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09-17 投稿


leisurable 发音


英:  美:

leisurable 中文意思翻译



leisurable 相似词语短语

1、coinsurable ─── 可共保的

2、censurable ─── adj.该责备的;可非难的

3、mensurable ─── adj.定量的;定律的;可测量的

4、pleasurably ─── adv.欢愉地;快乐地

5、pleasurable ─── adj.快乐的;心情舒畅的;令人愉快的

6、leisurably ─── 悠闲地

7、treasurable ─── adj.值得珍爱的;可储藏的;贵重的

8、registrable ─── adj.可登记的;可挂号的

9、measurable ─── adj.可测量的;重要的;重大的

leisurable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sanya has the best holiday inns, the perfect bay and sand beach, the most leisurable and free environment. We should go there! ─── 三亚有世界上最好的度假酒店,有世界上最理想的海湾和沙滩,有世界上最宽松的休闲环境,我们应该去三亚!

2、After he retired, he lived at West Lake in Yingzhou, he comprehended “the way of nature” and began his leisurable life. ─── 在他经历了富贵繁华,退居颖州西湖之后,欧更是在山山水水中领悟了“自然之道”,开始了他从容恬适的山水人生。

3、I want to find a decent and leisurable job with high pay in the future,then I can spend more time on travelling and other things meaningful. ─── 我想在将来找到一个体面、闲适、高薪的工作,它使我可以花费更多的时间在旅游和做一些更有意义的事。

4、But merely to elaborate a leisurable land. ─── 只为营造一方闲适的意境。

5、Xiangying hotel is the commercial and leisurable hotelinvested by Hunan Xiang ying Management Co.LTD. ─── 湘迎大酒店是由湖南湘迎酒店管理有限公司投巨资兴建的一家时尚商务酒店。

6、Discussing and Forecasting the Actuality of Leisurable Houses, and Bringing Forward the Settlements ─── 浅谈空置房现状及对其的分析、预测和解决办法

7、" the old man smiled to him and go on weaving the straws, his leisurable expression really made peolpe feel that he was not working but enjoying a great breast. ─── 老人冲他微笑了一下,继续编织着草帽,他那种闲适的神态,真的让人感觉他不是在工作,而是在享受一种美妙的心情。

8、In my mind, people there all lead a leisurable life, which are totally different from our life. ─── 在我的印象里那里的人们每天都悠闲地生活着,与我们的生活方式完全不同。

9、We are Italian owned company,sell ice-cream,coffee,dessert and Italian food.We have an comfortable and leisurable environment bar. ─── 我司为意大利公司,经营范围涉及冰淇淋,咖啡,甜点,西餐,另设有环境优雅休闲的意式酒吧。

10、In my mind, people there all lead a leisurable life, which are totally different from our life. ─── 在我的印象里那里的人们每天都悠闲地生活着,与我们的生活方式完全不同。

11、After he retired, he lived at West Lake in Yingzhou, he comprehended "the way of nature" and began his leisurable life. ─── 在他经历了富贵繁华,退居颖州西湖之后,欧更是在山山水水中领悟了“自然之道”,开始了他从容恬适的山水人生。

12、“Creating Elegance &Leisurable Life ” is our business concept and the style of our product is not only sober but also elegant. ─── 优质的产品,一流的服务,不懈的努力,为我们赢得了良好的信誉。

13、The whole kitchen represents us a leisurable and comfortable life with delicate design elements. ─── 整个厨房以精巧的设计元素给人提供一种休闲、舒适的生活。

14、But merely to elaborate a leisurable land. ─── 只为营造一方闲适的意境。

15、leisurable and gloomy style ─── 闲愁

16、Neograss recreational turf provides you the ideal leisurable and amused places, as open roof, garden, swing pool, etc. ─── 兰卡休闲人造草皮能为您营造最理想的休闲、娱乐场所。如:开放型的平顶、花园、游泳池等。

17、acreage of leisurable houses ─── 空置面积

18、Sanya has the best holiday inns, the perfect bay and sand beach, the most leisurable and free environment. We should go there! ─── 三亚有世界上最好的度假酒店,有世界上最理想的海湾和沙滩,有世界上最宽松的休闲环境,我们应该去三亚!

19、Discussing and Forecasting the Actuality of Leisurable Houses, and Bringing Forward the Settlements ─── 浅谈空置房现状及对其的分析、预测和解决办法

20、In this essay we analyze the public leisurable landscape, leisure environment for shopping, and entertaining leisure activities of Wuhan. ─── 本文分析了武汉市现代公共休闲景观、现代商业购物休闲环境和娱乐休闲。

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