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09-17 投稿


invisibility 发音

英:[?n,v?z?'b?l?t?]  美:[,?nv?z?'b?l?ti]

英:  美:

invisibility 中文意思翻译



invisibility 同义词

faintness | invisibleness | indistinctness

invisibility 反义词


invisibility 相似词语短语

1、invincibility ─── n.无敌;不可战胜

2、visibility ─── n.能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性

3、inviability ─── n.不能存活

4、immiscibility ─── n.不混容性,不混合性

5、infusibility ─── n.[冶]不熔性(熔点高于1500摄氏度);难溶性

6、divisibility ─── n.可分性;[数]可除性

7、inadvisability ─── n.失策;不能变更

8、indivisibility ─── n.不可分割;除不尽

9、intervisibility ─── n.通视性;互见度

invisibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans with supernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks. ─── 故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。

2、5.It could manufacture products with the effects of laser, crazing, placer gold, bright gold, grit finish, pearl light, crystal, hollow cutting, black nickel and invisibility. ─── 5.可制作镭射、网纹、沙金、亮金、磨沙、珠光、水晶、镂空、黑镍、隐形等各种效果的产品。

3、The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good robustness and invisibility. ─── 实验结果表明,本算法具有较好的鲁棒性和不可见性。

4、Just invisibility after you're forced to burn iceblock. ─── 没有刺骨、疾跑、冰箱,什么都没有,只有消失。

5、Their work suggests that science-fiction portrayals of invisibility, such as the cloaking devices used to hide space ships in Star Trek, might be truly possible. ─── 他们的工作成果意味着科幻小说描绘的隐形能力,就如<<星舰奇航记>>中的那种用隐形装置去隐藏太空船的那种想法是真有可能实现的。

6、The infrared target detection, tracking and measure system with the ability of invisibility, strong anti-disturb and whole-day observation, are increasingly welcomed by military. ─── 具有隐蔽(被动探测)、抗干扰能力强、全天候观测等优势的红外目标探测、跟踪与测量系统更是日益受到军方的青睐。

7、IN NORSE mythology, a magic cloak granted invisibility to Sigurd, a demi-god and skilled warrior with superhuman strength. ─── 在挪威神话中,有一件魔法斗篷,把隐身能力赋予了西格德,一个半人半神、有着超人般的力量、功夫高强的武士。

8、pertaining to or near the sun; especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun. ─── 与太阳有关或靠近太阳;尤其指因和太阳同升同落而在第一颗星升起和最后一颗星落下这段时间看不见。

9、To increase the robustness and perceptual invisibility, the algorithm is combined with the Humen Visual System( HVS) and PSNR adap-tiveness. ─── 为了提高水印图像的攻击鲁棒性和水印的不可见性,该文提出基于人类视觉特性(VS)小波包分解的数字水印算法,同时引入信噪比自适应水印嵌入机制。

10、Testing results show that this method meets the demand of invisibility and robustness of the digital watermark. ─── 测试结果表明该算法满足了数字水印的不可见性和鲁棒性要求。

11、It's unlikely to occur by swallowing a pill or donning(1) a special cloak(2), but invisibility could be possible in the not too distant future, according to research published on Monday. ─── 周一发布的一项研究说隐身也许能在不久的将来实现,但也许不是吞下一片药或者披上一件斗蓬那样简单。

12、Experiment results showed that this watermarking image has better performance of invisibility and anti-attack of noise. ─── 实验结果表明,该水印具有良好的不可见性和抗噪声攻击能力。

13、Experiment results show that with the method, good invisibility can be achieved, and the hiding capacity of information is large. ─── 实验结果表明,用该算法进行信息隐藏具有较好的隐蔽性,且具有较大的隐藏容量。

14、Robert Bussey Ninjutsu Stealing Techniques Art of Invisibility ─── 忍者隐术遁术及陷阱设置技术

