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09-17 投稿


inoculate 发音

英:[??nɑ?kjule?t]  美:[??n?kjule?t]

英:  美:

inoculate 中文意思翻译



inoculate 常用词组

inoculate with ─── v. 灌输

inoculate 短语词组

1、inoculate against ─── 接种预防

2、inoculate with ─── 灌输

3、inoculate from ─── 接种自

inoculate 词性/词形变化,inoculate变形


inoculate 相似词语短语

1、inoculable ─── adj.可接种的;可用作接种的

2、inosculates ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

3、reinoculate ─── 再聚焦

4、biloculate ─── adj.两室的;二格的

5、inosculated ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

6、inosculate ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

7、inoculated ─── adj.接种过的;注射过预防针的;v.给…做注射预防针;给…接种;灌输(inoculate的过去分词形式)

8、inoculative ─── adj.接种的

9、inoculates ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

inoculate 习惯用语

1、inoculatesb. against ─── 给...注射预防...的疫苗

inoculate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Having been identified and safety-tested, the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow. ─── 经鉴定和安全试验,上述三株菌混合后的联合培养物,接种生料发酵制成微生态制剂BLS,饲喂泌乳牛。

2、Use pure culture inoculate pickles become the future of pickles industry, at the same time the commercialization DVS (Direct Vat Set) LAB starter will improve this development. ─── 纯菌种发酵已成为泡菜工业的一个发展方向,同时直投式乳酸菌发酵剂的应用将极大地促进泡菜生产工艺的发展。

3、inoculate natural soybean paste ─── 接种天然豆酱

4、While, 100mm diameter cellular culture utensil was used to inoculate cells for measuring the activity of nitric oxide synthase(NOS). ─── 传代至直径为100mm的细胞培养皿中,用于一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)的测定。

5、The main cause of measles was failure to inoculate measles vaccine for children. ─── 未接种麻疹疫苗是造成发病的主要原因。

6、Inoculate sporangial suspension with equal A1 and A2 to the leaflet of Mira, obtain oospore cluster, then drill through potato slice to gain the strains of oospore cluster. ─── 以A1和A2孢子囊等量混合制成悬浮液,接种于Mira叶片上,获得卵孢子群,经穿薯片培养获得卵孢子群菌系。

7、This paper applies the models of distribution, evaporation and movement of sprinkler droplets to prognosticate sprinkler irrigation evaporations, results inoculate with experimental data. ─── 应用喷灌水滴分布模型、水滴蒸发模型和水滴运动模型对喷灌蒸发进行了预测,预测结果与实测蒸发量吻合。

8、inoculate someone against ─── 给某人注射预防…的疫苗

9、What effect and damage do inoculate with the B type flu hemophilus vaccine having? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>接种B型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗有何作用和危害?


11、Keywords Activated sludge;Microorganism;Inoculate cultivation;Synchronous/Asynchronous domestication; ─── 活性污泥;微生物;接种培养;同步驯化;异步驯化;

12、After the 1960s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines ─── 六十年代后,中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作。

13、2.C3 Misgiving of inoculability and C6(Nobody bringing to inoculate with child)are main negative factors to DPT inoculability; ─── 接种顾忌)、C6(家中无人带孩子去接种)是DPT未接种的主要原因;

14、China unveiled a four trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus package Sunday in its biggest move to inoculate the world's fourth-largest economy against the global financial crisis, AP reported. ─── 美联社报道,中国周日公布了一项4万亿元(5860亿美元)的刺激经济的一揽子计划。这是中国这个世界第四大经济体为应对全球金融危机的所采取的最重大的举措。

15、Inoculate B-liver vaccine cause the calcification epithelium neoplasm a report ─── 接种乙肝疫苗致钙化上皮瘤一例报告

16、inoculate vaccine ─── 疫苗接种

17、Only a clean and an effective administration might inoculate Afghans against the lure of the Taliban's shadow government. ─── 只有建立一个廉洁和高效的政府,才能消除塔利班影子政府对阿富汗民众的诱惑。

18、Aseptically inoculate each experimental organism into the media. ─── 在无菌操作下把每一个实验生物接种于培养基中。

