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immanent 发音

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英:  美:

immanent 中文意思翻译



immanent 网络释义

adj. 内在的;固有的

immanent 反义词


immanent 短语词组

1、immanent transcendence ─── 内在超越性

2、immanent will ─── 内在意志

3、immanent contradiction ─── 内在矛盾,固有矛盾

4、immanent critique ─── 内在批判

5、immanent justice ─── 内在正义; ─── 内在公正

6、immanent value ─── 内在价值

immanent 同义词

internal |component | innate | intrinsic | ingrained | subjective | inherent | essential

immanent 词性/词形变化,immanent变形

名词: immanence |副词: immanently |

immanent 相似词语短语

1、immanency ─── n.内在;内在性(等于immanence)

2、remanent ─── adj.剩余的;残余的

3、immanental ─── 内在的

4、immane ─── 巨大的;广大的;残酷的;残暴的

5、immanently ─── 内在地;固有地

6、immoment ─── 不动产

7、imminent ─── adj.即将来临的;迫近的

8、imponent ─── n.强加(义务等)者

9、immanence ─── n.内在;无所不在;固有;含蓄

immanent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The not-indifferent(biased)object has an immanent mode which constitutes its nature, and in which it has existence. ─── 有差别的(或有倾向的)客体具有一种内在的构成它的本性的规定性。

2、Had when operator only liven formidably the enthusiasm of the enterprise, the enterprise enhanced vigor to just have immanent impetus. ─── 只有当经营者有了强大的搞活企业的积极性 ,企业增强活力才有了内在推动力。

3、Enjoying the elegance of life in the spirit of art, experiencing the naivete of art in the gentler life is the immanent connotation consisting in the poetical thought of everyone, and the beautiful legend existing in every house tale. ─── 在艺术的灵性中享受生活的情致,在生活的优雅中体验艺术的纯真,是我们每个诗性思维的内在寓意,也是每个家居童话的美丽传奇。

4、immanent contradiction ─── 内在矛盾

5、When a person talks without the mouth, station appearance behaved her immanent spirit. ─── 在一个人没有开口说话的时候,站姿便表现了她内在的精神。

6、The immanent logic of thinking of Chinese traditional culture can be generalized as"logic of analogism",this way of causing speculation has had far-reaching influence over the characteristic of "traditional politico-cultural"thinking. ─── 中国传统文化内在的思维逻辑可以概括为"比类逻辑",这种致思方式对于"传统政治文化"的思维特点影响深远。

7、immanent cause ─── 内在原因

8、Immanent Transcendence and Adaptation to the World--On Weber's Outlook on the Ethics of Confucianism ─── 内在超越与适应世界--论韦伯的儒教伦理观

9、the concept of Buddhism immanent in every walk of life ─── 佛教这一概念的无所不在

10、The technical progress that develops immanent variable as socioeconomy already became the critical factor that stimulative economy grows. ─── 作为社会经济发展内在变量的技术进步已成为促进经济增长的决定性因素。

11、immanent feeling ─── 内视

12、Immanent injustice ─── 内在不公正

13、Accordingly, square socialism state is federal to the south of the author political perspective is right in revive affined cracked is behaved directly and immanent logic undertook an analysis. ─── 因此,笔者以东方社会主义国家同盟政治的视角对中苏同盟破裂的直接表现和内在逻辑进行了分析。

14、The essential reason for low X-efficiency of state-owned enterprises is immanent disfigurement of governance structure caused by property right. ─── 国有企业非资源配置低效率的根本原因是由产权性质导致的国有企业治理结构的内在缺陷。

15、immanent structure ─── 内在结构

16、(2) is on the understanding of immanent to labor twoness both sides meaning. ─── (2 )在对劳动二重性双方内在含义的认识上。

17、Keywords immanent cycle;increasing economic value;ecological pattern; ─── 内循环;增值;生态经济模式;

18、Analyze the status of logic of "Learning" in "The Analects" help to roundly expound immanent logic and modern value of "The Analects". ─── 分析“学”在《论语》中的逻辑地位有助于全面阐发《论语》的内在逻辑和现代价值。

19、And maybe in this dream, death too would cease to be immanent in life. ─── 可能在这个梦想中,死亡也将不再是生命的一部分。