15、* Find the fabulous weapons and armors, forged for the bravest: from the Zeus shield to the Helm of Invisibility. ─── *寻找神话般的武器和盔甲,伪造的勇敢:从宙斯的盾来掌舵隐形。

16、James Potter inherited the invisibility cloak from his father. ─── 波特的隐形衣是从他的父亲处继承的。

17、According to deconstruction, the existence of social order does not rest on some essentialconditions, bat on the exclusion or invisibility of alternative orders. ─── 摘要解构指出了社会秩序并不是取决于某些本质性的条件,而是在于排除、隐藏其他的可能性。

18、Then visualize that you the light being image of you is holding a light energy cloak of invisibility in its hands. ─── 然后想象你的光存在图像在光存在的协助下正在拥有难于看见的光能量斗蓬。

19、She takes up the issue of the invisibility of women and women's concerns in society. ─── 她着手处理社会上对妇女及其所关注的事物的忽视问题。

20、Manifester Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, invisibility; Market Price: +3 bonus. ─── 显能者等级:5;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“隐形术”;交易价格:+3加值。

21、Tactical sense of footballers includs purposefulness, foreseeability, accuracy and flexibility of tactic, positivity of attack, activity of defence, invisibility of motion and cooperativity. ─── 摘要足球运动员的战术意识,包括战术的目的性、预见性、准确性、进攻的主动性、防守的积极性、战术的灵活性、动作的隐藏性、配合的协同性等。

22、Apiv, Agho, Aeth (Permanent Invisibility, Ghost, Ghost Visible): These abilities make units invisible without the tradeoffs of setting them invisible with triggers. ─── 永久的隐形,幽灵,幽灵(可见的)):这些技能可以让单位隐身--不需要用T来设置。

23、Important heirloom to aid him on his quest..Harry has his father's Invisibility Cloak..Luke has his father's light saber. ─── 有重要的家传宝物,帮助其完成使命。·哈利有父亲的隐身斗篷。·卢克有父亲的光剑。

24、Conjure Quartz Ring Conjures an quartz ring that increases intelligence, wisdom, light radius and grants see invisibility. ─── 召唤一个石英戒指,增加智力,智慧,亮度范围和获得反隐能力。

25、Glyph of Invisibility: Increases the duration of the Invisibility effect by 5 sec. ─── 每次释放灼烧时直接产生5层强化灼烧效果。

26、Using HVS to choose the adaptive strength of embedding, it has a better invisibility and robustness. ─── 并利用视觉掩蔽效应自适应地选择嵌入强度,使得不可见性和鲁棒性得到很好的折中。

27、The passive radar based on external illuminator has many advantages, such as good invisibility, anti-stealth, anti-jamming capability, and it is simple and reliable. ─── 摘要外辐射源雷达系统具有隐蔽性好、反隐身能力及抗干扰能力强、系统简单可靠等优点,近年来受到各国的重视,得到了较快的发展。

28、Alumni resources have the characteristics of definiteness and indefiniteness, visibility and invisibility, individuality and group identity. ─── 它具有确定性和不确定性、有形性与无形性、个体性和群体性等特点。

29、boysi: 7 月前 Hi. Nice to see you here. I'm Biose I like to invi... ─── 凌乱男忍:5月前专程过来踩踩哈!希望能尽快看到一个属于你自己风格的空间。

30、Abstract: The author's invisibility, or the unfaithfulness of translated literature, has always been a controversial topic in translation studies in China. ─── 摘要:翻译文学创作过程中的“原作之隐形”或“译作之不忠”现象一直是中国译界研究的敏感区域。

31、For Americans, the distinction between a friend and a co-worker blurs to near invisibility. ─── 对美国人来说,朋友和同事之间的界限几乎已经模糊到看不见的程度。

