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09-17 投稿


identifiable 发音

英:[a?dent?'f???b(?)l]  美:[a?,d?nt?'fa??bl]

英:  美:

identifiable 中文意思翻译



identifiable 同义词

perceptible | detectable | classifiable |recognizable | distinguishable | discernible

identifiable 短语词组

1、identifiable for ─── 可识别的

2、identifiable language ─── [计] 可识别语言

3、identified and identifiable ─── 识别和 ─── 识别

4、minimal identifiable odor ─── [医] 最小可嗅浓度

5、identifiable variation ─── 可识别的变化

identifiable 反义词


identifiable 相似词语短语

1、electrifiable ─── adj.能起电的

2、devitrifiable ─── 可分离性的

3、unidentifiable ─── adj.无法辨认的;无法鉴定的

4、inventoriable ─── 可计入存货的(inventory的变形,会计术语)

5、certifiable ─── adj.可证明的;可确认的;可保证的

6、diversifiable ─── adj.可分散的

7、quantifiable ─── adj.可以计量的

8、rectifiable ─── adj.[化工]可精馏的;可矫正的;可改正的

9、identifiably ─── adv.可辨认地;可看作是相同地

identifiable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The two other patients were cirrhotic, but had no further identifiable risk factors. ─── 其它两个病人有肝硬化,但并未发现其他危险因素。

2、They become less identifiable, more generalizable to any audience. ─── 它们变得更难以识别,更容易被所有观众接受。

3、'Ashes,' he said.'Not even identifiable ashes.Dust ─── “灰烬,”他说,“甚至是认不出来的灰烬,尘埃。

4、Therefore, net identifiable assets mean all assets except goodwill, minus liabilities. ─── 因此,可确认净资产意味着除了商誉的所有资产,再减去负债。

5、In the West, most companies have well-established and identifiable lines of organization. ─── 在西方,大多数公司都已形成自己的明确的组织体系。

6、In a very real sense, therefore, the campus is an easily identifiable, physically and socially unified community within the larger community of the city in which it is located. ─── 因此可以很贴切地说,校园是城市大社会内一个容易辨认、在形体及社会性上统一的小社会。

7、Type I depressor septi muscles(62%) are visible and identifiable, and can be traced to full interdigitation with the orbicularis oris from their origin at the medial crural footplate. ─── 型降鼻中隔肌(62%),解剖中可见,可被识别,并发现在其起始部位内侧脚踏板处和同起于此的口轮匝肌完全交错。

8、Identifiable and nameable intangible assets; ─── 可盘点和可指名的无形资产;

9、A reference is a uniquely identifiable piece of text to be reused in another part of a test. ─── 一个参考是某一个被在测试的其他地方重用大的文件片断的唯一标识。

10、With the tip of his finger he picked up an identifiable grain of whitish dust and deposited it on the corner of the cover, where it was bound to be shaken off if the book was moved. ─── 他便用手指尖,拈了颗看不见的白色土粒儿,放在封面的一角。 谁动了本子,这粒尘土准得掉下来。

11、Sunrider may also disclose your personally identifiable information when permitted by you. ─── 在获得您的许可后,仙妮蕾德会向外透露您的个人资料。

12、The paper analyses identifiable TIF and BMP image file format and describes the procedure diagram of direct conversion of identifiable TIF image file to BMP. ─── 分析了可识别TIF和BMP图像文件格式 ,描述了直接将可识别TIF图像文件转换为BMP图像文件的过程。

13、The purchaser records the identifiable assets it has purchased at their fair market values, and then debits any additional amount paid to an asset account entitled Goodwill. ─── 买家将其购买的可确认资产以公平市价记录,支付的所有剩余金额全部借记到名为商誉的资产账户。

14、They would like to know if there are ways in which their bilingualism, and their biliteracy, gives them and appreciable advantage, and whether, especially, their limitations and weaknesses in English are identifiable and can be remedied. ─── 他们更想了解,是否可利用某些捷径,得以有效提升自己的双语沟通与读写的能力;此外,尤其想知道,是否可以找到自己学习英语的先天限制与种种缺失,以及补救之道。