19、inoculate with ─── v. 灌输

20、And as more and more young people inoculate themselves against developing the habit, and as more nonsmokers fight for their rights to breathe fresh air, the anti-smoking trend should continue to grow. ─── 而随着越来越多的青年人给自己接种预防吸烟恶习,随着更多的非吸烟者为自己能呼吸新鲜空气的权利而努力,反吸烟的潮流会继续壮大。

21、to inoculate with a vaccine in order to produce immunity to an infectious disease such as diphtheria or typhus ─── 牛痘接种牛痘,以产生对白喉或班疹伤寒等传染病的免疫力

22、BTO-2, 3, FL-I: 400C, 10% inoculate, suitable draft. ─── I大学硕士学位论文充分;

23、Inoculate the tobacco leaf with TMV common strain, sampling in a week and withdraw the whole genome TMV-RNA, reverse it to cDNA. ─── 用烟草花叶病毒普通株系接种烟草叶片,一周后采样提取全基因组TMV-RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。

24、After the 1960s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines. ─── 六十年代后,中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作。

25、And the idea is , let's experimentally inoculate people with virus so we -- this is all IRB- approved , by the way; they got paid . ─── 这个想法就是我们实验性地用病毒给人们接种,这是经人体实验委员会批准的,他们是拿薪水的。

26、inoculate against ─── v. 接种预防

27、Methods:To clone and express E7 gene of HPV16 with gene clone technique. To pruify E7 protein and inoculate mice. The reactivity of special E7 antibody in sera was detected by ELIAS to evaluate antigenicity of E7 protein. ─── 方法 :应用基因克隆技术克隆、表达HPV16E7基因 ,纯化E7蛋白并免疫动物 ,用ELISA检测动物血清中的特异性E7抗体 ,进而评估E7蛋白的抗原性。

28、The cultivate bacteria are mainly inoculate ones when sinusitis induced shorter than 2 weeks. ─── 术后 2周内 ,培养的细菌以种植菌为主 ;

29、select the same length of seeding inoculate in culture medium with different adjunction in growth. ─── 把相同高度的幼苗接种于含不同附加物的培养基中生长;

30、Results The number of undergraduates who know the health knowledge and have sanitation habit and inoculate bacterin voluntarily increase constantly. ─── 结果大学生健康知识知晓率、卫生习惯形成率、自愿接种各种疫苗率均提高,常见传染病发病率逐年降低。

31、We began to inoculate troops for the first responders against ballistic airport(airforce).This year, for the first time, we must offer every child in America, three nuclear missiles. ─── 我已经向各位发去了全面的能源计划,为社区带来灾难,屠杀所有野生动物,烧毁数以百万英亩计的宝贵森林。

32、Inoculate hepatocytes with HBV Dane particles to observe if HBV susceptibility of fetal hepatocytes can be induced in vitro. ─── HBV cccDNA的改良PCR检测法简便快速,敏感性及特异性均好。

33、inoculate sb against cholera ─── 给某人注射霍乱预防针.

34、and rootage is to inoculate the cluster buds to the rootage medium, thus facilitating the cluster buds to take root and becoming the seedling of zanthoxylum piperitum. ─── 生根即将丛生芽接种于生根培养基使得丛生芽生根,即成胡椒木幼苗。

35、to inoculate somebody with new ideas ─── 向某人灌输新思想

36、inoculate a person with a new idea ─── 将新观念灌输给某人


38、also educational institutions inoculate students with dominant hierarchical system, through which the society reproduction can be actualized. ─── 教育机构向学生灌输了占主导地位的分层体系,通过这种灌输,社会再生产得以实施。

39、Effect of Inoculate Time on Hog Cholera Virus Vaccine ─── 猪瘟疫苗超前免疫效果观察

40、to inoculate the soil with bacteria ─── 细菌移入土壤

41、It has become hot spot of study to use DC vaccine to inoculate host, induce the defense function of host,enhance organism immunity in immunotherapy about late carcinoma of bladder. ─── 我国膀胱癌发病率也逐年升高。利用DC疫苗接种宿主、诱导或增强宿主防御功能、提高机体免疫系统对肿瘤的特异杀伤能力,已成为晚期膀胱癌免疫治疗中的研究热点。

42、To ensure N available from BNF does not limit legume yield, many farmers inoculate their crops with rhizobia. ─── 为确保来自生物固氮的有效氮不限制豆科作物的产量,许多农民用根瘤菌接种他们的作物。

