还没制定出旅行计划。

51、Only one itinerary, between less popular airports, beat that price, and did so by less than a fiver. ─── 只有一条在不那么热门的机场之间的航线价格低一些,但也只是低了不到5英镑而已。

52、Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. Met clients as a representative of the corporation. ─── 安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。

53、The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature. ─── 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。

54、Mr. Tang and Miss Parker are discussing the itinerary for her group,s stay in Shanghai. ─── 唐先生和帕克小姐正在讨论帕克小姐的旅游团在上海的观光活动。

55、What's next on your itinerary? ─── 你旅行路线的下一站是到哪里?

56、In with the classmates together see the itinerary of train, also strong and healthy my physique. ─── 在与同学们一起看火车的旅程中,也强健了我的体魄。

57、We Can Help To Design Your Vacation Itinerary? ─── 为什么要由我们来设计安排?

58、The whole of this itinerary resembled a descent of black steps. ─── 他走的这整条路线好象是一条在夜间摸黑下山的梯级。

59、For the details of their itinerary, I am all to seek. ─── 关于他们的具体旅程,我毫无所知。

60、Good. I'd like to go over the whole itinerary. ─── 好的。我想听一下整个旅行计划,

61、The itinerary of their visit was so full;it simply ran them off their feet. ─── 参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了。

62、You can get a $1000 cash advance for your trip from the financial department. Bring your itinerary with you. ─── 你可以去财务部预支1000美元差旅费。带上你的旅程表。

63、He has some more place to visit on his itinerary. ─── 他在旅途中还有几个地方要游览。

64、For example, if you inquire about a flight schedule at an airline's Web site, the site might create a cookie that contains your itinerary. ─── 例如,如果您在某家航空公司的站点上查阅了航班时刻表,该站点可能就创建了包含您的旅行计划的 cookie。

65、Output shaft when the swing set in the center of rotation on the trip-down, design may also need to set rotation angles and movements itinerary. ─── 出力轴在摆动时可设定在旋转行程的中心点上停动,也可依设计需要设定旋转角度和升降行程。

66、To enable S to present itinerary in English. ─── 学习用英语介绍工作日程安排。

67、Lago di Baratz - [Sassari] Dedicato a questa oasi naturalistica, con itinerari, popolazione faunistica, archivio grafico, dati scientifici. ─── 各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

68、Sculpture of the ligneous on study shelf is the souvenir of each district of master and itinerary world. ─── 书房搁板上木质的雕塑是主人游历世界各地的纪念品。

69、She has many places yet to visit on her itinerary. ─── 在她的行程表上她还有许多地方要去参观。

70、All right, see again and then see again. Our to left continue rightwards own itinerary. ─── 好吧,再见就再见。我们的向左向右继续自己的旅程。

71、He kept a lively itinerary of the trip. ─── 他保留著那次旅行中写的生动日记。

72、Once you have determined the dates for your visits, have an itinerary sent to the club presidents to confirm the dates. ─── 一旦您已经决定好访问的日期,应将行程表寄给所要访问的社长们去确认日期。

73、At the 2nd roundabout, turn right and follow Niort green itinerary. ─── 如果在入住日当天没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。

74、The next place on our itinerary was Sedona. ─── 我们旅行计划的下一站是塞多纳。

75、"This area has a milder climate than anywhere else in Britain," our itinerary promised. ─── “这个地方的气候比英国其它地区都要温和。”我们的旅游指南如是说。

76、Well, this just about completes our itinerary for today. ─── 好了,我们今天的参观行程就到此为止。

77、How do you like to change your itinerary? ─── 你想如何改变你的旅程呢?

78、You can change your travel itinerary after you have purchased your ticket through our offices or through an authorized travel agent. ─── 在您通过我们的办事处或授权的旅行社购买机票后,您可以更改您的旅程。

79、A thoughtful calm pervades Iona, Scotland's Holy Isle. It's a great place for a break from a busy itinerary. ─── 一种令人遐想的宁静弥漫于埃阿娜-----苏格兰的圣岛.旅途劳顿之时,在此小憩是最好不过的了.

80、Your itinerary does not include breaks for dinner. ─── 你的旅行计划没有把吃饭的时间考虑进去。

81、Can you make my whole itinerary back to China. ─── 你可以帮我安排回中国的旅程吗?

82、here is the duplicate of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends, would you please take a look at it? ─── 这是我们你和你的朋友们安排的行程副本,能请你过目一下吗?。

83、Above itinerary is suject to change without notice in advance. ─── 以上航程可能未经提前通知而调整。

84、They have planned the itinerary for a long time. ─── 他们已经计划旅行路线好长时间了。

85、Tour itinerary subjects to change for the good of group. ─── 公司保留改变行程之权力,以利团体之进行。

86、His itinerary would take him from Bordeauxto Budapest. ─── 他的旅行计划显示他将从波尔多到布达佩斯。

87、You had better plan your itinerary in case your journey takes too long. ─── 你最好计划下你的行程路线,以免旅途耽搁太长。

88、Organize local logistics, supervise and manage the itinerary of officers or visitors from AHF. ─── 完成基金会项目主管布置的其他任务。

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