15、Students were not required to put their names on their papers, just a number identifiable by the administration. ─── 在写作这篇论文时,学生不需要签署自己的姓名,而只需标上学校行政部门能确认的学号。

16、The Flexent system is designed to provide easy access and identifiable graphical representations (icons) to give you real-time status and alarm information. ─── Flexent 系统旨在提供易于访问和可识别的图形表示(图标)以便为用户提供实时的状态和告警信息。

17、B. Non-Personally Identifiable Information (PII). ─── 乙非亲自确定信息(有价证券).

18、It was only last year that the rule was deliberately broken that members of the royal family could be the only living people identifiable on British stamps. ─── 在英国,在世的人只有王室成员才能登上邮票票面,这个法令直到去年才被取消。

19、In her bright yellow coat, she was easily identifiable in the crowd. ─── 她穿着淡黄色的外套,在人群中很容易认出。

20、Used large sample datum to train the BP network, formed an identifiable and rememberable non-linear forecasting system. ─── 利用大样本数据对网络进行了训练,形成了有识别和记忆功能的非线性预测系统。

21、Cookies may also store personally identifiable information, such as your name or e-mail address. ─── Cookie也存储个人可识别信息,例如姓名或电子邮件地址。

22、Unsatisfactory cookies are cookies that might allow access to personally identifiable information that could be used for a secondary purpose without your consent. ─── 不满意的 cookie 是未经同意就允许访问个人可识别信息(用于次要目的)的 cookie。

23、Most companies have well-established and identifiable lines of organization. Larger companies have a clear division of corporate and field roles. Responsibility for all activities is well-established according to function. ─── 在西方,大多数公司都已形成自己的明确的组织体系。较大的公司对于公司总部和总部以外的业务活动也有清晰的划分。根据不同的职能明确各项职责。

24、The ratio, to be meaningful, must be stated for an identifiable accomplishment, because there is no "general quality of competence. " ─── 这个比率要想有意义,必须用可识别的成绩来表示,因为没有“能力的一般质量”。

25、In some jurisdictions, property which has been specifically identifiable as your own will be prorated in the same manner as cash for purposes of distribution in the event of a shortfall. ─── 在某些司法管辖区,如果存押机构、清算所和/或相对方的资产不足以进行全额偿还,已明确认定为您的财产将以与现金相同的方式按比例进行分配。

26、It has been said that there is no systemic disease which does not have a sign identifiable on ophthalmic examination. ─── 可以说没什么系统性疾病不具有眼科检查可识别的迹象。

27、Human substances from which identifiable data can be derived must be likewise protected. ─── 可确认数据源自的人体物质必须得到同样保护。

28、Real Asset Physical or identifiable assets such as gold, land, equipment, patents, etc. They are the opposite of a financial asset. ─── 实际资产指实物或可证实的资产,例如黄金、土地、设备、专利权等,是金融资产的相反。

29、Goodwill, however, is not an identifiable asset. ─── 但商誉不是一项可确认资产。

30、You can use certificates to protect your personally identifiable information on the Internet, and to protect your computer from unsafe software. ─── 可以使用证书保护Internet上的个人识别信息,并保护计算机不受危险软件的攻击。

31、Where possible and appropriate, reconstructions should not be built immediately on the archaeological remains, and should be identifiable as such. ─── 在可能和适当的情况下,重建不应直接建在考古遗址之上,并应能够辨别出为重建物。

32、Privacy law builds on the concept of damage to an individual from identifiable knowledge about them. ─── 隐私权法建立在个人可识别信息受到伤害这一概念之上。

33、Use the security and privacy features in Internet Explorer to help protect your privacy and make your computer and your personally identifiable information more secure. ─── 使用 Internet explorer 中的安全和隐私功能来保护您的隐私,使计算机和个人识别信息更安全。

