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09-17 投稿


lyme 发音

英:[?la?m]  美:[?la?m]

英:  美:

lyme 中文意思翻译



lyme 常用词组

lyme disease ─── 莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)

lyme 短语词组

1、lyme grass ─── 披碱草

2、babacious lyme disease ─── 婴儿莱姆病

3、sea lyme grass ─── [网络] 砂丘草

4、Lyme arthritis ─── [网络] 莱姆关节炎;莱姆病关节炎;如莱姆关节炎

5、lyme-hound n. ─── [古语] =bloodhound

6、Lyme disease microbiology ─── 莱姆病微生物学

7、Newcastle-under-Lyme n. ─── 纽卡斯尔安德莱姆 (英国国会选区)

8、Lyme disease ─── 莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)

lyme 相似词语短语

1、lyre ─── n.(古希腊的)七弦竖琴

2、zyme ─── n.酶;病菌

3、lyne ─── 莱恩(人名)

4、lame ─── adj.跛足的;僵痛的;不完全的;无说服力的;差劲的,蹩脚的;vi.变跛;vt.使跛;使成残废

5、lime ─── n.石灰;酸橙;绿黄色;vt.撒石灰于;涂粘鸟胶于;adj.绿黄色的;n.(Lime)人名;(法)利姆

6、lome ─── n.洛美(多哥首都)

7、lyse ─── v.使分解,使溶解;n.(Lyse)(加、法、美)吕瑟(人名)

8、lye ─── n.碱液;vt.用碱液洗涤;n.(Lye)人名;(东南亚国家华语)黎

9、cyme ─── n.聚伞花序

lyme 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on tick as Lyme disease vector in China ─── 我国蜱类作为莱姆病传播媒介的研究概况

2、Keywords Lyme disease;Borrelia burgdorferi;small animals;Diebu forest; ─── 关键词莱姆病;伯氏疏螺旋体;小型兽类;迭部林区;


4、Jack MacReady:It's obvious the bastard's got lyme disease! ─── 杰克:很明显这个讨厌的家伙得了莱姆症。

5、parasitic on sheep and cattle as well as humans; can transmit looping ill in sheep (acute viral disease of the nervous system); a vector for Lyme disease spirochete. ─── 寄生在羊、牛以及人身上;在绵羊中传播疯狂病(神经系统敏感的病毒疾病);一种莱姆关节炎螺旋菌。

6、An Survey on Host and Vector of Lyme Disease in Guangdong Province ─── 广东省莱姆病宿主动物和媒介生物调查

7、“I wasn't very popular,” said Michael from East Lyme, Conn. ─── 一些曾经是校园恶霸和受害者愿意谈谈自己的感受。

8、Survey on Ixodoidea and Lyme Disease Spirochetes from Ixodes in Jiangsu Province ─── 江苏省蜱及其携带莱姆病螺旋体初步调查

9、parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus (especially P. leucopus) and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States (especially New England); northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini (deer tick). ─── 寄生在老鼠身上的扁虱,咬人;美国东部(特别是新英格兰)地区莱姆关节炎螺旋菌主要的携菌体;北方的虱子一度被认为是硬蜱(鹿虱)。

10、feeds on dusky-footed woodrat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California. ─── 以黑腿林鼠的血为食并咬人;美国西部特别是加利福尼亚北部莱姆关节炎螺旋菌主要的携菌体。

11、Keywords Co-infection;Borrelia burgdorferi;Anaplasma phagocytophilum;Lyme disease;Real time quantitative PCR; ─── 混合感染;伯氏疏螺旋体;嗜吞噬细胞无浆体;莱姆病;细胞因子;

12、Objective To learn the level of blood serum antibody of borrelia burgdorferi(Bb) of Lyme disease(LD) and the possible transfer agents in mountainous area of the Western Part of Henan Province. ─── 目的了解豫西地区有关人群血清中是否存在抗莱姆病螺旋体抗体及可能存在的生物媒介。方法采用间接或直接免疫荧光技术,对人血清相关抗体及蜱中肠带菌情况进行研究。


