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09-17 投稿


journalistic 发音

英:[,d???n?'l?st?k]  美:['d??nl'?st?k]

英:  美:

journalistic 中文意思翻译



journalistic 短语词组

1、journalistic skills ─── 新闻工作技术

2、journalistic style ─── 新闻风格

journalistic 词性/词形变化,journalistic变形

副词: journalistically |

journalistic 相似词语短语

1、journalised ─── v.把……写入日记;记入流水帐;从事新闻工作

2、journalists ─── n.新闻记者(journalist的复数)

3、journalises ─── v.把……写入日记;记入流水帐;从事新闻工作

4、journalist ─── n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者

5、formalistic ─── adj.形式主义的,呆板的

6、journalise ─── v.把……写入日记;记入流水帐;从事新闻工作

7、curialistic ─── 好奇的

8、journalisation ─── 日志记录

9、journaliser ─── 记录

journalistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a journalist, one must have strong communication ability. ─── 做新闻记者需要有很强的沟通能力。

2、He feel a prior obligation to his job as a journalist. ─── 他觉得要优先为他的新闻记者的工作尽职。

3、"It has proved, in one niche at least, that editorial journalistic endeavor does create value, " he said. ─── 他说:“这证明,至少在某种程度上,对新闻精益求精的尝试确实能够创造价值。”

4、Journalistic practices unacceptable to the aboveground press; an aboveground corps of20,000 priests in Poland. ─── 不能被现存媒介所接受的采访活动;波兰有一个二万牧师的公开团体

5、He's a journalist on the Daily Telegraph'. ─── 他是《每日电讯报》的记者。

6、He sent two more faxes to the journalist, but received no reply. ─── 他给记者先后发去两份传真,但对方毫无反应。

7、A gossip journalist is hounding her for details. ─── 一个八卦周刊的记者正在紧追着她调查细节。

8、He sent the journalist two urgent telegrams. ─── 他给记者拍了两份加急电报。

9、He is a professional journalist. ─── 他是一位专门的新闻从业人员。

10、Karakoc is a journalist with Turkish news agency DHA. ─── 卡拉扣克是土耳其新闻机构DHA的一名记者。

11、A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. ─── 一周之后,编辑终于接到记者的传真。

12、Crosbie, award-winning architecture critic, journalist, and author. ─── Crosbie的获奖作品,展示了老年住宅的设计趋势。

13、His views were violently stormed by journalistic circles. ─── 他的观点受到新闻界的强烈抨击。

14、His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist. ─── 他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在於他有当过记者的锻炼。

15、She worked as a political journalist before becoming a politician. ─── 她在成为政治家之前是一名政治记者。

16、A journalist is interviewing a comedian about his new show. ─── 一个记者正在就一位喜剧赏的新剧目对他进行采访。

17、A first-rate journalist, he has a wide range of knowledge. ─── 他是一流记者,有广博的知识。

18、His passport says he is a journalist. ─── 他的护照说他是一个新闻工作者。

19、As a journalist, she has made quite a lot of friends as well as enemies. ─── 作为一名记者,她交友甚众,树敌也不少。

20、Thus changing the original content and journalistic integrity of an image. ─── 不得改变原始内容以及图片的新闻真实。

21、The honourable journalist spent an hour on the journey of tour. ─── 可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时。

22、It was that journalist again. ─── 又是那个新闻记者。

23、He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent journalist. ─── 他是一个值得尊重的、性情温和而有才能的新闻记者。

24、He is an old journalistic acquaintance. ─── 他是我在新闻界的一位旧交。

25、Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18 is the first journalistic one. ─── 十四行诗第18首是莎士比亚的名篇之一。

26、The honourable journalist ent an hour on the journey of tour. ─── 可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时.

27、I once read an article by a journalist called Bertram Jones, on cramp. ─── 以前看过记者伯特伦琼斯写的一篇关于肌肉痉挛的文章。

28、He sent yet another telegram informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. ─── 他于是又发了一封电报通知记者,如果他不立即回复就要被解雇。

29、A writer for a gazette; a journalist. ─── 公报的编者;记者

30、If you're thinking of becoming a journalist like me, I'd be the last to discourage you. Come on in, the water's fine! ─── 如果你想象我一样做一个新闻工作者,那我决不会劝阻你。来吧,快来吧!

31、She fell out with the journalist. ─── 她与那位记者争执起来了。

32、She is not much of a journalist. ─── 她并不是一个好记者。

33、"Right now, media outlets are treating this as a transaction with a legitimate journalistic organization, " he said. ─── “此刻,媒体机构把这种合作视为跟一个合法的新闻组织进行的交易,”他说。

34、Everyone strives for little Olympic journalist. ─── 人人争当奥运小记者。

35、His strength as a newsreader lies in his training as a journalist. ─── 他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在于他有当过记者的锻炼。

36、The incident led to something of a frenzy in financial and journalistic circles, including widespread condemnations of citizen journalism. ─── 这个事件让财经界和媒体界都非常的愤怒,甚至还有对公民新闻的谴责。

37、If I'm not a conventional biographer, I have to be true to what I can do. The journalistic nose in me instantly said, "Holy shit. " ─── 新闻工作的嗅觉让我立刻想说:“见鬼,你的意思是说有个了解海明威的人还活着,天哪。”

38、The senator and the journalist. ─── “议员和记者。”

39、He is not so much a writer as a journalist. ─── 与其说他是个作家,倒不如说他是个记者。

40、Notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. ─── 像在法庭上一样,证据和事实、基本权利和公共利益这样的概念在新闻判断和编写过程中也会起作用。

41、She is not so much a writer as a journalist. ─── 与其说她是个作家,不如说她是个新闻记者。

42、As a journalist, he interviewed many government officials. ─── 作为记者,他采访过许多政府官员。

43、One step out of line and a journalist's career is washed up. ─── 只需越轨一步,新闻记者的生涯就完了

44、She's a budding young journalist. ─── 她是个当记者的好苗子。

45、He works as a journalist on a local paper. ─── 他在一家当地报馆担任记者。

46、He bought the journalist over with 20,000. ─── 他用2万元收买了那个记者。

47、A print journalist; print coverage. ─── 为出版物写作的记者; 为出版物写的报道

48、A degree is by no means an essential qualification for a journalist. ─── 一纸文凭并不是成为一名记者的关键条件.