34、All bed linen and towels are clearly embossed with the name Smith House so it's easily identifiable. ─── 如果你付钱给洗衣店,他们负责包括毛巾、床单清洁。

35、While there did not appear to be significant patterns between the 2 Subjects, there were trends within each Subject as well as identifiable postural characteristics. ─── 两位受试者之间没有表现出显著的模式,但和位置的可辨认性一样,显现了形成模式的趋势。

36、When you use our search engine, we may collect certain non-personally identifiable information through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies described above. ─── 当您使用我们的搜索引擎时,我们可能会用以上所述的cookies和其他跟踪技术收集一些非个人的特征信息。

37、But at least in comparison to Infinite Jest, this book was more accessible, more identifiable. ─── 但是,至少和《无穷尽的笑话》相比,这本书更容易接近,更可分辨。

38、Some Web sites store your member name and password or other personally identifiable information about you in a cookie; therefore, if you delete all cookies, you might need to re-enter this information the next time you visit the site. ─── 一些网站在 cookie 中存储您的会员名和密码或其他个人可识别信息,因此,如果删除所有的 cookie,下次访问该站点时可能需要重新输入这些信息。

39、Early interention with osteotomy and realignment, when the original fracture lines are still identifiable,may proide acceptable results. ─── 当原始的骨折线还能辨认时,进行截骨和重建这样的早期干预,可能得到可以接受的结果。

40、The CCP has tried hard to maintain China's monolithic power structure, leaving various identifiable interest groups in effect underrepresented. ─── 党大部分传统上强制了执行社会控制和政治学科通过"工作单位的" 弥漫的角色。

41、The house is easily identifiable by the large tree outside. ─── 这房子很容易从外面的这棵大树辨认出来。

42、Personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. ─── 个人数据指与已识别的或可识别的个人有关的任何信息。

43、Arbitrary optional analysis and identifi. ─── 任意多个可选择的分析和识别模型。

44、Her skills for demystifying complex concepts and explaining mundane subject matter using interesting and identifiable examples makes a huge difference to her students. ─── 她运用技巧将复杂的概念变得简单通俗化,运用一些常见的有趣的例子解释世俗观点的教学方法都对她的学生影响深远。

45、In some jurisdictions, property which had been specifically identifiable as your own will be pro-rated in the same manner as cash for purposes or distribution in the event of a shortfall. ─── 在某种权限下,已经经过特定鉴定为您所有的资产会以现金的方式传发给您,这样做主要是为了防止分配上的不足。

46、In this research, we are trying to locate a special region which has some different characteristics in a background which has some identifiable pattern throughout the target image. ─── 同样的,在本文讨论的瑕疵是存在影像相类似背景讯息中特徵歧异的区域,因此检测目的即是为了找出这类区域。

47、If a chart takes for ever to be read look for bottlenecks: the series are not easily identifiable, patterns are hidden, demands on the working memory are high, etc. ─── 如果一个图表总是读到瓶颈路段:这一系列是不容易确定的,图案隐藏,对于工作记忆力的要求是很高的,等等。

48、A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units, and loading, e.g., the input to, or output from, an assembler, compiler, linkage editor, or executive routine. ─── 一种独立且可以标识的程序单元,可以单独编译,可与其它程序单元组合并装入计算机内存之中。如,汇编程序、编译程序、连接编辑程序或执行例行程序的输入或输出。

49、Identifiable issues in regards to School of Management, CUMT and Swinburne moving forward in developing students;critical thinking skills. ─── 关于中国矿业大学管理学院和斯维本科技大学在开发学生批判性思维技能方面的一些做法。

50、It was revealed by GC/MS measurements that alkanes, fatty acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of the major classes of organic pollutants as extractable and identifiable compounds. ─── GC/MS定性分析表明,颗粒物有机物可抽提部分中,可分析识别的主要种类有正构烷烃、脂肪酸、多环芳烃等。