14、Clinical Study of TCM Combined with Western Medicine Treatment on Lyme Disease ─── 中西医结合治疗莱姆病的临床研究

15、Work on Lyme disease has shown how fragmented forests common around cities and towns are home to lots of white-footed mice, which carry that disease. ─── 关于莱姆病的研究显示,城镇周围常见的零星森林成为了大量白足鼠的窝,它们身上携带有莱姆病。

16、Lyme disease was also less of a problem for humans in U. ─── 他说,人类在生物多样性地区活动时,应该更加小心谨慎。

17、Jack MacReady:Lyme disease. You touch some deer feces, and then you... eat a sandwich without washin‘ your hands. You got your lyme disease! ─── 杰克:莱姆症。如果你接触了一些鹿粪,没洗手就吃了三明治,你就会得上莱姆症。

18、common small rabbit of North America having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks). ─── 北美洲普通的小兔,灰色或褐色身体,尾巴下部为白色;肩胛(莱姆关节炎)。

19、Yet that copycat feeling has irked some people, not least Gail Caddy from Lyme Regis in Dorset, southwest England. ─── 当然冒牌货还是让一小撮人很不爽,比如这个叫盖尔,凯蒂的英国老女人。来自多西特的莱姆.里吉斯。

20、lyme grass ─── 披碱草

21、feeds on dusky-footed woodrat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California ─── 以黑腿林鼠的血为食并咬人;美国西部特别是加利福尼亚北部莱姆关节炎螺旋菌主要的携菌体

22、The Comparison of Three Serological Methods for the Detection of Antibodies Against Lyme Disease ─── 三种试验方法检测莱姆病抗体比较

23、Exploratory study on natural focus and its causative agent of genotype of Lyme disease by polymerase chain reaction in the forest areas of Beijing ─── 用聚合酶链方法对北京林区莱姆病疫源地及莱姆病病原体基因型的探索性研究

24、Burgdorfcr W, Barbour AG, Hayes SF, et al. Lyme disease - a tick -borne spirochetosis [J]. Science, 1982, 216:1317. ─── 张哲夫,张金声,万康林,等.我国19个省、自治区、直辖市莱姆病的调查[J].中国媒介生物学及控制杂志,1992,3(特2):1.

25、Studies on the ticks and its transmission Lyme disease in Jilin province ─── 吉林省重要媒介蜱与莱姆病关系的研究

26、Objective To explore the relationship between Lyme disease and tick. ─── 目的探讨重要媒介蜱类与莱姆病的关系。

27、State of treatment and infection of the workers with Lyme disease working in Xijiang from Henan Oilfield Co. ─── 河南油田试采公司赴疆人员菜姆病感染现状及防治。


29、The Investigation of Infectious Focus Area of Lyme Disease in the Forestry Region of Man Shan-the South of Hunan ─── 湘南莽山林区莱姆病疫源地的调查

30、Additionally, some breeds of dogs such as the Labrador retriever and Golden retriever may be at additional risk to a fatal kidney disease (Lyme nephritis) associated with Lyme infection. ─── 并且,一些品种的狗象拉不拉多和金毛巡回猎犬更容易感染和莱姆关节炎并发的致命的肾炎(莱姆肾炎)。

31、a vector for Lyme disease spirochete. ─── 一种莱姆关节炎螺旋菌。

32、Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. ─── 莱姆病是由鹿蜱传播给人类的一种细菌引起的。

33、The research progression of epidemiology,etiology,clinical manifestation,diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Lyme disease were summarized. ─── 作者对莱姆病的流行病学、病原学、临床表现、诊断、治疗和预防方面的研究进展进行了综述。

34、any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks) ─── 北半球的各种短尾小型啮齿动物,身体上部为灰色软毛,下部为白色,尾部多毛,耳朵大;一些身上寄生有太平洋硬蜱或肩胛

35、However none of these patients had significant evidence that suggested Lyme borreliosis. ─── 然而所有这些病人有明显的证据表明,建议莱姆疏。

36、- There's a reason for that.- Lyme disease? ─── |-但这不是理由 -怕得到莱姆关节炎?

