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09-17 投稿


jags 发音

英:[d??ɡz]  美:[d??ɡz]

英:  美:

jags 中文意思翻译






jags 词性/词形变化,jags变形

动词过去分词: jagged |形容词: jagless |动词第三人称单数: jags |名词: jagger |动词过去式: jagged |动词现在分词: jagging |

jags 相似词语短语

1、cags ─── 中国地质科学院(ChineseAcademyofGeologicalScience)

2、jaggs ─── 锯齿形

3、bags ─── n.[包装]包(bag的复数形式);v.把…装入袋中(bag的第三人称单数形式)

4、-ags ─── abbr.中断飞行引导系统(abortguidancesystem);飞机通用标准(AircraftGeneralStandards);美国地理学会(AmericanGeographicalSociety)

5、dags ─── n.羊臀沾粪结块毛簇;(非正式)不善交际的人(dag的复数);v.剪去粪污块毛(dag的第三人称单数)

6、gags ─── n.[机]塞口物;[外科]张口器;石斑鱼(gag的复数);v.堵住…的嘴;用张口器使…张口;用整轨锤矫直或弄弯(gag的三单形式)

7、Jags ─── n.缺口;突出端;小量负荷(jag的复数);v.把…切得参差不齐;使成缺口(jag的第三人称单数)

8、jagas ─── 第1节

9、fags ─── n.苦工;疲劳;vt.使劳累;vi.努力地工作

jags 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nej, jag talar endast svenska. ─── 不,我只说瑞典话。

2、Hey, wouldn't it be worth it if it'll crush the Jags? ─── 嘿如果能大败捷豹队难道不值得么?

3、jag spike ─── 棘钉

4、On Diana Sterling, there were a few jags in theincision, indicating hesitation, or uncertainty. ─── 斯黛安的切口有些参差不齐,显示出一种犹疑或者说不确信。

5、A shopping jag; a crying jag. ─── 疯狂购物; 声嘶力竭

6、You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag. ─── 斯佳丽,我看你马上就忍不住要大哭一场了。

7、It smashed into the jag's shiny black side door! ─── 砰的一声砸中了积架亮晶晶的黑色车门!

8、As the car passed, no children appeared.Instead, a brick 4)smashed into the Jag's side door! ─── 一位年轻有为的行政主管开着一辆崭新的捷豹车,飞快地穿过一条邻近的街道。

9、Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! ─── 取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。

10、Jag heter Daniel. ─── 我的名字叫 Daniel 。

11、”“Why has the Navy JAG ruled that the Bible can’t be quoted in the chapel? ─── "为什麽有海军JAG 裁决, 圣经无法被引述在教堂里?

12、!”Building up a head of steam, he went on.“That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. ─── 乔希火冒三丈,继续嚷道:“这是我的新车,你扔的那块砖头会让你赔好多钱的。

13、We play a whole mix ofhugerange of music, gradyfrom classical to African, to Irish jags Jigs to Tango. We really explore musical territory. ─── 我们演奏一个完整的综合,它包括范围宽广的各种音乐,从古典音乐到非洲音乐,到爱尔兰快步舞,到探戈。我们实际是在开拓音乐的范畴。

14、Jag kan tala lite engelska. ─── 我可以说几句英语。

15、Documents Required for JAG Compliance Audit ─── 琼斯公司工厂审核所需之文件

16、.. Herren har gett mig ett land...dit ska jag flyga. ─── Jag 盲r tr枚tt...jag m氓ste vila.

17、Sometimes I lapsed into laughing jags, chucking in uncontrolled amusement at such unchuckly fare as the financial pages of the newspapers ─── 有时候,我会莫名其妙地哈哈大笑,对毫无谐趣的东西,如报纸上的经济版之类,忍俊不禁。

18、Ni var mitt liv--jag lever genom er! ─── (你们是我的生命,我通过你们而活着。

19、- Jag heter Per. ─── -我的名字叫 Per 。

20、Jag heter Karin. ─── 我叫 Karin 。

21、"We play a whole mix of huge range of music, grady from classical to African, to Irish jags Jigs to Tango. We really explore musical territory." ─── “我们演奏一个完整的综合,它包括范围宽广的各种音乐,从古典音乐到非洲音乐,到爱尔兰快步舞,到探戈。我们实际是在开拓音乐的范畴。”

22、They are on a jag, buying everything that they like in the store. ─── 他们尽情放纵自己, 在商店里喜欢什么买什么。

23、JAG 1 ─── JAG1

24、Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. ─── 然而,当他的车经过时,并没有发现有孩子过来,却发现了一块砖头砸向自己的美洲虎车门!

