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09-17 投稿


jacketing 发音

英:[?d??k?t??]  美:[?d??k?t??]

英:  美:

jacketing 中文意思翻译




jacketing 常用词组

leather jacket ─── 皮夹克

water jacket ─── 水套

down jacket ─── 羽绒服;鸭绒衣;羽绒夹克

jacketing 词性/词形变化,jacketing变形

动词过去式: jacketed |动词现在分词: jacketing |形容词: jacketed |动词过去分词: jacketed |动词第三人称单数: jackets |

jacketing 短语词组

1、jacketing machine ─── 套管机

2、water jacketing ─── [军]水套

jacketing 相似词语短语

1、docketing ─── n.摘要;记事表;(待判决的)诉讼事件表;vt.在...上附加摘要

2、faceting ─── n.面;方面;小平面;vt.在…上琢面

3、racketing ─── n.球拍;吵闹,喧闹;vt.过着花天酒地的生活;vi.过着花天酒地的生活

4、packetting ─── 包装

5、bracketing ─── n.托架;括弧;夹叉射击

6、jackling ─── 千斤顶

7、bucketing ─── v.(非正式)下大雨;(车辆)快速颠簸行驶;用桶装(bucket的现在分词)

8、flacketing ─── 剥落

9、jacking ─── v.提高;顶托;用篝灯猎捕;训斥(jack的现在分词);n.套料;顶托;[纺]走车牵伸;篝灯渔猎;adj.顶推的

jacketing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you mend this split in my jacket? ─── 你能将我夹克衫上的裂缝补好吗?

2、He had a patch on the elbows of his jacket. ─── 他的茄克衫肘部各有一块补丁。

3、His jacket is the same colour as mine. ─── 他的夹克同我的是一个颜色。

4、A thin jacket is a poor protection against cold. ─── 一件单薄的夹克衫不足以御寒。

5、Put on a jacket if you go out. Today is quite cold. ─── 你出去的话就穿件夹克,今天外面很冷。

6、He wears a jacket of sorts with patches at the elbows. ─── 他穿了一件肘部打着各种补钉的茄克衫。

7、His flying jacket can be zipped up at the front. ─── 他的风衣的拉链在前面。

8、Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan? ─── 你想看看我穿上冬季的夹克怎样吗, susan?

9、He donned his jacket and went out. ─── 他穿上短上衣出去了。

10、Better zip your jacket -- it's cold outside. ─── 你最好把衣服的拉链拉上,外面很冷。

11、His jacket is beautifully tailored. ─── 他的夹克裁制的很漂亮。

12、He tore off his jacket and plunged into the work. ─── 他急忙脱掉上衣投入工作。

13、The outer jacketing shall have a backed enamel finish. ─── 热水器外壳应该使珐琅釉面。

14、He wore a pair of dark glasses and a jacket all day long. ─── 他整天戴一副墨眼镜,穿一件短上衣。

15、You can leave your jacket out on the clothesline to air. ─── 你可以把夹克留在绳上晾乾。

16、He had torn a hole in his jacket. ─── 他的上衣剐破了一个洞。

17、You look cool in this new jacket. ─── 你穿这件新茄克帅极了。

18、You can wear a polo neck with that jacket. ─── 你可以穿件高圆翻领衫配那件外衣。

19、It's rather hot today, we must get off the jacket. ─── 今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。

20、I wonder if you stock any Penguin jacket? ─── 不知你们是否有企鹅牌茄克衫?

21、Your jacket is in my bedroom on the chair. ─── 你的夹克在我卧室里的椅子上。

22、He zipped up his jacket. = He zipped his jacket up. ─── 他拉上夹克的拉链。

23、Bernstein - The original Jacket. ─── 伯恩斯坦原版封套专辑。

24、A pocket was stitched to the front of the jacket. ─── 在上衣前襟缝了一个口袋。

25、No. I want a new jacket or a refund. ─── 不。我想换一件新夹克或是将钱退给我。

26、Your jacket is resting on the metal chair. ─── 你的夹克衫在那把金属椅子上。

27、outer jacketing shall have a backed enamel finish. ─── 外壳应该使珐琅釉面。

28、Around the engine cylinder is a water jacket. ─── 围绕着发动机汽缸的是一个水套。

29、Standard Guide for Selecting Materials to Be Used for Insulation, Jacketing and Strength Components in Fiber-Optic Cables ─── 光缆绝缘、外皮和强力元件用材料的选择标准指南

30、Your jacket needs brushing down. ─── 你的上衣需要刷一刷了。

31、Whereabouts did you leave your jacket? ─── 你把上衣放在什么地方了?

32、A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble. ─── 一位身着皮茄克的少年从人群中挤过去,真是自讨苦吃。

33、Rough hands plucked at my jacket. ─── 一双粗糙的手拽着我的上衣。

34、He whipped off his jacket. ─── 他迅速脱去夹克。

35、The jacketing materials vary from steel plate to carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. ─── 包覆形状包括圆形、方形与八边形,而补强材料采用钢板及碳纤维复合材料。

36、He divested himself of his jacket. ─── 他脱去了短上衣。

37、He removed his jacket and shook the snow off. ─── 他脱去夹克,抖掉上面的雪。

38、Do you have a black jacket? ─── 你有一件黑夹克吗?