32、Sebastian Caine is a brilliant yet arrogant scientist working on a top secret mission for the U.S. government -- to unlock the secret to human invisibility. ─── 在美国一所高度机密的军事实验室中,一群年轻的科学家正从事研发出如何使人隐形的技术。

33、Units with permanent invisibility will lose their invisibility temporarily while they are attacking.So the ability can be used to create units like spirit wolfs at level three. ─── 拥有永久隐形的单位在攻击时会现行,所以这个技能可以用来制造一些类似3级幽灵狼一样的单位。

34、The unarmed Blackbird depended on its speed and altitude for defense and on a high degree of invisibility. ─── 不装备武器的黑鸟依靠它的速度和高度作为防卫措施并具有高度隐身性。

35、information invisibility ─── 信息隐形性

36、But you know, with the age of invisibility has come the age of relaxing. And that has meant the most satisfying sex of my life. ─── 但是你知道,被忽视的年龄之后就是放松的岁月。那意味着我生命中最另人满意的性生活。

37、Invisibility--buffs that make the target invisible for a short duration. ─── 使目标短时间内隐形。

38、8. IN NORSE mythology, a magic cloak granted invisibility to Sigurd, a demi-god and skilled warrior with superhuman strength. ─── 在挪威神话中,有一件魔法斗篷,把隐身能力赋予了西格德,一个半人半神、有着超人般的力量、功夫高强的武士。收藏指正

39、However, their device works only with microwave radiation and only in two dimensions. And it does not yet provide complete invisibility, producing a small shadow that can be detected. ─── 但是,他们的设计还只能针对微波,并且只能在二维空间里实现。此外它也不能做到完全隐形,而是还留有一个能看得出来的影子。

40、Laser Radar has a key importance for precision guidance and possesses altitudinal invisibility. ─── 激光雷达具有高度的隐蔽性,在精确制导方面有着突出的重要意义。

41、Lesser Invisibility should be a passive on the Succubus, when it's not in combat it returns to it's Invisible state. ─── 次级隐形应该是个被动技能,当她不在战斗的时候,立刻自动回归隐形。

42、At level 60, pets gain Sharp Teeth ability and lose permanent invisibility. ─── 在60级时宠物将会得到锋利牙齿技能并丧失掉永久隐形技能。

43、invisibility ratio ─── 不可见度比

44、I once purchased a book that promised to teach the ninja's fabled "art of invisibility. ─── 曾经我买了一本书说是能教会人们传说中忍者的“隐身术”。

45、Imagine an invisibility cloak that works just like the one Harry Potter inherited from his father. ─── 想象一下一件斗篷可以让你隐身,就像哈利波特从父亲那里传下来的那件。

46、It was only when he had attained a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. ─── 一直到他老得不行了,他才脱下隐形衣,把衣服留给他的儿子。

47、The actual XML data format that underlies things is abstracted almost to the point of invisibility. ─── 实际的XML数据格式几乎被抽象得不可见。

48、In a recent popularity poll, despite her relative invisibility, she ranked four places ahead of Ms Dati. ─── 在最近的一项关于声望的民意测验中,尽管她相对地较少露面,却比达缇女士排名靠前四位。

49、Then the intension of embedded image is adjusted according to the coefficient features of wavelet transforms.The robustness and the invisibility can be improved. ─── 又根据小波变换后的系数特性,有选择地调整嵌入的强度,使鲁棒性和不可见性都得到提高。

50、Experiments have shown that this new algorithm has good invisibility and robustness. It can be widely used for the security of the webpage. ─── 实验结果表明:该方案具有较好的隐蔽性和鲁棒性,在解决网页的安全保护问题上有一定的应用价值。

51、It serveth excellently for the operation of invisibility, when correctly made. ─── 当正确地制作成时,这出色地用作隐形行动。

52、If you find yourself getting wound up over your eyepiece's aberrations or Pluto's invisibility, take a de ep breath and remember that you're doing this because you enjoy it. ─── 如果你发现你因为目镜的偏差或是看不见冥王星而变得不快,请深呼吸一下并且记住你做这些是因为你喜欢。

53、The ink had faded to invisibility. ─── 墨水已退色看不见了。

54、I know what that is,that`s an invisibility cloak! ─── 我知道那是什么了,那是一个隐形斗篷!

