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09-17 投稿


juba 发音

英:[?d?u?b?]  美:[?d?ub?]

英:  美:

juba 中文意思翻译



juba 短语词组

1、Juba Valley Alliance ─── 朱巴谷联盟

juba 相似词语短语

1、Nuba ─── n.努巴;努巴人;努巴语

2、Cuba ─── n.古巴(拉丁美洲国家)

3、jubas ─── n.朱巴舞(一种美国黑人舞);(美国黑人传说中的)鬼魂;n.(Juba)人名;(匈)尤鲍

4、jura ─── n.侏罗山脉(位于法国和意大利之间);侏罗纪;侏罗省(法国东部省份);(拉)法律(jus的复数)

5、jube ─── n.祭廊;教堂十字架的围屏;n.(Jube)人名;(英)朱布

6、juga ─── n.轭;隆突

7、Luba ─── n.(卢巴人使用的)班图语;卢巴人(刚果南部农民)

8、Juba ─── n.朱巴舞(一种美国黑人舞);(美国黑人传说中的)鬼魂;n.(Juba)人名;(匈)尤鲍

9、suba ─── n.(Suba)人名;(罗、塞)苏巴

juba 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Western security sources say many foreign militants are in the Juba valley. ─── 西方安全部门说在朱巴峡谷有大量外国武装激进分子。

2、Seen from Juba, muddle and frustration prevail. ─── 纵观朱巴时局,可以看到那里处处都是混乱与挫败。

3、While transmission seems to be declining in Yei town, the outbreak in Juba town is expected to increase in the coming days. ─── 在耶伊城的传播似乎逐渐减弱,但预期今后一些天在朱巴城将暴发霍乱。

4、Salmonella juba ─── 朱巴沙门菌

5、Two new cases of poliomyelitis have been reported from two new regions: Lower Juba, southern Somalia and Mudug region, northeastern Somalia. ─── 两个新州索马里南部的下朱巴州和索马里东北部的穆杜格州报告了2起新的脊髓灰质炎病例。

6、We're at this roundabout in the middle of Juba. ─── 我们现在正在朱巴中部的交叉路口。

7、Author Kang Buxi;Wen Juba;Chen Fuxiao;Xi Jukui; ─── 作者康布熙;文九巴;陈拂晓;席聚奎;

8、THE Juba river region, in Somalia, is hard country. ─── 索马里朱巴流域处境艰难。

9、Peter Martell reports from the southern Sudanese capital Juba. ─── Peter Martell从南苏丹首都朱巴发回报道。

10、Juba: Can they hear you? ─── 朱巴:他们能听见你吗?

11、A cluster of tea sellers in one of Juba's main markets voiced the desire of many to hold onto the geographical reference as well. ─── 一些在朱巴主要集市的茶商聚集处,许多人呼吁名字还应保留“南部”的地理特征。

12、Over the past four years, despite billions of dollars in revenues, the GOSS has failed to build a single paved road outside Juba, the capital. ─── 北方开始慢慢不再保证05年和南方的和平协议。

13、The Under Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Roads, Daniel Wani, says reconstructing Juba's roads is not an easy task. ─── 交通道路秘书管理部哇尼说,要重建朱巴的道路不是件简单的工作。

14、As construction continues in Juba, it is hoped the current peace being enjoyed in the country will pave way for more development not just in Juba, but other southern Sudanese towns as well. ─── 朱巴的建设还在持续当中的同时,也期待现在享有的和平,将为更多的发展铺路,不只是在朱巴,还有其他南苏丹的城镇。

15、Like everyone in Juba, Mr Venisto has to survive on his wits rather than money, trying to instruct more than 2,980 pupils with just 51 teachers, all of them new to the job. ─── 一如在朱巴的所有人,Venisto需要钱,这不假,而更是要靠自己的机敏才得以生存,他试图依靠51名教师指导超过2980名学生,他们所有人都对此毫无经验。

16、With a few hours to go before south Sudan becomes an independent state, final preparations are underway in the capital Juba. ─── 还有几个小时的时间,南苏丹就将成为独立的国家,首都朱巴仍在进行最后的准备工作。

17、Ministry buildings are going up, but many of Juba's people live in tents. ─── 国家部门大楼在一栋栋落成,可朱巴的许多人民却还居住在帐篷里。

18、Major Cities: Khartoum, Umm Durman (Omdurman), Al-Khartum Bahri, Port Sudan, Kassala, Wad Medani, Obeid (al-Ubayyid) Juba, Wau, Al-Gedarif (Gadarif), Kusti, Nyala, El Fasher, Atbarah (Atbara). ─── 主要城市:喀土穆、恩图曼(乌姆杜尔曼)、北喀土穆、苏丹港、卡萨拉、瓦德迈达尼、奥贝德、朱巴、瓦乌、加达里夫、库斯提、尼亚拉、法希尔、阿特巴拉。

