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09-17 投稿


impendency 发音

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impendency 中文意思翻译



impendency 词性/词形变化,impendency变形

动词过去分词: impended |动词第三人称单数: impends |动词现在分词: impending |动词过去式: impended |

impendency 相似词语短语

1、independency ─── n.独立;组合教会制;独立国

2、impendent ─── adj.即将发生的;迫近的

3、impenitency ─── n.顽固;不悔改

4、impendence ─── n.迫切;危急

5、impudency ─── 厚颜无耻

6、appendency ─── 附带权益;附带权利;附带遗产

7、pendency ─── n.悬垂;悬而未决

8、intendency ─── 意图,

9、dependency ─── n.属国;从属;从属物

impendency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In order to realize water continuable use, scientific management and economizing water become more and more impendency. ─── 随着社会经济的发展,水资源日趋紧张,为了实现水的可持续利用,科学管理,节约用水,显得越来越迫切。

2、This paper illustrates the impendency of law protection of private property rights in our country on the basis of the dispute. ─── 据此,以双方主要争议为基础探讨在我国立法保护私人财产权的迫切性。

3、The client has impendency we must be quickly act and react. ─── 客户有迫切感,公司必须迅速行动、灵活应变;

4、The client has impendency we must be quickly act and react. ─── 客户有迫切感,公司必须迅速行动、灵活应变;

5、It analyzes the impendency of seeking truth from facts basing on the relations between enterprise reform and work safety; ─── 本文从企业改革与安全生产关系,看实事求是的迫切性;

6、Impendency and countermeasure to advance the management of corporation striding culture ─── 推进企业跨文化管理的迫切性及对策

7、Severity of the fire status and the impendency of establishing the related courses ─── 火灾形势的严峻性与学科建设的迫切性

8、Currently monitoring device for stream turbine can’t meet the requirement, design of new intelligent real-time monitoring system is very impendency and important. ─── 然而,我国现有的电力监控设备无法满足需求,研制新型智能化的汽轮机实时监控系统显得十分迫切而又极为重要。

9、In order to realize water continuable use, scientific management and economizing water become more and more impendency . ─── 随着社会经济的发展,水资源日趋紧张,为了实现水的可持续利用,科学管理,节约用水,显得越来越迫切。

10、Summarize &analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic &practical in the impend construct way; ─── 对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

11、It looks that discussing the technique of paddy colligation-using is very impendency , especially in the background that the country increasingly pay more attention to the security of food stuff . ─── 特别是在国家对粮食安全日益重视的背景下,探讨稻谷综合利用技术显得尤为迫切。

12、Severity of the fire status and the impendency of establishing the related courses ─── 火灾形势的严峻性与学科建设的迫切性

13、On the Impendency of Law Protection of Private Property Rights ─── 论立法保护私人财产权的迫切性

14、Research of Data Mining Based on Improved Rough Impend Approximation Measurement ─── 基于改进粗糙逼近近似度量的数据挖掘方法

15、It has become a key problem to detect and cure the cases in their early stage.So timely diagnoses and timely therapy have become the questions for impendency. ─── 早期诊断、早期治疗是提高肺结核患者生存率、降低死亡率的关键,因此,进行准确地早期诊断和治疗已成为迫切需要解决的问题。

16、1. This very recklessness makes me feel that these costly operations may be only the prelude to far larger events which impend on land. ─── 这种孤注一掷的作法,使我感到这些代价重大的战役,也许正是陆上即将发生远为重大事件的一个前奏。

17、Hence, it is becoming necessary and impendency for the development of practice research and theoretical learning in the process of the application of new course. ─── 本文依据国内外的研究成果,并在此基础上探讨反思性学习的理论体系;

18、Consequently, it is impendency to construct a software model to simplify the development of ERCS. ─── 因此迫切需要构建一种软件模型来简化嵌入式实时分布控制系统的开发。

19、Some Chinese scientists combine Sinic and occidental cultu re, and find many methods of impend earthquake prediction. These already have ce rtain good result in practice. ─── 指出一些中国科学家在中西两种文化的结合方面,已得到众多的临震预测手段,并在预测实践中取得不同程度的成效。

20、Impendency and countermeasure to advance the management of corporation striding culture ─── 推进企业跨文化管理的迫切性及对策

21、As the development and expanding of the cities in China, Protecting and continuing the humanism environment of the cities become more and more impendency. ─── 随着中国城市化进程不断加快,保护和延续城市的人文环境变得越来越迫切。

22、The Impendency and Feasibility of Compiling Industrial Production Index ─── 实施工业生产指数法的迫切性与可行性

23、Firstly the paper points out the impendency and importance of the study of the financing system of China"s SMEs. ─── 首先指出我国中小企业融资体系研究的迫切性和意义;

24、1.Abstract: Summarize & analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic & practical in the impend construct way; ─── 文摘:对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

25、impend v. ─── 迫近;逼近;

26、So, it is very necessary and impendency to analysis Chinese potato industry in economic view and study its policies concerned. ─── 因此对马铃薯产业进行经济分析和政策研究显得十分必要和迫切。

27、Crucial events impend in Europe. ─── 欧洲即将发生具有决定意义的事变。

28、This paper illustrates the impendency of law protection of private property rights in our country on the basis of the dispute. ─── 据此,以双方主要争议为基础探讨在我国立法保护私人财产权的迫切性。

29、impend over ─── v. 逼近, 悬挂

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