55、Lesser Invisibility: This useful skill keeps the Succubus invisible when it is out of combat. ─── 小隐身:这个有用的技能保持魅魔无形时,脱离战斗。

56、A thousand treasures in their fall revealed, In a secret place concealed, Of which when the power of light increases, In this temple, to chaste eyes, the invisibility ceases. ─── 无数财宝显露,在一处隐蔽秘密的地方,光的力量被增强,在这神庙里,圣洁的双眼能洞察一切。

57、The watermark is detected resorting to FICA.The experimental results demonstrate its good unification between the robustness and invisibility. ─── 实验结果表明,该水印方案对各种攻击具有很好的鲁棒性,较好地实现了水印的鲁棒性与不可见性的统一。

58、If you find yourself getting wound up over your eyepiece's aberrations or Pluto's invisibility, take a deep breath and remember that you're doing this because you enjoy it. ─── 业余天文学应该是平静的、充满乐趣的。如果你发现你因为目镜的偏差或是看不见冥王星而变得不快,请深呼吸一下并且记住你做这些是因为你喜欢。

59、His hands were sweating as he pulled off the Invisibility Cloak and stuffed it beneath his robes, with his wand. ─── 他用汗湿的双手脱掉隐形衣,把它和魔杖一起塞进长袍底下。

60、Millennia later, a similar garment bestowed invisibility on Harry Potter, a schoolboy wizard. ─── 几千年以后,又有一件类似的斗篷给了魔法学校学生哈利?波特以隐身的能力。

61、.you're not going to eat me?” Scherza squeaked, reaching for her pouch, hoping she could remember her invisibility spell. ─── 丝屈哲好不容易才吱吱地挤出了几个字,一边伸手去够她装法术用品的小袋子,暗自祷告能记起隐身的法术。

62、invisibility performance ─── 各向异性程度

63、boysi: 2 月前 Hi. Nice to see you here. I'm Biose I like to invi... ─── 明:3月前加油了。我们都会跟着美好的明天向前走的。祝福大家吧。

64、But we yell our lungs out for the unbearableness of emptiness and hollow, then how much does invisibility weigh? ─── 也许我总放眼望去,关注的是远处的事物,而忽视了眼前的很多美景和细节,心中有些小小遗憾。

65、Compared with the approach of the reference [1],the experimental results show that this algorithm is more effective in the invisibility and has higher peak of the signal-to-noise ratio(RSN,p). ─── 实验表明,本算法在保证了稳健性的同时,具有更好的不可见性和较高的峰值信噪比RSN,p值.

66、Invisibility Purge. Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level. ─── 消除隐形:消除5呎/等级以内的隐形效果。

67、The Dopplewalk image lasts 20 seconds, and invisibility and movement bonus on Lancer lasts 12 seconds. ─── 幻象持续20秒,隐身和移动加速持续12秒。幻象造成25%伤害并承受300%伤害。

68、How did we fall into such great invisibility within the Tao? ─── 我们是怎么跌进道内这场巨大的消隐无踪的?