37、A Serological Surey on Lyme Disease and West Nile virus in Wild Birds in Shanghai ─── 上海地区野鸟中伯氏疏螺旋体和西尼罗病毒感染的血清学调查

38、Though other biting insects may be intermediate hosts for B. burgdorferi, they were found to have an insignificant role in the spread of Lyme disease. ─── 尽管其他吸血虫也许是包柔氏螺旋体菌的中间宿主,但是它们对莱姆病的传播并不起作用。

39、you're not the one who has Lyme disease right? ─── 你不是唯一一家得莱姆病的好吗?

40、Epidemiological Investigation of Lyme Disease in Xilingole District of Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古锡林郭勒地区牛羊莱姆病的流行病学调查

41、Study of serum specific antibody of lyme disease using indirect immunofluorescence assay, revealed 19.8%, 22 cases Ige postive and 5.4% 6 cases IgM postive. ─── 用IFA法检测血清中抗莱姆病螺旋体特异抗体,IgG阳性者22例,占19.8%,其中IgM阳性者6例,占5.4%。

42、A rise in the number of ticks this year has infectious disease experts focused on the best way to treat the Lyme disease that the little buggers can spread. ─── 今年,随着硬蜱数量大量上升,传染病专家开始关注控制由这种小虫传染的莱姆病的最佳应对方法。

43、There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a public footpath, where the owner has not hesitated on this point. ─── 附近有个林子,同样因里面的一条公共小道而遭殃,但它的主人在处理这个问题上毫不犹豫。

44、There are over 100 different types of arthritis-related conditions including lupus, gout, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease. ─── 每年有数以千万人受关节炎的折磨,你或你认识的人都有可能患上关节炎。

45、No, but I hear lyme disease is open, so... ─── 不知道,但是我听说脑膜炎还少人,所以...

46、The following article provides a detailed explanation of Lyme disease and explores the benefits and risks of the current commercial vaccines available for protecting dogs against Lyme disease. ─── 下面的文章将详细介绍莱姆关节炎症以及探究目前市面上可用保护狗防止得莱姆关节炎的疫苗的益处与风险。

47、In light of these reports and the estimate that 80% of dogs living in endemic regions of the United States will become infected with Lyme disease, many clinicians are recommending Lyme prevention in the form of vaccination. ─── 根据相关报道估计在美国部分地区80%的狗会感染莱姆症,很多医生推荐用接种的方法预防莱姆症。

48、Our recent research interests include HIV, Lyme disease, dengue fever, Chlamydia,Rickettsia , tuberculosis, antimicrobial drug resistance, and inflammatory gene regulation and signal transduction. ─── 包括爱滋病、莱姆病、登革热、披衣菌、立克次体、结核病、微生物抗药性....等感染性疾病的钻研及其相关发炎反应之调控,以期能突破目前许多感染症诊断及治疗上的瓶颈。

49、Parasitic on sheep and cattle as well as humans,can transmit looping ill in sheep (acute viral disease of the nervous system),a vector for Lyme disease spirochete. ─── 寄生在羊、牛以及人身上,在绵羊中传播疯狂病(神经系统敏感的病毒疾病),一种莱姆关节炎螺旋菌。

50、I shall return now to Lyme and see if I can be of any. ─── 我得马上赶回莱姆去看看我能否…

51、When there are lots of species around, chances are greater that ticks will bite animals that don't carry Lyme disease, making them less likely to be infectious themselves when they later bite people. ─── 当有许多物种左右,机会就比较大的扁虱会咬动物不携带莱姆病,使它们不容易被传染后,就成了咬人。

52、parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus (especially P. leucopus) and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States (especially New England); northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini (deer tick) ─── 寄生在老鼠身上的扁虱,咬人;美国东部(特别是新英格兰)地区莱姆关节炎螺旋菌主要的携菌体;北方的虱子一度被认为是硬蜱(鹿虱)