49、She earns her living as a freelance journalist. ─── 她靠做自由撰稿记者来维持生计。

50、Today is the Journalist day, I ate a fly. ─── 今天是记者节。我吃了一只苍蝇。

51、A journalist decried the data in the report as shameful for the nation. ─── 一位记者将报告中的这一数据称之为是“令美国感到羞耻的”。

52、He had a television interview with a journalist. ─── 他接受了一个记者的电视采访。

53、His career as a journalist was about to begin. ─── 他的记者生涯即将开始。

54、She accused the journalist of putting words in her mouth. ─── 她指责该新闻工作者把报道的事硬说成是她说过的。

55、Her clear and elegant prose set her apart from most other journalist. ─── 她的散文凝练高雅,多数新闻工作者无出其右。

56、His parents did not sympathize with his desire to become a journalist. ─── 他父母不赞同他想当新闻记者的愿。

57、For years, it was a sort of journalistic sport for newspapers and magazines to send reporters to New Hampshire in hopes of a sighting. ─── 多年以来,报纸和杂志新闻派记者去新罕布什尔州希望能见到他,好像这是一种新闻竞赛。

58、The journalist was calm even in an emergency. ─── 即使在紧急的时候,那位记者仍保持镇静。

59、His answer to the journalist is a shrewd one. ─── 他回答记者的问题是很机敏的。

60、Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? ─── 好, 你是否想过成为一名新闻从业人员?

61、As a journalist, one must be experienced and knowledgeable. ─── 作为一名新闻记者,必须博学多闻。

62、As an influential journalist he was courted by many politicians. ─── 作为一名有影响的记者,很多政客都向他大献殷勤。

63、He skipped from a teacher to a journalist and then to a publisher. ─── 他从教师改行为记者,又改行为出版工作者。

64、He was now a highly trained journalist of a new type. ─── 他现在是一个受了良好训练的新型新闻工作者了。

65、No self-respecting journalist would ever work for that newspaper. ─── 凡有自尊心的记者都不会为那家报纸工作。

66、It is brave to be an independent journalist in Russia. ─── 在俄国做一个独立的新闻记者是勇敢的。

67、The main character is a journalist in flight from a failed marriage. ─── 主角是一个逃避失败婚姻的记者。

68、Have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? ─── 你是否想过成为一名新闻从业人员

69、They expelled the journalist from their country. ─── 他们把这个记者驱逐出境。

70、After several false starts, she became a successful journalist. ─── 她开始时遇到几次挫折,后来成为能干的记者

71、After several false starts,she became a successful journalist. ─── 她开始时遇到几次挫折,后来才成为成功的记者。

72、He is not so much a journalist as a writer. ─── 与其说他是个新闻工作者, 不如说他是个作家。

73、He began his journalistic career in the early eighties in Australia. ─── 他于八十年代早期在澳大利亚开始了他的新闻事业。

74、India. His father was a journalist and writer. ─── 他的父亲是一个新闻记者和作家。

75、He had the choice of becoming a journalist or pursuing a career in music. ─── 他曾有机会选择成为一名记者,或是继续他的音乐事业。

76、As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story. ─── 作为一名记者,她总是能够捕捉到好新闻。

77、One journalist, an Italian, walked over and just calmly stood in front of the wretched men, implying that if the soldiers shot them, they would have to shoot him too. ─── 一位意大利记者,走过去镇定地挡在了那群可怜无助的人身前,意思是说,士兵们要杀他们的话,得先把他杀了。

78、He pretended to be a journalist, and swindled lots of money. ─── 他冒充记者招摇撞骗,诈取了不少钱财。

79、From her sister's mistake in choosing a path, the journalist found hers. ─── 从妹妹选择职业道路的错误中,她找到了自己的记者之路。

80、He has broken into a career as an international journalist. ─── 他开始了他作为国际新闻记者的生涯。

81、A journalist who freelances. ─── 作自由撰稿人的记者

82、Once my journalistic identity was known, however, the police arrived and made a show of locking one of the doors. ─── 不过,就在我的记者身份暴露之时,警方到达并锁上了大厅其中的一扇门。

83、Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying. ─── 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已。

84、Why do you want to become a journalist? ─── 你为什么想做一个新闻工作者?

85、He ~ped from a teacher to a journalist and then to a publisher. ─── 他从教师改行为记者,又改行为出版工作者.

86、Only the accredited journalist can enter the meeting place. ─── 只有授权了的记者才能进入会场。

87、His is a journalist by profession. ─── 他的职业是新闻从业人员。

88、Atlantic Monthly has long attempted to provide a design environment in which two disparate traditions—literary and journalistic—can co-exist in pleasurable dignity. ─── 大西洋月刊》长期以来一直试图提供一种设计环境,让文学和新闻两种不同的传统保有尊严、愉悦共存。

89、Marvell, a French journalist went to interview Lincoln. ─── 一位叫马维尔的法国记者去采访林肯。

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