20、immanent dualism ─── 内在二元论

21、immanent mechanism ─── 内在机理

22、"Wei Zhe explains investment is patulous and won't the immanent cause of go no further is, "Greater opportunity grasps when conduce we anabiosis in main economic market so. ─── 卫哲解释投资扩展并不会止步的内在原因是,"这样将有助我们在主要的经济市场复苏之时掌握更大的机遇。"

23、The learning Cost is an immanent fundamental factor resulting in success or failure of technological learning. ─── 学习成本是决定技术学习能否成功的内在基础性因素。

24、immanent teleology ─── 内在目的论

25、Finally is analyzes its immanent cause from the spatial position as well as the universe rule angle, discusses its cultural value. ─── 最后是从空间方位以及宇宙规律的角度分析其内在原因,探讨其文化价值。

26、For Hegel God is immanent and when we have understood that history is the process of Geist coming to know itself it appears that we are all part of Geist, or God. ─── 在黑格尔看来上帝是内在的,并为我们理解历史的过程就是灵魂认知自身的过程,看起来我们都是灵魂或上帝的一部分。

27、immanent value ─── 内在价值

28、Next, what concern from both sides of labour and capital is immanent the particular situation that analyses our country labor-capital relations with explicit property right element. ─── 其次,从劳资双方关系的内在和外在的产权因素分析我国劳资关系的具体状况。

29、The author will analyse the reasons from the aspects of immanent cause a nd external cause. ─── 从外部诱因和内部推力两方面分析流动人口犯罪的根本原因。

30、Accordingly, the beautiful hair that has a healthy beauty can let us always show real immanent beauty. ─── 因此,拥有一头健康漂亮的秀发可以让我们时刻显现真正的内在之美。

31、It is immanent to market economy to us substaintial understanding, to accelerating the development of market economy, to.. ─── 它对于我们对市场经济内在本质的理解,对于加快市场经济的发展,对于...

32、immanent melody ─── 内在旋律

33、The daughter listened to say shily: "Pa, you did not worry, his immanent I had looked many times. ─── 女儿听了羞怯的说:“爸,您别担心了,他的内在我已经看过好几次了。”

34、Must from emphasize capitalism and socialism only of two kinds of societies oppose more ground research, tuitional two kinds of immanent connection between the system and the common problem; ─── 必须从只强调资本主义和社会主义两种社会的对立到比较多地研究、讲授两种制度之间的内在联系以及两种制度下所遇到的共同问题;

35、For the humanistic basis is immanent request of scientific development view:the essence of the scientific development view is for the humanistic basis; ─── 以人为本是科学发展观的内在要求:科学发展观的本质就是以人为本;

36、"The Olympic Games influence to Chinese media line of business more it is a kind of symbolic significance, what may initiate media trade in addition is immanent change. ─── “奥运会对中国媒体业的影响更多的是一种象征意义,此外可能会引发媒体业的内在变革。”

37、an immanent factor ─── 内在的因素

38、Point to two bricks to after clipping, be bumped each other with the hand, ringing canorous is sound eligible product, sound is grave of frowsty chaotic have immanent quality drawback necessarily. ─── 将两块砖用手指夹住后相互撞击,声音清脆响亮的为合格产品,声音低沉闷浊的必然有内在的质量缺陷。

39、immanent demands ─── 内在要求

40、The muscle that it can let you more harmonious, pullback your attention to immanent to oneself attention to come up. ─── 它同样很便捷。你不需要任何的重的,昂贵的的器材,你可以在任何时候,任何地点做普拉提。

41、A dream of rabbits foreshadows that luck in your business enterprises will be immanent and other events will take a favorable turn in your direction. ─── 一个梦想,兔,预示着说,运气在您的企业将内在的和其他活动,将采取转机,在您的方向。

42、Be fertilized can immanent hospital check a month? ─── 受精一个月内在医院可以查出来吗?