53、Lyme disease (LD) is a naturally infection caused by the tick-borne spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and affects both human and animals. ─── 目的莱姆病是由蜱传伯氏疏螺旋体引起的自然疫源性疾病,也是人兽共患病。

54、Keywords Borrelia burgdorferi;Media-tick;Animals;The infectious rate of lyme disease; ─── 伯氏疏螺旋体;媒介蜱;动物;感染率;

55、Since 1990, the threeTick-born diseases (Lyme disease, Spotted Fever Rickettsia and Orbivirus disease) havebeen found in Fujian.There were may become a public health problem in the future. ─── 1990年以来,福建先后发现3种蜱媒疾病(莱姆病、斑点热群立克次体病和环状病毒病),这3种疾病今后可能成为福建省的公共卫生问题。

56、Anne mentioned the glimpses she had had of him at Lyme, but without being much attended to. ─── 安妮说起她在莱姆匆匆见过他两眼,可惜没有人注意听。

57、An Endemic Investigation of Lyme Disease in Yimeng Mountains,Shandong Province ─── 山东省沂蒙山区莱姆病自然疫源地调查

58、Charles was to return to Lyme the same afternoon, and his father had at first half a mind to go with him, but the ladies could not consent. ─── 查尔斯当天下午要回到莱姆,起初他父亲也有点想跟着他去,无奈夫人小姐不同意。

59、He had friends in Lyme Regis, so he moved there-- first to a shack, then a yurt in a friend's garden, and then the clifftop home where he lives today. ─── 他有朋友在莱姆·里吉斯,所以他搬到那里——先到一个棚屋,然后到朋友家花园的帐篷里,接着到他现在住的地方,悬崖上的家。

60、Ixodes persulcatus ticks as principal vector of Lyme disease spirochete in the greater Xing-An mountains of Inner Mongolia ─── 全沟硬蜱为内蒙大兴安岭莱姆病螺旋体的主要生物媒介

61、Steere AC: Lyme disease. N Engl J Med 1989;321:586-96. ─── 师健民:台湾地区莱姆病感染之现况。新兴及再浮现病媒传染病研讨会手册2002:39-52。

62、Preliminary Investigation on Lyme Disease in Animals in 20 Provinces Cities and Autonomous Regions of China. ─── 中国20个省、区、市动物莱姆病初步调查研究。

63、and a very strange stranger it must be, who does not see charms in the immediate environs of Lyme, to make him wish to know it better. ─── 谁要是见不到莱姆近郊的妩媚多姿,不想进一步了解它,那他一定是个不可思议的异乡人。

64、parasitic on sheep and cattle as well as humans;can transmit looping ill in sheep (acute viral disease of the nervous system);a vector for Lyme disease spirochete. ─── 寄生在羊、牛以及人身上;在绵羊中传播疯狂病(神经系统敏感的病毒疾病);一种莱姆关节炎螺旋菌。

65、While fulminant Lyme disease encephalitis is rare, neuroborreliosis is potentially treatable. ─── 暴发性莱姆病脑膜炎是少见的,神经型疏螺旋体症是有治愈可能的。

66、observed that Lyme disease resembles syphilis in that it is caused by a corkscrew-shaped spirochete. ─── 他观察到莱姆关节炎与梅毒相似,因为该炎症系由一螺旋形螺旋体细菌所引发。

67、Serological Epidemiology Investigation of Lyme Disease in Zhejiang Province ─── 浙江省莱姆病血清流行病学初步调查

68、Well known examples of zoonotic diseases are Avian Flu, West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease. ─── 生物体疾病非常有名的例子就是禽流感,西尼罗河病毒和莱姆病。

69、A survey on serum antibody of Lyme disease in Guangxi goats ─── 广西山羊莱姆病血清抗体的调查

70、An Investigation of Lyme Disease in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, China ─── 湖南省平江县莱姆病调查研究