39、The flaps of his jacket pocket were sewn down so that they did not crease or wrinkle. ─── 他的夹克口袋上的口袋盖给缝上了,这样就不会打皱。

40、Jacket looks very nice. Where did you get it? ─── 你的外套很好看,是在哪买?

41、His worn jacket revealed his elbows. ─── 他的破上衣露出了肘部。

42、A sad dog fears grandpa's Hawaiian jacket. ─── 一只悲伤的狗害怕祖父的夏威夷夹克衫。

43、T0087 turn color suiting sleeveless jacket!! ─── T0087变色西装料无袖西装!!

44、His brown velvet jacket had become perennial. ─── 他那件咖啡色丝绒上装仿佛已经跟他结了不解之缘。

45、He flung off his jacket as he came in. ─── 他走进来的时候一下子把外套脱下甩掉。

46、His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun. ─── 他的黄夹克被太阳晒得褪成了白色。

47、See that man in front wearing the green jacket? ─── 你看见前面那个穿绿夹克衫的人了吗?

48、He brushed some fluff from his jacket. ─── 他刷去了夹克上的绒毛。

49、Will you take the measurements for a jacket? ─── 可否请你量一下做一件夹克?

50、It's hot today, I think I'll leave my jacket off. ─── 今天挺热的,我今天不穿外套了。

51、She pinned the badge onto her jacket. ─── 她把徽章别到外衣上。

52、Are you warm enough in such a light jacket? ─── 你穿这么薄的夹克够暖和吗?

53、I lost my cheque book, tore my jacket, and trapped my finger in a door all in one day-it never rains but it pours! ─── 一天之内我丢了支票本,扯破了茄克衫,在门上夹伤了手指——真是祸不单行!

54、King sized jacket is out of stock now. ─── 大号的夹克现在没货。

55、He never possessed a dinner jacket. ─── 他连一件吃饭穿的短上衣都没有。

56、Do you know that man in the brown jacket? ─── 你认识那个穿棕色夹克的人吗?

57、You had better wear a light jacket. ─── 你最好穿件薄夹克。

58、One of them needs a new jacket. ─── 他们之中有一位需要一件新夹克。

59、He bought a jacket at the gentleman's outfitters. ─── 他在那间男装店买了一件夹克。

60、Would you like to try this jacket on for size,sir? ─── 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适?

61、You should put on a tie to your jacket. ─── 你应该戴条领带配你的夹克。

62、A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket. ─── 一件好衬衫的昂贵程度并不比一件夹克衫差。

63、His jacket was covered with spots of mud. ─── 他的上衣满是泥点。

64、He had discarded his jacket because of the heat. ─── 因天气炎热他脱掉了夹克。

65、The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his jacket. ─── 他的血透过衬衫染污了上衣。

66、Everybody says that the jacket wears well. ─── 大家都说这种夹克衫耐穿。

67、The hardcover line is inline from a sewn block to a box, including jacketing and wrapping. ─── 该精装线是从一个内置缝块一箱,包括护套和包装。

68、She wears her beautiful brown leather jacket today. ─── 她今天穿着她那件漂亮的褐色夹克。

69、The jacket was soaked with blood. ─── 夹克沾满了血。

70、He just flipped over that jacket. ─── 他对那件夹克衫简直喜欢极了。

71、The creases in the jacket will wear out. ─── 上衣的折痕穿着会消失。

72、Cotton mix, poly mix, functional item for jacketing. ─── 外套的棉混纺、涤混纺、功能性面料。

73、He stood yawning, his pyjama jacket gaping open. ─── 他敞开睡衣站着打呵欠。

74、With jacketing mill barrel, it can complement heating and cooling according to requirement. ─── 带夹套研磨桶,可根据需要进行冷却或加热。

75、This new jacket of yours looks nice. ─── 你这件新上衣很漂亮。

76、You had better put on your jacket. ─── 你最好穿上夹克。

77、Do you mind if I take off my jacket? ─── 你介意我脱下夹克吗?

78、There is not any spot on your jacket,is there? ─── 你的夹克衫没有污渍,对吧?

79、Long, medium and short overcoats. Winter wear, jacket, coat, long, medium and short jumpers. ─── 大,中,短大衣,防寒服,茄克衫,上装,中长短马甲。

80、He wrapped the book with the jacket. ─── 他用书皮把书包上了。

81、He brushed the dirt off his jacket. ─── 他拂掉衣服上的灰尘。

82、He grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket. ─── 他双手抓住了他的衣服领子。

83、His dinner jacket was already laid out on the bed. ─── 他的晚礼服已经摆在床上了。

84、The cuff of his jacket maybe,brushing the receiver. ─── 也许是他的上衣袖口摩擦话筒的声音。

85、We mainly sell silk series, such as silk jacketing, trousers, waistcoats , blouses, and suits. ─── 蚕丝系列商品,如:蚕丝上衣、长裤、背心、罩衫、套装等,样式高雅,品质稳定。

86、used for the jacketing of the small equipments, instruments and tanks.? ─── 适用于小型设备、装置、罐体保温外保护。?。

87、He's go to get a new jacket make. ─── 他打算做一件新夹克。

88、Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir? ─── 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适?

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