25、Feels like I'm going faster, sounds like I'm going faster, and my heart is certainly beating faster.But, my rear view mirror is still full of Jag . ─── 感觉上我应该更快,听起来我应该更快,我的心的确跳得更快了,但是美洲虎的身影仍然占据着我的后视镜,我还是甩不掉它。

26、Jag heter Sheng!Jag bor i Stockholm!Jag Kommer fran Kina! ─── 如履薄冰抱定破釜沉舟之心,建功立业恪守越甲吞吴之志!

27、He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. ─── 你刚刚究竟做了什么勾当?”接着又吼道:“那是辆新车,你用的这块砖要花很多钱的。你到底为什么要这样做?”

28、on a jag ─── adv. 大醉

29、a laughing jag ─── 大笑一阵

30、A neighbor of mine went on an eating jag and gained twenty pounds in two weeks. ─── 我的一个邻居大吃大喝,在两星期内体重增加了二十磅。

31、Having jags; jagged or serrated. ─── 参差不齐的有尖锐突出部分的;凹凸不平的或锯齿状的

32、FRP,slab,pipeline,tanks,jags,boats and bath tubes products. ─── 玻璃钢制品、板材、管道、槽、罐、游船、浴盆等制品。

33、However, whenever possible, JAG will support the factory's timely remediation efforts before resorting to possible termination. ─── 然而,只要可能,在采取可能的中止行动之前,JAG将支持工厂及时地采取纠正违章行为的努力。

34、cleaning jag ─── 擦拭通条头

35、Drinking jags, even infrequent ones, especially increase the risk of high blood pressure and elevated triglycerides. ─── 比起频繁饮酒,偶尔几次的大醉更能增加患高血压和高血脂的风险。

36、Var ska jag byta? ─── 我得在哪里换车?

37、Hur kommer jag till centrum? ─── 到市中心怎么走?

38、He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. ─── 他猛地刹住车,然后把车开到刚才砖头扔过来的地方。

39、a crying/giggling jag ─── 一阵哭泣/傻笑

40、providing sales,maintainence, training of JET ICT and technique support, and selling of jag materials such as testing pin, wresting angle, cable and tester and machine fittings. ─── 公司拥有先进的生产设备;各种软件的分析能力;为客户提供先进的技术,优质的品质,可靠的售后服务;

41、JAG - Judge Advocate General ─── 美国海军军法署

42、Description:Vad studerar du Jag studerar svenska. ─── 你学什么?我学瑞典语。

43、You know, Scarlett,I think you`re on the verge of a crying jag. ─── 你知道吗?斯佳丽,我看你是到了该大哭一场的边缘了.

44、Since then, Goldman has been on a green jag. ─── 自那时以来,高盛一直在绿色联合咨询组。

45、During the initial period, JAG will cover certain costs related to factory monitoring. ─── 在初始阶段,JAG将对有关的工厂监控投入一定的铺底资金。

46、Jag har en kiwi och en melon. ─── 我有一个猕猴桃和一个甜瓜。

47、How exactly are extended crying jags and picky eating during infancy related to later behavioral problems? ─── 哭起来就没完没了和吃饭费劲到底是如何发展为与后来的行为问题扯上关系的呢?

48、a crying jag; ─── 放声痛哭;

49、jag resistance ─── 抗切口性能

50、go on an eating jag ─── 乱吃一通

51、Noticehow cleanly this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all. ─── 看看这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。

52、Jag ser far och mor. ─── 我见父亲和母亲。

53、JAG fully supports Remediation Not Termination. ─── JAG全力支持补救而非终止。

54、JAG will consider ceasing business with an agent or vendor associated with factories found to have serious or repeated violations. ─── JAG将考虑和与发现有严重的或屡教不改的违章行为的工厂有关联的代理商或卖主中止业务关系。

55、JAG Listing ─── 军法局编目

56、We remember Jordan's first championship as much for the crying jag that followed as for what he did on the court, but he was at the peak of his powers and produced an impressive effort. ─── 我们都还记得乔丹第一次获得总冠军,因为自己的付出得到回报而抱着奖杯痛哭的画面。当时他状态正好,他的表现也给我们留下了深刻印象。

57、Jag spelar tennis. ─── 我打网球。

58、As his car passed, one child appeare notd, and a brick smaITd into the Jag"s side entrance.He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag behind to the spot from wITe the brick had be thrown. ─── 就在他的车经过一群小哥们的时间,唯一小哥们丢了一块砖头打到了他的车门,他很生气的踩了煞车并后退到砖头丢出来的地方。

59、have a jag on ─── 喝多了喝醉了狂饮

60、-- it smashed into the Jag's shiny black side door!SCREECH3 ... ─── 它正砸在豹牌汽车那锃亮的黑色车门上!