19、The preliminary returns must be verified by electoral officials in Juba before official results are announced, probably in a few weeks. ─── 在官方正式投票结果宣布之前,初步计票结果还需要得到朱巴的选举官员的验票确认,这可能需要花费几个星期的时间。

20、Juba Air Compressor Co., Ltd. is a spe cia liz ed manufacturer with years of experience in designing, produ-cing and selling ofair comp ressor. ─── 泉州巨霸空压机有限公司,是一家专业集设计、生产、经营为一体的空气压缩机制造企业。

21、Kenyans are the most numerous foreigners in Juba, the would-be state's capital, with property agents and a host of consultants to the fore. ─── 在朱巴,南苏丹未来的首都,肯尼亚人是为数最多的外国人,他们从事着房地产代理以及有着显著地位的咨询顾问。

22、But most business-minded observers think such plans fanciful, like the models of Juba skyscrapers in government offices. ─── 但是最具经营头脑的观察家认为,这些计划又如空中楼阁,又如政府办公楼里摆放的一些朱巴摩天大厦的模型。

23、The two most affected areas, Juba and Yei, reported a cumulative number of 4543 cases and 88 deaths and 1807 cases and 54 deaths respectively. ─── 2个受影响最严重的地区朱巴和耶伊分别报告了累计4 543例和88例死亡以及1 807例和54例死亡。

24、Juba: Your family. In the afterlife. ─── 朱巴:你的家人,在阴间。

25、Major Cities: Khartoum, Umm Durman( Omdurman), Al-Khartum Bahri, Port Sudan, Kassala, Wad Medani, Obeid( al-Ubayyid) Juba, Wau, Al-Gedarif( Gadarif), Kusti, Nyala, El Fasher, Atbarah( Atbara). ─── 主要城市:喀土穆、图曼(姆杜尔曼)北喀土穆、丹港、萨拉、德迈达尼、贝德、巴、乌、达里夫、斯提、亚拉、希尔、特巴拉。

26、I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia. ─── 我从苏丹南部的首府朱巴向纽尔兰进发,一个与埃塞俄比亚剑拔弩张的边塞小镇。

27、Most were Mennonites, evangelised by missionaries on the Juba river in southern Somalia. ─── 他们多数为门诺教徒,受活动在索马里南部朱巴河的传教士影响而信仰基督教。

28、Juba's bush ─── 园锥状血苋

29、Juba:Can they hear you? ─── 朱巴:他们能听见你吗?

30、IN JABI village, on the Juba River in southern Somalia, the mothers are mostly girls. ─── 在索马里南部朱巴河畔的扎比村,大多数的母亲都还是少女。

31、The south Sudanese government in Juba, which had mediated tortuous talks between Uganda and the LRA for two years, had recently been angered by LRA attacks inside its own semi-autonomous region. ─── 在朱巴的南苏丹政府两年来一直在协调乌干达与LRA之间困难重重的和谈,但该政府最近却由于LRA在南苏丹自治区采取的攻击而被惹恼。

32、His five siblings live in a village outside Juba with their mother. ─── 他的5个兄弟姐妹在Juba周边的村落与母亲同住。

33、I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia. ─── 我从苏丹南部的首府朱巴向纽尔兰进发,一个与埃塞俄比亚剑拔弩张的边塞小镇。

34、Former enemies were smiling together as a historic conference opened in Juba. ─── 由于朱巴召开历史性的会议,前敌人们微笑着坐在了一起。

35、into the Indian Ocean are the Zambezi, Limpopo, the Juba River, and so on. ─── 流入印度洋的有赞比西河、林波波河、朱巴河等。

36、Residents of Juba are happy about the progress being made in the city. ─── 朱巴居民很满意城市中的进展。

37、In the case of a failure occurring at a telecom station in the urban area of JUBA, our engineer(s) will arrive at the telecom station and start to handle the failure within one hour; ─── JUBA城范围200公里内站点,将安排本地员工值守若出现大故障时确保在5小时内到达站点并开始处理故障。

38、Juba: What do you say to them? ─── 朱巴:你对他们说什么?

39、While transmission seems to be declining in Yei town, the outbreak in Juba town is expected to increase in the coming days. ─── 在耶伊城的传播似乎逐渐减弱,但预期今后一些天在朱巴城将暴发霍乱。

40、Officials say armed men seized the aid workers today as they traveled toward the town of Buale in the southern Juba region. ─── 有关官员说,当援助工作人员向朱巴地区的南部的布阿勒城行进时,武装分子劫持了他们。

41、1. The central machine room in the urban area of JUBA executes a 24-hour watch system; ─── JUBA城内站点出现故障时,在1小时内到达站点并开始处理故障。

42、- Juba's right.- Hit the goddam backup. ─── |- 尤巴是对的 - 该死的,快打开备用的!

43、He had been on his way to Juba in Southern Sudan. ─── 当她再来时才得知丈夫已遭囚禁。

44、Juba and other cities has a local radio station. ─── 朱巴等城市建有地方广播电台。

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