43、Granular inoculant is made specifically for this purpose and is commonly used to inoculate treated groundnut seed. ─── 颗粒接种剂通常就是为此而特制的,常用在处理过的花生种子上。

44、C3 Misgiving of inoculability and C6(Nobody bringing to inoculate with child)are main negative factors to DPT inoculability; ─── C3(接种顾忌)、C6(家中无人带孩子去接种)是DPT未接种的主要原因;

45、Take a portion of the same colonies as under 3.8.1 by means of a wire and stab inoculate a glucose agar tube. Incubate at 37 ?1 °C for 24 h. ─── 用接种针挑取与3.8.1实验相同的菌落的一部分接种至葡萄糖琼脂试管.37?1°C培养24小时。

46、With the fungus of Cordyceps militeris(L. )Link,We can inoculate selid cultune medium、tussah and pupa by maual work. ─── 用北冬虫夏草菌人工接种固体培养基与柞蚕、蛹。

47、Keywords Carrot juice;Peanut milk;Inoculate;Fermentation;Technology; ─── 胡萝卜;花生乳;接种;发酵;工艺;

48、But if the goal is to inoculate us against recession and more financial turmoil, the answer is no. ─── 但是,如果目标是为了防止衰退及避免更多的金融混乱而打防疫针的话,那么答案是否定的。

49、If successful, it could lead to the creation of a vaccine to inoculate people in families with a history of the disease. ─── 若试验成功, 将可能制出一种疫苗, 用于对有糖尿病家族史的人进行接种.

50、After shaking for 24 hr at 32 C, the starter culture was used to inoculate large flasks of the same medium. ─── 在32C下摇动24小时后,将起子培养物移至装有同样培养基的大烧瓶中。

51、If he can inoculate himself thoroughly with the idea that he is a woman, he can get rid of the desires peculiar to his male body. ─── 如果他能够完全地嫁接“他是女人”这种想法,就会除去男性身体奇特的欲望。

52、Methods:The scheme to inoculate different explants in different culture mediums, and select the better scheme from the experiments. ─── 方法:选用植株不同的部位作为外植体,接种于不同的培养基中进行对比实验,并从中筛选出较好的实验方案.

53、When the volume or the quantity in a single container is insufficient to carry out the tests, the contents of two or more containers are used to inoculate the different media. ─── 当单一容器中的产品体积或数量不足以进行该试验时,适用2个或更多容器的内容物来接种不同的培养基。

54、Good fiscal management did not inoculate Spain against mass unemployment. ─── 良好的财政管理并未使西班牙免遭大规模失业的命运。

55、inoculate sb. against cholera ─── 接种防霍乱疫苗

56、Methods:91 serum specimens were used to inoculate C6/36 cell monolayers for isolate dengue virus. ─── 方法:采集临床诊断为登革热患者急性期血清91份,接种于C6/6细胞分离病毒,应用间接免疫荧光法鉴定及分型。

57、proliferation is to inoculate the plumule to the proliferation medium for generating cluster buds; ─── 增殖即将幼芽接种于增殖培养基上增殖产生丛生芽;

58、inoculate a person with a virus =inoculate a virus into [on] a person ─── 给某人接种病毒

59、Abstract: This paper applies the models of distribution, evaporation and movement of sprinkler droplets to prognosticate sprinkler irrigation evaporations, results inoculate with experimental data. ─── 文摘:应用喷灌水滴分布模型、水滴蒸发模型和水滴运动模型对喷灌蒸发进行了预测,预测结果与实测蒸发量吻合。

60、size of the batch depends on how many eggs a manufacturer can obtain, inoculate and incubate. ─── 批量大小是根据制造商能得到、接种和孵化多少鸡蛋来决定的。

61、It is the important operation stage[steidV] that a plant clones to inoculate[i5nCkjuleit], how to do? ─── [i5nCkjuleiFion]接种是植物克隆的重要的操作阶段,如何做好这个阶段的工作?