69、Scientists predict that invisibility will be possible for objects of any shape and size within the next decade. ─── 科学家们预测十年内,各种形状和大小的物体隐身将成为可能。

70、Just as an invisibility cloak shuffles waves of light, an "acoustic" cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way that's not found in nature. ─── 和隐形衣移动光波的原理类似,“隐声衣”会以自然界不存在的方式来移动声波。

71、5: Tomb: graves (some are trapped): key for 6, mana potion, gold, golden cup, emerald, invisibility potion, mummy fight; chest (lockpick): gold, invisibility potions ─── 坟墓:墓穴(某些有陷阱)打开6的钥匙,法力药剂,金子,金杯,绿宝石,隐形药剂,木乃伊对抗;箱子(打锁工具打开):金子,隐形药剂

72、In the land of Ingary, where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three. ─── 在因盖瑞大陆、一个诸如千里鞋和披着斗蓬的隐形人真实存在着的地方,生为三个姊妹中最大的一个是一件很不幸的事。

73、Invisibility of embedded information is excellent.The simulated results demonstrate that the algorithm is reliable and robust. ─── 大量的试验结果表明算法具有抵抗语音压缩、重新采样攻击的能力。

74、The Invisible Man. H.G. Wells. A scientist's sanity and morality is the price of his invisibility formula. ─── 一个科学家的心智和道德是他不可见的道德准则的价值。

75、Experiments show that the algorithm has good invisibility and robustness. ─── 实验表明,该演算法具有较好的水印隐蔽性和鲁棒性。

76、Olivia : I suppose. Things like mind-control, teleportation, astral projection, invisibility, genetic mutations, reanimation... ─── 也可以这么理解,包括思维控制,心灵传输,灵魂出窍,隐形,遗传突变,重生...

77、By conjunction with human visual model,it embeds watermarks to middle band in the DCT domain and keeps invisibility of watermark in host image. ─── 提出了一种基于DCT的图像水印算法,该算法充分利用人眼视觉系统特性,把水印嵌入DCT中频域中。

78、Pertaining to or near the sun,especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun. ─── 与太阳有关或靠近太阳,尤其指因和太阳同升同落而在第一颗星升起和最后一颗星落下这段时间看不见。

79、Features also help to combat software invisibility, because new features may be uncovered as a result of tracing interactions between the system entities in the domain neutral component. ─── 功能特性还有助于挑战软件不可见性,因为作为跟踪领域中立组件中的系统实体间交互结果的新功能特性可能被揭示。

80、Conjure Quartz Ring - Summons a ring that boosts INT and WIS and adds the ability See Invisibility. ─── 召唤能增加智力和智慧的耳环,同时能附加隐身能力。

81、Information Invisibility Algorithm Based on Image Processing ─── 一种基于图像处理的信息隐蔽算法

82、Harry took off the invisibility cloak and looked down upon the man he hated, ─── 哈利脱下了隐形斗篷,俯视着这个让他憎恨的人。

83、Pendry's project is one of several around the world experimenting with invisibility. ─── 泼恩德利的项目是全球几个隐形实验项目之一。

84、Whereas software vendors must spend heavily to overcome software's invisibility, superdistribution thrusts software out into the world to serve as its own advertisement. ─── 尽管软件贩卖商必须花费重金来提高软件的可见性,可超级分发却将软件扔到世界,自己给自己做广告。

85、Some explore the problem of identity through invisibility, disguise, or non-existence, like Lorna Croizer in her "Poem about Nothing". ─── 据说课程设计网罗了数学、电脑、大气的人才,由两位教师授课,每星期师生会面半小时,有个短的测验并讨论不清楚的内容。

86、With the second lock, the trunk revealed broken Sneakoscopes, quills, and an invisibility cloak. ─── 打开第二把锁,箱子里尽是各种破损的窥镜、羽毛笔和一件隐形衣。

87、Invisibility Ca+Mo+Uf+La+Ge Increases the levels of blessing spells. Increases all resistances. Increases the chance for double damage. Decreases speed. ─── 失明增加祝福系魔法的等级,增加所有抗性,增加造成双倍伤害的几率,减少速度。

88、A slowly rotating angular aircraft beaming the light from its belly hovers above the ground, stops several yards from the sand, then the light goes out and the craft shimmers into invisibility. ─── 发射光线的一家直升机慢慢的在地面上盘旋,在距离沙子几码的地方停了下来,之后光线慢慢消失了。)

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