51、Our applications would be much friendlier and easier to use if they issued barely audible but easily identifiable sounds when user actions are correct. ─── 如果程序在用户行为正确时发出微弱而又容易辨别的声音,程序会更友好和更容易使用。

52、"He was a true musical icon whose identifiable voice, innovative dance moves, stunning musical versatility, and sheer star power carried him from childhood to worldwide acclaim. ─── “独一无二的歌喉、创新的舞步、惊人的音乐才能,以及绝对的明星魅力,这些让他长久享受全世界的欢呼,他是一个真正的音乐图腾。

53、TakingITGlobal collects personally identifiable information when you register as a TakingITGlobal member. ─── 当你申请TakingITGlobal会员的时候,TakingITGlobal会收集个人确认信息.

54、An identifiable housing unit, such as an apartment or house, occupied by one or more persons. ─── 一种可视为一个家庭的居住方式,如:由一个或多个人居住的公寓或独立式住宅。

55、He is having an identifiable trouble with his teeth. ─── 他正患牙病,这是大家都看得出来的。

56、Explanation: One of the most identifiable nebulae in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud. ─── 解说:这是天空中最易辨认的星云之一。猎户中的马头星云是一个巨大的黑暗分子云的一部分。

57、If you are dedicated to some simple online principles however, you will enjoy the highest, identifiable, ROI of any marketing medium. ─── 如果遵守简单的网络法则,网站会比任何其它媒体的认可程度都要高,盈利也要高。

58、Cookies can also store personally identifiable information. ─── cookies 也可以存储个人可识别信息。

59、Candida albicans is responsible for 80-92% of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Sporadic attacks of vulvovaginal candidiasis usually occur without an identifiable precipitating factor. ─── 外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的病原体是白假丝酵母菌。通常其发病没有明显诱因。

60、Objectively identifiable aberration of the disease. ─── 患病机体客观存在的异常。

61、It means the present value of future earnings in excess of the normal return on net identifiable assets. ─── 它意味着可确认净资产能带来的超过一般回报的未来收益部分的现值。

62、Chromatography A method of analyzing materials involving the separation by selective absorption of the various compounds as identifiable bands. ─── 层析,色谱法:通过选择性的吸附不同的化合物呈现出不同的可辨认的条带的一种分析物质的方法。

63、Are staff members responsible for processing and approving various transactions identifiable on records? ─── 可否从记录找出处理及批核交易的职员?

64、While performing their official duties, they shall be dressed in identifiable uniforms, wear unified symbols and produce unitarily printed law enforcement certificates. ─── 在执行公务时,应当穿着识别服装,佩戴统一标志,并出示统一印制的行政执法证。

65、Alleles of the apolipoprotein E gene have distinct neuroanatomic signatures, identifiable in childhood. ─── 在儿童时期,载脂蛋白等位基因具有特殊的神经解剖学标记意义,并可被识别。

66、Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. ─── 其它无礼的个体行为,包括在学校受到的打击和失败,药物和酒精饮料的利用增加,儿童虐待和儿童忽视的增加。

67、Internet Explorer provides a number of features that help to protect your privacy and make your computer and your personally identifiable information more secure. ─── Internet explorer 提供了多种功能保护您的隐私并使计算机和个人可识别信息更安全。

68、Type II muscles (22%) are visible and identifiable but, unlike the first group, insert into the periosteum and demonstrate little or no interdigitation with the orbicularis oris. ─── 型(62%),解剖中可见,并可被区分,并发现在其起始部位内侧脚踏板处和同起于此的口轮匝肌完全交错。

69、The hedging shall be relevant to the designated specific identifiable risk, and will ultimately affect the profits and losses of the enterprise. ─── 套期必须与具体可辨认并被指定的风险有关,且最终影响企业的损益。

70、Assigned to projects of moderate scope, where analysis of situation or data requires a review of identifiable factors. ─── 对于中等规模的项目,对于情况和数据的分析需要一个可确认因素的检查。