43、Ri-sheng-ri-dong (ever creating, ever developing), concerning the timely existence of everyone, denotes the possibility of immanent transcendency at the every moment of life. ─── “日生日动”与个体生存的时间性主题有关,其实质是在“当下(目前)”之中实现生命的内在超越。

44、The meta-discourse immanent to language that I call logic, is of course something that deserves to be refreshed at such a reading. ─── 我所谓逻辑的语言,具有内在性的形上真理论述,当然是应该获得一再地更新阅读。

45、In terms of techniques of expression, although there sparkles an active, dexterous and fresh flavor of orient, immanent thick and sophisticated temperament derived from Russian paintings remains throughout the works. ─── 在表现手法上虽也活跃出一种清新灵动的东方气息,但源自俄罗斯绘画固有的厚实、沉稳的气质仍作为一种整体风格贯穿始终。

46、three-dimensional craniomaxillofacial measurement immanent ─── 三维颅颌面测量器

47、This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself, by the centralization of capital. ─── 这种剥夺是通过资本主义生产本身的内在规律的作用,即通过资本的集中进行的。

48、Family-owned businesses, which play very important role in social and economical development, are the immanent organizational form of businesses all over the world. ─── 家族企业是世界范围内普遍存在的企业组织形式,在当今社会经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位。

49、Take light clap of two ceramic tile to attack, if bricky sound is ringing, the quality that taking sound of a few metals to show its are immanent is first-rate, hardness is taller; ─── 取两块瓷砖轻轻敲击,假如砖的声音清脆,带着一些金属声则表明其内在的质量非常好,硬度较高;

50、Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent. ─── 小观园外,一陶瓷壁画,艺术无所不在。

51、Because the gender applies cruel addiction and sex to get cruel hobby,have its foundation of immanent and clammy character, cure is very difficult, once happen,often be chronic, cure hard. ─── 因为性施虐癖与性受虐癖有其内在病态人格基础,治疗十分困难,一旦发生则往往是慢性的,难以治愈。

52、"3 delegates " the viewpoint is bright and deep, have impartible cut immanent oneness, need us from understand with the development on whole substantially with hold. ─── “三个代表”观点鲜明而深刻,具有不可分割的内在统一性,需要我们从本质上和整体上深入理解与把握。

53、Many critics pay attention to the fatalism in Liu-Heng’s novels.We regard it as the immanent reason of the extreme form explorations about the basic survival desires. ─── 关于刘恒小说的宿命论,评论者说的很多,本文认为这正是刘恒对基本欲望进行极端探询的内在原因。

54、Unlike other philosophers, Epicurus treated the disease on individual immanent life by claiming the view of life and death, so as to make people gain the real liberty. ─── 和其他哲学家不同,伊壁鸠鲁是通过阐述自己对于生与死的观点来治疗他所认为的个人内在生活的疾病,使人获得真正的自由。

55、immanent and transcendent ─── 内在超越

56、immanent action ─── 内在活动

57、In the first chapter of "the Analects" (Xue Er), the three sentences in the beginning has its immanent meaningful conjunction. ─── 《论语?学而》首章三句话,有著内在的意义关联。

58、Modern capitalist economy follows its own immanent laws. ─── 现代资本主义经济遵循着它自己的固有法则。

59、Actually exterior circumstance also is the explicit expression of immanent quality. ─── 其实外观情况也是内在质量的外在表现。

60、He believe that beauty be not something Impose , but something Immanent ─── 他认为美丽不是外在的而是内在的

61、He believed that beauty was not something imposed, but something immanent. ─── 他认为美丽不是外在的而是内在的。

62、Because person one's previous experience, breeding, experience is different, experience what objective flower casts to go up outside immanent ego also differ consequently. ─── 因人出身、教养、经历不同,把内在的自我外投到客观花上去的感受也因而不同。

63、The reason of haemolysis can be the harm of the immanent blemish with congenital red blood cell or ab extra element to red blood cell. ─── 溶血的原因可以是红细胞先天性的内在缺陷或外来因素对红细胞的损害。

64、However, Quine recognizes that the disquotational feature of truth has to be immanent: to call a sentence true is just to include it in our language, in our own theory of world, or in our science. ─── 但是,奇怪的是,蒯因不仅认为真理概念必须具有一种内在于语言的特性,也就是当我们称一个语句为真的时候,我们只是把它归属于某个语言之中;

65、PARAMATMA means the supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and in all beings, living and non-living. ─── PARAMATMA意指至高的内在能量,这是固有在一切创造物与万物,生物与无生物中的。

66、By the concept of Buddhism immanent in every walk of life. ─── 在这段时间里,我和摄制组的成员们都被泰国的灵性以及佛教这一概念在泰国各个领域的无所不在而深深打动。

67、Compare with other industry posture, insurance has a few immanent frangibility, expression plays occurrence trouble without apparently augural circumstance to often be in, produce the crisis even. ─── 和其他行业相比,保险业具有一些内 在的脆弱性,表现为往往在没有明显前兆 的情况下出现故障,甚至发生危机。