71、Reforestation of the northeastern U.S., for example, has led to the emergence of Lyme disease by encouraging the proliferation of white-tailed deer, which transport ticks that harbor the Lyme bacterium. ─── 例如在美国东北部,人工造林使得白尾鹿繁殖较多,造成莱姆病的出现,因为白尾鹿会传播带有莱姆病细菌的蜱。

72、usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats. ─── 一般不咬人;给棉尾兔和林鼠传播莱姆关节炎螺旋菌。

73、If the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline. ─── 如果这些其他物种的种群数量增加,蜱类捕获细菌的数量就会减少,因此感染莱姆病的人数就会减少。

74、Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA) also known as Pick-Herxheimer disease, is a skin rash indicative of the third or late stage of European Lyme borreliosis. ─── 什么是'肢端慢性萎缩性-皮肤问题出现在最后阶段的莱姆病'?

75、Cause many already know, there are: Infection: Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection such as arthritis, tuberculosis arthritis, Lyme disease, such as arthritis. ─── 已经知道病因繁多,可以有:感染性:如淋球菌感染的关节炎、结核性关节炎、莱姆病关节炎等。

76、usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats ─── 一般不咬人;给棉尾兔和林鼠传播莱姆关节炎螺旋菌

77、tall tufted perennial grasses (such as lyme grass or wild rye). ─── 一个高大丛生的多年生禾草属(例如欧滨麦或披碱草属(野麦属)的几种禾草种的任一种)。

78、Therefore, if the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline. ─── 因此,如果无病的其他种类增加,虱子感染这种病菌的机会就会减少,感染L病的人也会减少。

79、Keywords Ixodes sinensis;Haemaphysalis yeni;Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis;Lyme disease;transmission transstadially;animal model;South China; ─── 中华硬蜱;越原血蜱;青海血蜱;莱姆病;实验经期传播;动物模型;中国南方;

80、When the evening was over, Anne could not but be amused at the idea of her coming to Lyme to preach patience and resignation to a young man whom she had never seen before; ─── 夜晚结束了,安妮一想起自己来到莱姆以后,居然劝诫一位素昧平生的小伙子要忍耐,要顺从天命,心里不禁觉得好笑起来。

81、any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks). ─── 北半球的各种短尾小型啮齿动物,身体上部为灰色软毛,下部为白色,尾部多毛,耳朵大;一些身上寄生有太平洋硬蜱或肩胛。

82、Keywords coinfection;Borrelia burgdorferi;Anaplasma phagocytophilum;Lyme disease;real time quantitative PCR; ─── 混合感染;伯氏螺旋体;嗜吞噬细胞无浆体;莱姆病;实时荧光定量PCR;

83、Lyme disease spirochetes isolated from Haemaphysalis bispinosa in the forest area of East Sichuan ─── 从四川东部林区二棘血蜱体内分离出莱姆病螺旋体

84、In open woodlands, foxes and bobcats keep a lid on the Lyme agent by hunting the mice that carry it. ─── 在开阔的林地里,狐狸和美洲野猫捕食携带病菌的老鼠,从而起到了阻止疾病传播的作用。

85、Bacteria of high profile: borrelia burgdorferi and lyme disease ─── 引人注目的细菌:伯氏疏螺旋体与莱姆病

86、some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks). ─── 一些身上寄生有太平洋硬蜱或肩胛。

87、Analysis on the result of detecting serum from 2614 high risk people of Lyme disease in Jiangsu Province ─── 江苏省2614名莱姆病高危人群血清检测结果分析

88、But Lyme disease, usually caused by a deer tick bite, is bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics . ─── 但是莱姆病通常是由于鹿蜱的叮咬而引起的,是一种细菌性的疾病,可以靠服用抗生素来治疗。

89、Objective: To determine whether I.persulcatus can transmit Lyme spirochetes Borrelia garinii trans-stadially. ─── 目的:研究全沟硬蜱经期传播莱姆病螺旋体的能力。

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