62、Inoculate five characteristic colonies, if available, into tubes of BGLB. Incubate the tubes at 30 OC for 48h. Consider colonies producing gas in the Durham tubes as coliforms. ─── 如果可能,转接5个典型菌落到BGLB管中,30OC培养48小时。导管内产气的菌落为大肠菌群阳性。

63、Heavy regulation would not inoculate the world against future crises. ─── 严格立法并不能让这个世界从此对危机免疫。

64、Little imagine, pregnant woman is absolutely cannot the vaccine of inoculate against measles. ─── 殊不知,怀孕的妇女绝对不能接种预防风疹的疫苗。

65、Inoculate portions of Alternative Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with a small number (not more than 100 cfu) of Clostridium sporogenes. ─── 在部分替代巯基醋酸盐液体培养基上接种少量(不超过100cfu)产芽胞梭状芽胞杆菌。

66、Inoculate from an overnight grown in LB. ─── 从培养过夜的LB平板上挑取单菌落 .

67、Methods Electron microscopy,animal inocul ation and neutral red staining of the cere-brospinal fluid specimens were empl oyed. ─── 方法对脑脊液标本进行电镜观察、动物接种和中性红染色检查。

68、If the contents of one container are enough to inoculate the two media, this column gives the number of containers needed for both the media together. ─── 如果一个容器的内容物足够接种2个培养基,则此表格给出的容器数量为用于全部2个培养基的数量。

69、Objective] In order to inoculate situation of child re n's Hepatitis B vaccine, evaluation immunity effect. ─── [目的]解儿童乙肝疫苗接种情况,评价免疫效果。

70、How to Inoculate Knowledge Impartment with Moral Education ─── 在传授知识中渗透德育教育

71、inoculate a person against [for] smallpox ─── 给某人种牛痘预防天花

72、Two sets are rearing isolately, inoculate vaccine according to immune programme of children, provide stoyer without olaquindox. ─── 两组动物均隔离饲养,按照常规免疫程序进行疫苗接种,并都饲喂不含喹乙醇的饲料。

73、point Inoculate ─── 平板点样

74、BTO-1: 370C, 10% inoculate, enough draft; ─── 各菌株最优发酵工艺条件分别为:BTO-1:37℃、接种量10%、通风四1;

75、A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits. ─── 一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。

76、Methods: 1. In vitro, with MTT, the growth curve of HK-2 cells and OC-3 cells had been built in order to decide the density to inoculate and when to administration. ─── 方法:1、应用MTT方法在细胞水平上进行中药粗提物的筛选,首先建立人肾脏近端小管上皮细胞株(HK-2)及卵巢癌细胞株(OC-3)的生长曲线,以确定接种密度及给药时机;

77、8.Mr Abe also has impeccable conservative credentials, which inoculate him against charges at home of being soft on China. ─── 同时,他在保守派内也声名远扬,这使得他在国内免于被人指责对中国太过软弱。

78、inoculate sb (with a vaccine) ─── 给某人注射疫苗

79、’ Its present use dates form the time of the first inoculate against smallpox. ─── '它目前使用的日期形式第一次接种天花。

80、inoculate sB. with new ideas ─── 给某人灌输新思想

81、Entrepreneurs can't completely inoculate their businesses from the vagaries of the market. ─── 创业者不能完全让自己的事业规避市场中难以预测的行为。

82、Today many parents inoculate their children with the idea only the students graduate from the famous universities will have good future. ─── 当今很多家长给孩子灌输:“只有在名牌大学毕业的学生将来才有好前途”的思想。

83、Inoculate lactic acid funguses ferment in the mixture of banana and milk. ─── 将香蕉泥与牛奶调配接种乳酸菌发酵制成凝固型香蕉酸牛乳。

84、Methods One sterile swab directly smear;gram stain;bacterioscopy, others swabs inoculate chocolate plate;blood plate;shaborose plate; ─── 方法:宫颈分泌物直接涂片、革兰染色、显微镜检与宫颈分泌物接种于巧克力板、血平板、沙氏板进行培养和鉴定。

85、to inoculate somebody against cholera ─── 给某人注射霍乱预防针

86、Using aseptic technique, inoculate all plates. ─── 使用无菌技术,接种所有的培养平板。

87、Keywords terrestrial orchid;endophytic fungi;screening;isolation;inoculate;mycorrhizal structure;DNA;symbioses system;ultramicroscopic structure; ─── 地生兰;内生真菌;菌根;筛选;分离;接种;共生体系;DNA;显微结构;超微结构;

88、UNKNOWN: Are there persuasive reasons not to inoculate children with pneumonia vaccines? ─── 艾滋病是否应成为评定非公民进入或永久居住在一个国家的因素?

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