71、Individuals should have a say in the matter, however, when sensitive and personally identifiable information is collected and shared. ─── 但是当敏感的可确认的个人信息被收集和分享时,个人是应该对此有发言权的。

72、identifiable flying object (IFO) ─── 可识别飞行物

73、Any individually identifiable information you share with CMN will be used solely for the purpose of accessing user base and usage patterns. ─── 任何个人身份资料仅用于获取使用者资讯库和使用网站习惯等信息。

74、Would he NHS benefit from a single, identifiable leader? ─── 将他NHS得益于一个单身的、可看作是相同的领导人?

75、(Benign and idiopathic ) mean there was no evidence of harm and no identifiable cause like a (growth) or (stroke). ─── 良性和突发性意味着没有会造成伤害的证据以及没有可确认的原因,如肿瘤或中风。

76、identifiable groups/characteristics ─── 可识别的群体/特征

77、Electroacoustic music lends itself particularly to semiotic study where there is a presence of identifiable sounds. ─── 对于记号语言中存在的、可以确认的声音来讲,电子音乐特别有助于此方面的研究。

78、Maybe Bill felt overwhelmed, but there was no easily identifiable source for the feeling. ─── 也许比尔毛毡埋没,但是没有容易可以确认的来源为那感觉。

79、The phrase normal return on net identifiable assets also requires explanation. ─── 可确认净资产的一般回报也需要解释一下。

80、Done wrong and the picture may no longer be identifiable as one of Katie Holmes anymore. ─── 做错和图片可能不再识别之一凯蒂赫尔姆斯了。

81、The author expressly declares herewith that no illegal contents on the linked sites were identifiable at the time of linkage. ─── 作者在此严正声明,在设置网页链接时无法认定外接的网页有任何违法内容。

82、Today the Olympic rings are one of the most easily identifiable signs in the world, and everyone immediately associates them with the Olympic Games. ─── 如今奥林匹克五环是世界上最容易辨认的标志之一。每个人都能立即将它们跟奥运会联系起来。

83、The ideal blend of fun, identifiable characters and strong storyline, with a motley crew of pets and pirates, make this rumbustious piratical tale perfect for beginner readers. ─── 当你把自己体重作为一个首要问题来考虑的时候,从翻开本书的那一刻开始行动起来吧,跟随书中的指导开始自己的轻松瘦身之旅。

84、Some Web sites store your member name and password or other personally identifiable information about you in a cookie; therefore, if you delete a cookie, you may need to re-enter this information the next time you visit the site. ─── 一些网站在 cookie 中存储了您的会员名称和密码或其他个人可识别信息;因此,如果删除 cookie,下次访问该站点时可能需要重新输入这些信息。

85、Most of them are easily identifiable except one terracotta female figurine displayed among numerous of other ancient Egyptian sculptures. ─── 全国各地的人才都汇集在这里,飞快的生活节奏,严峻的人才竞争经常让我忙得喘不过气。

86、Their distinctive color and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable. ─── 它们有特色的颜色和突出的前额使它们容易辨认。

87、If the icon is dulled the station location is not clearly identifiable and may be anywhere in the vicinity. ─── 如果该图标昏暗,位置无法清晰辨认,则可能在附近的任何地方。

88、Recorded when a business entity is purchased at a price in excess of the fair value of is net identifiable assets (excluding goodwill) less liabilities. ─── 当以高于可辩认净资产(不包括商誉)市价减去负债数额购买一个企业实体时,记录商誉。

89、A step by step process that produces either entity or table definitions that have:(a) no repeating groups;(b) the same kind of values assigned to attributes or columns;(c) a distinct name;(d) distinct and uniquely identifiable rows. ─── 一种逐步处理的过程,用于产生实体或表定义,使之:(1)没有重复的类;(2)把同类数值分配给属性或列;(3)有特殊的名字;(4)有特殊的和唯一的可识别行。

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