68、The expert reminds: Actually, although the exterior differs not quite, different ambry looks style similar, color is same, but put in very big difference however on immanent quality. ─── 专家提醒:实际上,尽管外观相差不大,不同的橱柜看上去风格相仿,颜色相同,但在内在质量上却存在很大的差异。

69、Monopoly brings power industry on lacking immanent developing motivity, low efficiency of produce and management, thereby progress of technology and advance of social productivity are blocked. ─── 垄断导致电力工业本身缺乏内在的发展动力,生产经营效率不高,并且阻碍了技术进步乃至社会生产力的提高;

70、We emphasize: The beauty that the wisdom of everybody just is a design produces immanent essence. ─── 我们强调:众人的聪明才是设计的美产生内在本质。

71、immanent factor ─── 内在因素

72、This is the most perfect immanent action possible to nature. ─── 这是最完美的内在行动可能性质。

73、On the basis of the application to a cosmic immanent principle, we already established new-style “web-based hospital” by utilizing the special-purpose therapy chip. ─── 基于对一个宇宙固有法则的利用,我们利用发明的电子芯片建立了“网络医院”。

74、When W.Windelband emphasized Augustine's metaphysics is "Metaphysics of immanent experience", what he confirmed is the psychological dimension Augustine's time theory;When E. ─── 当文德尔班强调奥古斯丁的形而上学是“内在经验的形而上学”时,他确认了奥古斯丁时间观的心灵向度;

75、immanent change ─── 内因性变迁

76、You should hear the great immanent pull out all its stop. ─── 你会听到这个巨大的乐器的所有的音栓都被拨动了。

77、Due to the realistic limitations in the motivating mechanisms, it needs to apply new theory to guide, consummate and innovate it, dapping out the immanent restricting factors. ─── 我国的公务员激励机制存在现实的局限性和缺陷,要完善和创新公务员激励机制必须跳出固有制约因素的影响,运用新的理论加以指导和完善并进行创新。

78、My shave bareheaded, it is to want you brighter and outstanding him depict is immanent feeling is temperamental. ─── 我剃了光头,就是为了要您更鲜明突出地刻画自己内在的感情气质。”

79、From the immanent value relation between politics and ethics, the basic problems of the political ethics can he expressed as the research about the instrument legitimacy and the value rationality. ─── 摘要从政治与伦理之间内在的价值关系看,政治伦理的基本问题一般表现为对政治伦理的工具正当性和价值合理性问题的探究;

80、Man-made board furniture uses a metal commonly, plastic join as close solid, join so quality also is deciding furniture is immanent the stand or fall of quality. ─── 人造板家具一般使用金属件、塑料件作为紧固连接件,所以连接件的质量也决定着家具内在质量的好坏。

81、Each link of agricultural industrialization are put in the immanent connection with close move, and annulus annulus photograph is buckled, make a complete industrial chain inseparably. ─── 农业产业化的各个环节存在着紧密的内在联系,而且环环相扣,密不可分地构成一个完整的产业链。

82、You ravel it look, you have, but inherent power, immanent logic, evolve immanently, and external big environment, the means of people behavior, your all gives pare. ─── 你把它拆开看,你都有,但是内在的动力,内在的逻辑,内在的演变,以及外部大环境,人们行为的方式,你通通都给消减了。

83、He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things. ─── 他是前无始后无终的,是极显著极隐微的,他是全知万物的。

84、The Personality decides the particularity of people s acclimatization,which is the power organization in individual immanent psychology physics system. ─── 人格是个体内在心理物理系统中的动力组织,它决定人对环境顺应的独特性。

85、In vice, the attraction of the abnormal creates troubling anxiety: the spirit seems to have become blood and stirs in the flesh like an immanent force. ─── 在邪恶中,异常事物的吸引创造出令人不安的焦虑:精神似乎已经变成了血液,像一股内在的力量搅动着肉体。

86、People believe that sensation is an immanent act of the senses. ─── 人们相信感觉是五官的内在活动。

87、"Choice " with " hold to " having impartible cut immanent connection. ─── “选择”与“坚持”有着不可分割的内在联系。

88、He believed that beauty was not something imposed, but something immanent . ─── 他认为美丽不是外在的而是内在的.

89、immanent philosophy ─── 内在哲学

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