61、Drinking jags, even infrequent ones, especially increase the risk of high blood pressure and elevated triglycerides.Say no to salty snacks. ─── 有三分之二的女性以及二分之一的男性声称,通常他们喝酒超过了上述的建议饮用量。

62、Feels like I'm going faster, sounds like I'm going faster, and my heart is certainly beating faster. But, my rear view mirror is still full of Jag. ─── 感觉上我更快,听上去也是我更快,我的心跳得更快了,但是我的后视镜里还是清楚的显现出美洲虎的身影,我还是甩不掉他。

63、The Annual Compliance Assessment will be presented to JAG Executive Management. ─── 年度遵章评估报告将呈交给JAG的执行管理部门。

64、a jag of rock ─── 一块突出的岩石

65、As his car passed,one child appeared,and a brick samshed into the Jag's side door. ─── 当他的轿车经过时,一个孩子突然出现了,用砖头擦过车门。

66、jag bolt ─── 棘螺栓

67、Holy cow! Your new Jag is so cool! ─── 哇!你这辆新美洲虎可真酷!

68、Formerly of the JAG core. ─── 以前在军法署干?

69、this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all. ─── 这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。

70、JAGS Revised describes four types of rolls. ─── JAGS改进版描述了四种类型的投骰。

71、Chris and his dad have accidentally changed bodies - but no big deal. Chris gets the Jag and the Gold Card. Dad gets the fake ID and the bio final. ─── 像儿子像爸爸剧情介绍,像儿子像爸爸简介,获得奖励,精彩对白,幕后制作花絮,穿帮镜头

72、Jag talar lite sve ka. ─── 我说一点瑞典语。

73、Jaguar e-mailed us this new, promotional video of an interview with Jag design chief Ian Callum about the new 2010 Jaguar XJ. ─── 捷豹电子邮件我们这个新的,宣传片采访捷豹设计局长Callum的新捷豹学军2010年。

74、Having jags;jagged or serrated. ─── 参差不齐的有尖锐突出部分的;凹凸不平的或锯齿状的

75、By now the sun was gone behind the western wall of our valley and it was getting darker, pinker, colder, more hues of purple began to steal across the jags. ─── 现今太阳走到我们山谷西面石璧的背后,而这里正在变得更黑、更石竹>色、更冷,更多紫色系的色调开始偷偷穿过那些突出的尖端。

76、Jag's new XF Supercharged has 12% more horses under the hood compared to the 2009 Supercharged XF, which used the 4.2-liter engine. ─── 捷豹新芳增压有12%以上马匹的3.37相比,2009年增压芳,其中使用了4.2升发动机。

77、I left the jag and I took the roles, if they ain't cutting, then I put ‘em on foot patrol. ─── 我离开这狂欢的人群,我进入角色,假如他们不痛苦,我会把他们放到长征队里。

78、And its my name thats on that jag ─── 不要再念叨我的名字

79、a shopping jag;a crying jag.See Synonyms atbinge ─── 疯狂购物;声嘶力竭参见

80、Rumor has it that you're a very good attorrey, Fomerly of the JAG core. ─── 据说你是个出色的律师,以前在距军法署的时候。

81、As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Jag's side door.He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. ─── 就在他的车经过一个胡同的时候,一个小孩丢了一块砖头打到了他的车门,他很生气的踩了煞车并后退到砖头丢出来的地方。

82、Drinking jags, even infrequent ones, especially increase the risk of high blood pressure and elevated triglycerides. ─── 比起频繁饮酒,偶尔几次的大醉更能增加患高血压和高血脂的风险。

83、a)Rumor has it that you're a very good attorney.Formerly of the JAG corpe. ─── 据说你是一个出色的律师,以前在军法署干过。

84、Jag vill att du och jag ska vara p beachen... ─── 翻译 - 瑞典语-巴西葡萄牙语 - Hej!

85、The characteristics and operation of JAG coating head ─── JAG涂布机的结构与运行特点

86、But Jag's been making this one for nearly ten years now.So come on, chop, chop! ─── 但是美洲虎的这款引擎已经用了十年了!

87、a crying jag ─── 大哭一阵

88、As his car passed, one child appeared, and abrick smashed into the Jag's side door. ─── 就在他的车经过一群小朋友的时候一个小朋友丢了一块砖头打到了他的车门

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